• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,396 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

Rise of Change: The End


Castus' eyes slowly opened, and he saw he still lay suspended, hands clinging to the statue to keep himself from fall into the pond beneath him. He smiled once, drawing upon a strand of the Wind and wove a minor weaving of wind to push himself back gently away from the water.

'Oh...what a silly fool I was.' Castus thought, as he drew in more of the Wind. Revealing in its delicious life enhancing power. Yet he kept his mind and heart strong and solid, least he give into the cruel and cold desire to draw in more. Such a choice was death.

And how he had drawn on the Wind...and...

"Ow. Okay...head hurts now." Castus said, rubbing his head as he realized just how much new knowledge he had. It was both odd, and yet...satisfying. At last he knew how to do what he did. It was a worry off his shoulders.

And yet...he now had abut a billion more new things to worry about.

"Geez. It never gets easy." Castus said with a sigh.

It felt weird. This knowledge. This ordeal. This task. Even if the fault was not his own, he still felt that it was his job to make things right. Be that from the memories of another life that now shared his mind, or something else he didn't know.

"Well, no use worrying about it. I might as well get to it." Castus said, as his heightened sense told him of approaching beings.

"There he is. Take him now!" A guard said, as several appeared at the opening into the alcove.

Castus turned, and saw several guards with nets and spears leveled at him. He smirked and began walking toward them.

"Freeze human! Or we will force you." The captain said, as the guards pointed their spears more. Unlike the guards he had seen before, these guards wore normal steel grey armor and not the golden armor of others.

"Force me? With what?" Castus said as he waved a hand, weaving winds of metal.

The weave flowed out to the guards armor and weapons, and like molasses the metal blades of the spears and armor of the guards melted and slipped to the ground in a liquid form.

The guards shouted in shock, dropping their no bladeless spear shafts in shock and stepping back from Castus. Some threw their nets, but those nets burst into flames and fell into harmless ash to the ground. Then the spear shafts lifted to the air, and floated to Castus and began to hover above him; even as the liquid metal flowed up to meet the shafts and reform into sharp pointed blades of spears once more.

Castus waved another hand, and two of the spears shot and struck the ground not a few inches from the guards hooves.

The guards turned tail and ran.

Castus chuckled, and wove the wind some more to bring back his new spears. The spears floated about him, and while he was still exhausted from his neophyte usage previously, his new found knowledge allowed him to weave the power more purely, and so he felt confident he could keep these spears beside him.

Of course, he would rather focus his attentions to other matters then carrying spears. He would need to find others to carry them for him.

He knew exactly one such person who would be a good start.

And so, weaving a strong strand of the Wind. One he was sure that Celestia and Luna would sense more acutely then these minor weavings. But, if he was going to war, he might as well go guns blazing as it was said.

The weave took shape, and a slight tear or window seemed to appear before him. Where instead of garden, now stood a circular opening where hall and floor now showed. Castus stepped through the tear, before ending the weaving and the tear slamming shut.


He was scared. So very scared.

All around him, the pony people poked and prodded him. They spoke in words he could not understand.

Mutation. Unnatural. A scientific phenomenon. Purely impossible.

Words and others he knew not the meaning.

He struggled with the odd things that kept him still. He could not move from the long white slab they laid him on.

"Free!" He yelled again. The Fire Man had said it. The Fire Man was not kept still. Where had the Fire Man gone?

Free. He wanted to be free!

"Administer a sedative. Then we can begin the procedure." One of the white clothed ponies said.

One stepped forward, and held a long sharp thing object and began lowering toward him.

He struggled more, fear greater now.

The sound of something sliding, and the ponies turned and gasp. The long thin sharp object falls from the ponies hoof.

Looking, he saw the Fire Man again. He smiles, and struggles more.

"Free. Free!" He says, laughing in joy.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting. But..." Fire Man said, and waved a hand.

Then He was free. Whatever was keeping him still was now gone, and He found himself rolling off and hitting the ground. The pony people screamed and all ran. Fire Man standing to the side, waving an arm as they left.

"Buh bye. Buh bye." Fire Man said, waving a hand, then looked to him.

He looked to Fire Man, standing. He said, "Free."

Fire Man smiled, "Yes. Free. Now come, we have others to free and so little time now."

He smiled, but jumped as a hole appeared. But Fire Man smiled and walked through.

He was scared. Very scared.

But if Fire Man was here, then he did not need to be scared.

Fire Man protects.

And so he followed Fire Man.


Celestia flew fast, a cadre of Pegasus royal guards following. She had sensed a great use of the Wind, once in the garden, but now it was back at the laboratory.

And it was growing stronger. A great deal of the Wind was building up now, and Celestia could barely keep herself from shaking as her mind tried to figure out just what that...that....

...that creature...was up to.

As she neared the lab, a bright light seem to flash from the human enclosure before fading. As did the feeling of the Wind.

"No!" Celestia shouted, and flew faster toward the enclosure and gasped at what she saw.

It was empty. Ever single human that had been kept in the enclosure were gone.

"Your highness, we...what?" the guard captain, the guards finally catching up. She felt bad that she had left them so far behind.

She placed her hoof to her head, wincing slightly at the bump, still fresh upon her brow. Where had they-

She felt a surge of the Wind once more, far from here in the park district.

"Captain. To the Park District. Now!"

Celestia's horn flared bright, and teleported herself quickly to the destination. Perhaps if she had time to properly weave the spell, she would have brought the guards with her. But as it was, instant teleportation was required, and it would have put her guards at risk of injury.

'How is he moving so fast?' Celestia thought. Before, even with her limited knowledge of proper Wind users, she could tell Castus was barely able to properly channel and weave its spells. But now....now he seemed to be teleporting from one point to another. It was like he suddenly had become skilled and proficient in its uses.

Asher spell finished, Celestia found herself now at the Canterlot Zoo. Known for a wide variety of animals housed in its facilities, and considered one of the greatest tourist attractions in all of Equestria.

And it was a scene of chaos now.

All around, she saw ponies running. Benches, food stands and souvenir carts lay tipped to the ground; their contents scattered to the ground. And all around, humans were there, eating away any food they saw. The once iron cage that had kept the human troop the zoo held was bent back and its iron bars twisted and reformed into some sort of bridge across the gap that had been dug to keep humans from climbing out.

The humans themselves, seemed to be concentrated in the single area near the enclosure. Some held spears, though Celestia could tell that they were more in danger of hurting themselves with it then her. And even then, the spear holders were too busy eating the various foods as well. But one human, stood out above them all.

Castus, who stood upon a stone wall surrounded by the humans. Celestia felt a fear gripping her heart and she prepared a spell to incapacitate him.

Though, as if sensing she was there, Castus turned his head and locked eyes with her. His eyes became hard as stone, and cold as ice.

Around, the humans went quiet. Castus then began pulling in the Wind. Celestia could feel the power in him growing, and growing. She shuddered at his strength. Though it was not even close to the level she had first sensed in Manehatten; she could feel that he was strong.

And he was letting her know it.

Celestia bit her lip. This being before her was the embodiment of the horrors her mother and grandmother had told her so long ago. Whatever he was doing, she couldn't let him continue.

And so she attacked, and sent her strongest light beam spell toward her enemy.


Castus was exhausted. Even with his newfound knowledge of the Wind, he still lacked anything resembling experience control. More so, he didn't understand his own limits and frankly didn't have the time to experiment as he wanted. He had to stay moving, and that need for speed had perhaps pushed him harder then he had wanted.

When he had arrived to the laboratory enclosure for humans, he hadn't been sure how he could free them from their clouded savagery. But...he had a...a feeling coming from the amulet. Like he had from the tree....or maybe it was the tree itself using the amulet to speak to him. Either way, he had a faint idea of how he could. And so, channeling the Wind into the amulet and holding it up; he went with the feeling.

He was not disappointed. Trails of white, rainbow hued tendilrs shot from the amulet and passed through every human in the enclosure. Their eyes seemed to glow as the first one had, and then faded to normal. The humans began to look around, confused and perhaps scared. Castus had held his breath, and pushed his sense of the Beast toward the humans.

They were all now clear. That savage shadow was gone, and while there was still a sense of savagery as all creatures could have, it was now repressed by....a more human like mind.

But Castus found he had another problem. Communication. He had to move fast, but he didn't know how to say that to the humans. Especially since he knew they would be afraid initially of his abilities, such as the Waygate. Luckily, his newly acquired memories gave him an idea.

Using the Wind, Castus influenced the aspect of their minds, caressing emotion and feeling. He sent a soothing feeling of calm, and then gave a twist by influencing a sort of primal need for leadership. Setting himself, to them, as their leader. In the current mental condition as they were, it worked. Though in time, he was sure that this trick would not work again.

Which was okay with him. It only needed to work once.

With a sort of calm, and his own leadership of this pack of humans now established, Castus wove another Waygate out of the enclosure. This time to the zoo. He was sure they had humans there to, and he was intent on getting as many humans as he could out of the city. He couldn't get all of them, but he would try for enough.

When he and his following of humans had appeared suddenly without warning in a, sadly and unluckily, populated zoo; it was only natural that ponies there began screaming and running. Castus couldn't help but flinch as carts feel over. But he focused on his target and lead his band toward the human enclosure. A few weavings of the metal and another use of the amulet, and he had one more group of humans to his band.

But all that had left him exhausted, and he had to lean against a tree to catch his breath. The humans around him stayed close, though many had gone towards spilled and tipped food carts.

He couldn't stay in one place long. Though he couldn't just rush to form another Waygate. Those took time to know ones surroundings. An hour or two at the most; though some skilled mages could have done it in less that time back in the days of the Empire. Castus though, didn't feel a need to test if he had that skill. So he had an hour at the least to wait before he could make one last waygate out of the city.

And, as a slight tingle went up his spine. Castus turned to see Celestia not far from him; her horn a glow with a powerful spell ready. Seeing her, he knew he didn't have an hour.

And once she sent forth her spell, he knew that he would have to make time.

Castus quickly wove a Light Shield, deflecting the beam from Celestia's horn away and up to the sky. He then sent out bolts of lightning for a counter attack. Around him, the humans began howling in distress, but he quickly calmed them with a thread of the Wind. He then wove a thread to have the humans quickly gather behind him as he rewove a larger shield. Celestia's dressed looked singed, but his lightning obviously hadn't done much. She sent missles of light to batter at his shield, and Castus felt himself sweating under the intense pressure of the assults upon his shield.

Despite his knowledge, Celestia had the advantage of a thousand years of experience. And worse, if she was here then the guards would be here soon.

'Great...just great.' Castus thought. Just what he needed. Pressure.

Quickly weaving a Standing Shield, as well as an illusion to surround a base of trees, Castus sent out a sensation to the Beast within the humans minds. He sent a feeling of security and safety, as well as to stay put. He was finding it more difficult to keep the command at the forefront of their minds however. That was both good, and bad. He needed them to stay in the safety of the illusion to avoid detection, and the shield to avoid feedback damage from the magic being unleashed. Hopefully, they would listen enough to their instincts in regards to a feeling of safety to not try wandering.

The humans quickly began running, and Castus sent out a blast of light of his own, as he redirected Celestia's own light blast into a wide spaced cone. He reworked the fabrics of the spell, going from damage to just brightness.

Really, really bright brightness. He closed his eyes, and he was awarded with a scream of surprise from Celestia. When Castus opened his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of Celestia rubbing at her eyes; temporarily blinded. Castus smirked and wove another illusion to make the sound of the humans moving further, hoping to confuse Celestia into thinking they were still going and not only a few feet from their location.

Castus stood back, and watched as Celestia regained her vision. And the glare she sent him, through slightly watery eyes, sent a shiver down his spine. Castus took a step back, but reassured himself as he pulled in a tiny bit more of the Wind. He was nearing his peak though, and after all those spells he was starting to get really tired.

"Why are you doing this?" Celestia asked, her horn glowing.

Castus gulped at the steel in her voice but said, "Because....I have to."

The two stared at each other hard for a moment. And then, in the briefest instants magic began roaring out in force. Lighting and beams of light gave way to shields and swirls of savage gusts of wind. Redirected spells flung back in force, to the very roots of trees shooting out to grasp at the opponent. A battle of power and skill that had not taken place in nearly several millennia.

Castus rose his hand and clenched it into a fist as he wove the Wind to grow and extend a trees roots to grasp at Celestia's legs. The wooden tendrils missed to get her into a hold....but....not her dress.

A sight of tearing white fabric greeted his sight as Celestia landed to the ground away from the tendrils. The skirt of her dress torn right up to her hip, giving Castus a good look of her long slender legs and the briefest glimpse of her cutie mark. Celestia herself gasped and covered the tear with her wings before glaring at Castus.

"You pervert!" She yelled, her horn glowing brighter now.

"No wait that isn't what I was trying-" Castus began, shaking his hands out as he fought back a blush. Okay, maybe he had been trying to grasp her with the roots....but the dress tearing...that wasn't his fault.

Of course, he couldn't say that as he had to block a very powerful blast of light. He had to close his eyes from the sheer brightness of the beam and he could feel a surprising amount of heat. A blast of sun energy he was sure; he could feel his skin sting a bit and was sure he had just gotten sunburnt a bit even with his shield.

Castus retaliated with a spell to drive up dirt from the ground, and wove air to create a dust cloud as he dove to cover behind a cart. He hoped that would make the rather peeved alicorn pause for a moment.

'Damn, but she has a shapely leg.' He thought, and he felt a memory of a time he had spent at a House of Pleasure with alicorn servants that had such legs and...

"Gah stop it!" He screamed. Why did he have to have all the memories of Karsus?

He didn't have time to think as the cart was then blown to pieces, and he stood up ready to fight again. Celestia stood there, hooves to hips and leg slightly out of the torn dress skirt. Despite himself, Castus gulped and had to admit....despite her trying to kill him Celestia had the type of body that would have made any Valhruan Lord pay half of his city to acquire for his own.

'Stop that!' He thought, and refocused on the fight.

As the two stared at each other, Castus' heightened sense began to make out the sounds of the clank of armor and shouts of orders. The guards were here. Now he had another problem.

He was exhausted, and if he fought any longer he wouldn't be able to open the Waygate. But had he spent enough time getting to know the feeling of the area. Even if he had, he needed something to distract Celestia and the guards long enough to get the humans through.

'Something big....something scary.' He thought. The best way to distract was with fear. But what was big and scarey to a pony?

A thought then occurred to Castus, and he smirked. Even as guards began to appear and surround him, spears pointed.

"Surrender Castus. I can tell you are at your limit." Celestia said, her voice hard.

Castus chuckled, "You should know something Celestia. We Valhruan's have a hard time knowing when to give up." And with that he wove one last blast of light even as he began an even greater weaving.

All around the guards and Celestia covered their eyes, and as the light subsided, they looked to where Castus had been. And all around, ponies screamed and shouted. Some dropped spears and fell backwards in shock. Even Celestia herself seemed like a deer in the headlights as her head slowly tilted back to look up.

Instead of Castus, now stood a thick heavy scaly green foot. The foot was attached to a giant thick green leg, which was attached to a body. A long scaly body, with back plates jutting out. The body was that of a creature, three hundred feet high and reptilian.

The creature opened its maw of sharp razor teeth, and bellowed a roar that carried for miles.



That and other words ponies shouted, as they all began to run in fear. Even Celestia herself had begun running, trying to set a semblance of order to her guards; even as the giant creature roared again.

Within moments, the entire sector of the zoo was empty. A low laugh began as the giant creature faded into the wind, and there stood Castus where he had been before.

"Thank god for cinema." Castus said, chuckling at his work. A few illusions here and there, a few bits of enhancing fear responses and just general natural instinct to run from a giant creature with sharp teeth and he had been given a result he had more then wanted. Now he just needed to reassure the humans, and such a task was draining him as he constantly had to put more and more of the Wind into his weavings of assurance and safety to their terrified minds.

Still, at least none of them had taken off running. But the ponies...well, they would soon be back once their sense and mind reasserted itself over instinct and the fact that the creature was gone. No doubt Celestia would be first.

It was time to move fast, and Castus rushed to the clearing and poured the last of his strength into weaving a Gateway.

'Come on....come on.' He thought as he wove. it had to work...it had to work. He was on his last leg here; it had to work.

As the spell was finished being woven, Castus felt the Wind leave his body and he fell to his knees exhausted. Around him some of the humans made noises of concern, and the male he had saved even came to him in fear for his safety.

Castus looked at them all, and in front of him. And began to laugh.

There, just the size of a double door, a Waygate had formed and beyond its shimmering expanse was a wide open green field.

Far....far away from Canterlot.

Castus struggled to his feet, and pointed to the gate and said, "Go!"

The humans looked at him, then to the Waygate, and then slowly the horde of humanity began to move through the gate.

And onwards....to freedom. Castus watched them go, until the last went through before he finally entered as well. He looked back, through the shimmering wall of the Waygate which now showed Canterlot on the other side. He caught the brief sight of a figure, Celestia he felt sure. He smirked, as he watched the Waygate slam shut in a second as the energies he had placed to keep it open ran out.

"Finally.....free." He said, before falling back into unconsciousness. Strangely he felt something...catching him. But he couldn't say what as his eyes closed.


Fluttershy was worried. Something was wrong, she could feel it in her heart.

It had been nearly a week since Castus had been taken away. She had tried to go visit him, but Twilight had told her that apparently he was being kept under tight secrecy and guard that even she, a princess herself, would have had trouble getting to see him. And so, she was left with waiting until whatever spell Celestia was working on to save Castus from the power that would kill him was finished.

She had never been so alone in her life. Some nights, she couldn't even sleep and found herself laying curled up in the cot he had slept in before.

And now....now something had happened in Canterlot. Even Twilight didn't know all the details, but some guards had come with messages and now, Twilight was calling for a town meeting.

Fluttershy was worried, and she prayed that Castus was okay.

As Ponyville gathered at the town hall, Fluttershy saw her friends at the front. They all looked worried to. Before she could say anything though, Twilight walked onto the stage and took the podium. Fluttershy gasped seeing her friend.

Twilight was pale, and seemed like she had just read something horrible. And now, she had to share it with others. What had been in those messages.

"C-citizens of Ponyville." Twilight began with a stutter.

That caused some murmuring. It wasn't often that Twilight stuttered during a speech.

In fact...it never happened.

"I have just....just received word that Canterlot had just suffered a terrible riot. Humans have broken from their enclosures, and the city suffered damages. Though they were minor in total, and no ponies were severely hurt." Twilight said.

Fluttershy gasped. What could have caused such a thing? Oh she hoped Castus was okay.

"But....but the worse news is the cause. A human, unlike the ones we know was responsible. With a keen intellect, the human managed to free nearly two hundred humans before they rampaged through the city and fled. So far, the humans are still believed to be missing." Twilight said.

More murmurings began. Fluttershy felt a chill run down her spine.

"The human in question...is called Castus. By order of Celestia and Luna, this human is labeled a danger to the national security of Equestria." Twilight said, "And a reward is offered to any information leading to the capture of this human....or if proof of his....his demise can be brought to the guards."

Fluttershy gasped, and she slid to her knees. Her heart stopping in shock.

"Fluttershy...darling. Are you okay?" Rarity whispered, and Fluttershy felt her hoof on her shoulder.

Fluttershy was silent. All she could feel was shock and worry.

'Castus....what is happening? What did you do?' She thought, before hugging herself to stop her shaking.


Within his room, Discord stared at the now blank t.v.

"Hmmm...well....this was an interesting episode." He said.

He had certainly not expected a few things, and he wondered what would happen now.

Everything was changing now, and the thought....the thought made him laugh.

And so Discord laughed. He laughed in delight at the chaos he had witnessed, and the even greater knowledge in knowing that the changes to come would bring even greater shows of chaos to come.

"Oh, I can't wait for the next episode." He said, as he sipped his drink and laughed once more.

Author's Note:

Sorry if something said this was updated but wasn't. Miss pressed a button :(

Comments ( 55 )

"Oh, I can't wait for the next episode." He said, as he sipped his drink and laughed once more.

interesting episode, indeed.

A sequel is in progress, I guess?

Sequel Now! The Gods demand it! Really nice way to end the first book though. It's a good thing you had Castus faint at the end. He was almost becoming OP. While I love OP characters, I also know it can hurt a story's popularity. Maybe Castus will make like his own human kingdom and become one of the big races of equestria and will have to go through like peace talks with Princess Celestia and Luna and the other races or something like that. I've seen it done in other stories.

Now that's a fantastic ending. Castus is right, the cinema paid off with the new Gojira and its, very awesome, signature roar.

I will be waiting for the sequel and how you would have Castus form a nation out of these newly-liberated humans, both mentally and physically. Considering what memories he had, House of Pleasure, it has to go away. He will have to put in ideas of government from modern Earth as soon as practical. But considering this stage, he's going to be a king or Sovereign for the humans.

Please make a sequel.

This chapter was glorious. It was awesome watching Castus gift the humans with intelligence and sapience and the way he managed to weave the Wind to counter Celestia's spells was interesting. The came of Godzilla was hilarious...as well as the part where Celestia gets mad at him for ripping her dress and accidentally making her flash her legs at Castus...and how Castus himself is distracted by them. Anyway this was one glorious way to finish the first part of the story. I eagerly wait for the sequel.

And now the wait begins.
Good thing I prepared enough food, water, and toilet paper to last 5 months.

Instead of humans killing the ponies, how about making them allies and finding out the true threat as in the Saurians and Sauroids.

The guards shouted in shock, dropping their now bladeless spear shafts in shock...

It was empty. Every single human that had been kept in the enclosure were gone.

With a sort of calm, and his own leadership of this pack of humans now established, Castus wove another Waygate out of the enclosure. This time to the zoo. He was sure they had humans there too, and he was intent on getting as many humans as he could out of the city. He couldn't get all of them, but he would try for enough.

Castus quickly wove a Light Shield, deflecting the beam from Celestia's horn away and up to the sky. He then sent out bolts of lightning for a counter attack. Around him, the humans began howling in distress, but he quickly calmed them with a thread of the Wind. He then wove a thread to have the humans quickly gather behind him as he rewove a larger shield. Celestia's dress looked singed, but his lightning obviously hadn't done much. She sent missles of light to batter at his shield, and Castus felt himself sweating under the intense pressure of the assaults upon it.

'Something big....something scary.' He thought. The best way to distract was with fear. But what was big and scary to a pony?

As Ponyville gathered at the town hall, Fluttershy saw her friends at the front. They all looked worried too. Before she could say anything though, Twilight walked onto the stage and took the podium. Fluttershy gasped seeing her friend.

Would you like me to help you on grammar? I've notice some repetitions, and I think this might help to clear things up.

When using 'to', 'two', and 'too', remember the context in which each word is used.
'To' refers to a destination or a response. "She went to the store." "The question surprised him, to which he had no reply."
'Two' is the number. No problems here.
'Too' means 'also' or 'as well'. "He jumped off the bridge too." "Are you staying too?"
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any more advice or help, or if you want me to not do this anymore.

Interesting story, though I think that pervert comment from Celestia was not really called for. At least it did not sit right with me.

It's always good to see Discord written as he should be, Chaotic Neutral.

Wait, that's it? That's the ending? Please tell me there's going to be a sequel, at least... and why does this sound so much like a Planet Of The Apes knockoff? Sorry, but that's how I feel...

It appears this story has come from the Land of 'ish.

It's a wonderful land, full of vague and mystery.

it is never accurate, it is never absolute, it just is.

After all in the Land of 'ish, you have to make your own assumptions.

It appears this is now at a crossroads, this is either going to be a very interesting story, or its going to devolve shortly into something else. Hopefully the next part will hold some of those answers.

Then/than again.

Ever single


as carts feel


Celestia's dressed looked

big and scarey

God, all those mistakes make this story feels really crappy.

now blank t.v.

5976880 sorry it's an 8 month wait^^


God, all those mistakes make this story feels really crappy


5993193 well, it's the author who is supposed to write correctly, not reader.

5994399 still a little ironic

5994652 yeah i know, english is hard and i forgot some parts of it that i was taught in school.

Sorry if something said this was updated but wasn't. Miss pressed a button :(

I got the opposite problem. It updated, but nothing told me as such.

Man i recently found that tgis was updated and several others stories why thi happens?

6058423 seriously it has been happening to me too, specially with the one called the unity pact. the only way i hae to know that it updates is by reading about it on the news feed

6322112 its a foolproof plans, AND you don't have any dishes to clean. Who needs bowls when you have the new and improved bowels


She isn't denying it. Celestia isn't one to lie.

Well, this was one great fanfic. It was really cool. I hope the sequel is awesome too.

I just found this story today...

Wow this is unbelievable amazing! This feels like the Planet of the Apes! It's just... Wow your good, very good!

6472149 Uh no offense, but I would need my computer and many hours to do that. I'm only on my phone right now. I admire that you have found ways to incorperate elements of The Wheel Of Time into this story (I think you and I are just about the only ones on Fimfiction who do so). My ONLY two issues with the story are that there are too many spelling errors to find, and that the characters are anthro. I normally downvote any anthro stories I see just on principle alone (most are utter shit). Your's is... not bad (and coming from an ass-hole like me, that's saying something).

"Administer a sedative. Then we can begin the procedure." One of the white clothed ponies said.

Aaaaand our heroe's worst fears have been realized. The locals were about to take a human apart, while he was still alive. And now Celestia and Luna want him alive or dead. Terrific.


Castus is about the same size as ponies, but natural Equestrian humans are currently taller then ponies. Different species after all.

I want you to know, that I binge read this. I read into the night at home, at work, on my breaks, even risked being laughed at by my wife who doesn't know I write/read pony fics.

And then you end it like this?

Well done.

6510393 Started it, just not as ravenously


Perhaps in a separate fic, if people ask enough and it won't kill the fic.

My little human, my little human

Aaah Aaah AAah AAAh~

6778482 I don't remember the story anymore but I want to mention that isn't unheard of for the time period Equestria is similar to...

6798352 you are correct sir, at the time of that comment i forgot he attempted to do that, i had just come back to the story after a long hiatus from this site

And upon the ashes of Ancients... a new civilization will rise. A new world, free from the Shadow of the Beast. The descendant of the Valhrua has awoken... And the world will witness the rise of change...

For me emotionally remind anime Death Note - very intriguing start, good midst, and disappointing ending.
So i can't leave nor like or dislike.

dressed looked

Dress looked

I know but.....I kinda stink at rhyming :P

6920049 True Facts About Humans

7031550 It's not his fault you misinterpreted what he said. He merely voiced an underwhelmed feeling at the statement made. The fact that this individual is worrying about a comparatively minuscule fraction of a percentage of what non-magical human's are capable of, seems to leave Blood a bit in disbelief. I hope I've helped clear up this issue between you two.

so he forgot about the computer Dell and his phone?

Absolutely loved this story. Good job:twilightsmile:

And yet...he now had abut a billion more new things to worry about.

Ha! He turned Canadian for a split second!

I have to ask though, is it truly Castus in charge, or is he being subsumed by this Karsus?

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