• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,396 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

Spa Trips, Pin Tips, and Rainbow Hits


The next day found Fluttershy and Castus walking down road of Ponyville to the spa. Fluttershy kept only a light grip on the leash at Castus' neck. She felt bad making him wear it, but it was for his own protection. Ponies might be confused if he walked around without a leash.

Still, a nice, relaxing day at the spa should more than make up for it all. At least, that was what she hoped. She looked at him a moment and gave a small smile as she saw him looking towards the library with a look of awe. She had to agree, it was an impressive sight.

Then Castus looked towards her, and she quickly looked away, feeling her face heat up a bit.

'Goodness, why am I getting so flustered?' She thought, hiding herself in her mane.

She didn’t understand it, but every so often she felt… odd around Castus. And it had only gotten worse when he had asked to see her cutie mark the other night.

'I… I don't even know why I got so shy. I mean, Angel and some of the other animals have seen it, so why am I shy about letting him see it?' She thought, unsure of what the answer was.

Now to be honest, showing one’s cutie mark was a rather… private thing, given it’s location. Usually, it was reserved for close friends or between a stallion and mare in a more… intimate relationship. However she had never felt shy if any of the animals at her home saw her cutie mark. So why now did she feel insecure about letting Castus see it?

'Maybe because you know he isn't an animal,' A part of her mind told her, causing Fluttershy to blush even more.

After all, since she learned of Castus' intelligence, she had started thinking of him outside what she normally thought of as ‘critters’ on the normal sense. Though at times, she found herself slipping every once in awhile, only to blush in embarrassment when Castus corrected her. And now that he could speak, even if it was by Discord’s hand, it only made his difference from animals even more apparent and his likeness to her and other ponies obvious. Come to think of it, that was when she started having these odd feelings.

'Oooh, what is wrong with me?' She thought, shaking her head.

Luckily, the spa appeared in her sights, and she sighed in relief. A nice day of relaxation would do wonders, and maybe help her get her head in order.

The jingling of the bell told of Fluttershy's arrival, and she noticed Rarity was sitting in a chair, legs crossed as she read a magazine of the latest fashion lines. But her eyes went up when she heard the bell.

"Fluttershy, darling. I'm so glad you're here," Rarity said with a smile as she stood up.

Fluttershy smiled as the two of them embraced. "It's good to see you as well, Rarity. I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"Oh nonsense darling. I only just arrived," Rarity said with a wave of her hoof, then she noticed the leash in Fluttershy's hooves. "Fluttershy, did you bring one of your animal friends with you? Oh, and Opal didn't want to come today. This would have been a perfect opportunity for us ladies and our dear pets. I assume it is Angel?"

Fluttershy blushed. "Oh, don't worry, I'm sure he will be okay. And, well… no, it isn't Angel."

Fluttershy opened the door some and gently pulled the leash, and Castus walked in.

Lotus looked over from the desk and her eyes widened in surprise, and Rarity gasped as they both saw Castus standing before them.

Fluttershy felt nervous, and hid in her mane. "Um, Rarity… this is… Castus, my new human."

Rarity stared at Castus for a long, silent moment, and for that moment, Fluttershy was terrified something bad was going to happen.

"AAHHHH!" Rarity screamed, pointing a hoof at Castus.

Fluttershy flinched, and started to panic. Was bringing Castus wrong? Oh this was terrible!

"My word, that… rag is absolutely dreadful!" Rarity screamed, her hoof still pointing at Castus as a look of pure horror eclipsed her eyes.

Or, her hoof pointed at his blanket clothes.

Castus blinked, slowly removing his hands from his ears and peering down at his clothes.

Fluttershy blinked in confusion as well. "Uh… I’m sorry?"

"Fluttershy, while I am quite surprised that you are the type to dress up your human, I must say, the choice of covering is absolutely horrible. I thought you had better fashion sense than this darling." Rarity said as she placed a hoof to her head as if she was about to faint.

Fluttershy was quick to defend herself. "Oh no, I didn't give him that. H-he did it himself with a blanket I gave him."

Rarity blinked. "He did? Well that is certainly odd. In any case, I simply cannot stand to see even a human dressed up in such a disgusting thing. After our spa time, I insist that you come down and let me give him something at least decent to wear. In fact, I understand it is the latest trend for Canterlot ponies to dress up their humans right now."

Fluttershy blinked. "Oh… Rarity, could you? He would… I mean, I would really appreciate that."

This was fantastic. She had been worried that Rarity wouldn't make clothes for a human, but it seems her fears were unwarranted.

"Of course, darling. Granted, I don't see the appeal of it, but I suppose since winter is getting closer you will want something to help keep him warm," Rarity said as she turned. "But that is for later. Come, for now we are to be pampered unmercifully."

"Oh, of course. Umm, that isn't a problem is it Lotus?" Fluttershy asked, turning to the spa pony.

Lotus blinked before replying, "Vhat? Oh, no Miss Fluttershy. Just… he is docile yes?"

Rarity paused and looked back. "Oh yes darling, I trust he is good around strange ponies. Though I trust that you would never bring anything dangerous around other ponies, a lady can't be too careful… especially with humans."

Fluttershy nodded. "Oh yes. Castus is the friendliest human ever. He won't be any trouble." She patted his head gentle, but blushed and stopped when she realized what she was doing.

"Vell… if you say so. Come along then," Lotus said, leading the two mares and the human into the spa.

Fluttershy sighed in relief. It felt like a weight was off her wings now. Now she could relax. Or she thought she could, until she and Rarity had reached the changing room.

Blushing at the thought of Castus in the same room, she was quick to tie the leash to a post outside.

"Now just sit here for a bit, okay? We will be out in a bit," She said quickly before joining Rarity in the changing room, who was looking at her oddly.

'Oh, what is wrong with me?' She thought. She was so very confused.

"So tell me, Fluttershy, when did you get a human? They are not exactly a common animal to see around, especially as pets. Other than Sweet Apple Acres, only Canterlot’s ponies keep them due to the high costs," Rarity said, removing her dress and putting on the spa robe provided for her.

Fluttershy also slipped on her spa robe as she turned to her friend. "Oh, well, you know that incident with that wild human the other day? The one Applejack helped catch?"

"Oh good heavens yes. Are you telling me that is the human?" Rarity said, placing a hoof over her mouth in surprise.

"Well, he didn't mean to cause a ruckus. He was just scared. I thought he was somepony’s and had gotten lost, but there didn't seem to be any calls for a missing human, and I couldn't just leave him alone at the pound," Fluttershy said, fidgeting slightly.

Rarity smiled. "Oh darling, that is just like you. Well, I'm sure he isn't so bad with you as an owner. Still, what made you decide to bring him along on our spa trip?"

Fluttershy blushed again. "Oh, well, I thought that he might like some pampering. And I had wanted to introduce him to all my friends. Was I wrong to bring him?"

"Oh no, it’s alright. A bit of a surprise though," Rarity said. "One doesn't usually see a human in a spa, still, he seems a nice and quiet type. Actually, I don't think I've seen a human quite like him. Is he a designer breed?"

"Oh, well… sort of," Fluttershy said. ‘Does coming from a different world count as designer breed?’

"Well, he is certainly a sight. Though he will look much more presentable once I have given him a proper ensemble, or maybe a nice sweater," Rarity said. Fluttershy giggled, seeing the look of inspiration in her friends eyes.

The two left the room, and Fluttershy saw Castus sitting there waiting. She blushed slightly, tightening the robe around her some before grabbing the leash and leading him to the spa. A nice relaxing dip in the hot tub would be just what she needed to clear her head.


The spa seemed nice, though it felt a bit awkward being there. Still, when Castus saw the steam water of a large tub, he couldn't help but feel excited.

'Sweet a hot tub.' He thought. Who didn't enjoy a nice hot tub? All he needed now was some drinks and it be perfect.

As they neared the tub, Castus knelt down and placed his hand in the water. The warm water against his skin felt amazing, and he could swear that it had some sort of bathing salt added to it.

It felt so good he couldn't help but remove blanket toga and slide right it, letting the warm water envelope his body.

'Oh yyyyyyyeaaaah.' He thought. It felt amazing.

"Goodness, he seems to like the water. Has he been to a spa before?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, I don't think so. Maybe he likes the warm water." Fluttershy said, looking to Castus.

Castus looked to Fluttershy before leaning against the wall of the tub and sliding down slightly, bringing the water up to his neck. God, but it felt amazing.

"Well, I suppose we should join him." Rarity said and started removing her robe.

Castus looked over at Fluttershy and Rarity, and quickly averted his gaze and stared down at the steam water, his face flushing red.

'WHY DON'T THEY HAVE SWIMSUITS!?' He thought, feeling his pulse speeding up.

Now, Castus had started getting use to being almost naked around these pony people. So it was why he did not feel as self-conscious as he normally would going into the a hot tub with no bathing suit on with two girls. Oh he was still a little bashful, but he simply told himself that here he was the animal. Still, he hadn't expected Fluttershy, and Rarity going in with nothing on.

Castus couldn't help but peek around as the two slowly entered the water, their naked forms slightly blurred by the steam but...he could still see them! He quickly looked back at the water, and tried to breath in normally.

'@@@@ me. They...are both....Rarity's just as.....god!' he thought, biting his lower lip.

When he had first met Rarity, he could tell by her dress that she had some very well figured assets. And he did find the unicorn pony person very beautiful. The way her mane was done and her eyes and features, and the way she carried herself reminded Castus of a high aristocratic lady. And while Rarity didn't have the same level of bust to Fluttershy, she definitely had....well he felt sure she was just slightly behind Fluttershy.

'I'm in a hot tub...with two...big breasted hot girls. Anthropoid but still girls.....I think my heart just stopped.' He thought placing a hand over his chest.

If this happened any more times, he felt sure he was going to get a nosebleed or die from shock.

"Castus? is something wrong, you seem tense." Fluttershy said, moving over to him. Castus stiffed up a bit and looked slightly to the left.

"Is something wrong with him?" Rarity asked, seated away from Castus with Fluttershy between him and her.

"I don't know." Fluttershy said and leaned closer to whisper to him.

"Castus, are you okay?" She whispered.

"Yes.....fine. Just...space please." Castus whispered.

Fluttershy blinked and moved away, Castus sighed and just moved some before gluing his eyes to the water. He could do this, just....stare at the same spot.

"I think he is fine now." Fluttershy said, but still seemed concerned for him.

"If you say so darling. So, did you hear the latest between Big Mac and Cheerilee?" Rarity said, leaning slightly to talk gossip with Fluttershy.

Castus stopped listening at this point, as relationship gossip was about as interesting as paint drying. At least to him. So he merely swished his fingers in the water and enjoyed the bath salted hot water on his body, keeping his eyes glued to his fingers.

'I'm gonna have....interesting dreams tonight.' He thought as he took a calming breath as he tried to ignore the two naked girls not far from him.

Of course....it was really hard to. Very....very hard.

After soaking in the hot tub, and quickly getting out and wrapping his blanket toga around him to act as a sort of towel, and to hide his shame which still was letting itself be known slightly, from the girls. They went into a sauna, where thankfully the girls kept their robes on, then the girls had their face covered in a mud mask, with Fluttershy only getting a small bit on her cheeks and Rarity her entire face, complete with cucumbers. Naturally Castus didn't partake in this, though he did enjoy the massage part, though he was sure the pony giving him the massage was nervous, but Castus could only let his tongue hang out as his back was cracked and his muscles tenderized.

'Who knew hooves could feel so good pressing on the muscles.' He thought.

Then of course there was a horn filing for Rarity, along with her hooves. The whole routine took the better part of the afternoon to finish but when they were done, Castus felt better then he had in a long time.

'I feel like a trillion bucks!' He thought, stretching and sighing in contentment.

"Well Castus seems to have enjoyed himself, and without any fuss. He really is a very docile human." Rarity said with a giggle

"Oh I'm glad he enjoyed it. I was worried he might not like it at all." Fluttershy said, a smile on her face.

'Like it? I freaking want to do that again.....without the...naked hot tub thing.....well...maybe that too.' He thought, admitting sadly to himself.

"Well, if I am remembering right, I owe you some clothes to dress Castus up in. Frankly the sooner the better, because that....rag is simply a continued insult toward the idea of clothing." Rarity said.

"Oh, thank you Rarity, but this won't be too much trouble will it? I don't want to impose." Fluttershy said, frowning slightly at the thought of bothering her friend.

"Oh it is no imposition. All my orders are finished and I have gotten ahead already on several projects for some fashion shows that I can spare some time to whip up something for you to put on Castus. Besides, when I look at him enough, I see a form that is just screaming to be clothed. I think they will suit him much better then any other human I have seen before...which isn't a lot mind you but never the less." Rarity said, her eyes a sparkle.

So Rarity took them to her boutique, which surprised Castus by its design and size. In the windows he could see dresses and other various clothes on pony mannequins in the windows.

"Well come in, just uh...keep him away from touching anything important. Okay." Rarity said, looking at Castus worriedly for a moment.

"Oh don't worry Rarity. Castus can be trusted." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"I'm sure....yes...I'm sure." Rarity said with an uneasy chuckle.

Entering the boutique, Castus looked around at the various other clothes inside. Hats, dresses, socks, shoes, suits, coats, scarves, pants, skirts, and a section that said: Lingerie. Luckily it was in a different room.

"Now, if he can just sit still for a moment. I trust he is use to ponies being close to him?" Rarity asked as she levitated a measuring tape along with a notepad and pen.

'How do they do that?' Castus thought. Fluttershy had filled him in a bit on things like magic during dinner, but...well Castus still found it hard to believe.

'Then again, I had tea with a spirit of chaos who could drink a tea cup instead of tea.' He thought, so he figured that, well why not magic.

Rarity watched Castus carefully as she took his measurements, perhaps thinking he was going to lunge at her at any moment. Castus just stood still, and watched.

Rarity seemed to tense up when he watched her, so he looked away and just looked around aimlessly.

"There....I should be able to whip something up with this. Just give me a moment." Rarity said as she went upstairs.

When the sound of a door closing was heard, Castus looked to Fluttershy and moved over to whisper.

"Hey uh...she won't make anything too...excessive will she? I mean I'd be happy with just a t-shirt and some pants." Castus said. Of course, he would also like some underwear or a pair of boxers but...well he could learn to go commando.

"Oh, I'm sure Rarity won't. She usually doesn't do simple things, but she doesn't make a lot of clothes for humans. I'm sorry if she made you feel awkward or uncomfortable at times. Rarity is...edgy around humans." Fluttershy whispered.

"Eh...don't worry about it," Castus whispered back, "But uh...why is she edgy around humans?"

Fluttershy shrugged, "I don't know. I think she just has a subconscious fear of them. Like how some ponies are afraid of spiders. It's not like she dislikes them, or you in fact I think she was rather fond of you. It's just that she doesn't see humans as the safest critter to be around."

Castus scoffed, he had heard of sillier fears. Since Rarity was a pony and he was a human was her fear, if she had one, of him similar to how some people were scared of horses?

"So um...did you enjoy the spa?" Fluttershy asked.

Castus smiled as he looked at her, "Yeah. There were a few....uncomfortable parts. But all in all it was good." Castus said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Uncomfortable parts?" Fluttershy said, tilting her head confused.

'God that is cute.' Castus thought.

"Eh...well....it's nothing to worry about. I had fun." Castus said, hoping to avoid having to explain anything else.

Luckily, the sound of hoofsteps coming down forced for the conversation to end and Castus returned to his aimless looking around. Now he knew how his dog felt when he looked around aimlessly. Or...was it an act like he was doing.

'That is a scary thought.' He thought, imagining that his dog was actually super smart secretly.

"And done. I think that a light teal blue color will really bring out his eyes. They are perhaps his most charming feature. So soft unlike other human eyes." Rarity said as she came down with a number of clothes. She levitated them over to hold out infront of Fluttershy to look at.

Castus frankly was rather impressed. The clothes consisited of a teal color shirt with long sleeves and a bar of brown pants. At the hem of the shirt, in the corner was three diamonds. A calling card perhaps?

"Now, these aren't in line with some ponies in Canterlot are making their humans wear, but I had a feeling you would prefer something less extravagant for him. Besides, he doesn't need much right?" Rarity said, looking to her friend for comment.

"Oh they are wonderful Rarity. Thank you so much." Fluttershy said as she took the clothes, feeling the fabric in her hooves.

Rarity chuckled, "Oh it is nothing. Besides, to be honest I have gotten a few ideas for some new designs. I don't usually design for humans but since it seems to be a growing trend, in some circles."

Fluttershy smiled, "Well I'm grateful either way. How much do I owe you?"

Rarity gasped, "Oh good heavens darling. For something so trivial, think of it as a gift for a friend. Besides the fabric I used isn't too expensive and I will more then make up the costs for the orders I have made."

"Oh," Fluttershy said in surprise, "Well thank you Rarity. You are a good friend."

The two embraced in a hug before Fluttershy gathered up the clothes in a bag provided for her by Rarity.

"We should go now. I' hoping I can introduce Castus to the rest of the girls today. Though I'm worried how Applejack will react to him."Fluttershy said a bit worried.

"Well don't let me keep you. But do stop by sometime, and next weekend I'll bring Opalescence We can make it a pony and pet relaxing time." Rarity said with a wave of her hoof.

Fluttershy giggled and waved goodbye as she pulled Castus along. Castus himself just followed along.

When they were gone, and sufficiently alone, Castus leaned over to whisper, "We are meeting your other friends?"

Fluttershy looked back in surprise, "Oh well...I figured that since we were both out....well I mean if you don't want to we can go somewhere else...or go home maybe."

Castus smiled, "Don't worry about it. Was just surprised."

Fluttershy smiled and wrapped him in a hug, "Oh good. Don't worry it won't be long and you've already met Twilight and Rarity, so all that is left is Pinkie Pie, Applejack and -"


Fluttershy and Castus looked up as a rainbow streak headed straight toward them. Panicing, Castus pushed Fluttershy away as the rainbow smacked right into him, crashing him along with it into the ground.

He groaned and fought back an urge to swear as he felt pain in his back again, and his body after hitting the ground. He was sure to have more bruises again.

'This better not become a common thing.' He thought as he groaned.

"Oh no Castus! Rainbow Dash! Are you two okay!?" Fluttershy gasped, getting up from the ground from being pushed and running to her two hurt friends.

'Rainbow Dash?' Castus thought and turned slightly to see a cyan furred and rainbow maned pony Pegasus girl on his back, rubbing her head and her wings scruffed up and feathers out of alignment from the crash.

She was definitely a tom boy, by the t-shirt and shorts she was wearing. But while Fluttershy and Rarity were big, Rainbow Dash well..

'A cup? B at best.' Castus thought.

"Ugh...sorry...new trick. What did I-Ahh!" Rainbow Dash gasped and jumped off of Castus.

"Oh gosh. Is he yours Fluttershy? I'm so sorry!" Rainbow Dash said, obviously scared she might have hurt one of her friends pets.

Fluttershy frowned as she leaned down and looked Castus over, "Oh dear, are you okay? Rainbow Dash, what did we tell you about doing dangerous stunts? Remember what happened last time?"

Rainbow Dash huffed and crossed her hooves, "It wasn't dangerous....I just hit an updraft is all." The rainbow manned pony looked at Castus and said, "is he gonna be okay? he ain't mad is he?"

'No. I never get mad after being crashed into.' Castus thought sarcastically. He slowly got up, rubbing at his back and looking at Rainbow Dash with a glare.

"Yikes. Hey now easy boy." Rainbow Dash said, holding her hooves up.

"Oh Castus, don't be mad. Rainbow Dash didn't mean it. It was an accident." Fluttershy said, placing a hoof on Castus' arm comfortingly, hoof petting his head.

Castus sighed and just looked away. Though he gave Fluttershy a look, which caused her to blush and stop the petting.

Rainbow Dash sighed in relief, "Yeah...really sorry about that. Say...when did you get a human Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy looked at her friend, "Oh well you see-" So Fluttershy told how she acquired Castus again, leaving out the usual details. When she was done, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but laugh.

"Ahahaha, yeah that is Applejack for you. She freaks when she finds even a worm in an apple. Still, kinda cool that you got a human. I hear their really expensive pets."

"Oh well, I couldn't leave him in that cage alone. Besides, he has really livened up my cottage a bit." Fluttershy said, blushing a bit.

"Heh, anyway why are you leaving Rarity's?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, well I was just getting some clothes for Castus. Actually Rarity insisted." Fluttershy said as she held up the clothes.

"Oh?" Rainbow Dash blinked and looked at Castus, "Oh yeah. I was wondering what was up with that. Though why just use a blanket? I mean, I didn't think you were the kind to dress up your critters, but that seems a bit....well make-shift."

Fluttershy blushed, "Um well...that was his doing....I guess he must like wearing clothes so I got him something a bit better."

Rainbow Dash looked at Castus oddly, "That's weird. But humans are weird things."

'Says the girl with rainbow hair.' Castus thought. Out of all the many hues of colored hair he had seen here, this girl took the cake in strange hair color.

Rainbow Dash placed her hooves behind her head as she looked to Fluttershy, "So what were you going to do now? Want to hang out? I got some awesome new tricks to show off."

Fluttershy smiled, "Oh I'd love to see them. But I was going to introduce Castus to the rest of the girls. We hadn't expect to run into you though in such a way."

Dash smirked and rubbed the back of her head "Ehhh yeah. Sorry again. Well, if you want when your done come down by the lake. I'm gonna take a nap before I get back to flying. Later."

With that Rainbow Dash took off, leaving Fluttershy and Castus alone once more.
"That...better not be how I meet the others....please." Castus whispered to Fluttershy, causing her to blush intensely.