• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,396 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

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Practice, Walks, and Cutie Marks


Fluttershy was very happy, and the smile on her face only radiated the positive feelings she had. She had made both a new friend, and had gotten plenty of supplies for him to converse with her. She knew that Castus would be happy to have more to write with.

'Hmmm, I wonder if he can tell me what kind of animals the world he is from has. It be amazing to learn the types of critters that populate other worlds.' She thought with a giggle.

Reaching her cabin, she opened the door and called, "Castus. I'm back."

She looked around and couldn't see Castus at the table, or in the living room. The sound of something falling upstairs brought her attention to the stairs.

'Why is he up in my room again?' She thought, mostly just wondering. Did he like being in higher elevations? Or was it a sort of dominance thing?

She readjusted the bags of scrolls, quills and ink pots on her shoulder before walking up.

"Castus?" She called again, and saw him appear between the doorway. His eyes were wide with surprise and seemed nervous. Odd.

"Oh, umm...why are you up in my room? Not that I am angry, I was just wondering. Did you need something from there?

Castus lifted up one of the books from her room, the final one that she had borrowed from Twilight.

"Oh you just wanted to read the other book. I guess you finished the other two?" She asked as she walked up the stairs and joined him in her room. Castus stepped aside to let her through and nodded.

"Well I have plenty of scrolls for you. See." She said and opened one of the bags to show it was full of scrolls and some quills.

Castus frowned but quickly smiled and lifted the thumb on of hand up. An odd gesture, and Fluttershy wondered what it meant. Though she felt it was a good one.

"I'm so glad you like them. Now we can talk all the time." She said with a smile, before pressing her hooves together nervously, "So umm...I was wondering...if maybe...I could ask you some questions about the animals of your world?"

Castus looked at her before nodding and grabbing a scroll from the bag, along with a fresh quill and ink pot as he set them down on the desk in her room and wrote, "Sure. Let's go downstairs to the dining room though."

Fluttershy nodded and followed him downstairs and sat right next to him when he took a seat at the table, setting several scrolls beside him.

"Okay, well I was wondering, what kind of bird species do you have?" She asked first, her eyes wide with joy.


Castus wrote as he answered Fluttershy's questions. He wasn't the best on all the animal species, but he knew enough to hopefully satisfy her curiosity.

'Though I feel like a complete scum bag now. She bought all these and just when some chaos spirit comes along and makes me able to talk. If I told her now she'd probably be upset.' He thought.

So he would keep his speech ability a secret....for now. At least till he got better control over it. His voice still cracked when he spoke, and it definitely still had the tone of someone who had never used their voice in over twenty one years. He had to slowly speak some words till his throat and tongue got use to how they were formed.

Just because he could read a word and know its pronunciation, didn't mean he still said it right. That would take practice, practice he would do when Fluttershy wasn't around.

'Still this does mean I can have an easier time of communication for later.' He thought. Still, he might just reveal his new ability sooner then later, because his wrist was starting to get sore.

As he finished up the last of the sentences for an explanation on the various cat species on his world, he had set the quill down and rubbed vigorously at his wrist. It felt like it was starting to cramp up.

Fluttershy had taken notice and gasped as she took his hand and rubbed his wrist, "Oh dear. I forgot that your wrist would probably start getting sore from all this writing. I'm really sorry."

Castus smiled and patted her head, to show that it was okay before writing, "It is okay. Though mind if I take a break?"

Fluttershy nodded, "Of course. Please, I need to take care of something's around the cottage anyway and I guess return these books to Twilight.

Castus nodded, "Cool. I'm gonna take a walk. I've been cooped up here all day and need to stretch my legs."

Fluttershy turned and looked at him worriedly, "Are you sure? I mean, humans don't tend to wander on their own. I don't want you getting in trouble."

Castus thought on that. It was true, these ponies seemed to freak when they saw an unattended human.

"But I'm your human. Doesn't this collar mean anything?"

Fluttershy placed a hoof to her chin, "Well...I guess it might not be so bad. The collar does have a tag stating me as your owner....but, maybe you should stay out of ponyville. You can walk around the woods, just be careful not to wander into Applejacks orchard...or steal any of her apples again. Please...for your own safety." Fluttershy placed her hooves on Castus' shoulders and looked at him with wide eyes filled with fear.

Castus blinked and gulped before nodding. He really didn't know why she was scared...he didn't want to know. He nodded and wrote he would agree to these terms before standing up, rubbing at his wrist again.

"Okay then. Try to stay out of trouble and be back before dinner okay." Fluttershy said as Castus walked to the door.

He gave her a thumbs up before opening the door and heading out.

Fluttershy's cottage was actually on the border of two woods. One which she had told him was the Everfree, and he knew personally to stay out of there. And then there was the more calm and safer wood, which also lead into the Everfree, and that orchard he had seen before.

'Man I can still remember those apples.' He thought, remembering the flavor and taste of the fruit. He really wish he had one now.

Given he couldn't enter town, unless he had Fluttershy with him, Castus choose the woods where he was less likely to run into giant space bears.

To be truthful, Castus wanted to get out to better practice his speech habits....and he couldn't do that with Fluttershy around. Well, not without feeling extremely guilty.

"It s-still...just....sucks." He said to himself quietly, growling and clearing his throat as he spoke each word slowly.

'Yeah, I really need to work on this some more. Just need to find a quiet and out of the way place for some privacy.'

Eventually he found a decent clearing in the woods that he felt was far enough out of the way to give him the best sort of privacy. As he sat down at the base of a large tree he rubbed at his throat as he started with some basic breathing exercise and the saying all singer started with.

"Do.....ra.......mmmmeee fa so...la te do. Do te la so fa me ra do." He said slowly. Hmmm, a little better. Still some struggling, but he was starting to get the hang of this, it even sounded on a more normal tone.

He continued with that, starting with small words, the vowels and even a few short sentences. The biggest thing he noticed as he did this was that this was both exhausting for the throat and his lungs. He rubbed at his throat as it itched from usage that it was not use to.

'I hope this doesn't last. Okay...now lets try for a few more.' He thought before opening his mouth.

And a piercing cry came out. Castus shuthis mouth, and clamped a hand over his lips, but the scream still continued, followed by the breaking of branches.

And it was coming from above.

"What the?" He said as he saw three figures, and several small tree branches fall ontop of him.

"Holy sh-" he started before stopped as the three figures crashed into him.

"Ooooh...ow my back." One voice said.

"That.....could have gone better." Another said.

"What did we land on?" A third said.

Castus groaned, causing three voices to gasp and the weight on his back to disappear. Thank goodness.

"Oh no! We killed it! We killed it!" One cried.

"No we didn't look he is still breathing, we just knocked him down." Another said, trying to calm the first.

"Uhh...maybe we should maybe step back, incase it all is angry at us for fallin' on it. My sister told me humans can be testy if provoked." A third said with worry in her voice.

Castus felt pretty sure that anyone would be a little angry if they had three individuals fall on them. And as he slowly lifted his head to see three new anthropoid ponies, or pony people as he decided to call them. These were a lot younger then Fluttershy....a lot younger. He didn't know how they aged here, but he would have put them at twelve years old in human years.

One, a unicorn, had a white coat with a mulberry sort of mane mixed with grey and wore a pure white dress and skirt that went down to her knees. The other had a big red bow on her head of red mane and a yellow coat, and wore overalls and looked like a tomboy. And the third was a Pegasus, tough her wings seemed...a bit small for her body, and she had a magenta purple sort of colored mane. She had on a t-shirt and shorts, one knee with a bandage on it.

"Uh oh....he's getting up." The yellow pony person said. What did you call one without wings or horn anyway?

"Ummm...w-we're really sorry we fell on you." The unicorn said, looking scared.

"Come on Sweetie Belle, you know they can't understand ponies." The Pegasus said.

"Quiet Scootaloo. Just step back slowly." The yellow pony said.

Castus watched as the girls slowly backed away, looking ready to run. He rolled his eyes as he got up and dusted himself off. His sudden movement brought a gasp from the unicorn, Sweetie Belle.

Castus looked at the kids before rubbing his head, he was sure to have a nice lump forming soon. The kids stared back at him, seeming unsure of what he was going to do next. Castus hoped that they hadn't heard his speech practice, but given their reactions about him he felt confident that they had not.

'Best keep it that way.' He thought and turned and walked off to another part of the woods. Leaving the three pony kids confused as they watched him go.


"Hey Applebloom, I thought you said that humans attack ponies they don't know or when they get hurt. So why didn't that one try to attack us?" Scootaloo asked her friend after they had gotten back to the clubhouse.

Their recent encounter with the human had been a shock, and Sweetie Belle was still a bit shaken up. Though, that might have also been from the fall they had.

"I'm just glad it didn't. Did you see how tall it was, it was like looking into the eyes of a dragon." Sweetie Belle said, her eyes widening in fear as she remembered.

"Oh it wasn't that bad. He looked kinda scrawny anyway, I bet I could have beaten him with my wings tied behind my back." Scootaloo said, blowing a strand of her mane out of the way.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle rolled their eyes at their friends boasting.

"What I wanta know is, whose was it." Applebloom said as she rubbed her chin with her hoof.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belled looked at their friend in surprise.

"You mean it wasn't one of the ones you have working on the farm?" Scootaloo asked.

Applebloom shook her head, "Nope. All ours got an apple branded on their flanks. That one didn't have any."

Sweetie Bell hummed as she tapped her head, "Hey, now that I think about it. He was wearing what looked like a blanket an odd way too."

"I noticed that too." Applebloom said.

Scoots thought on it for a moment, "Yeah....it almost looked like clothes."

"Hmmm." The three fillies hummed as they thought. What did it all mean.

"Hey, if it isn't one of your humans, maybe it's a wild human!" Scootaloo said with surprise.

"That might be right." Applebloom said.

"Should we tell Applejack or somepony? Humans can be pretty dangerous. Rarity says so." Sweetie Belle said.

Scootaloo shook her head, "No way, don't you guys see that this is the perfect chance to try for a human capturing cutie mark."

"Human capturing..." Applebloom started, looking at Scoots oddly.

"Cutie mark?" Sweetie Belle finished, giving Scoots the same look.

Scootaloo nodded, "Sure, I yeah we got caught by surprised, but if we caught it think of what everypony would say. Besides, we haven't tried human capturing yet."

Applebloom and Sweetie had a faint idea of what some ponies might say, especially their sisters, but Scoots did have a point. They hadn't tried it yet.

"Hmm, I don't know...but he didn't look all that dangerous. Even so, we can't let him wander around." Applebloom said.

"So lets do it!" Scoots said as she ran over to a pile and pulled out some rope and a Daring Do hat she kept and put it on, "Lets catch us a human!"

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked at each other but nodded with serious looks, and together the three of them shouted:


The little fillies soon began gathering everything they would need to set a trap for the wandering human. It would be a fool proof plan!

Author's Note:

Because my family is in the middle of moving to a new home and I've had to devote a lot of time to helping with the move. We move full on Thursday and I don't know if I will have enough time to get all the info I want into one chapter...and I am having a bit of a connection block so spreading things out at times helps me get a focus on the story events.

I should be back to more or less a common update time by Sunday or the week following after we unpack everything from the truck and such.

I am really glad people like the fic :) Thank you all I wuv you all. And so does Molestia :3

Let's see Castus Pov, Fluttershy Pov, Discord Pov, and now CMC pov :) we got a regular game of thrones sort of thing going now :P Hope I can keep track of this all.