• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,390 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

Shopping, Meetings and Books.

Castus' PoV

Castus groaned as the light of the sun graced his face as it shined through the window. He turned over and rubbed at his eyes, rubbing the sleep away. He yawned as he debated either getting up, or trying to sneak in a few more minutes of sleep, when he heard the creaking of the stairs signaling that Fluttershy was awake now.

'Time to get up then.' He thought as he slowly pushed himself up with his arms and stretched, giving another yawn.

A soft, yawn followed coming from he assumed was Fluttershy, "Good morning everyone." She said softly as she appeared at the base of the stairs.

Castus turned his head to wave at his new owner in greetings, but nearly choked on his own breath, and felt his heart nearly give out in shock.

'Why is she naked!?!' Castus thought, felt his eyes bulge at the sight before him.

Fluttershy was naked, full on nude without any shred of clothing. The tired Pegasus girl cutely rubbed at her eyes as she turned and headed toward the bathroom. Not even noticing that she was being ogled by her human pet.

Castus turned and covered himself with his blanket as he tried to fight back the blush spreading across his face, a hand covering his nose. He did not think it was possible to get a nose bleed in the way the anime's showed; but he felt sure he was getting close.

'I didn't notice cause of her sweater....but......they're huge!' He thought, gulping nervously.

Was she one of those people that slept all natural, or whatever you called sleeping at night with nothing on? If this was how she woke up every morning, he really needed to set some things in stone between them, otherwise things would really start to get.....complicated.

'Or maybe we can wait a week. Yeah, a week. After all when do I get to see a naked girl as built as her like that?' The more perverted part of his brain said.

'Shut up!' He answered back, shaking his head. Now was not the time!

Soon the sound of the shower ceased and Fluttershy stepped from the bathroom into the main hall once more, thankfully wearing a yellow and pink bathrobe around her body, her hair tied up in a towel to help it dry.

"Oh good morning Castus." Fluttershy said, giving him a smile and a pat on the head, "Oh dear, your face is all red, do you have a fever?"

She placed a hoof a against his head, but retracted it soon after saying, "You don't seem warm."

Castus took the liberty to stand then, catching Fluttershy by surprise. He walked to the door and pushed against the door.

"Oh, you probably have to go out. Here you go." Fluttershy said, opening the door for him.

Castus stepped outside and walked a ways. He could feel Fluttershy watching him, and he looked back to see that she was, making sure he didn't stray far from the property. She really trusted her pets, and him, that much?

Really he had just wanted to get out to get his brain under control and loss this blush, but now that he was out here he did feel a need to use the bathroom. He looked and found a bush beside a tree not far from the house. He headed over and, after making sure there was no poison ivy, relieved himself. Gave it a sort of camping experience as he watered the tree.

'Now if I can just establish a use of the toilet in the bathroom I should be fine.' He thought as he finished and made his way back to the house.

Fluttershy looked at him quizzically as he walked back in and she closed the door. Castus though choose to ignore it and sat down on the couch again and rubbed at his stomach.

"Oh yes, I'll get breakfast for everyone now." She said, taking notice of the sign and headed toward the kitchen, stopping only to pet and say good morning to some more rousing animals. Though Angel bunny still lay sleeping in his little bed, a leg kicking every so often.

While Fluttershy worked, Castus looked at his blanket, and checked to see if it had enough length to act as a sort of make shift clothing. He wrapped a section around his waist, glad to finally cover himself, and brought the other around his upper half like a toga, tying it where the two ends met at his shoulder.

'It ain't the best, but should do.' He thought, pleased with his work. Now all that left was to see how Fluttershy reacted. He would find out, as she had finished giving out food to all the others, probably since they had seniority over him, with Angel being the first given his breakfast. When she brought his, she jumped slightly at the sight.

"Castus? What...that um...." She said, looking at him oddly.

Castus stared at her, then looked at his bowel of food. Fluttershy set it down and continued to look at him while he ate.

Castus looked at her once before turning on his food and eating it up. More apples and that same pill. What was that for anyway?

"That um...blanket looks....nice?" Fluttershy said once, before shaking her head and going back into the kitchen, possibly to get her own food.

Castus watched her go, and felt sure the girl was in a serious mental conversation with herself. Hoping slightly that he was right about her not turning him into some scientists if she learned that he was smarter then she thought. Still, he could cross that bridge when he got there. Now was food time.

After finishing breakfast Fluttershy had dressed herself and had brought out the leash from before.

"Um, Castus, I was going to go shopping for some supplies for you. I figured that you could come along and see if you saw any toys you liked, and maybe introduce you to my friends later on." She said, before attaching the leash to the collar.

Castus didn't argue. This was good, he could get a look at the town better this way. Though he drew the line at toys. So getting up he followed Fluttershy out the door as she gently lead him along, when they stepped outside, Castus looked at the ground and for just the briefest moment, thought he saw.....a hoof print in the dirt of the path. But before he could get a better look he was already past it and heading toward town.

Fluttershy's PoV

Fluttershy was very confused. Castus was not like any human she had seen, but then again, she hadn't had the opportunity to care for many humans given they were rare as pets. But the way he wore that blanket around him seemed a lot like clothing to her, something she knew that no human wore unless dressed by their owners, though it was not too uncommon for some to purposely cover themselves with a sort of loin cloth. But how Castus wore the blanket was different then just a loin cloth.

'Maybe Twilight has some books on humans. Or maybe the pet store.' She thought as she lead Castus through town.

It was still relatively early in the morning, so there were not a lot of ponies about, but the few that were either looked at Castus in surprise, or ignored him and waved or greeted Fluttershy good morning. After all if he was with Fluttershy, he couldn't be dangerous.

'Actually, now that I think about it, he hasn't done any of the things most humans do.' She thought, looking at Castus, who looked around at the town with a quizzical look in his eyes.

Normally a human tries to establish dominance of an area when they first enter it, especially if there are other creature near it. But Castus didn't do a thing, not even growl at any of the other animals. He was by far the most docile human she had seen ever.

"Oh there's the pet store. Stay close now Castus." Fluttershy said as she lead him into the store.

She could figure it all out later at Twilight's. For now, she would get everything she needed to make Castus' life with her as comfortable as possible.

The pet store wasn't full today, due to the still early hours. Fluttershy felt that going out early would be a good idea, just incase too many new ponies at once terrified Castus.

As the two of them walked through the aisles, she acquired a cot, easily folded for efficient carrying. She even purchased some needed soaps and a brush to help clean him, as well as a tooth brush and toothpaste designed for humans. Believing she had all that she would need, she lead Castus to the register, but stopped when she saw the aisle filled with toys.

Deciding that Castus was well behaved enough to earn a reward, she turned and lead him into the aisle.

"Okay Castus. Since you are being so good, you can pick out a toy for yourself. Go on." Fluttershy said, picking up a few toys and holding them out for Castus to take one.

Castus blinked and stared at the toys, then looked at Fluttershy, an eyebrow raised and pushed the toys away.

"What? But-" Fluttershy gasped, surprised by the very unnatural gesture, "Umm...I-I guess if you don't want one..."

She put the toys away and stood up as she lead Castus away to the register, looking back at the human with a curious look. He had a look of boredom and yawned, rubbing at his eyes.

'I think, I should go to Twilight's fast. I really hope she has a book on humans.' She thought, trying her best to sort out the confusing actions of her human. They completely went against what she knew of human behavior.

Making the purchases, Fluttershy decided to see Twilight first, before returning to drop off her purchases at her cottage. So she turned a corner and headed over to both Princess Twilight's castle and Royal Ponyville Library.

Castus' PoV

As Castus followed Fluttershy, he looked around at the town before him some more as he passed. Everywhere he saw anthropoid ponies here and there. He noted a rather definite sexual dimorphism between the males and females, with the males standing taller then the females....yet strangely he noted this town seemed to have more of the female type then the male. Was that just for this town, or was there a high ratio of females to males in this world?

Still despite his wonderings, he felt that he should refocus his attentions to proving, to Fluttershy at least, that he was an intelligent creature. He had gotten side tracked by his long imprisonment at the pound and then sudden freedom and change of scenery the other day, he could blame his own laziness for that, and then the morning shock of Fluttershy's.....ample.....assets. He wasn't sure who to blame for that; but he mostly was blaming himself every time he thought about it.

A mental image appeared again in his head and he felt his face heat up at the thought. 'Damn it, stop that. We don't have time for that......god but it sucks though!'

Shaking his head and slapping his cheeks twice he regained his initial goal. Getting communication established. The first chance he got when they got back to the cottage. Though he felt sure he had established a line of curiosity with his behavior. At least he hoped so, cause he really didn't want to be offered a dog toy again. That was just below degrading.

He did not know where Fluttershy was leading them, until he saw a crystalline structure appear in the distance, a large sign in large gold words: Royal Ponyville Public Library.

'Wha-wha-wha.....What in the name of all that is holy.' He thought, feeling his eyes widen as he stared up at the tall tree like structure with a look of awe, mouth hanging open slightly.

Never in his life had he seen anything of such an impressive sight. How was such a structure even possible to be built?

'Wait. Library. Maybe I can get my hands on some blank paper, maybe a pencil or highlighter or...something.' He thought, feeling it was better to grab the stuff in an area he felt confident he could find it, then try and find it at Fluttershy's house in which he did not know where everything was.

'That is of course if they let me in.' He thought as he noticed a sign with the universal symbol of a human male inside a red circle with a red line across it.

Fluttershy frowned as she walked over to what looked like a hitching post and tied the leash to it.

"I'm sorry Castus. But Twilight doesn't let humans in the library anymore since the incident last time. Please don't be upset, I'll be back as soon as I can okay." She said, scratching under his chin before setting the purchases beside him and heading inside.

Castus watched her go before hitting his head against the post with a huff.

'Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!' Someone was mocking him. He just knew it.

Fluttershy's PoV

Fluttershy gave a last look to Castus before heading into the library. She was still amazed at times by the changes the once small library had taken since the battle with Tirek. It was a lot bigger now, which had only made Twilight excited that she could fill its halls with even more books; which she had done immediately.

Moving through the halls of books, Fluttershy looked for her friend, before finally finding her in an area with a large chalkboard. Equations written all over as she discussed something to a crowd of fillies and colts.

"And so if you take the B here and divide it into the C positive, minus the carried over decimal we get the answer. Any questions?" Twilight asked, pressing her hooves together as she waited for an answer.

The fillies and colts looked at each other, then back to Twilight before one lifted her hoof.

"Yes Summer Seed?" Twilight asked, pointing to the filly in question.

"Yeah uh....what was all that again?" The filly asked, a very confused look on her face.

Twilight blinked before frowning with a sigh, "Never mind. Let's just call it a day."

With that the fillies and colts got up and walked away, mostly talking with themselves, though a few seemed to really be trying to figure out whatever it was Twilight had been teaching him; and failing horribly.

Fluttershy took the time while he friend erased the board to walk over, "Hello Twilight. How are you today?"

Twilight turned and smiled, "Oh Fluttershy. Oh, I'm fine, though I think this idea of an open class session isn't working out so well." Twilight sighed as she lifted a rather large and thick book from the small desk beside her with her magic and placing it back into its spot on a shelf.

Fluttershy giggled, "Well, I'm sure you will figure it out. You just have to give it your all."

Twilight sighed, "I guess. So, what can I help you with? Or is this just a visit to say hi?" She asked as she walked over to a table to sit down.

Fluttershy followed and joined her friend, "Oh well if it isn't too much trouble, do you happen to have any books on humans?"

Twilight tilted her head, "Humans? I might, why do you ask?"

"Oh um well, yesterday I sort of...adopted one from the Ponyville Pound?" She said, blushing slightly.

Twilight looked at her friend in surprise, "The pound? Wait is this the human that Applejack said she had caught after stealing some of her apples?"

Fluttershy gasped, "Castus did that? Oh dear, I should probably apologize to Applejack. I mean, I'm sure that he didn't mean to but still..."

Twilight giggled, "So it is. Though I am surprised that you adopted it. Didn't it have an owner?"

"No," Fluttershy said with a shake of her head, "Which is odd cause he doesn't look like most humans I have seen so he must be some sort of designer human. But the pound sent out notices to all the other shelters and pounds in Equestira and in Canterlot and couldn't find anypony reporting a missing human."

"And you couldn't leave a homeless creature alone in the pound could you?" Twilight said with a knowing smile.

Fluttershy blushed, "I-yeah."

Twilight laughed before giving her friend a hug, "Oh Fluttershy, you really are a caring pony. Well I am not sure if I do, but I'll take a look. Do you want to help?"

"Oh yes. And thank you." She said as the two of them stood up, Twilight leading the way toward a section of the library.

"So what does this human look like? Is he at your cottage?" Twilight asked.

"Oh no, I brought him with me. He is sitting outside waiting for me." Fluttershy said, pointing to the window which had a good view of Castus as they passed it.

"What?" Twilight stopped in her tracks and moved to take a look, "Are you sure that is safe? Don't most humans get aggressive if left alone in an unfamiliar place for long?"

Fluttershy shook her head, "Oh no. He is really quiet docile. He didn't even try to hurt any of the animals in my cabin or exert dominance over them. Even the employees at the pound said he was well behaved."

Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof, "Interesting. But why is he wearing that blanket around him like that. I didn't think you the type to dress your humans."

Fluttershy frowned and rubbed the back of her head, "Um...well I didn't do that....he did."

Twilight looked at her friend confused, "What? You mean he wrapped it around himself like that intentionally?" She looked back at the human who stared up at the sky, "It almost looks like clothing."

"I know," Fluttershy said, "That is why I was wondering if you had any books on humans. I don't know much on them so maybe I can find out what type of human he is bred from if he is a designer human or maybe if he is some sub species."

Twilight frowned, "I've never heard of a human that did that....he doesn't even look like a normal one. But the literature on humans is not the best, so maybe. Let's see what we can find."

So the two finally came to a section of the library where Twilight stated was where she kept all the books labeled H or had H as part of the title. Frankly, the shelf was rather large and filled with books.

'Oh dear' Flutteshy thought, dreading have to look through every book. Especially the ones she would have to fly high up to reach.

"Now let's see." Twilight stared as her horn glowed and she pulled out and put back books as she looked at each title. Fluttershy joined her friend, though kept herself as close to the ground as she could as she gently pulled and put back books where they were originally, looking for her desired goal.

"Humans. Humans. Humans. Ah ha!" Twilight cheered as she pulled out three books.

"Let's see. The Idiots Guide to Raising your Human. The Human Anatomy, and the Encyclopedia of Humans and their relatives." She said as she showed Fluttershy the books.

"Oh good. Can I borrow those please?" She asked, smiling as she took the books into her hooves. They were....a bit heavy.

"Sure. Let me just stamp them, and they will be due back in two weeks." Twilight said, pulling a book stamp from a pocket of her light coat and stamped the book card.

With the books in hand, or hoof, Twilight followed her friend to the door, talking about how things were, and some of the gossip among their friends.

"Oh, before I leave would you like to meet Castus?" Fluttershy asked.

"Huh? Oh sure. I guess that is his name right?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded, "Yeah. I think it's a lovely name."

As the two stepped out, Castus looked over at them.

"Castus. This is my friend Twilight." Fluttershy said, motioning to Twilight with an arm.

"Hello Castus." Twilight said, giving a smile.

Castus tilted his head and looked at Twilight and saw his eyes widen for a moment before looking away and placing a hand to its face.

"Hmmm, that's odd. Is something wrong with me?" Twilight asked, looking down at herself.

"Oh no, you're okay Twilight....I think maybe he is just shy." Fluttershy said, worried that Castus had offended her friend.

"Hmm, maybe. But you were right, now that I look at him more closely he isn't like most humans. His face looks a lot different, but I would need another subject to be fully sure on the differences."

"I thought so to. Well, I should get him home now and set up his bed. Then I should probably apologize to Applejack for him. I hope she will understand and not hold it against the poor dear." Fluttershy said, picking up the bags from the petstore, and taking Castus' leash.

"I'm sure she will. Are we still on for the Spa with Rarity this weekend?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded, "Oh yes, I wouldn't miss it for the world." And with that she walked off, waving bye to her friend.

It was not long after that they arrived back at the cottage, and Fluttershy set up Castus' new bed in the living room before getting everyone's lunch ready and attending to some other work needed with the animals such as a few baths and cleaning their pens or homes. It never took long since her animal friends were always willing to give a helping claw or wing.

Once everyone was fed, she placed the books she had gotten up stairs on her bed to read later tonight.

"Alright everyone. I'm going over to Sweet Apple Acres to take care of something, but when I get back I'll get started on dinner, so try to keep yourselves entertained while I'm gone."

The animals gave their usual good byes, giving smiles or waves as Fluttershy left, deciding to fly to save time. She hopped Castus could find something to do while she was gone. Since he had rejected a toy she was worried he might be bored, but she was sure Angel or the other animals might invite him to join in any of their games.

Castus' PoV

'Finally.' He thought as he got up from his cot and stretched. Now that he had free reign of the house, well save for all the animals but they weren't really a danger to him. Well maybe the dog and that rabbit Angel. Said rabbit seemed busy playing a game of...checkers?

Castus stared as the bunny jumped a cats piece and took a queen. He shook his head and rubbed at his eyes.

'This place....is way to weird. And I saw a pony with a horn and wings now. God I hate when something I say turns out to be a foreshadowing.' He thought as he started looking around for something to write with.

He looked in all the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen as well as the stands and drawers in the other rooms. Mostly all he found was pet food, medical stuff, toys. The only good thing he found was when he looked in the icebox and found a box of jugs of ice cream.

'Sweet.' He thought, snagging a small jug of vanilla and a spoon and took a big bite. Finally some real food.

All the animals looked at him with shock, surprise, and in the case of Angel bunny, anger. In fact the little rodent thumped at his leg and seemed to try to send a message cross to him.

Castus just smirked and looked down at the little bunny, who seemed a bit shocked by the smirk and even afraid when Castus flashed his teeth at him.

'Beat it Thumper. Go find Bambi.' Castus thought, before gently pushing Angel aside with his foot. He didn't have time for games, or whatever the rabbit was saying. He had to find some paper and a pencil.

'And enjoy this ice cream. It's actually pretty good.' Castus thought as he took another spoonful. He had started getting tired of apples, and besides Fluttershy was his owner right? So what hers was his and all that jazz right?

'So I checked the rooms down here....all that is left is upstairs.' He thought, and looked up the stairs.

With nowhere else to look, Castus headed up the steps and into Fluttershy's room.

Meanwhile Angel glared up at the human and was quick to rush out a dog door and headed straight for Sweet Apple Acres.

Castus noticed that Fluttershy had a rather simple room. A large fluffy bed, a closet and a few shelves with books and some pictures. Night stand, and a desk with a quill and ink bottle on it.

'Score!' He thought and headed tot he desk. He noticed it had scrolls on it as well, and seemed like a list of animals, supplies and such. Nothing important for him, and he pushed them aside carefully until he found some blank scrolls.

'Finally, my voice is given.' He thought as he took a few empty scrolls, the quill and ink bottle. He would hang onto these.

As he decided to head downstairs again, Castus noticed a few books on the bed. The books that Twilight had given Fluttershy apparently from the library.

'Hmmm.....wonder what they are about.' He thought and picked one up, sitting on the chair by the desk, setting the ice cream jug and scrolls and ink beside it.

'Hmmm....they are all about humans? This encyclopedia might be a good way to learn what this world has in humans.' He thought and opened it up.

'Let's see...' He thought as he looked through the pages, glancing at the various pictures of humans as well as photos of skulls and skeletons. This was an interesting book indeed, as he began making connections between the humans in the book, and the human fossils from his world.

In fact....they looked exactly the same in size and shape. Very interesting indeed.

'And also.....curious.' He thought, turning a page.

Fluttershy's PoV

Fluttershy flew as fast as her wings could, huffing as she was not use to the physical exertion she was pushing.

She had gone to Sweet Apple Acres to apologize to Applejack for Castus eating her apples, and the cowpony mare had laughed and said everything was alright and was just glad the poor human had gotten her as an owner.

"Course, if he ever does it again, I'll skin his hide." She had said, her eyes critical and all too serious.

"Oh yes! Don't worry, I promise he won't." Fluttershy said, panicking slightly. She didn't want to see Castus suffering AJ's wrath. She would be sure to teach him to never take apples from the Orchard again.

Everything past that had been going so well, with the two of them talking, when Angel bunny appeared in a fit and said something about trouble at home and Castus.

Naturally she was now worried.

'Oh I hope he is okay. Did something happen to him? Did he get scared and hurt someone? Oh dear, oh dear!' She thought, already starting to feel an ever greater sense of panic then before.

Angel bunny leaped down from her back, and followed Fluttershy in as she burst through the door and looked around.

There wasn't any mess, and no one seemed hurt. No blood, thank Celestia. What was wrong?

A thump against the floor, brought her attention to Angel who pointed up the stairs.

'My room?' She thought and immediately ran up.

"Castus!" She shouted, worried of what the human had done.

Castus jumped, the book flying from his hand as the sudden surprise caused him to fall out of the chair he was in and hitting the ground, the book hitting him soon after. An empty jug of ice cream on the desk.

"Castus?" Fluttershy said, confused as she watched the human get up and rubbed his head.

Castus looked over at her before giving a nervous smile and rubbed the back of his head.

'What? But...humans can't smile.' Fluttershy thought, watching in shock as Castus grabbed a scroll and a quill and dipped it into the ink.

She felt her eyes bulge as she watched the human slowly draw the quill tip along the scroll and turned it toward her after putting the quill down.

The message was a bit splotchy, as if he had never used a quill before, but the words were clear enough.

"I can explain." The message read.

"You...you can write?" Fluttershy said.

Castus nodded. She gasped.

"You...c-can understand me?" Fluttershy asked again, starting to shake.

Castus nodded again.

Fluttershy couldn't take it anymore. The shock was too much, and she immediately fell over and fainted.

Author's Note:

To follow a comment made by a reader, I am taking the liberty of labeling PoV's. Sorry for any confusion in earlier chapters, and I will go back and adjust them to this as well later.

Also on the point of editors, if anyone is interested please let me know.

I'm glad so far people have enjoyed this fic, and hope you continue to enjoy it.

Also, to anyone who might be wondering why I made it that Fluttershy sleeps all natural, or in the nude. Well the reason behind that is due from the episode Super Speedy Cider Squeezy. Remember when Fluttershy squeed and covered her chest with her hooves? Yeah sort of making a play with that in that she is sleeping naked :P