• Published 7th Aug 2014
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World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

The Coming of Change.


Celestia paced back and forth as she waited for Luna. She had sent out a message via magic to her soon after her discussion with Discord. How even thinking about that filled her with bile, and the desire to tear Discord's other fang out.

Celestia shivered and shook her head, 'Goodness. This isn't like me at all.' But she couldn't help it if she was feeling all the pent up frustration suddenly come to the surface. Out of everything that she had faced and endured, nothing was truly as terrible as this.

Her sister's attempt to make it eternal night? The fact that without the sun, all life would slowly begin to die and leave the world as barren as the moon? A temper tantrum in comparison.

Discord attempting to spread insanity and chaos, distorting all order and leaving things in a state of disorganized madness? Only about as bad as Monday.

Sombra and the chance he could have regained the Crystal Heart and used its Equestrian wide magical aura to spread fear and hate, enslaving the Crystal Empire once more and sparking another war? It was as bad as a cold.

Tirek nearly becoming a god and controlling all of Equestria, if not the world soon after? An inconvenience!

All those and more were but minor irritations in comparison to this. No this was far worse, if left unchecked thousands if not millions could lose their lives. The very land of Equestria could be left scarred and burnt and warped in ways unimaginable. It would be nearly ten times worse than what the Dragon King Bahamat had done to homeland of the Zebras; perhaps even worse.

'At least Bahamat wasn't able to sink entire continents!' Celestia thought.

If there was indeed a human, a human from outside the realm of Equestria, sapient and touching the power of the Wind, it was all a matter of days or hours that they had to act quickly. How long had he been able to reach towards the power? If what she had felt not long ago was any sign he must surely be nearing his peak of stability.

What little she knew of the ancient Valhruan magic was that it required a strong will to avoid becoming consumed by the power itself. Without a trained user to instruct and teach proper methods of control, an untrained wilder would soon go wild with uncontrolled power and tear apart mountains before dying; unless they were lucky and the power merely tore the human into pieces from the inside.

Either way, time was of the essence. Where was Luna? Luna was after all not as far as Cadence. She had even sent a message to her niece, and had no doubt she was already on the first train to Canterlot. But even by train, Luna was closer and she needed Luna here.

'Should I also summon Twilight? She is an Alicorn, and we will need all that we can get.' Celestia thought. But her student had already given so much, faced so many threats. For once she deserved to have her peace.

She, Luna and Cadence thus would have to suffice.

The sound of opening doors brought Celestia to look down the hall and see the regal form of her sister running toward her.

"We got here as fast as we could. We first had to see to last minute orders for the aid to Manehatten. Luckily, it was not as bad as we feared." Luna said, slipping from I to We.

Celestia smiled but quickly let it fade, "That is some good news. But now we must see to the future."

Luna nodded, "I still cannot believe that Discord would do this."

"He was always unpredictable. But that is beside the point, we must now see to it his.....prank," Celestia spat that word as if it was poison, "ends here."

Luna nodded, "Do you think we can do it?"

Celestia nodded, "You and I would be enough, but I'd rather not take the risk. Cadence will no doubt be here soon, we will need to inform her of the details as I did not state much other than that she must be in Canterlot as soon as possible. With her, we should be more than a match for this...wilder no matter how strong."

"What about Twilight?" Luna asked.

Celestia shook her head, "No. She has earned her peace now, as have her friends. Besides, I would sooner shave my cutiemark before I ever let her near such a creature as this wilder."


Castus had trouble sleeping the night, in fact he had not gotten anything less than a few moments of eye resting before jerking himself awake. His mind was making it impossible for him to rest, as it continued to play out various scenarios of what could occur should he accidentally reach for the power of the Wind in his sleep; even if he didn't know if that was possible or not.

Still the thought that he could accidentally turn the cottage into a pancake, with everyone in it alongside, or cause a fire to break out across the forest or cause the ground to open up and swallow everything around him, were enough to make him worry. The way he saw it, the sun couldn't rise soon enough.

'Celestia better get her flank in gear and make that sun rise high in the sky.' He thought with a grunt. Eventually it did rise, and he sighed in relief, before yawning deeply and getting up to make himself coffee. At least they had coffee in this world, otherwise he'd probably have gone insane.

The sounds of hoofsteps on the stairs made him turn to see Fluttershy step out, once more dressed in what he assumed was a bathrobe. A far cry from the first few times he had seen her come down in nothing at all. Even after he had revealed his intellect to her she had done it for a time. He had finally gotten use to looking at the ground all the time in the morning till he noticed she had been coming down in a robe.

'Wonder why?' He thought as he poured himself a cup, and one for Fluttershy.

"Oh, good morning Castus." Fluttershy said as she entered, taking the mug he offered, "Thank you."

"Morning." He half mumbled and took a long sip from his mug.

"Are you okay? Did you get enough sleep, you sound a little tired." Fluttershy asked, as she sat down.

Castus shook his head and rubbed at his eyes, "N-no. No, just trying to shake the sleep away is all."

Fluttershy looked at him a moment, but seemed to accept it. It wasn't a complete lie...just enough.

"I-I'm just worried. You seemed....afraid the other night." Fluttershy said, coming closer and placing a hoof upon his hand gently.

Or maybe she didn't fully believe it.

Castus frowned, "I...don't worry. I'm fine."

Fluttershy didn't seem to believe it, but her natural timidity no doubt was keeping her from pushing the issue. Castus was glad for that.

A knock at the door, took them by surprise. When Fluttershy answered the door, Twilight stepped through, and gave a smile.

"Morning. I know I'm a bit early, but I wanted to get a head start on the project. I hope that is okay." She asked.

Castus rolled his eyes, but smiled, "No worries. I guess we can go now. I'll be back later Fluttershy."

"O-okay. Have fun." Fluttershy said, waving them goodbye as they went. This time with Castus being led by a leash in Twilight's grip. Simply floating across solid ground was a rather discomforting feeling.

Arriving at the library, Twilight led Castus pass the library section and into what he assumed was the true castle interior. Long wide empty halls, stretched far, with doors here and there. One was a large double door, which he assumed lead into what he was sure was a throne room.

'Why does a small town need a castle...when there is one not a train ride away from here?' Castus thought, and wondered if this new castle blocked any of the resident's windows. It probably did.

Entering one door, the two entered into what Castus considered either a sitting room, or study. There was a couch and chair seated by a fireplace, a desk situated by the window with ink and quills laying beside empty scrolls. All perfectly aligned, with the quills even arranged by size. As well were a number of bookshelves.

"A lot of the rooms aren't furnished yet, though I was able to get the necessities done." Twilight said as she sat down at the chair.

"I see." Castus said as he took a seat on the couch. Frankly he couldn't really see why a single pony, or even six if what Fluttershy told him about the main throne room consisting of six thrones around a table. There was a King Arthur and the Round Table joke in there somewhere he felt sure.

"I have Spike making up some snacks for us, he should be down here in a bit. But while we wait, let's start with a few more questions." Twilight said, lifting her notepad and quill with a smile. A light squeee sound coming with it as she smiled.

Castus couldn't help but smile, even if Twilight was a little eccentric when it came to this stuff he couldn't help but admit she looked cute while doing it.

...well, when she wasn't getting super crazy scientist.

"Sounds good, though if you don't mind...I actually had some things to ask you." Castus said, taking a breath as he rubbed the back of his head.

Twilight blinked tilting her head slightly, "Oh? What sort of questions do you have?"

Castus gulped, taking a steady breath. Even after deciding upon this course of action, he could not help but feel a slight bit of uncertainty.

'Still it will at least tell me if what I'm dreaming is real...or I'm just insane.' He thought.

"Uh, well...I understand the Canterlot Castle has a garden of statues...right?" Castus asked, remembering what he had gathered on Canterlot from his books.

"Oh yes, that is the royal statue garden of Canterlot. All sorts of statues of various famous ponies and creatures are said to dot the grounds there. It is a rather impressive sight." Twilight said.

"All sorts of creatures? Does it have say...a human statue in it at all?" Castus asked.

Twilight blinked, looking at Castus funny, "Human statues? Well, I can't say for sure...although...."

Twilight placed her hoof to her chin and hummed a bit, "Actually...now that I think about it...I do remember seeing one human shaped statue. It was back when I was still a filly, and just starting my apprenticeship under Princess Celestia. I had gone into the gardens to find a quiet spot to read a book she had assigned me and I found myself in a secluded part of the gardens by a glade of cherry trees. It was a well out of the way place, where no pony seemed to go and it had a single statue there of a human male dressed in elaborate clothes, with his hand outstretched as if reaching for something."

Castus blinked as he listened, feeling a cold sensation in his chest.

Twilight continued, "You know, when I think about it....the statue didn't look like most humans do today....it looked a lot like you. In fact, despite a few distinctive differences I would say it looked a lot like you personally. I was told it was a lost statue from the ancient Eridu culture. OH!" Twilight gasped and her eyes suddenly took on a light of glee, "Oh, I wonder if that means that human kind has suffered a degeneration from the fall of the Eridu culture and the Cataclysm signaling the falloff the Alicorn Kingdom. That would certainly be a possible source of study as a lot of creatures were subjugated to high levels of magical radiation, causing untold number of changes and even creating some of the creatures we have today. With you here as a source of information, I could catalogue a whole section of a book detailing parallel world evolutions based upon differing historical events. Today we have to go over your worlds evolutionary history for sure now and....Castus are you okay?"

Castus blinked and nodded as he took a breath to still himself, realizing he had been shaking.

'God in heaven. I'm not crazy.....' He thought, feeling both relieved...and afraid. If the statue was real...than he really had to get to it. He had to he felt, if he wanted to live.

"I...I'm fine." Castus said.

Twilight frowned, her ears flattening slightly, "Are you sure, cause you look a little-"

"Hey Twilight, I got those snacks you wanted. So, whose the pony you wanted to introduce me to-" A voice said, cutting off and going silent.

Castus turned toward the voice, and immediately felt images flash before his eyes that sent a chill down his spine....

The dead lay everywhere, both men and lizard saurian men alike. Even he himself, Grandmaster General of the Valhruan Army, was not without wounds or exhaustion. His armor tattered, dented and bloody and his sword felt light two tons of weight in his hands. And his mind was pushed to the point of breaking; as no doubt the other commanders and mages were for they had pushed their use of the Winds to their breaking point.

It would be years perhaps before the Valhruan people would fully recover from this war. A war that had lasted for nearly a century; but despite the losses he felt a surge of pride in his blood. He would stand among the heroes of old and be counted as one of the many who gave his all to end the threat of the Sauroids against his people. It would be a grand tale to tell his son and daughter when he returned home. As well as his grandchildren should he be so blessed.

But that was still yet to be said, for although the saurian army lay dead, and any survivors scattered into far reaches of the wastes of this forsaken desert, the beast that lurked in the mountain still lived.

"Call up the ballistae and prepare the Wind Arrows. That monster no doubt knows already it is surrounded. We must be ready to retaliate should it and whatever foul spawn progeny it has with it attack or seek to flee. None must be allowed to live." He called to his officer, who saluted and rushed to do as ordered.

A good man, if sadly unable to wield the power of the Winds. How could anyone live without having tasted the sweetness of its light and life?

"FOOLISH MORTAL MAMMALS!!!" A sudden booming voice roared from all around.

Around him soldiers looked around and braced themselves. He himself gripped his blade and reached for the Winds yet it was a challenge to even brush the membrane that separated him from it.

"Your crimes against my brothers and our worshippersssss cannot be forgiven but with blood. Do not think that defeating this army means your victory. For now you will face the wrath of a god!!!!" The voice roared again, before a loud roar of a savage primordial beast echoed across the battle field. The beast of the mountain was coming.

Suddenly the mountain side burst forth, nearly a quarter of the stone flying away to crash into the sand or on top of men. Another side broke forth, and from the mountain sides stretched two great wings that blocked out the very sun. From the gaping wounds of the mountain, several large forms flew out and dove down toward the army. Their forms, though not so large still fearful in their shapes, ranging from snake like to behemoth sized, singular or multiple heads and many with wings and with breathes of fire, acid or lightning.

"Get those ballistae up here now!" He ordered, feeling the mages from the entire army embrace the Winds. Many would die here today...if they were lucky. That or be burnt out and left a husk as their minds and bodies were seared from pushing past their limits. Yet as the rest of the mountain broke apart and a head of a great beast roared with such force to burst his ear drums emerged, such risks would be faced.

They had to be faced, or all the lives lost would have been for nothing.

Castus blinked and felt his heart go still as he realized that his body felt warm. No not warm, but alive. Alive as if he had never truly lived. The feeling of the power of the Wind flowing into his body and filling him. Everything around him coming into clarity as never before.

And the sudden realization that he had almost begun the weaving a killing flow that would have turned the little dragon Spike's body inside out while he was still young and without the inherent protections that age gave the descendants of the Sauroids. And all of this was followed by an even greater fear, that such he knew such knowledge to begin with when none had been before.

"Now Spike, don't freak out. This is Castus and he isn't like the humans of Equestria." Twilight said softly.

Castus leaned back and took slow breaths. The power wasn't filling him any further, yet it did not leave him. He had to let go, he had to before he did something horrible. Yet he didn't want to let go at the same time.

"What do you mean?" Spike asked, looking at him oddly. God, why did something so small and....pudgy make him feel a need to turn the little lizard inside out and burn the insides and scatter the ashes on the wind. God, worse with the power flowing in him he could feel the sense of the Beast flickering across the minds of those around him and he could feel a great and might beast within the mind of that small dragon. Why couldn't Twilight see it!?

"I know this will be hard to explain but, Castus is not from our world. He is as intelligent as a pony and if you haven't already figured out he doesn't look anything like most humans in Equestria." Twilight said, explaining it as carefully as she could to a child.

Spike merely blinked, and set the tray of snacks on a table, "Right...uh Twilight are you sure your just not over worked again? I mean sure he looks different, but..."

"It is true...." Castus said simply. Maybe if he got to talking with the little guy he would feel less unnerved around him. If only he could just let go of the Winds. The blew so gently, but not of a breeze but a calm gust that seemed on the brink of a maelstrom.

Spike stared at Castus than with wide eyes, before pointing at him and saying, "Whoa! He talked!"

Twilight sighed, "I was trying to lay it down more gently....but yes he can talk. As I said he is not from this world."

Spike looked at Twilight, than back at Casts and took a step back, "W-well why is he here? Is this some sort of magical experiment of yours?"

Twilight shook her head, "No Spike I didn't do this. I doubt even I could master a spell that stretches across worlds. Though maybe if me and the princesses worked together....hmmm." She jotted down a note.

"Well than how did he get here?" Spike asked.

"Why from me of course. I brought him here."

Castus, Twilight and Spike looked around, as Discord appeared before them.

"Discord, why are you here?" Twilight asked.

"Hey, you better no make the floors icy again. " Spike said, pointing a claw at Discord.

"Oh psssh, no worries, I'm not here to cause trouble. I here to speak to Castus." Discord said as he settled onto the couch beside him.

Castus blinked and looked at Discord with suspicion, "About what?" He asked.

"Well, by the looks of things I am not too late. You see Celestia and Luna might be on their way here at any moment. Especially since you are apparently holding onto that Wind of yours. Strange, I wonder if that is why I have this sudden itch being around you." Discord said, scratching a spot on his back.

"What? Wind? What wind, and why would the princesses be on their way here?" Twilight asked, slightly worried.

Castus glared death at Discord, 'What is that idiot doing?' If he spilled the beans....

"Oh stop glaring at me like that Castus, we don't have time for subtly. You need to get out of here." Discord said.

"What are you talking about?" Castus asked.

Before Discord could answer, suddenly three flashes of light appeared and from those lights stood three other alicorns. One was tall and regal with a white pinkish sort of coat, and garbed in a deep flowing white gown and a mane that reminded Castus of an aurora. The other had a black blueish sort of coat, and wore a gown similar to the other, only black instead of white and with a mane that reminded him of a night sky. The third was pink, and wore a pink gown. As for her mane it was merely a purple, pink and cream color and not ethereal or wavey in anyway. For some reason, Castus could feel a sense of greater power emanating from the first two, and less from the third.

"Away from him Twilight!" The white one called, her horn glowing gold that surrounded Twilight and yanked her away from Castus.

"Princess Celestia? Luna? Cadence? What is going on?" Twilight gasped as she was yanked away.

"There is no time, quickly shield him!" The white one, Celestia Castus felt, shouted.

The three alicorns horns suddenly glowed and Castus felt what he could only describe as a sheet or block moving over the hole in the membrane that he had opened in the Wind and with it the power suddenly leaving his body.

"NO!" Something screamed in his head. Something...that sounded a lot like him.

They were shielding him! They were trying to cut him off from the Wind!

'How dare they!' Castus thought suddenly, and leapt to his feet with a snarl as he smashed against the block and shattered it. The power flowing once more into his body.

"Again! Quickly!" Celestia shouted.

"I...it is difficult. He holds it tightly." The night maned Alicorn said.

Again the block seemed to appear, struggling to block the power. Castus snarled and raised his hand as weaves suddenly formed and three bolts of red and purple lightning shot toward the alicorns.

The alicorns gasped and shields rose up just as the blots slammed into them, and with the connection a explosion of light and energy that shook the very castle to its roots..


Fluttershy felt a knot in her stomach. Ever since Castus had left, she had begun feeling....worried. Something was wrong, and she worried for him as she felt it was connected to him.

'No...no I'm just being silly.' She told herself.

Yet still, it was difficult to believe it.

"He is okay. I'm just worrying over nothing. He is okay....oh he has to be okay." She said.

Suddenly a loud boom from afar made her jump.

"Ahhh!" She screamed, ducking under the table. Slowly, Fluttershy got out from under and looked out the window.

There, in the distance at Ponyville was the sight of smoke. Smoke that rose from the crystal castle of Princes Twilight Sparkle.

The very castle that Castus had gone to.

"NO!" She screamed, and quickly ran to the door.

"No, no no. Please be okay. Please be okay." She said, leaping into the air and flying as fast as she could.

Author's Note:

If any of the writing seems a bit shakey a bit I apologize. I had a bit of an auto accident, involving only me myself and my car like literally not two days ago. No injuries, just a totaled car though I am still a bit shaken up from it and my head needs some time to refocus, still I wanted to give you all a present for Christmas and a chapter seemed a good idea.