• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,390 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

Explanations, and Invitations.


'How do I end up in these situations?' Castus thought as he rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the four pony people staring at him with expecting and fearful looks.

It had not been easy convincing the three girls to not run off screaming, but Fluttershy could be convincing enough to at least give Castus a chance to explain. Still, the girls looked ready to bolt at any moment. It was probably only because Fluttershy was with them and calm that they had not done so yet.

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo all sat beside, or behind Fluttershy, who sat in front of him as she waited for Castus to proceed with explaining.

"He… did he really talk?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes… I did," Castus said with a sigh, earning a gasp from Sweetie Belle who hid behind Fluttershy.

"Oh now Sweetie… I know it is… odd, but… there is a reason for this… there is a reason for this… right Castus?" Fluttershy asked, looking at Castus with questioning and worried eyes.

Castus nodded.

"Is he like… a mutant or something?" Scootaloo asked, looking at Castus oddly, as if expecting him to grow wings or a tail.

"Maybe he’s from the Everfree Forest. All kinds o' weird things come from there." Applebloom said.

"No, I'm human as human can be. Though definitely different from what you know as humans. It's a bit of a tale, but to sum it up… I'm not from around here, so to speak," Castus said, clearing his throat.

Applebloom looked at him closely. "Well… ya do look different from the humans we got on our farm now that I look at ya'll closely."

"But how can you talk?" Scootaloo asked. "Humans aren't able to talk."

Castus sighed, "Well… I wasn't able to… and frankly I’m still not use to it. A… guest, sort of came over when I was at Fluttershy's cottage while she was out and he… did something to me."

"A guest?" Fluttershy and the girls said confused.

"Weird snake thing. Horse head, lion paw and eagle talon. Looks like a mix-up of different animals," Castus said.

Fluttershy gasped, "Oh, Discord came over! Did he say why? Oh, I feel awful that I wasn't there to greet him."

"He did say something about tea time with you." Castus said.

"Tea time? But our regular tea time isn't until Sunday," Fluttershy said, placing a hoof to her chin in confusion.

'Given that guy… I don't think schedules matter,' Castus thought.

"So… Discord made it so you could speak?" Fluttershy said.

"Yep," Castus said with a nod.

"Why did he do that?" Sweetie asked.

"Why does Discord do anything? He probably doesn't know what he’s going to do most of the time." Scoots said, blowing a strand of her mane out of her face as she crossed her hooves.

"He said it was boring watching a silent film, whatever that means. In any case, he did something to me that let's me talk when I used to be unable to," Castus said.

"What does that mean?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Castus just shrugged, "I don't know."

"This is… quite a surprise… why didn't you say anything earlier?" Fluttershy asked.

Castus blushed, "Eh… well you had just bought all those scrolls and I didn't want to make you feel like you had wasted your bits. I felt kinda bad about it."

"Oh… yeah," Fluttershy said, blushing a bit. "I uh… see." She had bought a large number of scrolls… scrolls that might not be as needed now.

"Anyway… that's the story." Castus said.

Everyone was silent a moment, before Sweetie Belle raised her hoof, "So… uh… what happens now?"

"Now? Well, now you girls gotta decide whether or not you're going to reveal me to the whole world," Castus said, looking at the girls critically. He didn't want to release news about his intelligence, or his newly gained speech ability to this world just yet, if at all. And frankly… kids sucked at keeping secrets for long.

"Oh, don't worry Castus. I'm sure the girls will keep it secret if you ask them. Right girls?" Fluttershy asked, turning to the girls.

The girls looked at Fluttershy in surprise, then looked at Castus before nodding.

"Yeah, sure! I mean, it's not like anypony would believe us," Applebloom said.

"Yeah, besides, Fluttershy trusts you and that is good enough for me," Sweetie Belle confirmed.

Scootaloo crossed her hooves, "I guess… but what do we get out of it?"

Castus and Fluttershy blinked and said, "What?"

"Scoots!" Applebloom said, elbowing her friend.

"Hey, I'm just asking. I mean, this is a big thing." Scoots said.

Castus sighed, "What do you want? If it's within my power, I'll give it to you. Just please… keep this to yourselves."

Scootaloo placed a hoof to her chin before an idea came to mind, "Oh, I know! Since you're not from around here, you must know some things that we don't that could help us get our cutie marks! If you help us get our cutie marks, we'll keep your secret."

"Scoots, that there is just plain blackmail," Applebloom said, disappointed.

"It's not blackmail. Its bargaining. My uncle does it all the time," Scootaloo said, sticking her tongue out.

"Are you sure about that Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked doubtfully, looking at Castus with a weary glance. She still obviously didn't feel comfortable around him.

"Scootaloo, I don't think it's right to be using Castus’ desire for privacy against him like that," Fluttershy said disapprovingly.

"Yeah… that is kinda low," Sweetie Belle agreed.

Scoots frowned as she saw she was out numbered. "Fine… I'm sorry."

Castus smirked, "Forget about it. But sure… I… guess I can help you with that."

Scootaloo brightened and she looked at Castus. "You will? Awsome! This will be so cool." Scoots pumped her hoof in excitement.

Despite their friends’ excitement, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle still seemed uneasy.

"So… we are all agreed then. We won't speak a word of this to anyone else?" Castus asked.

The girls nodded. "Cross our hearts, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eyes," the girls said, doing the same promise that Fluttershy did.

Castus blinked. 'What was that about?'

"Well then, I guess we can call it a day then? ‘Cause frankly, my throat is starting to get a little sore from all this talking," Castus said, rubbing his throat. He still had to get used to this whole talking thing.

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh, of course. You must not be use to so much talking. I have something at home that helps with sore or scratchy throats. And maybe a nice drink of tea will help as well."

"Uh… sure," Castus said as he got up. Fluttershy and the girls stood up as well.

"So, uh… in that case, I guess I'll see you girls later. Remember, mums the word," he said.

The girls nodded before turning and running off with a wave goodbye. Fluttershy and Castus waved back ‘till they were out of sight.

Then Fluttershy turned to Castus. "So, um… what do we do with all those scrolls then?"

After the fiasco in the woods, Castus took a relaxing shower, but not before he spent some time convincing Fluttershy he was perfectly capable of washing himself. Then he got to watch her blush in embarrassment when she realized she was treating him like a dog or something. Now Castus was glad to retire for the day and just relax inside.

Despite a few awkward glances every so often from Fluttershy, his revealing of his newly found speech ability wasn’t so bad. Granted, he had to find a use for all those scrolls so he wouldn't feel guilty, but it was a lot easier to communicate now, and he was starting to get more used to speech.

"Castus, dinner is ready!" Fluttershy called from the kitchen.

Castus blinked, usually expecting Fluttershy to bring him a bowl of salad by now. Curious, he sat up from his bed and walked over to the dining area next to the kitchen. There on the table, set for two, was a dinner more suited for a normal person. Castus could feel his mouth water at the smell of pasta sauce.

"Fluttershy? Is something up?" Castus asked as he watched Fluttershy finish setting the table.

Fluttershy looked over and hid slightly in her mane. "Um, well… I just realized that… well, the way I had been feeding you might make you still feel more like a pet then a thinking person, and so I wanted to make up for it by giving you a real meal."

Castus blinked in surprise. "Really? Wow… actually I'd prefer that. I mean… apples or salad with a brown pill doesn't exactly meet the standard that I was used to before. Not that I'm complaining," Castus finished quickly so as not to make the timid pegasi feel bad.

"Well… let’s eat then… I hope you like spaghetti," Fluttershy said, taking her seat.

"Of course. Eh… by the way… what were those pills I was taking anyway?" Castus asked as he sat down. He could swear he was drooling at the smell of pasta sauce, basil, and even warm bread! Finally, real food besides ice cream.

"Oh… well, meat isn't usually sold in Equestria, especially in Ponyville, so the pills were to help supplement the need for protein. Umm… I, uh… set one down by your glass, but you don't have to take it if you don't want to." Fluttershy said, blushing slightly.

Castus blinked then tapped his head with his palm. Why didn't he realize that sooner? They were ponies, or an evolutionary break off of them, naturally they wouldn't eat meat, so why have it on the market?

"Thanks… don't worry, I might need these anyway, unless you have fish or something." Castus said, picking up the pill and looking at it before tossing it into his mouth and swallowing it with some water.

"Oh, well, I have some sardines, but those are usually for the critters that eat fish outside,"

Fluttershy said, but quickly added, "But, not that you can't have any if you want. I mean… you can have some if-"

Castus chuckled. "Take it easy… I'll just deal with the pill for now. I never take food that is for someone else."

"Oh… alright. Um… if you are okay with it," Fluttershy said, returning to her food and staying silent.

Castus himself got to eating, and the two of them ate in relative silence for a time. Normally, Castus was used to silence when he ate, but since he could speak… and since Fluttershy could speak, it just seemed… odd to not talk, if just a little.

'Besides it’s… starting to get… awkward,' he thought.

"So… ummm… you… like animals… right?" Castus asked, trying to think of something to talk about.

Fluttershy gasped in surprise and looked up, "Oh, oh right! Yes, I love animals. Ever since I was a little filly and I got my cutie mark I've had a strong connection with them."

Castus smiled, seeing the joy that Fluttershy showed when she talked about her love for critters. So different from her usual shy disposition.

"By the way… what is a cutie mark?" Castus asked.

"It is the mark that appears on everypony when they find their special talent. It's what makes a pony a pony," Fluttershy said.

"What does it look like?" Castus asked.

"Well, it is different for each pony. My friend Rarity has three diamonds for hers, while mine is three butterflies," Fluttershy said. "The mark is usually symbolic towards a talent rather than an actual symbol of the talent. My friend Rainbow Dash has a rainbow colored lightning bolt cutie mark which is both to show her talent at flying fast and her ability to do a sonic rainboom."

'A what?' Castus thought.

"Umm... can I see it?" Castus asked, curious to see this mark.

Fluttershy blinked, and blushed slightly. "Umm well, that is… it’s… sort of private."

Castus blinked, then remembered Scootaloo and her friends talking about them… and then realized why the girls had flashed him. It wasn't a flashing… it was them checking the place where their cutie marks show up.

'So… I was asking her to...' Castus immediately blushed beet red and looked right down at his food, "Uh, d-don't worry about it. Um… say, uh you mentioned some of your friends… and I think I met one. Twilight, right? Got any others?"

So Fluttershy told Castus of her friends, and promised to introduce him to the others properly as they had been unable to before. They then talked about each others pasts, something Castus rather enjoyed hearing about. This Cloudsdale sounded like an awesome place to go to; after all, it was a city in the clouds.

The memory of a city built on the side of a mountain falling on top of him flashed through his mind and he placed a hand to his head, feeling a slight headache.

'Ugh… crazy dream,' He thought. But the thought still stayed, and he couldn't explain why.

He blamed it on his wandering mind, trying to focus on something else other than Fluttershy and doing something perverted.

"Oh, by the way, you said that Rarity is a fashion designer, right? You think she could… whip me up some real clothes? I'm sort of getting bored with the caveman style here," Castus said, gesturing to his blanket clothing.

Fluttershy blinked. "Oh, well I'm meeting her tomorrow at the spa. I could ask her tomorrow if she could. Do humans where you live where clothes other than that?"

Castus nodded. "Yeah. Actually, we wear clothes more like yours."

"Oh, that is fascinating," Fluttershy said in awe, her eyes sparkling at the idea.

"Heh, I guess. So you do this spa thing a lot?" Castus asked.

Fluttershy nodded, "Yes. Me and Rarity have been doing it for nearly three years now. Oh!" Fluttershy gasped. "Why don't you join us tomorrow? It is a rare thing, but I saw that Aloe and Lotus offer service for humans if they are behaved. And you are the most behaved human I know, besides it would be a good chance to meet Rarity."

Castus blinked in surprise. "Are you sure? I mean, isn't this something between you and your friend?"

"Yes, but you are my friend too, right? Besides, I'm sure Rarity won't mind. She sometimes brings her cat Opalescence with her. It will be fine," Fluttershy said with a smile.

'God that smile could melt steel.' Castus thought.

"Ehh… well if it is okay… sure, why not?" Castus said.

Fluttershy squealed in joy. "Oh wonderful! Tomorrow will be so much fun, I know you will love it. Aloe and Lotus are the best spa ponies in Ponyville."

Castus chuckled, but for some reason… was starting to get a feeling in the back of his head. He couldn't explain the feeling… but he knew it had something to do with experience… just not sure on what kind.

'Nothing bad I hope,' Castus thought as he finished his food. He really, really hoped it was nothing bad.

Canterlot Royal Academy: Ancient and Mysterious Artifacts and Magical Items Examinatory.

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, stepped into the main office of the head of the Examinatory, Archmage Spell Spinner. She had come on business mostly, in regards to an item that had been sent in not long ago.

"Ah, your majesty. To what do I owe this visit?" Spell Spinner asked as he bowed, before returning to the papers at his desk.

"I came in regards to that item you say was sent here not long ago from a shelter worker," Princess Celestia said. "I trust its origins and workings are already figured out."

Spell Spinner paused, and Celestia could swear she could see him sweat for a moment,

before he looked up at her. "Eh… well… not so much."

Celestia blinked. "Not so much? What do you mean?"

Spell Spinner sighed, and adjusted the glasses on his head. "Well, we administered every possible test we could, but all we could do was open box and reveal its insides. But as to what it is, we cannot say, but we could not sense any magical power in it. But it is the most alien looking thing I have ever seen."

Spell Spinner lifted a tray and set it on the table. The tray held two halves of a black box. The halves flipped to show green and black insides with wires as well as strange black shapes that bulged out, one with the symbol DELL on it.

Celestia blinked in confusion and looked closer at the strange item. "You could not figure out anything about it?"

Spell Spinner nodded. "Ashamed as I am, but this goes beyond even what I have seen in my seventy years of experience."

Celestia was shocked. An item that could even baffle the greatest artificer and scholar of Equestria next to herself? And even she did not know what this thing was. It defied all logic.

'Could it be something of Discords? It would be like him to do something like this just for fun,' Celestia thought.

"Though there is one thing," Spell Spinner said.

Celestia looked to the old pony. "Yes?"

"Well, this device was apparently in the possession of a human captured in Ponyville not long ago. Though it is probably not related much other than perhaps the creature simply found it by chance, thinking it was something to eat or such. But it is something at least," Spell Spinner said.

Celestia frowned. "A human? How… odd. Can you tell me more?"

Author's Note:

Thank you FallenfromGlory for editing :)

Molestia gives you a hug....