• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,978 Views, 1,390 Comments

Antecedent - Anonymous Pegasus

Raindrop needs to reunite the Elements of Harmony to cure herself of her affliction. But the journey will become so much than the destination.

  • ...


Raindrop groaned faintly and lifted her head weakly from the soft pillows it was lying upon, her eyes straining to blink open.

A firm hoof held her down, keeping her from moving, and she looked up woozily for a moment to see the stern face of Sentinel hovering above her, seemingly floating in a haze of grey nothingness. The entire world was foggy and hard to bring into focus.

Raindrop was aware of movement at her side, and twisted slightly to stare nonplussed at a doctor threading the flesh of her shoulder together with a needle and sutures.

“That looks painful,” Raindrop said thickly, blinking slowly. “Whoever you’re doing that to has to be hurt a lot.”

Raindrop stared for another long moment, her eyes widening. “Wait...that’s me! You’re hurting me!”

She wasn’t really in any pain at all, but her mind was stuck in neutral, refusing to work properly.

“Got anything to sedate her?” Sentinel asked, a request rather than a query.

“Sedative,” the doctor said calmly, as he magically dropped a small syringe into the guards hoof.

“Relax now, Raindrop,” Sentinel said, his voice soothing.

“But...but...he’s stitching me up! I’m not clothing!” Raindrop protested helplessly, before the syringe was plunged into her other shoulder. Raindrop struggled a moment, and then went limp, unconscious.


All consuming thirst was the first thing that was on Raindrop’s mind as she awoke. Her mouth hung open slightly as she cast her gaze about. She looked to be the hospital, but most importantly, she spied a jug of water sitting on a tray nearby, and dove for it. The first thing she felt was pain and restriction. Bandages crossed over her chest, keeping pressure on her wound. A bandage also wound over her flank, covering the gash that had been given to her there.

And then Raindrop felt the splendiferous sensation of water cooling her parched throat. she gulped greedily at the mouth of the jug of water, almost inhaling the contents, uncaring of the slicks of liquid that spilled from the corners of her muzzle. After several long moment, Raindrop came up for air, gasping in a hard breath and then panting faintly, grinning goofily.

“You look happy,” Sentinel stated sleepily, rubbing a hoof against his eyes.

Raindrop became aware that she wasn’t alone in the room, and spun around to raise a brow at Sentinel. He was devoid of his armour, though it was sitting on a chair besides him, and he looked tired. There were bags under his eyes, and the faint outlines of bruises were still visible; probably from Raindrop’s own hooves.

“You look like I feel,” Raindrop stated.

“Hey, I have this thing that prevents me from needing to look pretty at all times of the day,” Sentinel replied flatly.

“A...thing?” Raindrop asked, raising a brow.

“Yeah. A penis.”

Raindrop snorted once, eyes widening at the bluntness of the guards words, before she gave a helpless giggle, shaking her head. “I don’t know whether to laugh or hit you.”

“If you’re going to hit me, do it with your left hoof. You’re not supposed to be using your right hoof for anything,” Sentinel said with a dismissive wave of his hoof.

“How long was I out for?” Raindrop asked suddenly.

“A day and a half,” Sentinel responded calmly. “You kinda woke up a few times though. You had a bad reaction to the sedative. You got...violent once or twice.”

“Violent?” Raindrop asked, ears splaying backwards.

“I managed to subdue you, though, and put you back in bed like a good little filly,” Sentinel said with a firm nod and a wry grin.

“I don’t remember any of that,” Raindrop admitted, frowning and rubbing her head with a hoof. “I didn’t...hurt you, did I?”

Sentinel slowly arched a brow upwards, staring at her.

Raindrop blinked once, and then rubbed her temple harder. “Oh sweet Celestia. Did you hit me in the head or something? I’m not acting like myself.”

“Indeed. And no, I just wrassled you to the ground. Was quite fun making you eat your peas, too,” he said with a snicker.

“Oh shut up,” Raindrop said with a wave of her good hoof.

“And you said some interesting stuff when you were delirious,” Sentinel added, rubbing a hoof against his chin.

“...What?” raindrop asked, eyes slowly narrowing.

“You were screaming and yelling about...stuff,” Sentinel said evasively, grinning, seemingly quite happy to have something over her.

“Ugh. Whatever. How long have you been sitting there for, creep?” Raindrop queried, changing the subject.

Sentinel stretched and yawned faintly for a moment, and then shook his head rapidly to clear it. “I think...twelve hours?”

“Twelve hours?” Raindrop asked, staring at him. “You’re insane.”

“Eeyup,” the guard replied with a faint shrug.

“Go to sleep,” Raindrop stated, pointing a hoof towards the door.

Sentinel rolled his eyes, “I just woke up.”

“Yeah, from lying in an uncomfortable chair. Go to sleep,” she reiterated, pointing more firmly.

“Are you feeling yourself? Or are you actually bothered about my well-being?” Sentinel asked probingly.

Raindrop scowled, her eyes narrowing, “After saving my life, I thought maybe you deserved a day without being beat up or insulted.”

“Regretting it?”

“You have no idea.”

Sentinel snickered, and then waved a hoof. “Very well. Try not to die while I’m asleep.”

“I’ll try my very best!” Raindrop said sarcastically, straightening and saluting, before wincing at the strain it put on her shoulder.

The guard rolled his eyes and then slipped down off the bed, moving towards the door.

“Wait!” Raindrop said, rubbing at her forehead with a hoof. “In all the excitement and insults I completely forgot I got stabbed last night. Who was he?”

Sentinel paused, looking back over his shoulder, his ears splaying back a little bit. “I was hoping to break the news to you a little bit...later. After you’d recovered some more.”

“...I’m a big mare now, Sentinel. I can take it,” Raindrop stated flatly.

“He was a Dark Guard. One of Princess Luna’s personal guard,” Sentinel said quietly.

Raindrop blinked slowly, her eyes widening as she gave an audible swallow, her throat suddenly dry. “I-It’s not...Nightmare Moon?”

“There’s no way to know,” Sentinel responded with a shake of his head. “Celestia has put the palace on full alert. The guards from the two castles no longer mix or exchange information. Princess Luna denies the accusations that she’s helping Discord...but Discord went after Princess Luna before...”

Nodding gently, Raindrop pulled her pillow closer to her chest, her ears splaying backwards. “What does the guard have to say for himself?”

“...He escaped,” Sentinel admitted bluntly.

Escaped?!” Raindrop almost screeched, her eyes narrowing dangerously. “You mean to tell me that you useless royal guards managed to let an unconscious pony escape?! A pony who tried to murder me?! For Celestia’s sake! How usel-”

Raindrop wasn’t aware that she got hit. All she knew was that there was a sudden strong ringing in her ears and the world was tilted crazily to one side. A strong pain began to make itself known at the side of her face, and she worked her jaw, afraid momentarily that it had been broken.

“-you dare insult the royal guard! Two of those useless guards gave their lives trying to escort that guard to the castle!” Raindrop caught the end of Sentinel’s sentence as she looked up at him woozily, her eyelids heavy and her vision doubled for a moment as she stared up at the guard. He was standing over her, a hoof raised threateningly.

Raindrop gave a noncommittal sound, unable to really think coherently beyond the throbbing in her cheek and face.

“If they’re so useless then I’ll tell the guards outside the door to just leave and let the dark guard wander in here and finish what he started!” Sentinel snarled, turning and spitting at the foot of the bed in utter contempt before turning about and stalking out of the room.

By the time Raindrop managed to get conscious thought back, he was long gone. The pegasus sighed faintly, pulling the pillow close against her chest again, resting her chin on it, her ears splaying backwards. For once, she actually felt guilty about running her mouth. She was always outspoken, but she didn’t want to disrespect the guards. Especially if two of them had been killed..

Raindrop laid her head down to sleep; but between her thoughts and the fears of a dark guard assassin lurking somewhere out there, free, she found it very hard to rest.