• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,978 Views, 1,390 Comments

Antecedent - Anonymous Pegasus

Raindrop needs to reunite the Elements of Harmony to cure herself of her affliction. But the journey will become so much than the destination.

  • ...


Raindrop, Sentinel, Wisp, Remedy, and Firebrand stood in the crowded examination room as the doctor humming and looked over the injured stallion’s leg, checking his wound.

The doctor apparently assumed they were merely curious, or wanting to help him with the stallion, as he neither questioned nor commented on their presence.

“Yes yes, thiz iz a quite painful injury, but not so severe, yes?” the doctor said, tapping the stallion’s foreleg with a hoof, testing. “Ze bone iz intact. You vill merely be unable to walk on your leg for a few days.”

The stallion gave a sigh of relief. “Any idea how long that’ll be? I have a field to tend.”

The doctor nodded, and then lifted his head, his horn glowing faintly as a bell jingled somewhere in the hallway. A nurse came in after a few moments.

“Ze nurse will tend to you,” the doctor said with a gentle nod, straightening up. “I must tend to my other patients. But the nurse will see to your problems.” With that, the doctor was exiting the room, pausing to whisper to the nurse: ‘See if we can find him a helper for ze week’. He smiled back at the injured stallion, and then slipped out the door.

Raindrop immediately followed after him. The rest of her entourage followed after a few moments, leaving the stallion alone with the nurse.

“Doctor, wait!” Raindrop called.

The doctor paused in the hallway, looking back over his shoulder. “Yes?”

Raindrop paused, unsure what to say, before just blurting, “You’re the bearer of the Element of Generosity.”

Brow slowly raised, the doctor gave a snort. “And?”

Raindrop blinked, confused, as Sentinel moved to stand beside her. “That... doesn’t mean anything to you?” Sentinel asked, a single ear perking.

The doctor shook his head. “Indeed it does not. Now, if you please, I have patients to tend to.”

Blinking slowly, Raindrop stared at the doctor hurried down the hall, his horn glowing, and a bell jingling.

Sentinel snorted a moment. “Well that was... not how I expected it to go down.”

Raindrop shook her head slightly. “I wasn’t really expecting that either,” she admitted, looking down at her forehooves for a moment. She tossed her mane, and then stalked down the hallway, pushing the door to the doctor’s office. Opening her mouth to speak, Raindrop faltered. The doctor was sitting in his chair, rubbing his forehead with his hooves, looking quite old and tired.

The doctor looked up after a moment, raising a brow. “Yes?”

The pegasus snorted, and then stepped into the room. “We need you, doctor.”

“Need me for what, exactly?” he asked flatly, glowering up at her. “You come barging into my clinic and make demands, and you do not even announce yourself.”

“Well... It’s just,” Raindrop paused a moment at that, frowning deeply, trying to decide how much to tell the doctor. “We need you because the changelings are back, and Celestia needs the Elements of Harmony to make sure that we can beat them back to the dark ages if needs be.”

The doctor frowned at that, and then past Raindrop, peering at her friends, crowding the hallways behind her. “And I take it that zese are the other bearers, yes?”

Raindrop nodded once, peering over her shoulder. “That Sentinel, he isn’t a bearer. He’s my personal guard. Wisp is the Element of Laughter, Firebrand is the Element of Honesty, and Remedy is the Element of Bitc-I mean, Kindness.”

Each of the ponies nodded as their name was said, and Wisp waved a paw goofily. “Hi!”

“I see...” the doctor said with a frown, one ear perking slowly. “And vat is it that makes you zere leader?”

“I’m... Well, I kinda need their help. The elements, that is,” Raindrop said, lowering her gaze in shame.

“And vhy vould you need ze elements?” the doctor pressed.

Raindrop sighed faintly, and then looked up, her expression determined. “Because I’m part changeling. And I want it out.”

The doctor nodded at that, frowning. “Well... Zat is certainly an interesting problem. But I cannot leave my clinic. Unless ze changelings are a pressing issue, then you will have to come find me in case of emergency.”

Raindrop blinked at that, her ears pinning back. “But doctor... we need you at Canterlot.” she protested, waving a hoof for emphasis.

“And zere are dozens of patients needing my daily attention!” the doctor responded flatly, waving a hoof in a firm motion, leaving no room for argument. “Go, find ze other bearers. And then maybe I will have cleared some time in my schedule to see to your problems.”

With that, the doctor turned away, and stalked down the hall to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Raindrop stared after him, unsure. “I... That didn’t go according to plan,” she said quietly, heaving a sigh.

“We have the Seeker Stone, we can find him whenever we want,” Sentinel said with a sad shake of his head. “C’mon, we’ll come back tomorrow. We’ll just have to find a different bearer.”

Nodding, Raindrop turned around, and began walking down the hall with the rest of her group in tow. “So who’ll we find next? We don’t even have the Element of Magic yet. The Seeker Stone for loyalty is missing, and our bearer for generosity is well... He’s a dick.”

Sentinel gave a wry grin at that, looking sideways at Raindrop, and then leaning in to kiss her cheek. “Cheer up, Raindrop. We’ll find a way. Or we could all die horribly at the cottage-cheese-like legs of Chitin. Either way, there’s not a whole lot we can do about it.”

Raindrop’s eyes flicked green for a moment, and she murmured quietly, “I could knock him out and drag him to the castle. I’m sure I could convince you all to help. Which reminds me, we need a unicorn in this group already. Seriously. Magic.”

“Well, if we convince Mr Surly to come with us, we’ll be able to blackmail him into using magic for our every whim,” Sentinel said with a grin.

“Want me to try?!” Wisp said, bouncing along beside the pair. “I mean, I could talk him to death until he agrees!”

“We want him to join us, not go inside,” Raindrop said in her kindest tone to the diminutive griffon.

Remedy stepped up on the other side. “I could give him some really deep, meaningful things to think on and then slip a roofie into his drunk while he’s not looking.”

“Also helpful,” Raindrop said with a roll of her eyes.

“I don’t particularly care either way. Another non-winged pony will just slow us down further,” Firebrand stated with painful bluntness.

“Even more helpful!” Raindrop growled, lifting a hoof to rub at her forehead, pausing a moment. “I need a drink. I need like five drinks.”

“I would advise against drinking,” a voice cautioned.

Raindrop looked up, realising that they had made it outside during their conversation. A larger pony in a dark hood was watching them.

“I’ll do what I like, thank you very much,” Raindrop said with a very fake polite tone.

The mare snorted, and then threw back her hood, revealing her long flowing blue mane. “Listen, whelp. I am here to help to help you, but if you speak in that disrespectful tone again, I will gladly go back to my hole.”

“Princess Luna!” Sentinel said, immediately straightening and saluting.

Wisp stared up at the princess in confusion, “Who is she?” the griffon whispered to Remedy.

Remedy giggled under her breath, “That’s Princess Luna, she raised the moon.”

“Oh!” Wisp said with an eager bounce. “Hi, Luna!”

“Keep your voices down!” Luna hissed, stamping a hoof, glowering at them all. “Now shush, and come.” Without another word, Luna turned and began to lead them out of Ponyville.

The group followed in the trail of Luna’s hoofsteps, whispering amongst themselves.

“What’s up with her?” Raindrop asked of Sentinel.

“I’ve never really met Luna more than once or twice... I think she might just be bitchy?” Sentinel offered helplessly, giving an awkward smile.

“Sure does act like a spoiled princess,” Firebrand stated, far too loudly for a whisper. Luna scowled back at her.

It was several long minutes of pushing through the Everfree Forest, that they came to what appeared to be a deserted cottage. Pushing her way through the front door, Luna magicked the table out of the way, and then lifted the trap door concealed underneath. Luna lifted a hoof, beckoning them into the cellar.

Raindrop stopped immediately upon entering the cottage, her eyes widening. She felt something, something very strange coming from underneath, where Luna was urging them to go. She could feel it.

Behind her, Sentinel stiffened, his eyes likewise widening. He stared down at the floor, his eyes narrowing.

“Changeling!” he hissed, and then looked up to Luna. “There is a changeling below!”

Luna gave a nod, waving for them to continue down the stairs. “That is fine. I am the one who put her there.”

“A changeling?” Raindrop asked cautiously.

“Do not worry. She is very weak, and not long for this world. She has told me much of her race so far, and we will need to know more, if we are to defeat them,” Luna said, and then lowered her head, seemingly shamed. “...Please forgive us, Raindrop.”

Wondering what Luna could be asking forgiveness for, Raindrop cautiously stepped down the stairs. A lamp was lit at the base of them, throwing light across the small room.

Diagrams were pinned to the walls, hastily scrawled, detailing changeling anatomy, identifying marks, and weak points. Diagrams of the Royal Palace were spread out across the table that rested against one wall, held down by empty bottles of what appeared to be some of the finest, strongest wine that could be purchased in Ponyville.

A white unicorn with a flow blue mane and tail sat at the table, swaying unsteadily. She was a changeling. Raindrop could feel it. But as the changeling turned and peered over her shoulder, pink eyes regarding the pegasus, Raindrop knew she was far more than just a changeling.

Raindrop could only stare, eyes wide, slowly sitting down as her legs began to shake. Sentinel moved to stand beside her, watching the changeling guardedly.

The changeling’s entire form shook unsteadily as she turned to look over her shoulder. A piece of charcoal fell from one hoof as the changeling smiled warmly back at Raindrop, looking her up and down.

Her voice was weak, barely audible. She was the picture of a creature on its deathbed. But her gaze was still firm, and held all the power of her race behind it as she locked eyes with Raindrop.

“Yer’ve grown much, Raindrop,” Chrysalis said.