• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,981 Views, 1,390 Comments

Antecedent - Anonymous Pegasus

Raindrop needs to reunite the Elements of Harmony to cure herself of her affliction. But the journey will become so much than the destination.

  • ...


Raindrop grimaced as she pulled the bandage away from her wound to inspect the handiwork of the dark guard.

It was just after midday, and the pegasus was rocking back and forth slightly to the sway of the train as it took the gently curves down towards Ponyville. It was a short trip; but long enough for her to change her bandages.

It was the first real look she’d had at the wound since it was a gaping opening in her flesh. The area surrounding the injury itself was inflamed and puckered, and the hole in her flesh where the dagger had penetrated her was still quite visible, with raw, red flesh showing clearly, weeping a thin clear liquid.

The cream she had to apply to the wound was a notoriously fast healing agent, but it also, as a by-product of the accelerated healing process, kept the wound completely open. As such, any poking and prodding in the area was painful and caused the pegasus to gasp and grit her teeth. Already, the wound was beginning to close, and soon, it would be no more than a thin sliver of scar tissue hidden underneath her fur.

Raindrop grit her teeth, and then pressed the mouth of the ointment tube against the wound, closing her eyes and then squeezing, several stuttered gasps leaving her as the cool liquid contacted raw, open flesh. The pegasus quivered, her wings stiffened and fluttering just slightly as she swallowed down the yelp that tried to escape her.

The door to the train cabin slid open, and Sentinel stepped through, closing the door after him.

“Don’t you ever knock?” Raindrop asked between gritted teeth, her ears splayed backwards as she pulled the tube of ointment away and then pressed her hoof over the wound.

“And give you a chance to refuse me entry?” Sentinel asked with a slowly raising brow.

Raindrop rolled her eyes a moment and then tentatively dropped her hoof, capping the tube of ointment and throwing it back into her bag. She folded the bandage up as neatly as she could, and then stuffed it into the trash area, before digging out a fresh bandage to place over her wound. “Don’t you have your own cabin?”

“I find it difficult to guard somepony when I’m not in their general vicinity,” Sentinel stated, as he moved over to one of the seats and sat himself down on it, stretching out languidly and adjusting his helmet.

“We’re on a moving train, Sentinel. Do you really think there is a chance one of those guards could get on here without being...you know, seen?” Raindrop asked flatly, frowning at him.

“Expect the unexpected,” Sentinel stated with a raised hoof. Obviously, it was some kind of motto.

Raindrop rolled her eyes again. “That’s an oxymoron.”

“But it sounds clever,” Sentinel said with a wise nod.

“So do you. Until you speak,” Raindrop stated, as she undid the bandage and began to wind it awkwardly around her shoulder. It was difficult to get it over her shoulder and around her chest, especially with only one hoof.

Sentinel made a faint, derisive sound, and then slipped down off the seat, moving over to the other pegasus and then halting her motions with a hoof.

“Look, you need the bandage to be firm. You’re making it all loose. It’ll slip off in a half hour after you start walking,” he stated, as he unwound the bandage completely and began to wind it correctly.

Raindrop arched and bit her tongue until she tasted blood as Sentinel pulled the bandage firmly over the wound. She gasped and spluttered a few times before she managed to get control of herself, grinding her teeth in pain.

“Wow, anypony would think you got stabbed,” Sentinel quipped as he heard her grinding her teeth like that. He continued to wind the bandage over her shoulder, kneading his free hoof soothingly between her shoulderblades. “Relax. Breath shallowly; it’ll put less pressure on the wound.”

Raindrop nodded helplessly, panting for a few moments before evening out her breathing, subconsciously leaning into the soothing kneading of Sentinel’s hoof.

The guard finished winding the bandage about her, and then neatly stretched the toothed elastic strip over both sides of it, keeping it in place. He patted her shoulder gently, “There, done.”

“Th-thank you,” Raindrop growled between gritted teeth, limping over to the bed and sprawling across it untidily, lifting a hoof to lay over her wound, just resting it there, not applying any pressure, but giving her something to focus on to dull the pain.

“That ointment always sucks when you first apply it,” Sentinel said with a wise nod, watching her.

Raindrop nodded in response, “In spite of my inclination to argue with you on every point possible, I agree. This sucks. I bet you get injured plenty as a guard.”

Sentinel gave a laugh and a shake of his head, “Actually, the royal guard is a very sedate job. Basically, I stand around and look intimidating. The armour helps. Most of my supply of accidents and mishaps came from my days off.”

“So you’ve never been stabbed?” she queried, perking an ear upwards at him curiously.

“Well...kinda? I guess?” Sentinel responded, making a circular motion with a hoof to indicate that he was unsure. “I’ve been impaled, but stabbed...no.”

“Impaled?” Raindrop asked, looking him up and down. “Like...with a spear?”

“A fence,” Sentinel said calmly. “You know the ones in front of the palace with the big, pointy black spikes on top? One of those.”

Raindrop winced sympathetically. “I’m willing to bet that hurt...did you scream?”

“No!” Sentinel replied instantly, looking affronted.

The female pegasus slowly raised a brow at him.

“Okay, fine,” Sentinel stated, shaking his head, “I bawled like a foal and screamed like I was being murdered.”

“An appealing image,” Raindrop stated with a nod and a wry smile.

Sentinel shifted, and slipped off the armour covering his right forehoof, tilting his hoof to show her the faintly visible scar running from the inside of his elbow to almost the end of his hoof. “Went in one side, and out the other.”

“I don’t blame you for screaming,” Raindrop said, staring at the scar for a long moment. “How in the name of Celestia did you manage to do that to yourself?”

A soft laugh left the guard, and he waved a hoof, “I was fleeing from the kitchens. I was on a strict diet of bread and water because I might have ruined one of Celestia’s favorite statues. So I snuck into the kitchen and got some sugar cubes. One of the kitchen staff saw me, and I ran away. Tried to fly out the back door, clipped my wing, bounded up over the fence, and came down on one of the spikes.”

Raindrop wrinkled her nose, “I bet your teacher or whatever you call it was unhappy with you.”

“Oh for sure, but not for the same reasons you’d think,” Sentinel said, waving a hoof airily. “He was more angry that I got caught than the fact that I was sneaking in there in the first place.”

“Then what’s the point of disciplining the younger guards if he’s expecting them to sneak out and get sweets?” Raindrop asked, bewildered.

“...That’s the point,” Sentinel said with a snicker, shaking his head. “See, he denies us things we want, and then hints at ways we can get them back. I learned more sneaking into the kitchens than I ever did sneaking past a training partner who knew I was there.”

“That...makes so much twisted sense,” Raindrop stated, prodding at her shoulder gently to see how much pain it would give her.

“Indeed it does,” Sentinel stated, narrowing his eyes at her after a moment, watching her prod at her bandaged shoulder. “Stop that. You’ll just irritate it.”

Raindrop snorted, and then dug around for the Seeker Stone in her backpack, pulling it out and inspecting it.

“Worried its going to disappear?” Sentinel asked, raising a brow.

“It’s changed,” Raindrop stated, staring at it for a long moment. “I’m not sure how ‘general’ of a direction it points in...but look at it.”

Raindrop held out the Seeker Stone for Sentinel to see.

“It’s pointing east,” Sentinel stated unnecessarily.

“But it was pointing further south than east while we were in Canterlot!” Raindrop said with an excited little bounce.


“And. If there’s such a drastic change in direction from Canterlot to Ponyville, then the element must be close to Ponyville!” Raindrop pointed out.

Sentinel stared at the pegasus for a long moment. “If you say so.”

“Ugh, this is like talking to a fish,” Raindrop said with a shake of her head.

“But I’m better looking than a fish,” Sentinel rebuked.

“Only by a little, hun,” Raindrop stated, patting the guards cheek gently.

“So you think the element is close to Ponyville?” Sentinel queried.

“I can’t be certain...” Raindrop admitted, shaking her head, “But s’far as I can tell...in the Everfree forest somewhere?”

“The canopy deep in the Everfree is too thick to really get through if you’re flying,” Sentinel stated knowledgeably.

Raindrop raised a brow at him slowly.

“Hey. I liked to sneak away every now and again, plus our Captain taught us that the forest is the first place to try and stop an escaping fugitive from reaching, because once they’re in there, it’s ground patrols only. Not to mention all the dangerous things that live there,” he said with a short nod.

“Yes, lets not forget the pony-eating monsters,” Raindrop agreed, sliding the Seeker Stone back into her pack. “Why can’t this be...simple? I mean, what kind of asshole just goes and hides these things? It’s inconvenient.”

“Discord,” Sentinel stated flatly. “Though, I must say, knowing his history...I’m surprised he hasn’t jumped up on a pedestal and declared his intent and power.”

“He’s the element of chaos. That’s kinda what he does,” Raindrop pointed out.

Sentinel nodded, frowning. “Well the last time he came back, he just took over Equestria. Turned it into pure chaos.”

“Plays get boring if they repeat the same thing over and over again. He’s Discord. If he did the same thing over and over again, then that would be order...and it would be the opposite of chaos, yes?” Raindrop suggested, raising a brow.

“...I personally don’t think that Discord would ascribe himself to any kind of patterned randomization. Because that would make him predictable and therefore not chaotic.” The guard nodded smugly.

“We’re going to go in circles,” Raindrop stated flatly. “But he hasn’t gotten up and announced his presence and taken over all of Equestria, so obviously, I’m right.”

Sentinel opened his mouth to protest, and Raindrop placed a hoof over his mouth.

“Sentinel. It has been a grand total of three days since I last hit you. I’m sure my being unconscious in the hospital for a third of that and drugged out for another third has something to do with that, but if you continue arguing with me, then three whole days is going to be the new record for ‘not beating Sentinel up’.”

The guard paused a moment, tilting his head at her, and then giving a smug smile. “You hit me when you were loopy. Said I was making unwanted advances on you by hopping into your bed, and then ordered me out of it. And then you asked me why I got out of the bed and demanded I get back in it.”

Raindrop took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a long moment, and then gave Sentinel a ringing blow to the cheek with her hoof.

“Annnd back to zero,” she stated, pursing her lips.

Sentinel grinned, his helmet having absorbed most of the blow. He lifted a hoof to gently bop her nose. “You’re cute when you’re mad.”

Raindrop scowled, and then paused a moment, staring at the guard and slowly tilting her head to the side. There was a long pause before she asked, disbelievingly, “...did you just try to flirt with me?”

The guard smiled and shook his head goofily, before blinking and then looking up and to the left at a corner of the room, pondering deeply. “Oh sweet Celestia I think I did...Quick, hit me again!”

Raindrop gave him a ringing backhand with her hoof, on the opposite cheek, before leaning in and staring at him. “...Better?”

“The urge to make nice with you has definitely faded,” Sentinel stated, rubbing his cheek with a hoof and frowning.

“Good. Flirt with me again and I’ll put you in hospital,” Raindrop stated flatly, turning away to hide the inexplicable blush spreading across her cheeks.

“Still cute when you’re mad,” Sentinel said with a sly grin.