• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,981 Views, 1,390 Comments

Antecedent - Anonymous Pegasus

Raindrop needs to reunite the Elements of Harmony to cure herself of her affliction. But the journey will become so much than the destination.

  • ...


Raindrop was fading fast. It had started with the hunger pangs, and then the weakness. And now, the mind-numbingly intense sensation of having run a marathon. All her muscles felt like jello and she was barely able to walk.

Thankfully, Sentinel had managed to regain his senses and was walking under his own power. He seemed to be slightly stunned still though, and was having trouble hearing.

“What the hell was that?” Sentinel asked, a groan present in his tone. A brilliant black eye was building around his right eye socket.

“Darkclaw deterrent,” Wisp said proudly. “I always carry one or two on me. Or well, I used to. I found a stash of those tiny reaction chambers in a hidden compartment on my airship. Someone musta been hoarding them. But anyhow, I figured out how to make them overload with a reverse-feedback loop. Takes a few seconds, but they explode so bright and loud that it just stuns you. Aren’t they awesome?!”

“And the boulder?” Raindrop queried tiredly, limping along behind the guard and the griffon.

“I dunno what happened there... It just came out of nowhere. Extreme luck?” Wisp offered helplessly.

Raindrop snorted at that. “No such thing as luck.”

“I’m actually going to agree there,” Sentinel stated, lifting a hoof to rub tentatively at his cheek. “And geeze, that deterrent really works. Gave me a shiner.”

“Sor-ree,” Wisp sing-songed, happily tossing her scarf over her shoulder to get it away from her forepaws. “I kinda hid it in my beak and spat it on to the ground. Didn’t spit it far enough.”

“You put a makeshift explosive device in your beak?” Sentinel asked, seeming impressed.

Wisp gave a sage nod, grinning.

“You crazy,” Sentinel pointed out, ruffling her crest affectionately.

“And proud of it!” Wisp squeaked, grinning up at the guard.

“I need to rest,” Raindrop groaned, pulling herself to a conveniently chest-high rock and just splaying herself atop it tiredly.

Sentinel moved over to sit beside her, gently pulling her up against him, touching at her sides gently. “Do you feel okay?”

“Change magic. Weak.” Raindrop gave a faint shudder, limp in Sentinel’s hooves.

Sentinel nodded and held the pegasus close, gently, soothingly stroking a hoof down her wing slowly. “Did you really mean what you said?”

Raindrop looked up at him, giving a mute nod, and then resting her head against his shoulder, murmuring, “I’d totally let you do me.”

“It means so much to me that you’d say that,” Sentinel said with a wry smile, licking her cheek once.

“You two have no chance of ever being normal,” Wisp said with a shake of her head.

As it turned out, Ponyville wasn’t far away at all.

Raindrop barely heard Sentinel when he told her that they were close to Ponyville, and by the time they reached the town, she was unresponsive.

Raindrop’s vision was blurry when she opened her eyes. It was a ceiling she remembered though, even blurry as it was. The hospital.

“-managed to fight off two dozen changeling griffons, crashed an airship into the side of a mountain resulting in that explosion you all saw, and then managed to get a ‘darkclaw deterrent’ go off in my face,” Sentinel was saying to a nurse, who was carefully inspecting his brand new black eye.

“Slow day, huh?” the nurse asked, as she began to apply ointment to his eye.

Sentinel gave a snort of laughter, which morphed into a wince and whine at the sensation of pressure on his swollen eye.

“Oh shush, big baby,” the nurse said with a shake of her head, applying more ointment. “So... Did you screw her yet?”

Sentinel spluttered at the matter-of-fact way the nurse asked. “Well, no!”

“Shame. She wants you,” the nurse said with a half-shrug.

“She keeps saying that, but I think she’s being utterly sarcastic,” Sentinel said with a gentle nod.

The nurse chortled a moment, shaking her head. “I know her type. She uses sarcasm to proffer her advances so she can hide behind the sarcasm if she’s turned down.”

“And if you’re wrong?” Sentinel asked flatly.

“Then you’ll be the one getting injured, not me,” the nurse said with a soft, evil laugh. “Celestia knows I could use some entertainment.”

“Talks of creepy violent voyeurism aside, what’s my eye look like?” Sentinel queried. “And is Wisp okay?”

“Your swelling is going down,” the nurse said with a gentle nod, inspecting his eye closely, “And after what happened out there in the Everfree, Celestia has taken Wisp under her wing, so to speak. Wisp was escorted to the castle by a fully armed contingent of royal guards.”

“Good,” Sentinel nodded, and then lifted a hoof to touch at his eye.

Raindrop groaned and stirred properly, rolling over onto her side.

“Hungry,” the pegasus groaned weakly.

A moment later, Sentinel was offering her a banana, having peeled it for her.

Raindrop groaned faintly again, and then shook her head. “Of all the shapes of fruit you could possibly get. Pervert.”

Sentinel rolled his eyes, but Raindrop barely noticed. She basically inhaled the banana, downing it in three neat bites. She even eyed the skin of it as though it might be edible.

next up was a mango, which Sentinel skinned neatly and then offered to her. Raindrop devoured the mango down, reducing it to a seed in record time. Grapes were next, and then apples. And then finally, the pegasus was sated.

“Sleepy,” Raindrop whined, laying her head down and closing her eyes. In seconds, she was snoring.

“A very proper lady,” the nurse said, blinking once.

Sentinel gave a faint laugh, wiping at the corner of Raindrop’s mouth with a towel. “She used her changeling powers. Last time she tried, it almost killed her. I think ravenous hunger and sleepiness are quite adequate.”

The nurse gave a nod, and then waved a hoof. “Well, there’s a bed in the next room over set out for you. I’d like to monitor you in case you suffered any more serious head trauma from that ‘deterrent’.”

“Are you kidding me?” Sentinel asked with a shake of his head, crawling up onto the bed with Raindrop and stretching out besides her, laying a hoof over her gently. “If Raindrop found out I was sleeping in another bed she’d kill me.”

The nurse just shook her head, pulling the door closed behind her as she left, with a parting comment of, “Grow some balls and screw her.”

Raindrop stirred weakly, giving a low moan and arching faintly. The warm weight of Sentinel was pressed close against her back, spooning with her.

“You’re learning,” Raindrop said with a weak smile, not bothering to open her eyes.

“I have a persistent teacher,” Sentinel said with a slight grin.

“Back in the hospital again,” Raindrop murmured.

Sentinel nodded against the back of her neck, “It’s almost like a second home.”

“Even the nurse is telling you to man up and screw me,” Raindrop said with a weak nudge of her shoulders back against him.

“I know, right? It’s really creepy.” Sentinel gave a faint shudder, and licked the back of one of Raindrop’s ears affectionately.

“And if I told you the same thing?” Raindrop queried.

Sentinel pondered on that for a moment, “I would attribute it to you being in the grips of post-change-magic euphoria.”

“I want to be euphoric for something other than being alive,” Raindrop said flatly.

The guard nudged her once with his nose, and Raindrop rolled over to face him, eyes blinking open, staring into his own.

“I can think of over a dozen reasons to have sex and ‘we just faced down two dozen griffon changelings, blew up an airship and narrowly escaped execution’ beats them all.” Raindrop nodded to affirm her point, nudging his nose once with her own. “And star above, I am so sick of hinting. You don’t understand anything more subtle than a brick to the face.”

“My duty as a guard, really,” Sentinel teased, grinning and leaning in to kiss her nose. “I still don’t think the time is right.”

Raindrop stared at him for a long, long moment, and then sniffed once, “‘Dont’ think the time is right’? What the hell was that? Are you trying to be a female? I swear to Celestia, if you deny me again, I’m going to ensure you stay in this hospital bed for at least a week.”

“Is that a promise?” Sentinel teased, pulling the pegasus closer to himself, and kissing her gently. “I think it’d be quite fun if you were here with me.”

Raindrop growled at him, and then returned the kiss with a fiery passion, her eyes narrowing. As she pulled back, she stated, “Me. You. Now.”

(Clop here: www.fimfiction.net/story/43167/1/Antecedent---The-Lost-Scenes/Hospital Rated mature, read at your own risk. Temp password: tsundere )

Raindrop gave a low moan as she awoke, pleasantly sore from what had transpired from the night before.

Sentinel yawned softly, stretching and arching, and then licking the back of one of her ears gently. “Morning.”

“Morning,” Raindrop murmured faintly. “You have no idea how much I needed that.”

Sentinel gave a faint laugh, nuzzling through her mane gently. “Any time, I can help...”

Raindrop gave a soft nod. “I figured. So, how’s it feel to be a stallion?”

Sentinel chortled and nosed at the back of her neck gently, “I dunno, ask me in a few years?”

“Foal,” Raindrop teased, rolling over to face him, and then wrapping her hooves around his neck, pulling him close to kiss him eagerly. “Last night was not a one-night-stand. So if I find you eyeing other mares, I’m going to use the feathers of your wings to make a nice new headress, understood?”

Sentinel nodded gently, kissing her in return. “Yes Ma’am.”

The door to their room opened, and the nurse paused, looking at them, making a ‘daaaaw’ sound and smiling. And then her gaze fell on the floor beneath the bed.

Oh Lordy!” she squealed, turning around instantly and walking back out of the door.

Sentinel and Raindrop exchanged a glance, trying to contain their laughter.

The nurse returned not two minutes later, holding a bottle in her mouth and dragging a mop and bucket in her hoof. She stalked over to the bed and offered Raindrop the bottle of pills. Morning-after pills.

The nurse then turned to Sentinel, eyes narrowing. She pushed the broomstick handle towards him.

“There is no way I am cleaning that up,” the nurse said with a shake of her head, turning around and stalking out of the room.

Sentinel looked at Raindrop, stifling a laugh. Raindrop just shrugged and smiled at him, popping one of the pills into her mouth and swallowing it, watching him all the while.