• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,981 Views, 1,390 Comments

Antecedent - Anonymous Pegasus

Raindrop needs to reunite the Elements of Harmony to cure herself of her affliction. But the journey will become so much than the destination.

  • ...


Remedy blanched, Firebrand looked completely unperturbed, Sentinel rose an eyebrow, and Raindrop gave a soft, amused giggle.

“Oh please... please don’t tell me you two are here on a date?!” Raindrop asked, a hoof covering her mouth.


Two replies echoed at the same time in discordance.

Raindrop giggled again. “Oh wow. And here I was worried about you two trying to murder eachother.”

“We’re just seeing a movie!” Remedy protested, her ears pinning back.

Raising a brow slowly, Raindrop grinned, and then narrowed her eyes. “Firebrand... what exactly are you and Remedy doing here?”

“We’re on a date,” Firebrand stated automatically, nodding once in affirmation.

“That’s no fair!” Remedy hissed at Raindrop, her expression murderous.

Raindrop gave an innocent giggle. “And Firebrand... who was it that... instigated the date?”

Firebrand paused at that, humming faintly and tapping her chin with a hoof. “I think Remedy was.”

“That is a lie!” Remedy retorted, aghast. “And from the element of honesty no less!”

The wonderbolt captain shook her head slightly at that, peering sideways at the nurse. “You were the one who came up to me all shy and nervous,” she said, with brutal honesty, “And I saw you lurking around getting up the courage to come over to me... or perving.”

Remedy looked positively livid at that.

“You’re awful quiet, Sentinel,” Raindrop stated, raising a brow at her coltfriend.

Sentinel turned towards her with a solemn gaze. “I have no particular feelings about it one way or another.”

Raindrop perked an ear at that, blinking once.

Remedy pushed at Firebrand with a hoof, to make her walk, urging in a haughty tone, “Walk, mare, walk!”

In moments, the two ponies had ascended the stairs to one of the skyboxes and disappeared from view.

Raindrop rounded on Sentinel then, staring at him. “ ‘No particular feelings either way’?” Raindrop parroted in a tone of disbelief.

Sentinel laughed faintly. “Oh c’mon, there were two of them! And you! I’m not stupid enough to say what I really think with those odds!”

“And what do you really think?” Raindrop asked, leaning closer and turning an ear towards the pegasus.

Sentinel gave a wry grin. “Those two are perfect for eachother. One of them will either murder the other in their sleep, or they’ll end up happily married.”

“So... basically us, a month or so ago?” Raindrop asked with a giggle.

“That about sums it up,” Sentinel admitted, as he slid a menu across to Raindrop with a smile.

“Now we just need to find Wisp a passive-aggressive partner,” Raindrop said, peering down at the menu thoughtfully.

“Can ponies and gryphons even...” Sentinel started.

“Screw?” Raindrop suggested, raising a brow.

Sentinel scoffed, looking away a moment. “I guess that is a pretty stupid question.”

“The males are all pink and have feline things on their junk. Spines or something. Apparently, it’s quite painful,” Raindrop said knowledgeably, not even looking up from her menu.

The guard stared at her. “You don’t... know from experience do you?”

“Thankfully no,” Raindrop said with a giggle and a shake of her head. “But you think there isn’t a Playcolt equivalent for mares?”

“And they have gryphons?” Sentinel asked, staring.

Raindrop nodded. “Gryphons, pegasi, unicorns, earth ponies... they even had a minotaur once.”

“A minotaur?” Sentinel blinked slowly, shaking his head. “How would you even get one in a photoshoot? They’re huge.”

The female pegasus nodded sagely, “Big like this,” she said, holding her hooves out the length of the table.

Sentinel’s jaw dropped.

Raindrop gave a soft giggle, covering her mouth again and shaking her head. “Oh boys and your toys. They’re not really that big. Actually, ‘comically small’ better describes their anatomy.”

“Why are we even discussing this?!” Sentinel demanded to know after a moment.

“Because you’re going to lose your appetite and I’m going to steal food off your plate” Raindrop said calmly, perusing her menu.

Remedy and Firebrand ascended to the skybox, the pegasus pushing the door open and holding it open for the nurse, who stepped through with a huff.

“What’re they even doing here?” Remedy asked with a snort.

Firebrand closed the door behind them, stepping over to the viewing couch and pulling herself up onto it, settling down carefully to get comfortable, brushing her beautiful dress out so it sat flat and wouldn’t get wrinkled. “I believe that they are here to watch the movie.”

Remedy scowled, her ears splaying back as she stepped around the couch and then carefully pulled herself up onto it, brushing her mane out with a hoof self-consciously, and then peering out over the ledge and towards the movie screen set up in the middle of the amphitheatre. “Still... of all the places they could have gone...”

“Are you truly that bothered to be seen with me?” Firebrand asked calmly, raising a brow.

The nurse blinked at that, her ears splaying back. “Well... no. It’s just... awkward.”

“Awkward to be seen with me,” Firebrand added delicately.

Remedy sighed, rubbing a hoof against her forehead slowly. “That’s not it. It’s just... I dunno. I did want to murder you not long ago and I have appearances to keep up.”

“Very well,” Firebrand said with a single sniff, resting her head on her hooves and casting her gaze towards the screen as the lights dimmed and the screen itself came to life.

The title screen came on, followed by the beginning of the movie. It was a pretty generic plot to begin with, a pegasus and a unicorn in love.

“This is the second time I’ve seen this movie,” Firebrand said with a slight smile, waving a little bell. A few moments later, the door to the skybox opened, and a waiter appeared, holding a menu.

Firebrand ordered a cabbage stew, while Remedy stared down at the menu and the prices, her eyes wide.

“My treat,” Firebrand said with a smile, noting the nurse’s expression.

Remedy gave a sigh of relief. “I’m not used to this kind of prices before. Did they grow the hay in gold-encrusted soil?”

“Actually, it was sprinkled with crystals imported from the crystal empire, gives the bread a very nice taste, especially to dragon-folk. But it’s also expensive,” Firebrand explained with a nod and a smile.

Very carefully, Remedy chose something that wasn’t too expensive, before passing the menu back, settling down to watch the movie with the pegasus.

Raindrop and Sentinel’s menu was far less fancy, but still had some expensive dishes on it.

“I feel like splurging,” Raindrop said with a hum, peering down the list. “So... red wine with minotaur cheese, and the crystal garlic bread for a main course?”

Sentinel blinked down at the menu and then gave an uneasy smile. “Sounds a little too... sophisticated for me.”

“Oh come on,” Raindrop said, rolling her eyes with a single snort. “Anything that isn’t stewed to a uniform colour and consistency is ‘too sophisticated’ for a guard.”

“S’not my fault,” Sentinel said with a grin. “They train us to be rugged, and I guess the food is another form of torture.”

“Well tonight is fancy-night, so you’ll be eating what I’m eating,” Raindrop said with a sense of finality. “And you’ll be sharing an extra-large ice cream sundae with me, chocolate and caramel flavour, with a straw for both of us.”

“Yes ma’am,” Sentinel said with a mock-salute.

The movie continued. There were various action sequences, a romance scene, and then the female, the unicorn, was taken hostage by a group of shadowy figures.

Firebrand hummed faintly, and then her head jerked up, her eyes widening. She stared sideways at Remedy for a long moment, suddenly realising her mistake.

The nurse was quite happily chewing on a piece of bread, watching the screen, when her chewing slowed, and then stopped.

On the screen, the true villain was finally revealed. The pony had become a changeling. A very fake, very terrible changeling.

“Muwahahaha, I have tricked you all!” the changeling on the screen was saying, waving a hoof and grinning slyly. “All your love belong to me!”

Remedy paused, her ears visibly warming as she slowly turned her gaze towards Firebrand.

“I-I can explain,” Firebrand began.

“I’ve seen all I need to see,” Remedy spat, growling and tossing her drink at the mare.

Firebrand winced backwards, getting soaked with the crystal wine, her beautiful dress stained forever with the liquid, while her face and mane were drenched in stripes by the flying liquid.

And then, the door to the skybox slammed, and Remedy stormed down the stairs, growling deeply in the back of her throat.

Raindrop and Sentinel both looked up, a straw each in their mouths, suckling away at the chocolate and caramel sundae between them. Remedy was stalking down the stairs, taking them two at a time, visibly angry and distressed.

“I guess she’s back to wanting to murder her then,” Raindrop said with a helpless giggle, licking her lips clean of the icecream.

Remedy didn’t even give the couple a glance as she stalked past, audibly growling, dissapearing down the stairs into the crowd.

Firebrand came bounding down the steps a few moments later, her mane wet and her dress stained with red. “Remedy, wait!” The pegasus paused in front of Sentinel and Raindrop, looking back and forth. “Which way did she go?!”

Sentinel pointed with a hoof lazily, while Raindrop perked an ear upwards. “So what did you do to make her want to murder you again?”

“The movie,” Firebrand said, her ears pinning back, “The changeling bit obviously didn’t gel with her.”

“Remedy likes changelings?” Sentinel asked curiously, perking an ear and peering at where the nurse had disappeared to.

Firebrand’s eyes widened and she twitched. “Y-you could say that.”

Sentinel’s eyes narrowed, and Raindrop tried to distract him, pushing the menu in front of his face. “Want something else, hun?”

Sentinel pushed the menu out of the way, eyes narrowing at Firebrand. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Firebrand stammered, completely caught off guard. “W-what? What a-aren’t I telling y-you?” she asked so fakely that not even a filly would beleive it. “I... nothing! Remedy is a perfectly normal... earth... pony...” Firebrand struggled to get the words out, biting them off unnaturally.

Obviously, Sentinel didn’t believe her. It took him all of four seconds to put two and two together.

“...Remedy is a changeling...” the guard murmured, staring at Firebrand. “She is, isn’t she?!”

Firebrand shuddered, biting her tongue hard and chewing on it. “N-no... she’s a... a... normal pony.... gotta-go-bye!”

Without waiting for a response, Firebrand bounded away and then threw herself into the air, wings spreading to catch the air.

Raindrop silently banged her forehead with the menu.

“You knew?” Sentinel asked quietly.

Raindrop sighed faintly and then nodded. “Aye, I knew.”

“And you didn’t tell me that Remedy was a changeling?!” Sentinel almost snarled.

Raindrop frowned deeply, trying to shush her coltfriend. “C’mon hun. This isn’t a conversation to have in public,” she said, seeing the looks they were attracting.

“You didn’t tell me!” Sentinel growled, incensed.

“Of course I didn’t tell you!” Raindrop hissed, keeping her voice just above a low whisper. “Because you’d probably try to kill her!”

Sentinel gave a mutinous growl at that, turning his head and crossing his forehooves, his lips a thin line.

Raindrop sighed and shut the menu, pushing it off the table completely. “Well, this isn’t awkward.”

“Bloody. Changeling.” Sentinel growled under his voice, shaking his head angrily.

Raindrop rose to her hooves, and then grabbed Sentinel by his mane, ignoring his protests. “C’mon, you. We’re gonna pay for dinner and discuss this somewhere private. Somewhere with lots of alcohol.”