• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,981 Views, 1,390 Comments

Antecedent - Anonymous Pegasus

Raindrop needs to reunite the Elements of Harmony to cure herself of her affliction. But the journey will become so much than the destination.

  • ...


Raindrop arched faintly as she awoke, forehooves pushing against the bed, her back arching and wings fluttering just a little. She paused then, as she felt a warm form against her, and the weight of a hoof thrown over her shoulder.

Wiggling back against the form for a moment, Raindrop then rolled over to raise a brow at the sleeping Sentinel, rubbing her head with a hoof. “Ugh, why do I always seem to wake up next to you after I’m drunk?”

“It’s the universe giving you bleak warnings of the dangers of alcohol,” Sentinel replied sleepily, one eye open, peering at her for a long moment.

“It’s succeeding,” Raindrop groaned, rubbing her temple with a hoof. “My head hurts.”

“I kept telling you to stop, but you wouldn’t listen...” Sentinel said in a long-suffering tone, heaving a long sigh.

Raindrop made a dismissive sound, pushing her hooves against his chest. “You did not. I remember enough in that long blur to know that it was you trying to get me drunk.”

Sentinel snickered faintly at that, watching her for a long moment. Raindrop’s expression changed slowly, starting off indignant. But then her eyes widened, and her pupils dilated slowly, her mouth opening in an expression of dismay.

Raindrop leaned in closer to him, choking out a whisper, “D-did we? I mean, we couldn’t have, we didn’t, did we?!”

Sentinel raised a brow at that, a single ear perking upwards at her, his head tilting slightly to the side as a slow grin spread across his muzzle. “Did we... What?”

“You know what I’m talking about!” Raindrop hissed, pushing her hooves against his chest.

“Welllll...” Sentinel grinned at her mischievously, and then shifted closer, to whisper into her ear, “It started all with such needy phrases like: ‘I want you to ravish me’.”

Raindrop shuddered, her cheeks flushing,protesting weakly, “I-I said no such thing!”

“Oh, and then you pushed our hips together, quite suggestively, I might add,” Sentinel said with an innocent little nod for affirmation, pressing their hips together in example.

“Oh no...Please tell me we didn’t...” Raindrop murmured helplessly, her ears pinning back fully.

“At which point I told you quite firmly ‘No.’,” Sentinel said with a snicker.

Raindrop growled, and hit him lightly across the brow with a hoof. “I hate you.”

“You’d hate me more if I’d let you seduce me,” Sentinel pointed out with a grin, head tilting slightly to one side.

“I might be a really cheery person after I get laid,” Raindrop said with a huff.

Sentinel rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure. I can see that happening. Now, can I leave yet? I’m supposed to be in hospital.”

“I’m not stopping you!” Raindrop protested, pushing at him again with her hooves. “Get out!”

The guard rolled out of the bed, and then gingerly adjusted his wings into a more comfortable position. “Don’t forget to bring the element to Princess Celestia. She’s been waiting for it.”

Raindrop blinked once, and then cast her gaze to the end of the bed, to where the Element of Generosity was sitting, neatly placed on the covers. She looked back at Sentinel, and then paused, before nodding once. “Okay, I’ll get it to her.”

Sentinel nodded once in response, and paused in the doorway, peering back at her. “You’re going to be alright, yeah?”

Raindrop snorted, waving a hoof at him. “I stared down a hydra not long ago. I’ll be fine.”

“Feel better, then,” Sentinel said, lazily saluting her with a hoof and then pushing the door open, stepping out it. The door closed after he was gone, and Raindrop was left in the bed with the Element of Generosity.

Raindrop rolled over, and then sat up, pulling the element up against her and staring down at it. It was the second element she’d managed to find, and both of them had been fraught with danger. There was no indication that the next four would be any better. Running away was still seeming like a good plan.

The young pegasus rolled over onto her hooves, picking up the element and sliding it neatly underneath her wing. She would do the right thing, and hand in this element. But she wasn’t going to go chasing the next four. There were other ponies in the kingdom, and she was a cloud chaser, not an element chaser.

The guards at the front door of Celestia’s palace stepped aside for Raindrop, admitting her to the entrance hall. Raindrop walked across the large hall, heading up the stairs at the end of it, heading for the Hall of Harmony.

Celestia was in the room where the Element of Loyalty was interred, as well as the six fake jewelled elements. Several different ponies milled about, chatting amongst themselves and referring to large blackboards that had been erected, with various mathematical equations sprawled across their surfaces.

“Ah, Raindrop?” Celestia asked as she peered back over her shoulder, pausing in her work at a partly blank blackboard.

“I uh...brought the Element of Generosity with me,” Raindrop said, sliding it from under her wing and then hefting it onto the table, placing it delicately on top of a stand there. It was at that point that Raindrop noticed two other elements sitting on the table.

“Good, good. We have four now. My guards retrieved the Elements of Honesty and Laughter while you were gone,” Celestia said with a warm smile, before frowning slightly. “We’re still having trouble with the last elements, though. The Element of Magic is dormant. We can’t find it with the Seeker Stone. I have a team retrieving the Element of Kindness as we speak. They ran into a slight problem, what with it being hidden past the Gate of Tartarus. Not to worry though!”

“Oh... You don’t need me any more?” Raindrop asked quietly. Even though she had been planning on giving up the search for the elements, it still felt... strange to not be needed.

“Actually, we do need your help,” Celestia said, rounding on her and looking her up and down, smiling slightly. “I want you to track down the bearer of the Elements of Harmony for me. I assure you, there should be very few monsters in this service.”

“Well... I...” Raindrop trailed off, looking down at her hooves for a moment, and then back up at Celestia, hardly believing what she was saying, “What do you need me to do?”

“I managed to amplify the Seeker Stone for the Element of Laughter. It’s definitely picking up a strong hit. But it’s pointing at Transavian. My guards followed it to the border,” Celestia explained, pushing the Seeker Stone towards her with a hoof.

“Why is that such a problem?” Raindrop asked, oblivious, taking the Seeker Stone and slipping it under her wing.

“The Royal Guard is the largest militia organisation in Equestria. The griffons would not look kindly to seeing members of its ranks flying across the border. They might even take it as an act of war,” Celestia explained further. “I need someone who is not officially affiliated with the crown to complete this task, and... You have a vested interest in the success of this venture. I know you won’t let me down, Raindrop.”

Raindrop nodded, turning away, before pausing, and then turning back to the princess. “Uhm...Celestia?”

“Yes, Raindrop?” Celestia asked, raising a brow at the pegasus.

“Can...Sentinel come with me?” Raindrop asked tentatively.

The princess paused at that question, frowning, opening her mouth, and then closing it again, thinking. “I...Don’t see how it could harm anything, so long as he leaves his armour and his duties as a Royal Guard behind at the border.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia,” Raindrop said with a slight bow, turning to leave.

“One moment, Raindrop,” Celestia said, halting the pegasus. “Why do you wish for Sentinel to accompany you?”

“Oh?” Raindrop asked, peering back at the princess for a moment, feeling her cheeks flushing with warmth. “W-well I... Just... You know.”

“No, I do not,” Celestia responded blankly, “Or I would not have asked.”

“Well, I just...” Raindrop trailed off, before heaving a faint sigh. “Shine broke up with me and-”

Celestia cut across Raindrop with a smile, raising a hoof, “Say no more.”

“No! It’s not like that!” Raindrop protested heatedly, before saying in a small voice, “Just... I don’t want to be flying across Transavian alone.”

“Ah, I believe you,” Celestia replied with a smile, inclining her head, even though her tone said that she didn’t believe what Raindrop had said.

Raindrop sighed faintly, shaking her head. “So this stone will let me know when I’ve found the bearer?”

“Indeed,” Celestia responded, waving a hoof, “There are few ponies in Transavian, it should be quite easy.”

“And I’ve just gotta convince them to... What? Come back here?” Raindrop asked uncertainly.

“They are a bearer of one of the elements, they would need to be in close proximity to the element, yes,” Celestia explained, before turning back to the blackboard. “Now, you have a long flight ahead of you.”

Raindrop nodded, turning about and pushing open the door, leaving the princess and her team to pour over the blackboards, doing whatever it was they were doing.

When Raindrop came upon Sentinel in the hospital, he was laying on his stomach in bed with a large thermometre in his mouth and a frowning nurse at his side.

“You!” the nurse exclaimed, scowling. “I take it you are the reason my patient has been running around Ponyville rather than being treated for his injuries?”

Raindrop shifted uncomfortably, her ears splaying backwards. “U-uhm...maybe?”

“Wasn’t so much her fault in that I-”

Sentinel was cut off by the nurse clasping a hoof over his muzzle, forcing his mouth closed on the thermometre. “Quiet, you!”

“I guess I might probably be?” Raindrop offered tentatively.

The nurse scowled, pulling the thermometre from Sentinel’s maw and peering down at it, and then pointing a hoof at Raindrop accusingly. “If he had gotten an infection and a fever because of you, then I would have put you in a bed right next to him!”

The nurse huffed, stalking past the female pegasus, grumbling under her breath darkly.

“I think she missed her coffee break,” Sentinel said with a helpless shrug of his shoulders.

“Missed something,” Raindrop said, snorting, and then slipping over to the guard. “I got new orders from Celestia.”

“Celestia’s ordering you about now?” Sentinel asked, raising a brow.

“Kinda hard to refuse her when she asks for things,” Raindrop said with a heavy sigh, before pulling out the Seeker Stone to show to Sentinel. “She’s ordered you to accompany me to Transavian and find the bearer for the...erm...element of whatever.”

“Element of whatever?” Sentinel asked, an ear perking at her.

“I don’t keep track of these things!” Raindrop protested, waving a hoof. “And there’s six of them to keep track of, six.”

“Very well. So...Transavian?” Sentinel asked, mulling it over for a moment, and then shaking his head. “How am I supposed to get over the dividing range and into Transavian again?”

“I dunno. You could like...fly?” Raindrop offered, rolling her eyes.

“The nurse, and the doctor says I won’t be able to fly until tomorrow, at least,” Sentinel pointed out, peeking at her.

“That is so unfair,” Raindrop whined, shaking her head.

“Unfair?” Sentinel asked, peering at her curiously.

“You get your wings mangled, and can fly two days later. I get stabbed in the chest and I’m only allowed to fly just now! Days later!” Raindrop huffed, punctuating her words by slapping a hoof on the bed.

Sentinel snickered at that. “You got stabbed in the chest. Those muscles bear a lot of the weight of flying. If they’re not completely healed, then you’d end up tearing them mid-flight. You’d likely die.”

“Still unfair,” Raindrop sulked, shaking her head.

“Oh come on, we’ll be flying tomorrow. You can quit the sulkfest,” Sentinel said with a shake of his head, grinning at her.

“Very well,” Raindrop sighed, waving a hoof and taking back the seeker stone. She slipped over to a couch beside the bed, and curled up.

Sentinel raised a brow at her, “You’re going to just sleep there until tomorrow?”

“Nothing better to do,” Raindrop stated. “I could go get drunk again? You know how that ends.”

“Waking up next to some exceptionally ugly mug,” the guard replied with a slow nod.

“You just want me to contradict you,” Raindrop accused, waving a hoof at him.

“I wouldn’t mind it sometime,” Sentinel responded reasonably, nodding a little.

Raindrop rolled her eyes, “Well don’t expect it any time soon. I’m not drunk.”

“These meds are kicking my ass,” Sentinel stated, rubbing his head with a hoof. “I’m going to pass out. If the couch gets uncomfy, the bed is pretty big.”

“As if I’d get up there with you,” Raindrop snorted, waving her hoof at him again.

There was a pause of a few moments, before Raindrop pricked an ear upwards. She lifted her head, only to find that Sentinel was unconscious, passed out from his medication.

Raindrop rolled her eyes, and then laid her head back down on her hooves, closing her eyes. After a few moments, one of her eyes blinked open.

The pegasus huffed faintly as she pulled herself up onto the bed with Sentinel, rolling herself into his hooves, before poking his nose with a hoof, and murmuring threateningly to his unconscious ears, “And if I hear any nonsense about this in the morning, you’ll be spending at least a week in this hospital bed.”