• Published 8th May 2012
  • 7,981 Views, 1,390 Comments

Antecedent - Anonymous Pegasus

Raindrop needs to reunite the Elements of Harmony to cure herself of her affliction. But the journey will become so much than the destination.

  • ...

A Proposal

Raindrop stared down at the piece of paper in front of her, blinking slowly.

It was titled: The living Will of the soon-to-be-dead Queen Chrysalis

Underneath that, were a set of very concise instructions and information on who was to get what.

It was her grandmother’s will.

Sentinel looked over her shoulder, tilting his head to the side.

The envelope had been delivered a few moments previously by one of Luna’s Dark Guards with the message that the Will had been found amongst the papers that Chrysalis had written before her death.

“Huh... she actually had time to write a will?” Sentinel asked, blinking once.

Raindrop nodded dumbly, feeling slightly numb.

“Are you okay?” Sentinel asked, frowning and nudging her with his nose.

Raindrop nodded hesitantly. “I just... it’s so surreal... she was alive. She saved us. She saved us from the changelings, reformed Chitin, and now... she’s just some words on a piece of paper.”

Sentinel nodded quietly. “When a fellow guard is killed in the line of duty, we drink to their name, and their memory... but most of all, we look at the pony that passed. We meditate upon a single lesson that they have taught us, and we vow to better ourselves based upon that lesson, so that a small part of them lives on through our actions.”

Raindrop looked up at him, her ears splaying. “That’s... actually very sweet.”

“It is a fitting way to remember the fallen,” Sentinel said, placing a hoof over his heart.

“You probably just think she was a bug,” Raindrop said, staring down at the Will, her head dropping.

Sentinel frowned at that. “I can’t... I can’t like her. I can’t. She was... she’s the reason I lost my parents, however indirectly... But I can respect her. I can respect who she was and what she did.”

Raindrop nodded gently. “And now she’s gone.”

“And now she’s gone,” Sentinel repeated, placing a hoof on Raindrop’s shoulder. “It’s how you choose to remember her that matters.”

“She left me the cottage,” Raindrop said suddenly.

“You mean... that cottage that is currently turned to marble where your still-alive grandmother spent several decades lying next to her deceased soul mate?” Sentinel rattled off.

Raindrop nodded.

“Creepy.” Sentinel hummed, rubbing a hoof against his chin. “It’d make a nice change for you though, not living out of inns.

Raindrop frowned at Sentinel, her brow furrowing. “Sentinel. We’ve been together long enough that you can talk about ‘us’ without weirding me out.”

Sentinel’s ears splayed back, and he lowered his head a little bit, chagrined. “Well, when you put it that way... I’ve never really... thought of living anywhere with somepony.”

Raindrop stared at him. “Not even when you have a serious relationship with an abusive mare?”

“I thought it’d be more a case of you living in inn’s all the time and leaving me locked up in one of those giant portable circus cages.”

A thoughtful hum left Raindrop. “Interesting. I’ll have to ask around.”

Sentinel flailed a hoof at her. “I was joking!”

Raindrop giggled, leaning sideways to kiss his cheek. “I know. But still...”

“Anyhow. Cottage!” Sentinel said, changing the subject. “Do you want to live in the cottage?”

Raindrop shook her head. “Not permanently. Hell, I don’t want to live there temporarily. I want to move back to Cloudsdale. I had a nice house there... before Shine. But I sold it so we could move in together, and ugh, I don’t want anything to do with the house he and I shared.”

Sentinel nodded once, looking sideways at her, his expression turning sheepish. “I... ah...”

Raindrop raised a brow at him. “Spit it out.”

Splaying his ears back, Sentinel lowered his head again. “I... well. I don’t smoke, I don’t really drink a lot. I don’t have a home. I work for the Royal Guard and don’t really have any hobbies... Nothing to really spend that much money on.”

Raindrop tilted her head. “Trying to woo me?”

Sentinel snorted once, nudging her with a hoof. “I’m rich.”

Tilting her head to the other side, Raindrop snorted once. “Rich.”

“Rich. Not wealthy, but rich,” Sentinel stated.

Raindrop frowned. “There’s a difference?”

“Wealthy ponies sign rich pony’s paychecks,” Sentinel said with a wry grin.

“So... you’re telling me this... why?” Raindrop asked, mildly bewildered.

“Well... I’m... vaguely rich. Not excessively. I’m the kind of rich you can lose with a wild weekend in Las Pegasus, but still. I have money... and you want a house in Cloudsdale...” Sentinel trailed off.

Raindrop blinked slowly. “You’re... offering to buy a house with me?”

“No, actually,” Sentinel said, rubbing a hoof against his neck self-consciously.

“Then what?” Raindrop asked, confused.

Sentinel pursed his lips. “I have enough money to have a house built. Just for you and I.”

Raindrop stared, her ears pinning back.

“Quite a step up from moving in together, I know,” Sentinel said, his tone a little bit strained. He shifted nervously, and then looked away. “You know what? Just forget I said anything, it’s a stupid idea.”

Raindrop threw her hooves around him, pulling him into a hug and kissing his nose gently, smiling at him. “I’m sorry Sentinel... it’s just a lot to take in. And with everything going on recently...”

Sentinel smiled, giving a relieved sigh and leaning forwards to kiss her gently. “You can think on it, if you’d like.”

Nodding once, Raindrop leaned against him, laying her cheek on his chest. “I just... I’ve been having some pretty dark relationship thoughts recently.”

“Dark?” Sentinel asked, raising a brow.

“Just... pondering on the inevitability of it all. Life in general,” Raindrop said with a strained smile. “Best case scenario, when you meet someone new, is that you’re going to marry them and then one of you dies.”

“That’s pretty defeatist,” Sentinel said, frowning.

“But truthful,” Raindrop replied, giving a sad smile. “Every time you date somepony... you’re either going to live with them happily ever after or break up with them in varying degrees of pain.”

“I don’t ever want to break up with you,” Sentinel stated immediately.

Raindrop blinked up at him, an ear perking.

“I get the feeling it would involve sharp objects and tender parts of my anatomy getting rather more acquainted than I’m comfortable with,” Sentinel said with a sage nod.

Raindrop giggled softly, before sobering, staring up at him. “I don’t want to break up with you, either...”

Sentinel smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheek, looking thoughtful. “Did we just decide to spend the rest of our lives together?”

A short nod was his answer. “Pretty much.”

Sentinel went quiet for a few moments, frowning slightly.

“Something wrong?” Raindrop asked.

“Oh... nothing. Just a stupid little thing.”

Raindrop perked an ear. “Well spit it out.”

“I just... that was such a perfect opening for a marriage proposal, and I’ll never see one like that ever again,” Sentinel said with a deep sigh.

Raindrop splayed her ears back, her cheeks flushing. “A-are you proposing to me, Sentinel?”

Sentinel blinked rapidly. “What? No!”

Raindrop gave him a stern look at how quick he denied it.

“W-what I mean to say is that I wouldn’t be adverse to the idea i-in the proper time. I-I mean, I’d love to get married t-to somepony someday, somepony like you! N-not specifically y-you exactly but somepony really like you and oh sweet Celestia I’m making a fool of myself and please-don’t-hit-me,” Sentinal said, fumbling over the words and cowering, covering his face with a hoof.

Raindrop gently pulled his hoof away from his face, a look on her face like somepony watching a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. “You are so cute when you’re flustered!”

Sentinel huffed.

“And anyhow, ‘somepony else’? You already said you don’t want to break up with me, ever,” Raindrop pointed out.

Sentinel’s ears pinned back, and he looked away, not answering.

“And you said that you’d like to get married, someday. So you must be talking about me,” Raindrop added calmly.

Sentinel splayed his ears backwards. “Okay, okay... I slipped up. Just call me a mare and make fun of me so we can move on.”

Raindrop stared at her coltfriend for a long moment, her head tilting to one side, eyes narrowing. “Why don’t you just come out and ask me?”

Sentinel spluttered. “W-we’ve barely known eachother all that long! Our foreplay consists of violence, we were under attack by changelings and still have like, fifty of them to go find, you’re still a changeling underneath all that sexy bootay and I just... I don’t want to feel like a complete idiot when you turn me down.”

“You’re afraid of rejection?” Raindrop asked with a soft smile.

Sentinel nodded mutely.

Raindrop was quiet for several moments, before she whispered softly, “I’d say ‘yes’...”

Sentinel rolled his eyes. “Obvio-Wait, what?!” The pegasus spluttered, his eyes wide, looking stunned.

“I’d say ‘yes’,” Raindrop repeated, louder this time.

“I... I...” Sentinel froze, his ears pinning back, and he whined faintly, bouncing in place. “This is so unfair!”

“How is it unfair?” Raindrop asked, now sounding bewildered.

“I don’t have a ring or anything!” Sentinel exclaimed, waving a hoof wildly. “Two perfect proposal points, for me to get down on my stomach and ask, and I don’t have a bucking ring!

Raindrop giggled softly at that, shaking her head and then stepping close to the guard, kissing his cheek softly. “Just... say that you’ll marry me.”

Sentinel pressed back against her, kissing her with a firm eagerness. “I’ll marry you, Raindrop. I’ll marry you so hard that they’ll need to write a new form of magic to divorce us.”

Raindrop smiled, kissing him in response, her eyes sparkling and misty. “Til death do us part.”

“Til death do us part,” Sentinel repeated, nodding in affirmation and then silencing himself by kissing his fiance eagerly.

Raindrop pulled back from the kiss, peering up at him. “I expected a little more resistance, really.”

“What can I say? You broke my spirit,” Sentinel said with a wry smile.

Raindrop hummed happily, worming a wing against his side and interlocking the feathers of her wing with his own, squeezing them tightly. “I love you, Sentinel.”

“I love you too, Raindrop,” Sentinel responded with a giddy smile.

“I can’t wait for the wedding day,” Raindrop said with a dreamy sigh.

Sentinel nodded once, and then raised a brow. “Imagining it already, huh?”

Raindrop nodded, squeezing his feathers with her own. “Just picture it, us on a hill... overlooking the sea. Or a cloud! A cloud sprinkled with rose petals! Walking down the cloud-aisle, organ music playing... a soft, cool breeze kissing against our bodies as we walk side-by-side to the officiator... just me and you...”

Sentinel gave a wry grin. “And not to mention your bridemaids and streamers and whatnot.”

“Oh it’s going to be so awesome. I can see it now! There’ll be cake, and flowers, and frills. And pink,” Raindrop said, bouncing slightly in place. “And on our honeymoon, I’ll carry you over the threshold of our room, tear off your dress and make you scream my name.”

Sentinel blinked slowly at that, snapping back to attention.

Raindrop giggled and leaned forwards to kiss his nose. “Seeing as you’re such a mare, we can wear matching dresses!”

Sentinel stared at her for a long moment, giving a nervous laugh. “I-if I give you depraved, kinky sex before the honeymoon, can I wear my regal armor?”

Raindrop gave a long-suffering sigh. “But they were gonna be matching!”

“We’ll even have a safe word,” Sentinel whispered into her ear enticingly.

“Deal, then!” Raindrop shivered and kissed him with a fiery eagerness, giggling, “You know me too well!”

Author's Note:

Woops, minor technical difficulties. If you see some weird stuff, refresh!

Comments ( 62 )

You're still a changeling under all that sexy bootay

I ROTFLOL :rainbowlaugh:

Oh wow. I laughed so hard at this chapters I have tearsrunning down my face.

:pinkiehappy: Yay. Please write more.
Good update with really large step for our lovebirds.
Depraved kinki sex in Lost Chapters? Preatty please. :twilightblush:

Just a though, the queen said Sentinal was already feed on (by Raindrop), then She feed on him too. Also Sentinals anti-changeling protection is gone until the elements are complete. He is snuggling (and more) with Raindrop. The clock is ticking :twilightoops:

1986159 Dat swish-cheese badonkadonk :trollestia:

You're still a changeling

I can't remember if Kuno or Warden suggested it first, but there are other holes on a Changeling body........

1986159 Shouldn't you be doing homework? :trollestia::trollestia:

Just picture it, us on a hill... overlooking the sea. Or a cloud! A cloud sprinkled with rose petals! Walking down the cloud-aisle, organ music playing... a soft, cool breeze kissing against our bodies as we walk side-by-side to the officiator... just me and you..


And on our honeymoon, I’ll carry you over the threshold of our room, tear off your dress and make you scream my name

*fell off the chair laughing*

And here I was thinking Raindrop had a tendency to be emotional. Then again, it could just be Sentinel's fear getting the better of him, and I can't really say I blame him. After all, he is marrying someone who can (and has) kick(ed) his flank.

Still, you have my d'aww :pinkiesad2:

Hooray an update! Nice chapter, hope to see more soon! :pinkiehappy:

If you see some weird stuff, refresh!

I keep refreshing, but nothing can change the amount of freaky in any of your stories.

THAT was HILARIOUS :rainbowlaugh:

known eachother all that

Might want to get that.

And... IT'S ALIVE!!!
And as funny/emotional as ever.
Best line:

“I-if I give you depraved, kinky sex before the honeymoon, can I wear my regal armor?”


Dangit you beat me there :ajbemused: That was gonna be my highlighted line. I don't hate you for it but I do dislike you :derpytongue2:

Mwa Ha ha ha! I am victorious! Or something. :facehoof:



He's in league with the sea ponies! Get him!


Sea ponies? naw, hate em'. In league with the surviving changelings

Who can grow gills... It all makes sense now.


by the way Chrysaluis is coming to eat your love, by giving you a bj!


yes chrysaluis....chrysalis's older brother!


Prepare to be gayified!

I'm glad to have provided some amusement.

awww yisss, more of this story :coolphoto:

.....How many freaking chapters ARE there :rainbowhuh:

And its still not finished:facehoof:

And there is still more. Challenge Accepted :rainbowwild: lol RemedyxFirebrand :rainbowkiss::heart:

Why has this been cancelled?

*Sees story is cancelled*

I will hunt you down and end you.


Obviously not following me.
Obviously not checking my blog posts.
Obviously didn't check my stories at all.
Obviously doesn't even give a cherry-coated fuck.

Why should I even give you a link?


Maybe check around before opening your mouth and making yourself look like an idiot, next time? :ajbemused:


Obviously not following me.
Obviously not checking my blog posts.
Obviously didn't check my stories at all.
Obviously doesn't even give a cherry-coated fuck.
Why should I even give you a link?

Point 1: I haven't followed anyone yet so shut up about me not following you.
Point 2: I looked through all available blog posts and saw diddly-squat about cancelling Antecedent
Point 3: Meh. You said to look at your fucking blog posts and to reiterate a point I made before, saw diddly-squat about the cancelling of Antecedent
Point 4: OBJECTION! I followed this story and checked to see if it had updated and saw that it was cancelled. Thus, I was pissed because I think this is good.

2369004 Uh, not to be a Mr meanie pants, but you have seen the status of this story, right?

2369250 Pinkie and........Boomey...........yeah, I'm just going to hide now. Thank Celestia for Luna's '4th wall nullifier'. See you guys when it's all over.

what... no, it can't be; there's gotta be more *scrolls over through the page* where de buck is that chapter 62 :flutterrage:

Canceled? nooooooooooooooooooo....

2474761 would you recommend I read this one or should I start with the reboot?

I've just finished reading this story in its entirety, and I am quite amazed at its depth, twists, and surprises. (I also appraise your comedic capabilities, as I nearly fell out of my seat several times.)

I must admit that as I reread the end of the last chapter, it seemed like an ideal place to leave off for Raindrop and Sentinel, though I am feeling thoroughly tantalized to be unable to know what happens to the rest of the Element-Bearers!

AND I read your blog posts when I saw this labeled as canceled, though I didn't see anything related there (I could have missed something). I also found Antecedent (R) in the comments, skimmed some of the first chapter and comments, and came to assume the reboot was based around the new canon. While I have no qualms with this (especially since this is YOUR story), I still feel perfectly willing to grovel on my hooves and knees for this story to continue at some point. If it wouldn't be too annoying for me to ask. :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

P.S.: Happy birthday! :raritywink:

2677869 I rebooted it because it just felt... wrong to me. The reboot will be bigger and better and more hilarious. :pinkiecrazy:

2677889 Butbutbut it seems so close(ish) to finishing andandand it's an AMAZING story andan-*Explodes* :twilightangry2:

2677958 trust me.It was nowhere NEAR finished. :facehoof:

2677989 ...And down goes my argument. :facehoof: Then I'll begin reading the reboot posthaste! :pinkiehappy:

why?! why did you cancel this?! This is along the lines of publishing material!!! far better than the reboot!!!:applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritycry::raritycry:

Least you left it on a decent ending... still wish there was more

Can only hope that the remake is just as good!

Just one thing - pls keep the characters pretty much the same in the remake

Still wish this was continued... or even the reboot q.q

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