• Published 15th May 2012
  • 1,813 Views, 70 Comments

The Brothers Derp - Worm

2 idiotic brother's slapstick adventure to save Equestria.

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Two Brothers

Its was a peaceful day, birds were chirping and the sun shining brilliantly, the ponyfolk enjoying the beautiful day in the park. Comedic Arts was enjoying a nice picnic with his new marefriend Flitter and her best friend and room mate Cloud Chaser, who was suppose to be meeting his featherbrained brother Blitz for a blind date but as usual was late.

'Where the hay is he at' Comedic thinks to himself looking to Chaser who was growing very impatient, "I'm sure he's on his way" He reassures her "Knowing him he just lost track of time." He looks to Flitter and smiles nervously before looking around hoping to see Blitz flying toward them but only sees other ponies enjoying their day at the park.

"You better not mess this up featherbrain" He mumbles under his breath annoyed that his brother still hadn't showed up "I worked hard to set you up with this date."

Suddenly and without warning he hears somepony yell "HEADS UP..." before hearing something impact the tree next to them. What he heard next was the object falling out of the tree literally impacting EVERY branch on the way down before hitting the ground with a loud thud. There laying before them was Blitz sticks poking out of is coat and covered in tree sap.

"Fine of you to join us..." Comedic says annoyed "Quite the entrance you made.

Groaning in pain from the crash Blitz quickly pulls himself up off the ground. Grinning he starts pulling the sticks that were lodged in his wings then attempts to pull off some of the tree sap stuck to his coat to no avail. "Sorry I'm late. he says still fighting with the tree sap "Lost track of time then got tied up listening to the old bat of a neighbor we have tell me how immature I am."

"You immature...naw who would ever think that" Comedic says sarcastically "Any ways you already know Flitter" He says smiling and giving Flitter a peck on the cheek "This is Cloud Chaser the mare I told you about" He points to Cloud Chaser who is looking quite annoyed at her late date. "Chaser this is my bone headed brother and room mate Suicide Blitz, we just call him Blitz."

Blitz was taken back by the beautiful mare his friend had set him up with. Chaser had walked up to Blitz and extended her hoof, "Its a pleasure to finally meet you" she says forcing a smile. Blitz being the "ladies man" that he is stood there with the goofiest grin on his face before replying. "Pleasures all mine" in some form or another.

Still awed by the beauty that his brother was trying to hook him up with Blitz quickly composed himself, "I've heard alot about you" He says not able to take his eyes off of Chaser. "Hope I can make a good second impression" He grins as he thinks about his entrance.

"Hope you do too" she says smiling "You seem like a cool dude." Blitz felt his face get red.

"I try" he squeaks.

"Well why don't we get back to out picnic" Comedic says "Don't wanna let all this go to waste." He picks up a hay and daisy sandwich and takes a bite. "So Blitz what what was with the crash landing" He says as his curiosity got the better of him. "I know you enjoy hurting yourself and all but on an occasion like this?" He had a point Blitz made it a personal hobby to hurt himself is the dumbest ways possible, his cutie mark was even based off his "talent".

"Well," He replies thinking back to the events right before his crash landing "I was looking for you guys and wasn't paying attention to where I was going and flew into a flock of birds." He rubs the back of his head and blushes, obviously embarrassed. "I lost control and plummeted conveniently into a tree." He chuckles poking at the dried tree sap still stuck to him.

Despite their questionable introductions Chaser and Blitz soon find themselves talking and telling each other more about themselves. "Yea I've been working at the weather factory as a cloud wrangler for about 3 years now" Blitz explains "As for hobbies I like seeing what kind of cool stunts I can pull off." He brags.

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and show us a trick or two." Comedic says with a grin "Unless your scared"

"HA me scared?" Blitz states "You should know better then anyone I'm not afraid of anything" He says taking off in a blur of black and red. "I perfected this trick myself" He gloats "Its called <insert clever name here> and I'm the only one that can pull it off" He bolts off into the sky to start his little act. On the ground Comedic was laughing at the fact his bone headed brother was so easy to get riled up.

"You ladies are gonna want to see this" He chuckles as he looks to Flitter and Chaser.

"Ten bits says he crashes into the tree again" Comedic says jokingly "Either that or he will pull it off and somehow crash afterwards." They all look up to Blitz who is prepping himself for the trick. He had pulled it off only once before and failed to countless times. 'You can do this' He thinks to himself 'You pull this off and that beautiful mare is as good as yours' With a determined look he prepares to start.

"HERE GOES NOTHEN" He yells as he plummets towards the ground faster and faster. Just feet off the ground he spreads his wings and pulls out of the dive and shoots off into the sky doin flips and twirls and rolls and other tricks.

"Whoa that was amazing" Chaser gasps "I didn't think anypony could pull out a dive like that and just keep flying" She say there slack jawed and eyes agape.

"Meh he got lucky" Comedic says somewhat disappointed. "He couldn't do it again if he tried"

"Is that another challenge" He turns to see a grinning Blitz standing behind him "I love nothing more then proving you wrong" He looked to Chaser, winked and smiled before looking back to his brother.

"Alright then lets make this interesting" Comedic replies "Fifty bits says you can't pull it off again." Being easy to trick Blitz takes the bet without even thinking.

"Your on" He says taking off into the sky for the second time. "Have those bits ready for when I get back" He says getting over cocky.

"Yea yea just go fail so you can pay me already" Comedic says egging Blitz on eve more.

As he ascends into the clouds he thinks to himself 'You've already done it once how hard can it be to just do it again' He reaches the same altitude as before and stops to catch his breath from the flight up here. "Here we go again." He shouts as he starts his dive towards the ground. As he pulls from his dive he spots Chaser and shoots her a grin, she replies with her own grin and a wave. This throws him off just enough to loose control and careen straight into the tree he crashed into earlier.

Unable to control himself Comedic falls on the ground laughing his flank off. Still dazed from the crash Blitz stumbles over to them from the tree, again covered with sticks and tree sap. "Well that didn't go as planned." he mumbles before falling to the ground.

"Oh no Blitz" He hears Chaser say as she races to him "Are you alright that crash was bad" Blitz chuckles as he looks up to her, "Yea I'll be fine" He reassures her "I've been in way worse crashes then that and walked away from them. 'Not how I planned on reeling her in but eh good enough' He thinks to himself.

Chaser and Blitz get caught up in their moment and don't notice Comedic trotting up to them still laughing with Flitter behind him telling him he shouldn't laugh at his brothers misfortune. "Hate to break up the love birds but a certain pony owes me fifty caps." He says still chuckling. Blitz and Chaser break their stare and blush heavily.

"We're not love birds." She says defensively "I was just checking to make sure he was ok" He says with a bad poker face.

"Yea of course you were" Comedic says sarcastically before turning to his brother for the bits he was owed.

"Really" Blitz says "I just ran full speed into a tree and you wanna do this now?" He looks at his brother who has the biggest troll face on.

"You bet I do" He raises his hoof to gather the bits he was owed "You lost fair and square now pay up."

Blitz looks at him annoyed and a little pissed off. "Gonna have to take an IOU I don't have it right now." He smirks "Remind me I'll give the bits to you when we get home later." He shakes Comedic's hoof to seal the deal.

"You know I'll bug you till you pay up right." He says smiling.

"I told you when we get back I'll pay you so lay off." Blitz says annoyed.

After bickering back and forth for a few more minutes they turn their attention back to the girls. "You two must be getting tired" Comedic says "Its been a long afternoon, why don't you let me and Blitz walk you two home."

Without hesitation Chaser steps forward and says "We would love that" Realizing what happened she blushed and steped back "I mean if you guys really want to."

Comedic and Blitz both chuckle. "Would be our pleasure" Blitz says with a huge smile, "Why don't we get going."

As the group of ponies make their way from the park to Cloudsdale, Comedic and Flitter fly almost close enough to wreck into each other and behind them Blitz and Chaser spend the trip exchanging smiles and flirty looks. "You think those two are gonna hit it off?" Comedic asks Flitter just loud enough for her to her but not loud enough for the other two to hear him.

"I think they already have." She replies looking back a the two flirting with each other. "They just don't know it yet".

Upon arriving in Cloudsdale in front of Chaser and Flitter's house Comedic pulls Flitter aside for a goodbye kiss and hugs, leaving Blitz and Chaser standing there by themselves.

"I had fun today and it was awesome meeting you." Blitz says blush and scratching his head, "We should do this again sometime."

Without saying a word Chaser walks up to him and kisses him on the cheek, "It was cool meeting you too and I agree we should do this again sometime."

She starts to walk inside when Blitz speaks up. "You uh busy this Saturday?" He says turning red "Me and Comedic were gonna go to a Wonderbolts show and I would love for you to come with us, hes gonna ask Flitter to go so I kinda figured you might wanna go too."

Without missing a beat she replies, "I'd love to!" Over excited Blitz blurts out, "Fine its a date..." Before stopping himself "I mean sweet I can't wait."

Smiling Chaser gives him another peck on the cheek and replies "It's a date, and this time don't be late." She walks inside followed shortly by Flitter.

"So what did you think of her?" Comedic asks "She's pretty sweet isn't she" Seeing his brother with that look on his face he couldn't give up the chance to mess with him. "Ooooh I see," he says with a grin, "Blitz and chaser sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I..." before being cut off from a punch in the gut from Blitz,

"Knock it off peckerweed it isn't like that," He says getting all serious, "I think I really like her, like like her I mean."

Recovering from the shot to the gut Comedic coughs and says, "Well if that's how you really feel I can't give you too much crap over it, I can't go around c-blocking my own brother after all..." He is silenced by another jab to the gut.

"I already told you it isn't like that" Blitz states for a second time, "I'm not gonna say it again."

Coughing and laughing Comedic composes himself, "Alright man lets just get home I'm tired"

After a short flight they reach their home on the other side of Cloudsdale. "Alright man I'm gonna hit the sack" Comedic yawns as he makes his way to his room, "Don't stay up too late we have work in the morning."

"Yea I know," Blitz says "I'll be fine" He walks into the living room and sits down on the sofa, "I'll see you in the morning" He says as his brother walks into his room and shuts the door. 'Don't know how you pulled it off but you got the girl' He thinks to himself as he starts to nod off.

A/N-I know this is suppose to be about these two idiots being on some crazy adventure, I'm getting to that, figured I'd give them a proper introduction and set some stuff up for later I manage to not mess it up. Hoping to have the second chapter done by tomorrow. Stay Tuned!