• Published 15th May 2012
  • 1,814 Views, 70 Comments

The Brothers Derp - Worm

2 idiotic brother's slapstick adventure to save Equestria.

  • ...

The Assassin

The group of ponies after setting off from the Canterlot Palace flew towards their first stop, Ponyville, to stock up on supplies and provisions. And for a few of them to say their farewells to family and friends.

"I'll go make sure our train is on schedule," The sergeant says to the mix matched group of ponies, "Try to stay out of trouble till I get back." He looked at Dark and Gears who both looked back and grinned. "I mean it no shenanigans." He turns and walks off towards the train depot, leaving the group to do as they pleased till it came time to leave.

Applejack headed off to her families farm to say her goodbyes to them, Twilight headed off to her library to fetch a few books for the trip, Rarity headed for her boutique to make sure her parents had come to fetch her little sister, Rainbow Dash had flew off to somewhere unknown, only saying she would be back shortly. Pinkie Bounced off to her home to pack some cupcakes and other treats for the trip that she insisted on. Fluttershy quietly walked off towards her cottage to make sure her animals were set for her absence. That left Comedic and Blitz with the rest of their security team pondering what to do while they waited.

Triple Chain, mumbled "I need a drink." before stumbling off to the local bar. Followed by Rhino, Vortex and Drax.

"We'll keep him out of trouble." Drax chuckles as he heads off towards the drunken pony.

That left Blitz and Comedic standing there like a couple fish out of water. It was then Blitz relized something, they passed over Everfree forest on their way in and he had never visited it before, he figured a nice walk would be good before they set off. After letting his brother know he set off towards the forest, Comedic decided to tag along in case his brother decided to get himself in trouble, as he lied to do quite frequently.

"Wait up!" He yelled as he ran after Blitz, "I'm comin too." They made their way towards the forest, unaware that danger was not far behind.

A mysterious figure watches them from behind a nearby tree, "Yes go take your little walk," The figure says.

As Comedic and Blitz near the forest a creepy chill runs down Blitz's spine, "I dunno," He says nervously, "Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all."

Comedic being the wise ass that he was began to jeer and poke fun at Blitz, "Aw is lil Blitzy scared." He said making a funny face, "If your scared we don't HAVE to go in." He says with a chuckle.

"Not scared..." Blitz states, "Just a bad feeling is all." He looks around getting a feeling they are being watched, before heading into the forest followed closely by Comedic.

As they walk down the overgrown path they are speechless at the beauty of the forest, the flowers and plants with their vibrant colors. The sound of birds in the trees was almost memorizing.

"See I told you there was noth..." Comedic starts to say before being blindsided by a dark mysterious figure. Blitz jumps around thinking his brother had tripped or run into something and finds himself face to face with the figure. He jumps away startled.

"Wh..who the hay are you" He asked in a mixture of fright and anger as he looks at his unconscious brother laying on the ground, "And what the hell did you do to him?" Blitz started growing angry, which was out of the ordinary for him and took quite a bit to actually make him mad, the sight of his injured brother was enough to set him off.

"Don't you worry about who I am," The figure says, "All you need to know is who sent me." He began laughing maniacally, "I am an agent of Lord Black Storm and I was sent here to kill you and your idiot brother." While the figure was going off on his evil introduction he failed to notice Blitz charging at him full force, that is until he was tacked to the ground.

"You hurt my brother you motherf...." Blitz starts to say before the agent throws him to the side, almost without effort.

"You worm you really think you stand a chance without your brother here to bail you out," The agent yells as he proceeds to try to beat on Blitz, "Even with your brother you would have no chance."

"Well that was your first mistake," Blitz says laughing and spitting out some blood, "Thinking I need my brother to protect me." He lunges at the agent and manages to land a solid hit to the side of the head causing the agent to stumble backwards. "Second mistake was underestimating me." Blitz laughs as he throws another punch only to have it get blocked and end up taking a hit himself.

"Looks like we got a fighter," The agent laughs in his maniacal laugh as he hits Blitz repeatedly, "Least your making this somewhat fun." He hits Blitz one more time hard enough to almost knock him out. "Enough of this, I'm going to finish you both off and claim my reward, though I think I'll have some fun with this..."


Back at the bar the others had all settled down and were enjoying a drink, not long after Red Cross had decided to join them, they all sat around a table discussing their backgrounds and skills when Rainbow Dash walked through the door.

"Have you guy seen Blitz or Comedic, they have been gone awhile." The tone in her voice suggested maybe she was worried about them or one of them at least, Blitz to be specific, she has had a secret crush on him since they met at the palace.

Lucky for Blitz the feelings she had would save his life, as the other speculated on where the brothers could be Red Cross pulls out his pocket watch and points it towards Dash, through it he can see the predicament the brother have gotten themselves into, and without saying a word he sprints out the door and takes off towards them. Dash having a feeling something was different about Red decides to gather her friends and follow him.


Blitz could only lay there helplessly has the agent picked his still unconscious brother up and pin him to a tree, "You get to watch your brother die." He cackled, "And there nothing you can do about it." The agent pulls out a blade and presses it to Comedic's neck, Blitz now full of rage but unable to move due to his injuries could only look on in horror as the agent toys with them.

All of a sudden there is a loud crash and a blinding light, as Blitz regains his vision he sees the agent frozen in place and a pony standing off to the side. Unable to make out who it was Blitz was just glad whoever it was showed up when they did, they had saved his brother from his gruesome fate.

"Heh who do we have here," the agent laughs as he begins to thaw, "Another pony come to play?" He drops Comedic and turns his attention to the pony standing before him. "Looks like this might be fun." He cackles as he charges at the pony only to be stopped dead in his tracks by the ponies frozen blade.

"The name is Red Cross and I was ordered to protect these two and that's exactly what I plan to do." He states as he takes a swing at the agent, grazing his chest and leaving a moderate slash. "I will cut you down here then your boss is next."

The agent looked to his wound and just laughed, "Is that so," He said as he begin laughing hysterically, "When I'm through with you not even Celestia will be able to save you!" The agent pulled a large blade off his back and charged at Red who despite being pushed back was able to block the attack, it had been years since he was in the guard and it left him somewhat rusty, never the less his princess gave him a task to protect these two and he would not fail her.

"I was given this duty by the Princess herself and I will not fail her!" Red states charging at the agent again and again only to be blocked and parried. He was very rusty and it was showing. As he and the agent traded blow it was apparent he would need something extra to defeat this foe.

"Looking tired," the agent says laughing, "You arent giving up on me are you." He laughs as he lunges at Red time and time again. At this point Red's sword was showing signs of strain, it hadn't seen action like this for quite some time.

The agent could see the Red was growing tired, wanted to end this so he could get back to his main focus, killing the brothers, he swung as Red making him block, in which he kneed him in the gut knocking him down. "As much fun as this is I have work that needs done," he laughed, "it's been fun but this is where it ends." He raised his blade to administer a final blow when they heard yelling in the distance. It was the six mares they were traveling with.

"Hey Red where are you," one of them yelled, "we heard a bunch of noise over here you there?" Unaware of the fighting up ahead the mares made their way towards the place they heard all the ruckus coming from. Then they saw it, Blitz laying there injured and unable to move, Comedic still knocked unconscious and the agent about to finish off Red.

"NNOOOOO!!" Applejack yelled as she ran towards them, tackling the agent right before he took his swing, the hit was a hard one and it left Applejack stunned.

"Stupid mare," the agent hissed, "I'll teach you to interfere." the agent holds her down and raises his blade ready to run her through when he hears a roar behind him, "Huh whats this," he turns to see a very angry Red standing face to face with him, "Like picking on mares do you." His eyes began to glow and time almost came to a stop.

Unknown to the mares who had been given their respected elements before leaving Canterlot, they had all been carrying them with them at all times, the elements began to glow and shot away from the mares, to their surprise. They created a perfect hexagon around Red and in a flash of spectacular light a set of armor with the symbols of the elements materialized on Red. The mares could only stand there slacked jawed from shear shock, even Applejack who was moments away from death could only stare in utter surprise.

"Love and tolerance, ha, your about to get your flank kicked." Red says grabbing the agent and throwing him against a tree, Red looks down to Applejack and smile, "Why don't we show out friend here how you buck apples, he laughs and notions towards the agent's nether regions. Applejack only smiled as she figured out what Red meant.

"With pleasure," She laughed, "Ah'm gonna enjoy this." She laughed has she turns with her back to the agent and bucked him full force directly in his jewels. The agent nearly fainted from the impact but was shaken back to reality by Red.

"You threaten my mission, then you threaten to kill an unarmed mare. You sir are not worthy of a death by my blade, tell your boss I send my regards." With that Red pulls his blade back for one final swing, "Taste the rainbow mother f......" He swung his blade leaving a rainbow trail behind it and striking the agent with the flat side sending him flying off into the forest.

From behind him he can hear Rainbow Dash say, "Hey wait a second that's my line..." Red just laughed as he went to tend to Applejack's injuries then turned his attention to the badly injured brothers. The mares were still shocked and confused as to how Red used their elements to summon his armor.

"So uh Red," Twilight stepped forward and tapped Red on his shoulder, "Whats with the armor?"

"I'll explain later right now these two need medical attention," He said getting serious, "I need someone to help Blitz over here." He looked to the mares who were happy to help. Rainbow Dash especially, who rushed to Blitz's side and helped him up and over to where his brother was laying.

"I need you to just sit here and sit still," Red said to Blitz who was starting to look a little nervous, unsure of what Red us up to, "This will only take a second." With that Red spread his wing as wide as he could and thrust them forward sending a whitish colored wind past Blitz and Comedic.

Blitz, who was expecting the worst cringed but quickly stopped when he realize his would were healing and he actually felt good. The he noticed his brother starting to stir. He poked him in the shoulder in an attempt to wake him up.

Comedic, completely clueless to what had happened woke up in a panic thinking they were still in a fight and without thinking socked Blitz right in the mouth.

"Dude what the hey was that for?!' Blitz asked holding his mouth, "I was only trying to wake you up."

Comedic who was now aware of what was happening laughed as he apologized to his brother, "Sorry, guess I got a little carried away there." Then he noticed Red in his armor. "What's with that armor?' He asked confused.

"I said I'll explain later..." Red said somewhat annoyed. "Lets get out of here before we get anymore more unwanted surprises." He turned to walk away followed by the six mares.

"So what the hell happened?" Comedic asks turning to Blitz, "I only remember saying something to you then bam"

Blitz started explaining to Comedic what had happened, "I guess the guy we're after knows about us and sent an assassin to get rid of us," He explains, "If it wasn't for Red there we would both be dead."

Comedic couldn't believe what he was hearing, "I'll have to thank him later," He says, "Right now I could use a drink."

Both brother laugh as they make their way out of the forest and start walking towards town.

Back in town Twilight had only one thing on her mind, she needed to report the attack to Princess Celestia. As she entered her library she went straight to her desk and pulled out a blank parchment and a quill and began to write,

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you to notify you of an attack today against Blitz and Comedic, they are both ok but the situation is getting serious. Black Storm is aware of our intentions and has deployed his agents to try to stop us.

Your Faithful Student

Twilight Sparkle

After having Spike send it she awaited a response, and in no time at all the Princess sent her response,

Dear Twilight Sparkle

I appreciate the update and want to inform you that I will be making a trip to Ponyville tomorrow to check on the brothers.

Princess Celestia

She set the letter down and decided she should let the others know that Princess Celestia would be visiting them tomorrow. She headed off to the one place she knew she would find the, the local bar.

A/N- Phew that one took me awhile, special thanks to Red Cross, quite a few of his ideas helped this chapter along. I should be getting chapters out more often now also, had some Rl stuff come up that kinda got in the way of writing.