• Published 15th May 2012
  • 1,814 Views, 70 Comments

The Brothers Derp - Worm

2 idiotic brother's slapstick adventure to save Equestria.

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The following morning everypony was up early to prepare to depart on their quest to save Equestria, Blitz and Comedic the last two to show up to noponies surprise, they had a long night with their dates afterall. As they all gathered in the meeting hall the sergeant turned to the group and proceeded to speak.

"I have a late comer to the group, figured I'd give you all a quick introduction before we leave," He turned to reveal a pony that looked like he had seen a few too many fires way too close, "Let me introduce Triple Chain" Chloride, demolitions expert and pyromaniac."

All the ponies in the room just stared at the pony who looked as though he had a few too many drinks the night before. "Nice to meet you all." He managed to say before stumbling to a chair and falling into it.

"Well now that the introductions are over with," The sergeant says walking to the middle of the room, "It will take us a couple weeks to reach our destination, we will be stopping at quite a few small towns on our way to resupply." He points out their first stop, "We will be dropped off by chariot in Ponyville, from there we will make our way by train to Fillydelphia where we will stock up and prepare for the next part of the journey, I will go over more when the times comes."

As the group of ponies prepare to leave they are stopped by Princess Celestia, "I just wanted to thank you all for doing this...."

She is interrupted by the Sergeant, "Save it for when we get back." He walks out of the room followed by the rest of the ponies. "You have an hour before we depart, makes sure your prepared and set before then." He walks off to his private room leaving the other ponies to do what they pleased for an hour.

Blitz looked to the others, "I gotta go do something, I'll be back within the hour." He flew off leaving his brother confused.

"Where the hay is he going." He says as he takes off to follow Blitz, "Wonder where he's going?" Comedic wondered as he trailed his brother, staying far enough behind him as to not be noticed.

After flying for a few minutes it occured to Comedic where his brother was going, off in the distance he could see his destination, Canterlot Memorial Cemetery. He was going to their parent's resting place, "Why would he be coming here?" Comedic began to wonder. He watched he brother land next to a simple but very decorated headstone. He landed nearby and began eavesdropping on his brother.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad," He hears his brother say, "Been missing you guys." A single tear rolls down Blitz's face as he remembers the last time he spoke to his parents.


"Why do you always have to go around spouting this crap!" Comedic yells at his father, "You got Blitz believing half this crap!" He stormed out of the room leaving his father infuriated and a scared Blitz sitting in a corner huggin their mother who was scared out of her mind.

"Don't you take that tone with me boy!" Their father said storming after Comedic, "I raised you better then that"

Blitz stayed with his mom for a few more minutes until he had calmed her down, then they heard a loud crash and commotion coming from the kitchen, Blitz shot up and sprinted to the kitchen expecting the worst, only to find just that when he got there. Laying on the floor was a bloodied Comedic and towering above him was their father ready to give him quite a beating,. Before he had a chance he is tackled by Blitz who yells "RUN!" as he tries to hold his own father down so Comedic could get away. Their mother had made her way to the kitchen and was now watching in horrors at the events taking place.

"GET OFF ME" Their father yelled tossing Blitz aside and into a shelf, the contents falling all over him his father now turning his attention to him, "I'll teach you to interfere." He gets ready to hit Blitz he he is caught off guard by a punch to the back of the head, he turns to see Comedic still bloodied standing before him.

"Leave him out of this..." He scowls

"Back for more eh boy," he spits as he confronts him, "It's time you learned your place." He rears back and prepares to swing at comedic when Blitz dives in between them taking the hit instead and falling to the floor knocked out. Their terrified mother jumps in between Comedic and his father before anymore bloodshed could take place.

"Enough...please" She pleads, "Just go!" She yells at Comedic.

As Blitz started to come to he could feel the tug of his brother dragging him out of the house, "What happened?" He asks, "Is mom alright?"

"She's fine" His brother replied, soon after he passed out, little did they know they would never see their parents alive again.
At this point Blitz had given up holding back his tears, he missed his parents and regrets not getting to say goodbye.

Seeing his brother in ruins Comedic slowly makes his way to Blitz who is now resting his head on the tombstone, his tears rolling down his face and landing on the stone.

"You know I miss them too." He said patting his brother on the back, "I only wish I could go back to that night and just redo the whole thing." A tear rolling down his face. "Lets head back, we gotta get ready to head out."

Without saying a word Blitz simply nods and turns to take off. The trip back was uneventful, neither brother saying a word.

Upon arriving back at the palace they are greeted by Dark and Gears, even they notice the mood the brothers are in and just go about their business not wanting to cause any problems.

"I'll be in my room, I got a few things I need to do before we leave." Blitz says walking off towards his room. "I won't be long."

Wanting to give his brother some time to himself he makes his way over to Gears and Dark to see what the two were working on.

Upon entering his room Blitz closes the door and walks over to the closet, taking out his saddlebags and a small plain box. Setting both on his bed he puts various items in his bags, setting the box to the side. After packing a few things he turns to the box and slowly opens it, inside are his fathers old Royal Guard dog tags, a few metals and an old worn picture of his parents. He could feel a single tear roll down his cheek and land on the picture, he quickly wipes it off and puts everything back in the box then places the box in his bag.

There was a loud knock on his door, "Hey Blitz you coming?" He heard his brother ask, "Everyone is ready to leave we are just waiting on you."

He puts his saddlebags on his back and takes a few deep breaths to clear his mind. He makes his way over to the door and opens it revealing Comedic waiting patiently. "Let's do this." Blitz says with a smile.

He follows Comedic and they meet up with the rest of the group.

"Alright ladies and gents lets get goin" The sergeant says motioning them all to board the chariots.

And so the "epic" journey began.

A/N Again sorry for it taking so long and this chapter is probably bad, I kinda just pulled some stuff out of nowhere. and I needed to introduce an OC that I forgot about last chapter so yea.