• Published 15th May 2012
  • 1,813 Views, 70 Comments

The Brothers Derp - Worm

2 idiotic brother's slapstick adventure to save Equestria.

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The Lie

The next morning Comedic and Blitz wake up to their normal routine, taking an hour or so to just wake up before breakfast then the get ready to start their training.

"So you really think this is a good idea?" Comedic asks his brother remembering the discussion they had the day before.

"Yep," Blitz answers with a grin, "For once we get to do something important and meaningful."

"Meh whatever helps you sleep at night," Comedic replies in a smartass tone. "I still think this is a bunch of crap."

Annoyed by his brothers pessimism Blitz ignores him and walks into the kitchen and fixes himself some toast and a cup of black coffee his typical breakfast. "You know one day we are gonna look back on this and I'm gonna laugh at how wrong you were." He says taking a bite of toast, "For once in your life have some faith."

"I think your full of it," Comedic says, pouring himself a glass of juice. "But if it will shut you up I'll play along."

"You know mom and dad would be proud of us for doing this," Blitz says catching Comedic off guard, "just wish they were here to see."

"Meh" Comedic replies, "I think its more like they woulda been disappointed if we hadn't done it." His pessimism rearing is ugly face again.

"Whats your problem," Blitz says shoving his brother causing him to spill his juice all over himself , "Whenever something big like this happens you wanna run off and hide."

Comedic, who is now pissed turns to his brother and shoves him back, "Who's hiding?" He shouts at his brother, "Its called reality, you should try it."

He looks down to see if his clothes had been ruined by the spilled juice when he is caught by a hoof to the face. He looks up to see his brother glaring at him, "Hows that for reality puss." He spits.

Laughing and wiping a few drops of blood from his mouth Comedic lunges at Blitz hitting him with a well aimed shot to the jaw. After exchanging shots for a good five minutes they both stop. Bloodied and bruised they both start to laugh.

"Your my brother and I love ya but you really know how to piss a guy off." Blitz says spitting a tooth into the sink and poking as his fattened lip.

"Yea well your one to talk." Comedic says poking at his newly blackened eye, "This is going to be fun to explain."

After cleaning themselves up they both make their way to the guards training yard. Still sore from their scuffle they were both hoping it would be an easy first day, they couldn't have been more wrong.

"AND WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU TWO PUSBUCKETS," they were greeted by a drill sergeant as soon as they arrived, thinking fast Comedic came up with the best excuse he could.

"He fell up some stairs," He says pointing to Blitz, "And I had a run in with a door frame..." He chuckles making a bad poker face.

The drill instructor seems to buythe lame excuses and proceeds to yell at them some more. "My name is Sergeant Silver Blade and Princess Celestia tells me I'm to push you meatbags to your limits, and further." He glares at Blitz who gives him a grin. "AND WHAT ARE YOU SMILING ABOUT!" Blade yells, a vein popping out of his forehead, Blitz quickly wipes the smile off his face. The instructor's attention is drawn to Comedic as he bursts into laughter. "AND WHAT IS SO FUNNY YOU SORRY SACK OF ROTTEN APPLES!."

At this point Comedic is in tears from laughing so hard, "Dude in twenty years I have never seen someone shut Blitz up that fast," he says through the laughter, "that was hilarious." Not sharing his amusement the Blade cuffs him upside his head, Comedic quickly goes from laughing his flank off to being really pissed off, "You lay another hoof on me and I will end you..." He manages to say as he gets face to face with the instructor.

"Heh tough guy huh," Silver Blade says as he goes to try and hit Comedic again, but before he gets his hoof half way, there is a blur of black and red and Comedic has the instructor pinned to the wall on the other side of the room. "I told you, lay another hoof on me and I would end you...I wasn't joking."

Blitz quickly pulls his brother off the instructor before he can do any more harm, "Whoa there tiger I think he gets the point." Blitz chuckles as he tries to calm his brother, "He's just doin his job no need to get violent."

"He started it." Comedic growls staring at the wide eyed slack jawed pony that was their instructor, "I warned him."

Blade sits there still stunned from the incident, "He is so fast," He whispers to himself, trying to make sense of what happened, "I blinked and he had me across the room, pinned to the wall and ready to tear my head off." Then he turned his focus to Blitz, "And his brother, was able to calm him down by just asking him to, Princess Celestia might just be right about these two."

"You know you shouldn't talk to yourself ponies might think you're crazy." Blitz says startling Blade. "Just fyi you'd do well not to piss my bro off again, I won't always be around to calm him down when he gets mad."

"Indeed," Blade agrees as he gets up off the ground, "Well boys I do believe your training is complete." He says walking off, "Now if you'll excuse me I need to go give my report to Princess Celestia." He trots off leaving Comedic and Blitz standing there as confused as ever.

"Did he really just say that..." Blitz says "We were here for all of what twenty minutes and he says that our training is complete?" He bolts off after Blade leaving Comedic standing there with his blank stare. "YO BLADE WAIT UP" he shouts not getting an answer. "For the love of...." He bolts room to room looking for the instructor before hearing voices coming from behind one. He tip toes up to it and begins to eavesdrop.

"Wait you were out there with them for twenty minutes and managed to find their hidden elements?" He hears a voice say that he recognizes as Celestia's.

"Yes ma'am" He hears another voice say, he quickly deduces it to be Silver Blade, "The one named Comedic I'm sure is the element of rage, I have no doubt about that." He says squirming and poking at the bruises from his earlier encounter with Comedic.

"And his brother?" Celestia says eager for more info, "What is his?"

"I believe he is the element of peace." Blade says, "Never in my years have I seen someone calm someone that was angry enough to kill, with a mere touch of a hoof."

"Well lets hope your right, if the Elements of harmony are to defeat Black Storm they are going to need these two to hold off his armies long enough for them to banish him." Celestia explains, "For the sake of Equestria lets hope your right..."

"I'm positive your highness," Blade replies, "But I thought you said defeating Black Storm was depending on Comedic adn Blitz?" Giving the princess a puzzled look he awaits her response.

"Well it does..." She sputters, "Its up to them to hold off Black Storms army long enough for the Elements of Harmony to banish him once and for all."

Giving the princess a 'That's messed up' look he replies, "So you lied to them..."

"No I merely twisted the story a little to our advantage." She says, "I told them unlocking their 'powers' were the key to defeating Black Storm, and they are, just not in the way they think."

"So you lied to them..." Blade says, "That's not very honorable your highness, if I may be bold enough to say."

Blitz who has heard everything is both shocked and appalled that Princess Celestia herself thought she needed to lie to him and his brother to get them to agree to this quest. "I can't believe she lied to us," he stutters "All she had to do was tell us what we really had to do and I still would have agreed to it."

Trying to think of what to do he slowly backs away from the door but in the process backs into a decorative armor set sending it crashing to the floor. Afraid the he would be caught he quickly flies off but not before Blade spots him flying away.

"Well Princess, Looks like we have ourselves a problem." He says looking back to Celestia

"Who was it.." She says the look on her face turning to dread, "It was one of them wasn't it..."

"It was Blitz and judging by the way he flew off he was there for awhile." Blade says, "Wouldn't be surprised if he heard out entire conversation."

The Princess, who is now pacing back and forth, speaks up, "I'll deal with them, just make sure your men are ready to move out when the time comes."

"Yes Ma'am" he says saluting her and then proceeds to leave before stopping and turning back to her, "You think after hearing that you can still convince them to go through with this?"

"You said it yourself Blitz is one of the lost two Elements of Balance, Peace as I recall" She says pondering, "And I hope his brother has enough sense not to attack royalty...at least lets hope so.."

"Indeed, now if you'll excuse me I have a training to get to" Blade says saluting the Princess once more and walking away.

"Now how am I going to go about convincing Blitz that this is just a big flop..." She ponders to herself, "Wait I think I may have an idea." She rushes off to set her plan into motion. "For the sake of Equestria lets hope this works."