• Published 15th May 2012
  • 1,814 Views, 70 Comments

The Brothers Derp - Worm

2 idiotic brother's slapstick adventure to save Equestria.

  • ...

The Team

A/N If I somehow royally mess your OC up please tell me, I'm going by what I have so unfortunately I had to make some of it up, a few of you didn't send me actual pic or descriptions of your ponies so I'll try to make those ones fit. As for the others let me know how I did. The initial descriptions will be brief, don't worry though they will all get their moments. xD

"Sergeant I see you have your team assembled," Celestia says looking around the room at the "interesting" group of ponies the Sergeant had chosen, "Mind telling me who they are and what they do?"

"Sure your Highness," He says turning to his team, and pointing to a large green unicorn with a black and blue mane, "This is Rhino, ex CPIA, one of the best spies Equestria has to offer, and don't let his size throw you off, I've seen him pull off things I thought impossible."

He turns his attention to two others who seem to be fiddling with some kinda of contraption and bickering amongst themselves, "These two are our engineers, Gears," He points to the brown unicorn with a green mane, "And Dark Lightning," He points to the other a black pegasus with a red mane and tail. "These two can build anything out of anything for whatever reason you need something built." They turn to give the Princess a quick look before returning to there work.

"Next we have Vortex," He points to the black pegasus with green shades sitting in the corner of the room twirling a green handled sword in the air. "He's who we call when things get, lets just say up close and personal." He turns to another much larger pony leaning up against the far wall, "And while we are on the subject of up close and personal this is Drax, I've seen this guy put ponies twice his size through walls like they were made of newspaper."

"Looks like you have yourself one qualified team Sergeant," The Princess says looking around the room at the ponies he had chosen, "I would like to add one more to your team," Celestia turns and in walks in a white and red Pegasus, "Allow me to introduce Red Cross, retired from my personal guard, one of the best medics to ever join my guard and a good friend."

"Beg your pardon your Highness but we already have to watch out for those two idiots and those six mares." He sighs "We really don't need anymore dead weig...."

He is quickly cut off as Red Cross unsheathes his blade and drives it into the floor, causing all the ponies in the room to jump, "I assure you sergeant, Red Cross can more then take care of himself." Celestia chuckles.

"R...right anyways" the sergeant quickly changes the subject, "Where are our two guests of honor?" Referring of course to Blitz and Comedic.

"I believe they are still sleeping." Celestia says, "I'll send a guard up to wake them."

Smiling evilly the sergeant says, "I have a better idea," He turns to Dark and Gears who now have ear to ear grins on their faces, "Whata say boys, why don't we give our friends our own special wake-up call."

"Oh I got just the thing," Dark says pulling a small firecracker looking object from his bag, "This outta wake em up REAL fast."

Gears laughs in agreement, "Yea and if that don't work I have a lil something that might."

After bickering amongst themselves Dark and Gears decide a little competition to see who's gadget would work best at the expense of the sleeping brothers. "Who ever wakes up first wins." Dark says chuckling as he sneaks up to Comedic's room and opens the door revealing the sleeping pony, who is drooling on himself and snoring loud enough to wake an entire city.

"Heh your on" Gears says opening the door to Blitz's room only to find he is already awake. "Well horse apples your suppose to still be asleep."

Confused and bewildered Blitz manages to respond, "I'm always up early...wait who are you?"

"You'll know soon enough" Gears says as he turns to leave and looks to Comedic's room where Dark had probably already set his plan into motion.

Before he had a chance to think there was a loud BANG followed by Dark running out of the room laughing hysterically. "Dude run." Is all he manages to say before zipping past Gears.

There standing in the doorway to his room is a very very pissed off Comedic was face looks like somepony blew a firecracker up in his face then painted it neon pink, "When I find that son of a b....I'm gonna kill him..." He manages to say through the rage.

Hearing the racket outside his room Blitz lets his curiosity get the best of him and he goes to investigate. He opens his door to find a speechless Gears, "Whats all the commotion abou..." He attempts to ask before seeing his brother, "WAHAHAHA!" he falls on the ground laughing followed thereafter by Gears

Paralyzed by laughter Gears doesn't notice Comedic walk up to him until Comedic is towering over him, "Where is he...." Comedic asking in a voice reserved for the darkest evilest demons.

"Pffff....that way...." Gears manages to say through his laughter before going into another laughing fit.

Comedic makes his way down the hall passing Blitz who has nearly laughed himself into a coma, "You had better not have had something to do with this." He says to his brother as he heads off to look for the pony responsible.

After a few more minutes of laughing Blitz and Gears decide they'd better go find Comedic and Dark before one of them got hurt. "So what was that you guys used on Comedic?" Blitz says still chuckling, "The look on his face was priceless."

"That was Dark's handy work and I do believe he used one of his explosive dye packs." He explains, "I had no idea he was goin to take it that far to wake him up though."

It had just occured to Blitz that he was suppose to have been pranked too had he not already been awake, "Wait a second you were gonna pull the same gag on me weren't you?" He said turning to Gears.

"Oh no I wasn't gonna take it that far," He begins to explain, "I was just gonna set a smoke bomb off in your room and make you think there was a fire." He chuckled.

"Oh..." Blitz says scratching his chin, "Even I'll admit that's not a bad idea."

They are quickly drawn to a loud crash and yelling coming from down the hall, "I think Comedic found his guy." Blitz says running towards the commotion, Gears not far behind him.

Upon arriving at the room where all the ponies had been waiting for the brothers they find Dark on one side of the room laughing so hard he was on the verge of passing out and Comedic on the other being held back by two guards, "Cmon I'm just gonna kill him a little." Comedic says struggling against the guards, "I promise I'll only make it hurt a little..."

Wanting to avoid destroying any more rooms Blitz quickly talks his brother out of killing Dark, at least for the moment. They proceed to introduce themselves to the rest of the team they would be traveling with and not soon after the six mares they met on the first day arrived. After everypony was done making their introductions they all went their seperate ways for the day, Comedic and Blitz both needed to get ready for their dates with Flitter and Chaser and the others needed to prepare, for tomorrow began their epic quest to save Equestria...if they can manage not to kill eachother before then...

A/N Again sorry for it taking so long, for some reason I had a lot of trouble with this chapter and it probably sucks, don't fret it will get better I promise, If I messed your OC up somehow lemme know (preferably not violently xD) and I'll go back and fix my mistakes. All the OC's will have bigger parts throughout the story I just wanted to get them introduced. All the OC's and their backstories go to their rightful owners, thanks again for letting me use them.