• Published 15th May 2012
  • 1,813 Views, 70 Comments

The Brothers Derp - Worm

2 idiotic brother's slapstick adventure to save Equestria.

  • ...

A Surprise Visit

A/N I apologize now for the list of mistakes there are in this chapter, my proof reader/editor was conveniently offline so I did what I could on my own.

Blitz was awakened by a loud slamming on the door, half asleep he stumbled to the door, "Who is it?" he mumbled, "You have any idea what time it is?" Looking at the clock which read quarter to 'its too early to be awake'.

"Royal guard please open the door." the person on the other side says,"It's a matter of the highest importance."

Panicking Blitz storms into Comedic"s room to see his brother sprawled out snoring like a train. "DUDE WAKE UP" Blitz shouts trying to wake his brother up to no avail, "Son of a b....." He says in a panic. Then he gets an idea. Rushing into the kitchen he fills the largest pitcher he could find with ice cold water and rushes back to his brother's room. "All right shithead don't wanna wake up eh," Despite still being in a panic he laughs as he dumps every last drop onto Comedic"s head.

"HOLY CRAP" Comedic shoots out of bed "Captain we sprung a leak...." Before realizing what had happened, "You motherf..." He glares at Blitz who is now on the verge of tears from laughing so hard before being snapped back to reality by the guards pounding on their door.

"Dude the royal guard is here looking for us..." Blitz says regaining his composer "I have no idea why..."

"Well answer the damn door idiot," Comedic says stumbling to the door and opening it, "How can we help you today..." He says to the now pissed off guards.

"You and your brother need to come with us now," the guard says sternly, "Princess Celestia requests your presence in Canterlot."

Standing there dumbfounded by what he is hearing he manages to force a few words, "Just a moment let me find my brother, he's around here somewhere..." He shuts the door and proceeds to look for Blitz who has vanished into thin air. "Where the hell did he go?" he asks himself scratching his head in confusion. Then from the closet in the living room he hears shuffling and things falling down. "Oh that's where he is" He says opening the door just to be hit in the face with an umbrella.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME...." Blitz shouts before realizing it was just his brother. "Heh...opps?" He says with a cheeky grin, "My bad..."

Rubbing his face where the umbrella impacted Comedic explains why the guards were there looking for them. "Yea they say Princess Celestia summoned us for something" He explains.

"Wonder what the Princess wants with us?" Blitz ponders, "We're just average ponies what could we possibly be needed for."

Pondering the same thing Comedic replies "I don't know but we'd be best not to keep those guys waiting," looking to the door and picturing the three pissed off guards on the other side, "Those guys weren't too happy with our little show."

Agreeing Blitz climbs out of the closet (har har). "Right then lets not keep our guests waiting" He says walking to the door and opening it. "Heya fellas..." he says as the guards stare daggers into him.

"We have a chariot waiting for you two," one of the guards says, "Sorry to rush you but we must get going"

With that Comedic and Blitz follow the guards to the chariot giving each other confused looks the whole time. "I swear I haven't done anything too illegal," Blitz says feeling paranoid "Least not that I'm aware of."

They reach the chariot and climb inside, "This is pretty fancy," Comedic notes, "Wasn't expecting them to send something like this."

"Seriously," Blitz agrees, "These guys know how to travel in style." He pokes at an ornament, poking a little too hard and knocking the part off the chariot, scared that the guards might see he quickly tosses it away.

"I saw that, do you have to break everything?" He shakes his head and facehoofs.

"No idea what your talking about," Blitz denies doing anything, "It was like that when we got here..." He grins and makes the worse poker face ever,

The trip to Canterlot was uneventful and boring, both Blitz and Comedic both fell asleep and slept most of the trip away.

Upon arriving at Canterlot Comedic was the first to wake, he pokes Blitz few times to try to wake him up with no luck, then he remembers what Blitz had done earlier and thought this was a perfect time for payback. Once landed he asked one of the guards where the closest sink was, unfortunately there wasn't one nearby.

'Hmmm' He thinks to himself watching his brother sleep, drooling all over himself, 'GOT IT." An evil grin spread across his face. 'This is gonna be good.'

Careful not to wake his brother too soon Comedic climbs back into the chariot. Three. Two. One...

"BLITZ WAKE UP WE"RE CRASHING GET UP NOW" He shouts shaking his brother violently.

Unaware of his surrounds Blitz jumps up and takes off flying straight into a pillar and falling to the ground with a loud thud.

Still not fully awake he rubs his head, "The hell man what the hay was that about?" He says shooting Comedic a dirty look, "I coulda really hurt myself you know."

Still laughing Comedic wipes a tear from his eye, "Payback is a bitch ain't it."

Too busy shooting insults at each other they didn't notice one of the royal guards walking up to them, "Ahem," he says trying to get their attention. "If you could follow me the Princess will see you now." He motions to the massive door at the front of the palace.

As they step inside they are confronted by a pink mare who despite never meeting them before was extremely happy to see them. "H! I'm Pinkie Pie!" She stopped inches from Comedic"s face before turning to Blitz, "So who are who guys?" she asks never breaking her ear to ear smile.

"Well I'm Blitz and this is my brother Comedic." he says pointing to his brother who is still stunned by the Pinky encounter.

"Its so great to meet y...." She starts to say before being cutoff by a orange mare wearing a stetson.

"Whoa there Pinkie, calm yerself, give 'em a chance to breathe." the orange mare says "Hey there name's Applejack." she extends her hoof to Blitz and they shake.

"Oh good your here," a voice says from behind her, "The Princess told us you would be coming." Applejack steps aside to reveal the talking pony. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and I see you've already met Pinkie and Applejack."

"It's a pleasure meeting all of you," Comedic says snapping out of his daze, "Any idea why we are here?"

"The Princess wouldn't tell us until you two arrived," Twilight says, "She stepped away for a moment so I thought we should all get acquainted." She introduces the other three mares who had been standing there the whole time. "This is Rainbow Dash." She points to a cyan pony with a rainbow mane and tail.

"Whats up" She says

"And this is Rarity" She points to a white mare with an elegant purple mane and tail.

"Pleasure to meet you darlings." The mare says smiling and waving.

"And last but not least Fluttershy" Twilight says pointing to a yellow mare cowering behind her.

"Hello" she says barely loud enough to hear.

"Its nice to meet you all." Blitz and Comedic both say.

They all take turns talking and getting to know each other, none of them having any idea why they were there. About fifteen minutes go by when the large door at the back of the room they were in opens revealing Princess Celestia herself. They all bow out of respect before being pulled into the next room.

"I'm glad you could all make it.' The princess says with worry in her voice, "I'm afraid I have troubling news." All the ponies in the room went from being confused to concerned in a matter of seconds.

"What kind of bad news?" Twilight asks, "And what does it have to do with us?"

"I'll get to that." The Princess explains. "But first the bad news," She walks over to a wind and stares off into the distance, "I take it none of you have ever heard of Black Storm?"

"Nope" Rainbow says

"Can't say that ah I have." Applejack pipes in

"Ooohh he sounds scary" Pinkie says making a weird face.

"He sounds absolutely dreadful" Rarity says over dramatically.

"Actually I have" Twilight says, "I read a book about him once," She goes into further detail, "About five hundred years ago he attempted to overthrow the throne with his army of miscreants. "But was defeated by an unknown hero that to this day remains a mystery."

"Right Twilight aside from two things." Celestia explains, "First he wasn't defeated but banished to a distant land and has returned to finish what he started then." The princess turns her attention to Blitz and Comedic, "And secondly. we know who the 'mystery' hero was, well I do anyways" She walks up to the two who haven't taken their eyes off the Princess since she entered the room. "That hero was Iron Hoof, your great great great great great great (had enough yet?) grandfather." She points to Blitz and Comedic who are speechless...at first...

"Wait wait wait you mean to tell us our great (x6) grandfather was some kind of hero, and that he saved Equestria from this Black Storm guy?" Comedic says says sceptically before bursting into laughter, "Oh that's rich" he says through the laughter.

"Yes" Celestia says without missing a beat, this quiets Comedic.

"Wow really your serious" he says still not believing what he is hearing. "Well what does him doin all that have to do with us?"

Quiet through the whole thing Blitz finally speaks up, "So those stories dad used to tell us were true?" He says shocked, "I always thought he just made all that up."

"I'm afraid not." Celestia says.

"So wait you brought us here just to tell us this?" Comedic says recovering from his laughing fit. "Wouldn't it have been easier to just write a letter or something?" He is caught off guard by a knock to the back of his head from his brother.

"Quit bein an ass," Blitz says annoyed with his brothers tone towards the Princess, "Show some respect, I'm sure there's more to it if you'd just shutup and listen."

"Indeed there is Blitz," Celestia agrees, "You two don't know it but you both have a power buried deep inside you that is the key to defeating Black Storm once and for all."

Again Comedic is struck down laughing hysterically before being cuffed upside the head again by Blitz, "Damn dude you gotta stop doin that." He says rubbing the back of his head.

"So let me get this straight," Blitz says, "Us, a couple of average factory workers somehow hold the key to saving Equestria from some pissed off dude our great (x6) grandfather banished over 500 years ago?" He scratches his head as he tries to comprehend all the info.

"That"s correct," Celestia says, "If you two refuse to help now I'm afraid Equestria will be doomed."

"Ok ok," Comedic says getting serious, "Say we believe you about all this, how are we going to go about unlocking these 'powers' you speak of."

"By training with my guard, you will be pushed to your limits and beyond until the powers reveal themselves."

Shocked by the answer he received the two stand there for a moment before speaking, "You mind giving me and my brother a minute alone to talk this over?" Comedic asks "This is kind of a big decision"

"Of course," Celestia says. "But please hurry I;m afraid time is something we don't have."

"We'll be right back," Comedic says sarcastically as he drags Blitz off into a side room, "You believe this crap, I mean cmon seriously."

"Actually I do," Blitz says to Comedic's surprise. Dumbfounded by what he is hearing Comedic plops down on his hunches and goes slack jawed. "I think we should do it." Blitz says his mind already made up.

"Your kidding me right?" Comedic blurts out still not believing what he is hearing. "I mean cmon REALLY?"

"Yep," Blitz states proudly, "And your not going to change my mind about it."

"I ....uh...ugh fine but don't come crying to me when those guards tear you apart." He says looking to his brother.

"Heh it's not me you should be worried about." Blitz says with a grin

"What are you trying to say." Comedic says catching the joke.

After a few more minutes of bickering they return to the Princess and the six other ponies.

"We'll do it" Blitz says proudly, "When do we start?"

"First thing in the morning," Celestia says "You will be staying in Canterlot for the duration of your training, same goes for the six of you." She turns to the six mares, "I can;t take any chances of you getting injured or worse."

"If you say so," Comedic says going back to being a smartass, "On one condition though."

"Whats that?" Celestia asks.

"This Saturday Blitz and I have a date with our marefriends and we will not miss it." Comedic states.

"That's fine." Celestia says with a smile, "I'll have the guards show you to your rooms, get some rest your training starts in the morning."

A/N Thanks to those who are taking some kind of enjoyment in this story, I wasn't expecting that. It got a lil serious in this chapter but the comedy will resume soon enough.