• Published 15th May 2012
  • 1,814 Views, 70 Comments

The Brothers Derp - Worm

2 idiotic brother's slapstick adventure to save Equestria.

  • ...

The Clash

A/N Thank you for the fav's, I was not expecting to get any at all. Hopefully I won't disappoint. On with the shenanigans!

Looking desperately around for his brother Blitz wipes a tear from his eye, "Can't believe out own Princess lied to us," He says in disbelief, "And me being stupid believed it." He hits himself a few times in the head before knocking himself off balance and careens into Comedic who hasn't moved.

"Damn dude you know there's better, less painful ways of getting some pony's attention right?' He says rubbing his head, "And whats with you and crashing ALL the time?"

"Not now we need to go," Blitz replies to his brothers surprise actually being serious, "I'll explain when we get back to the room just come on."

"Fine fine geez pushy much." He says as he follows Blitz back to the room, curious as to what is making his normally humorous brother be so serious.

Upon arriving at their room he finds Blitz sitting on the couch with his face buried in his hooves, "Mind telling me what this is all about?" Comedic says growing concerned over his brothers current state.

"She lied to us." he replies looking at his brother revealing sheer betrayal in the look on his face, "You were right the whole time." A single tear rolling down his face.

"Wait who lied to us, what are you talking about?" Comedic asks even more confused

'CELESTIA!" his brother shouts surprising Comedic enough to stumble backwards, landing hard on his rump, "Everything she told us was a lie, all she needed from us a couple reckless scapegoats, we weren't the key to defeating Black Storm we were just needed to hold back his legions while the Elements of Harmony could banish him again"

In a mix of confusion and anger by his brothers rant Comedic stands up and replies, "I need to give a certain princess a piece of my mind..." He turns to start heading for the door when Blitz steps in front of him.

"No, I think we should just go," He says trying to talk some sense into his brother despite being just as furious with Celestia, "No need to waste anymore time here."

"Move..." Comedic says glarign at his brother. "I won't say it again..."

"I won't let you get yourself killed," Blitz stands solid, "These bastard's aren't worth it"

Celestia having chased down the two brothers now sit outside there door eavesdropping on their argument.

"Maybe you didn't hear me..." Comedic says growing more and more furious, "Move or I will move you and I won't say it again." A vein popping in his forehead.

"And I said I won't," Blitz remains defiant in the face of his brother, "I will not lets you get locked up or worse over a stupid lie, lets just go home and go about our lives and forget about this place."

"Oohh you don't understand brother," He look sup to his brother to reveal his glowing red eyes, "I don't think I can control this..."

Blitz sensing what was happening felt something ignite inside him as he started to emit a greenish-teal colored aura, "Don't do it Comedic..." He manages to say before being tackled by his out of control brother.

"I warned you...." His brother says in a voice that wasn't his own, "Now I can't stop it..."

Celestia aware of what was happening yells for the guards, hoping they could stop this before the brothers tear each other apart. "GUARDS COME QUICK!" She shouts, afraid to enter the room by herself she waits hoping the guards reach her in time.

"Guess there's no talking to you then," Blitz says getting ready for the inevitable fight, "Shoulda figured that."

"ENOUGH TALK!" Comedic shouts as he charges his brother only to get into a hoof lock staring contest, Blitz's eyes were now glowing a greenish color and the aura he was emitting was becoming larger, Comedic had also started emitting an aura of his own, his a black and red. Then something happened, the two auras touch causing a small explosion throwing the two brothers violently across the room.

"What the hay was that?..." Blitz says confused, "Did we just cause that explosion." Then he noticed his brother standing up getting ready to charge again. He quickly stood up and looked to his brother, "We don't have to do this, just stop before we kill each other...." He tries one last time to reason with is out of control brother.

"I told you its too late for that.." He brother growls before preparing to charge, "You best be ready..."

Just then the guards arrive to the aid of the Princess, "You must stop them now, they are going to kill themselves with this senseless fight!" she states, "Go now!"

The guards burst through the door only to see the two brothers charge full speed at each other, each raising their right hoof for a final blow, only to meet hoof to hoof in the middle causing another explosion that tears the room nearly in half, knocking the guards and princess back into the hall. Both brothers are violently throw to opposite sides of the now destroyed room knocking them both out.

Princess Celestia though stunned by the massive blast was not knocked out and observes a now third pony in the room, laying motionless where the two brothers impacted. A blue pony with a black and green mane, and a cutie mark that looks like a red and teal yin-yang lay there not moving.

"Could that be..." The Princess says wide eyed and mouth agape, "...the true form of the Elements of Balance?"

Then she notices the pony start to stir.

"Ugh my head," the pony says. vision and mind still clouded the pony stumbles around for a moment when..."Why do I feel and sound different," the pony says in a voice resembling Comedic's only a little more....girly.

"Where the hell am I am why do I feel like this" A voice in the ponies head says, "Fricken Comedic always having to mess crap up."

"Blitz?" Comedic looks around for his brother who he had just heard but only seeing Blitz's unconscious body laying in the rubble across the room, "Where the hell are you I can hear you but where are you talking from?" Comedic looks around frantically trying to figure out where his brother's voice is coming from.

"Uh dude...I think I'm in your head" Blitz says, "I think that explosion merged us somehow and now I'm stuck in you head in control of most of your thoughts and emotions, and it seems as though you have control over motor functions."

Blitz is cut off by an outburst from Comedic, "GET OUTTA MY HEAD!" he starts freaking out and trips over a broken board and landing on his back, upon this happening he notices something missing, or should i say a few things missing..."DUDE WHAT THE HELL WHY AM I...I MEAN WHY ARE WE A MARE....!" Comedic jumps up and goes off on another rant to be quickly calmed by his brother.

"Now that your finished," Blitz remark's, "Being a mare explains a lot, your voice and loot, and these weird emotions I keep feeling."

"Screw you and your stupid emotions, I want my...." He is cut off quickly by his brother.

"Yea no need to say it I know what you mean..." He says "No need to get graphic."

Celestia still somewhat dazed from the blast makes her way into the room, wanting to get a closer look at this new pony. Comedic and Blitz are too busy bickering to notice her standing behind them.

"I thought it was just a myth..." She says in awe, "I knew you two were the lost Elements of Balance but I never thought you were capable of this..."

At this point the brothers had stopped bickering amongst themselves and turned their attention to the shocked princess, "So the liar makes her appearance..." Comedic says starting to get angry again only to have it put down by his brother.

"Remember I control your emotions now so there will be none of that, its what got us into this mess." Blitz states before letting his brothers emotions go.

"Fine we'll do this your way." Comedic agrees, calming himself and giving the Princess her chance to explain.

"This will be easier to explain with you two in your regular bodies," She says, "That is if you are able to control yourselves."

Not amused and still somewhat irritated Comedic snaps, "I said I'd do this your way didn't I?" The surprises Celestia who backs up a little afraid of what might happen.

"Right well lets get you two back into those bodies," She walks up to them her horn glowing, "This may be...unpleasant."

With a bright flash Comedic and Blitz find themselves back in there bruised and beaten bodies, pains and all.

"Ahh man my head," Blitz complains holding his head, "Feels like I just flew through ten trees then into the side of a mountain" He quickly turns and loses his guts all over the floor.

On the other side of the room they hear Comedic cheer and carry on, "IMA STALLION AGAIN WOOOOO!" before realizing what he was doing, "What you have no idea so don't judge me." He looks to his brother who is still holding his head, then turns his attention back to Celestia, "And you have a lot of explaining to do..."

"That I do." The Princess says dropping her head in shame, "I hope you know I never meant for this to happen, and judging by what I've seen I couldn't have been more wrong about you two."

Seeing the guilt and shame on the Princess's face Blitz and Comedic couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her. after all she was just doing what she thought she had to do to save her throne, and who were they to question that. "So why didn't you just tell us the truth from the start, I still would have agreed," Blitz says looking to the Princess.

"I know, but I had to be sure I had you two on board for this otherwise this quest was all for nothing." The Princess explains, "That is still no excuse for to to lie though and that I deeply apologize for."

"Well I forgive you," Blitz says with a smile, "Comedic might not be so easy though."

"You want my forgiveness?" Comedic says looking into Celestia's eyes, "Then you tell us here and now what our true purpose is on this little adventure, and no lies this time."

"It was going to be up to you two to hold off Black Storms legions long enough for those 6 ponies you met yesterday, the Elements of Harmony, to banish Black Storm once and for all." She explains, "Without you two there doing that the others wouldn't have the time to properly channel their magic to banish him, so what I told you yesterday wasn't all lies."

"My brother was right, all you had to do was tell us that to start with and nothing would have changed, we still would have helped no matter what."

"Next question, what was that other pony we were back there?" Comedic asks, "And why were we a...mare?"

"As for what you were you somehow merged your powers and became Balancia the true form of the Elements of Balance," she explains on, "As for being a mare I don't know, what I do know is the power you two contain in that form is outstanding..."

"So how did we end up in that form, all I remember is charging feel speed at Comedic and then there was an explosion and I woke up in his head as that other pony?" Blitz asking confused as ever.

"Again I don't know," The princess says, "Up till now this was only know as a myth, no one as actually ever seen this happen before." The princess ponders the situation, "All I know is you two need to figure out how you did it and learn to control the release of that form if you are to do you part in the up coming battle."

"Yea I guess we can't go around destroying everything trying to unlock it." Blitz chuckles, "Kinda defeats the purpose of using it."

"First things first," Comedic cuts in, "I need to sleep." Looking around at the scrap heap that was their room he turns to the Princess, "Don't suppose you have another room available?" He asks with a grin.

"Of course, I'll have the guards take you there now so you can get your rest, tomorrow I'll introduce you to the security team that will be accompanying you and the others on your journey."

"Wait a security team, what do we need them for?" Blitz and Comedic ask in unison.

"You didn't honestly think I would send you two off alone with the others with the way you act, did you?" Celestia says with a laugh.

"Yea good point." the brothers agree before heading off to rest, after all it had been a long and brutal day.

A/N- Just a heads up the next chapter might take a few days for a couple reasons, I felt like I rushed this one and I don't like that, and two I need to do some character building for the group of OC's I'll be introducing next chapter.