• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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A new day started at Sweet Apple Acres for the entire Apple family. But that morning one member in particular felt really, really tired: a small yellow filly who couldn’t sleep in the entire night. She was still remembering what happened last night:

“No…no, no, Apple Bloom?

“Sweetie Belle?”

The girls made a quick high-hoof and showed their true selves.

“Hi sis”

“Do you mind if we discuss this in the morning?”

Rarity and Applejack didn’t say a thing, just turned to the exit and returned to Ponyville before the rest of the group. And when Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle arrived to the town on their floating thrones, the two sisters have already locked themselves on their rooms.

What would happen to her that morning? Well, staying on bed trembling weren’t gonna help Apple Bloom so she jumped out of it ready to confront her sister. When she turned in Shadow she knew it was risky from the very beginning.
She walked downstairs to the kitchen.

“Isn’t that ma’ little sis?” Suddenly shouted Applejak. “The sweetest, most playful and the cutest of all Equestria who will always help me and be at ma’ side no matter what?”

Apple Bloom gulped, Applejack had enormous bags under the eyes, a fored smile and even a tic under her left eye.

“Applejack are you alright?” Asked Apple Bloom carefully.

“Of course A’m right! Just enjoying ma’ little sis’ company! Because yer’ always with me never against me; and A’ was thinking we can spend an entire day together just the two of us, as sisters, what do ya’ think?”

“Ehem, Applejack, A’ have plans already… ya’ know, with Spike and the rest of the team of chaos”

Applejack began to laugh forcedly.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh Apple Bloom, if you want to go on a crusade with yer’ friends it’s alright; just don’t brake anything. Imagine that! You an agent of chaos; ahd who do ya’ are? Ma’ pain in the flank Shadow?”

Carefully Apple Bloom moved backwards and took her form of chaos.


Applejack shouted confronting Shadow:


Apple Bloom gulped and ran away finally getting what was going on with her older sister so she ran to Twilight’s Castle. On her way she bumped into Big Mac.

“Howdy Apple Bloom! I saw the good news on the paper, congratulations! You’re becoming legendary with those touches. Lots of letters to the editor thanking ya”

Shadow Bloom looked at the house.

“That’s good to know but right now A’m worried about Applejack, A’ can’t belive what A’m saying but I prefer to see her angry”

“Eeyup, A kinda’ hear ya but she’ll recover soon, don’t worry”

Sweetie couldn’t sleep neither; her sister was a little too dramatic and when she ran downstairs she found her door shut, a bad sign for the very beginning.
Still Sweetie thanked the extra time to think and took breakfast alone. Following her daily routine she took the newspaper on the front door and began to read it; couldn’t help but smile looking at the front page:

Agents of chaos turn an exclusive event on a party for everypony, hundreds grateful with them

Smiling, Sweetie checked the letters to the editor instead of the comics, three whole pages thanking the agents of chaos! Wasn’t that great?

“That taste!” Said Rarity behind her. “Some ponies really don’t understand that they’re thanking for a total disaster. Seriously, if I put my hooves on those six I swear thing will get ugly”

Sweetie gulped, she was nervous but ready to face her sister no matter what.

“So hi Rarity, did you slept well?” She asked with her voice trembling.

Rarity shrugged beginning to prepare some eggs and coffee for the morning.

“No darling, I had an awful night thinking about the dress that the agents of chaos ruined”

“Okay” said Sweetie going straight to the point: “And what about me? I’m grounded or something? What are you going to do to me Rarity? Or shall we discuss it first?”

“Discuss what, dear?” Asked Rarity without understanding. “Did you broke something while we were at the Gala fighting the annoyances of the agents of chaos? Because if that’s the case material things can be replaced”

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow, what happened with Rarity?

“No, I haven’t broke anything”

“Well then there’s nothing to worry about dear”

“So you don’t mind of me being… you know, Black?”

Rarity froze by half of a second and then turned to Sweetie with a forced smile and a tic on her eye.

“You Black? O come on Sweetie, is that another of you CMC pranks? Faking being my worst enemy in the world, good one Sweetie, good one! Dear Sweetie you’re too sweet for being Black. It’s funny, you pretending to be my nemesis”

This was worrying so Sweetie took her form of chaos.

“Sweetie Belle! You’re so skilled with costumes! Did you learnt that from Twilight Time? But sweet little sister, there’s a lot of ponies you can prented to be instead of the nuisance of Black. Why don’t you disguise yourself as Twilight for example?”

Worried for Rarity, Sweetie Belle ran to Twilight’s Castle, Rarity was in denial so she needed help from the Princess of Friendship.
On her way she bumped into Apple Bloom.

“To see Twilight?”


“Applejack is also in denial?”


Without need to say more, they knocked the door where the lavender unicorn opened them.

“Ey girls, what do you need so early in the morning?”

“We have a little problem with our sister” said Sweetie.

“And since ya’re friends you maybe can help them to accept reality. They’re in denial about who we are”

Twilight frowned.

“I was expecting that reaction from Rarity but not from Applejack. Wait a minute and we’ll bring them all together, okay?”

The fillies nodded and half an hour later the Mane Six and the team of chaos was reunited on the Palace along with two pegasi from the Lunar Airforce they didn’t know.

“And you are?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, hi. My name is Night Wing, Rumble’s mother”

“And I’m Red Hood, his father”

“This is a family thing and Princess Sparkle asked us to help, after all our little champ is now part of Equestrian history, that’s something to celebrate” said the mare.

“And that leads me to our main thing” said Twilight. “Do you know why we called you, Applejack, Rarity?”

·”Nope” said Applejack. “And if you don’t mind I would appreciate you to be quick because A’ have a ton of apples to buck at Sweet Apple Acres”

“And I have lots of delayed orders so as Applejack I would appreciate to hurry darling” said Rarity.

“We’ll took as much time as we need since this isn’t something you can discuss quickly” said Spike firmly. “You two must accept reality at once: as I am the lord of disharmony and chaos, your sisters are my agents Shadow and Black”

Applejack’s eye twitched.

“Oh come on!” She said. “A’ had enough of this prank on the morning. A’m still surprised of you being the new Discord, much more annoying and bettered but A’ would never believe that my dear Apple Bloom is Shadow”

“Applejack this is worrying me” said Shadow walking taking her form of Shadow and then back to Apple Bloom. “Here I am, transforming in front of ya’. If only we discuss this and you listen”

“This is another of Spikes’ stupid pranks” complained Rarity. “Come on! Sweetie would never do something like that”

“Girls, try to listen please!” Asked Fluttershy. “This can’t go on like this, all of us accepted the truth already why don’t you do it as well? even Rainbow Dash accepted Scootaloo is Dark”

“And I got angry at first but nothing has to change between us” said proudly the cyan mare. “Right Scoots?”

“Of course Rainbow!” Said Dark. “Please accept it, is a whole new way to relate with your sisters”

“Rainbow’s sister betrayed her, but Sweetie and Apple Bloom aren’t like Scoots” said Rarity. “Right Applejack?”

“Darn right Rarity! I practically raised Apple Bloom and she wouldn’t do what Shadow do to me!”

“If you only listen to me Applejack…” tried to say Apple Bloom.

“Probably Shadow brainwashed ya’ Apple Bloom, but A’ know you’re not them, period!”

“Girls, it don’t have to be like this!” Said Pinkie Pie. “Accept it, let’s get angry and then have a sisters’ reconciliation party”

“Pinkie and I add the especial effects” said Night Seed.

“If you allow us to say a few words…” said Night Wing, Rumble’s mother. “Girls, maybe you’re angry at them for what they’ve being doing to you, but they’re your sisters. Your sisters and our son are now part of Equestrian history”

“Yes, your sisters will be side by side with you on history books” smiled Red Hood. “Let’s have a tea or something stronger to relax and…”

Rarity shoot a lighting to the roof.

“STOP IT! Look, I don’t know why you all agreed to come and participate on this joke but as I said, I have things to do”

“Yeah, if you excuse us”

And both left the palace slamming the door.

“Great, now what?” Sighed Rainbow.

“Maybe we should give them time to think about it” suggested Twilight. “But probably if we let them in denial they’ll never accept the truth. Especially Applejack, she’s as stubborn as a mule and Rarity can be really dramatic and elude the subject forever. Seriously I don’t know what to do”

“You probably don’t but we do” said Shadow Bloom. “We’ll make sure that they accept it, force them to understand why A’ became Shadow”

“Same for Rarity” said Sweetie. “Spike, would you mind to help us?”

The young lord of chaos nodded.

“What do you need?”

“I know you reserved it for an especial occasion but… we can really use your bat-prank now. Is a little dangerous but that’s why is perfect to force them to open their eyes” said Shadow.

“Wait a minute, dangerous? What you mean with dangerous?” Asked Twilight scared but it was too late since the dragon already released the black and purple energy of chaos.

On their sanctuary on Sweet Apple Acres the vampire bats were sucking the juices from all the apples and spitting the seeds, when the black and purple wave reached them.
Their eyes glowed with an odd purple light and attacked more apples. Applejack was passing by right at the time to see how the things got ugly: when the bats spitted the seeds, immediately a young apple tree began to grow big and strong instantly giving fruits from the very beggining but instead of normal apples were the black apples of chaos.

“Oh hay no!” Shouted Applejack but it was too late, the apples fell from the new apple tree and when they impacted at the floor they exploded releasing the chaos:

Some trees began to dance all over, others overgrew to giant sizes and others just came alive and walked to spread the chaos elsewhere. The worst part that each seed created a full grown tree so this was very dangerous.


Unfortunately he shout scared the bats who flew away to spit the chaotic seeds anywhere else too. Things couldn’t get worse, right?
Big Mac was occupied rolling barrels of apple jelly to the storehouse when he saw the apple trees parading to the town to spread chaos, chaos and more chaos. Suddenly he felt light… very light and before he could react he was floating around.

“A LITTE HELP!” He called.

“Come on Big Mac, enjoy it as I do” said Granny Smith floating happily. “I haven’t felt this light and young in years!”

Luckily things haven’t got worse… there at Sweet Apple Acres, but everywhere the chaos were worse than ever. Every time an apple of chaos exploded the nature altered all over the place, or the laws of physics (gravity, inertia, friction, etc.) went crazy; also ponies who suddenly believed that they were animals or objects or whatever. Even weather altered starting random rains of sports drink or chocolate ice cream snow. The powers of the agents of chaos.

And the bats keep spreading it all over the Kingdom!

Luna were looking at the window and frowned.

“This has Discord’s signature, not Spike’s. Why the level up?”

“It was because they were being too soft I guess, probably they were warned that they would need to go like this at some point”

Luna raised an eyebrow but nodded, it was probably that but still Spike almost never reached this level of chaos.
The problem was that in some places the prank escalated less than others, since the weather weren’t appropriate to grow apples. But in those cases Spike documented well and added other animals to spread the chaos with another plant; like in Reptilia, Kingdom of Dragons, where he used a variety of volcanic tortoises who ate mountain grass.
It was pure madness in that place.

“Great, what is he up to?” Grumped King Flames of all dragons.

The chaos were growing and growing and there was no way to stop since the girls tried to expand the wave of Harmony all over the world but this time it was useless. The only thing they managed to do was to cure the animals who were spreading chaos but at this point the living plants were already on the move and Harmony couldn’t help them to go back to normal.

“Our Harmony Grenades are also usless” complained Twilight after shoot one of them to a tree. “Spike, tell us what can we stop this? It’s more dangerous that your usual plans!”

The dragon grinned.

“I know, that’s the idea Twi”

Applejack confronted him.

“Spike stop it! Finish this so A’ can go to ma’ farm to hug and protect my sweet little sister from you and your team”

“Same for cute sweet Sweetie Belle!” Added Sweetie Belle. “I’ve planned an especial sister weekend together so you better stop this before it starts!”

Both teams, Harmony and Chaos, had a sweat drop on their foreheads.

“Calm down!” Said Mist. “We’ll tell you how to stop this, but not for free”

“Typical of cheap villains” said Applejack. “What do ya’ want?”

“It’s very simple” said Shadow. “Two one on one duels: you and Rarity versus Black and me. We’ll met at Sweet Apple Acres’ practice rodeo to have it; win or lose we’ll tell you how to stop this”

“And what’s the trap?” Snarled Applejack.

“Our powers” explained Shadow. “But you should come alone or we’ll never tell ya’. This can’t continue like this… sis”

Black offered her hoof to Rarity.

“So what do you think? a little duel, nothing more nothing less”

Rarity stared at Black but shacked her hoof agreeing. Then Black teleported she and her friend to the meeting point.
Applejack exchange a small look with Rarity and ran to Sweet Apple Acres as well.

It was when Spike lowered his floating throne and Night Seed and Mist turned back to their usual selves.

“Sorry for that Twi but they have to make things clear”

Twilight nodded.

“A little too much if you ask me but probably this is the best option”

Babs chuckled.

“I don’t know how Rarity and Sweetie get along but at least I know it’ll work with Applejack and Apple Bloom”

The rest nodded, now it was up to them to confront their older sisters.

Rarity and Applejack arrived where they agreed and the first thing they notice was the mud pond in the middle of the rodeo.

“Great! Mud! Isn’t a way to finish this cleaner?”

“Well here we are!” Called Applejack ignoring Rarity. “What kind of duel you want?”

Black and Shadow appeared before their opponents each one with a rope on their mouths.

“Tug war” said Shadow. “You and I will try our strength. Rarity and Sweetie their magic”

“And to avoid complaining there’s a pond of shampoo this way” said Sweetie Black.

“And then you’ll tell us how to stop this?” Demanded Applejack.

The two of them nodded so they began the duel.
Applejack was pulling the rope with all her strength and also Shadow, but she had her own way to do this by using her tail to pull the rope instead of her mouth. Applejack grumped in frustration.

“Tat’s eating!” She complained (with the rope on her mouth)

“I can’t hear you” mocked Shadow.



Applejack released the rope and Shadow was sent backwards violently. The orange mare smiled to her defeated rival jumping over the mud to land in front of Shadow with a faint smile.

“Sorry kid, that’s the exact same trick Rainbow used un me during our first Iron Pony competition”

“A’ know, A’ saw everything, sist” said Apple Bloom taking her normal form.

And before Applejack could protest she forced a black apple of chaos on her mouth.

“Whoa, mint” said Applejack.

“Applejack, you can’t keep denying it” said Apple Bloom firmly. “Really, Sweetie and I are really worried about you two. We convinced Spike to make this disaster to make you understand: A’m your little sister who loves ya’ but A’m also Shadow Bloom, your counterpart and greatest rival. Accept it already!”

Applejack then took a deep breath and yelled releasing all her anger at least. Apple Bloom let her be but took her form of chaos as a precaution.
Still she smiled.

“Finally, A’ was afraid you would keep denying it”

“Sorry if A’ worried you Apple Bloom but… you don’t understand how it feels. A’ love ya’, yer’ my little sister, the one I’ve being taking care since mom and dad passed away so A’ can’t understand why are ya’ doing this to me. What A’ ever did to you? Why join Spike? WHY? Yeah, you got your Cutie Mark but that doesn’t gives ya’ the right to annoy me every time. Now A’ understand Twilight a little better”

Shadow nodded.

“Applejack, is not easy to be yer’ little sister. Yer’ big and strong and cool, and A’ wanna be like ya’. But one day A’ realized that’s impossible!”

“Apple Bloom! With time and patience you can be like me, you don’t need Spike to give ya’ powers instantly; you can develop your strength by your own”

“What A’ mean is that ye’re a Bearer of Harmony; the impersonation of Honesty. You have yer’ own stained glass on Canterlot and no matter how hard A’ try, A’ll always be at yer’ shadow. That’s why A’ became Shadow; because you were destined to great things but not me, A’ had to do something to be as great as you. For the ponies A’ll always be yer’ little sister, not the independent pony A’ want to”

“Apple Bloom” mumbled Applejack releasing how she felt for the first time.

“That’s why A’ kept going, my Cutie Mark was one thing, but now A’ have the chance to have a legend for ma’ own. Now A’m an agent of chaos, well known for being a threat to Equestria; no more Apple Bloom yer’ little sister but a legend”

“But still this can be dangerous Apple Bloom. This cannot end well”

Apple Bloom took a deep breath, this was the hardest part.

“And A’ also did it because with all that happened between us, you still treat me as a little child. You try to protect me for every single thing in this world but you are what you are because you had the chance to make your own mistakes. Okay, it’s time for you to let me make mine”

“But Apple Bloom, A’ met mistakes and because of them A spend very difficult times. A’ tried to save you from those situations”

“But you can’t protect me forever and you know it. A’ understand ya’ want too but you grew up and learnt because of your failures… okay let me do mine please! And that’s why A’ love being Shadow, because when A’m her you treat me as an adult. You even broke a barrel on my back with all yer’ strength!”

“True! Oh ma’ poor Apple Bloom, did A’ hurt you?”

Apple Bloom sighed.

“Exactly what A’ meant. Ye’re a great sister but as stubborn as a mule. Do you realize how overprotective you really are? Spike magically provided me with all yer strength and agility so that barely hurt. But that’s what A’ mean, you considered me yer’ equal”

Applejack sighed

“Unbelievable A’ pushed you this far to make me realize. Yer’ right Apple Bloom, A’ tend to underestimate ya’ but now that everything is clear we can start all over. You can quit to your chaotic self and be as Apples should be: united”

Apple Bloom smiled.

“Sorry sis, but A’ wont quit. Create disasters is too fun to give up so ma’ form of Shadow is here to stay”

Applejack’s eye twitched.

“Do you want to be grounded for a the rest of yer’ life or what?”

“A’ cant’ quit ma’ powers. First because A’ don’t wanna, second because are permanent; A’ll have them as long as Spike is the lord of chaos”

Applejack didn’t know how to react but at the end she hugged her sister, at least she have accepted that Apple Bloom was truly Black. The first step was always the hardest.

In the meantime Black and Rarity were fighting at the strange shampoo pond; Black using only half of her great power (she was as strong as Twilight were when she was an unicorn) and Rarity was giving all she had but it was useless.

“What’s the point of this Black? Humiliate me again? Why you and Shadow wanted this duel?”

“You know why Rarity, this can’t keep going, you must accept it for good, sister”

“I’m not your sister! My only sister is Sweetie Belle and she’s not an annoyance like you, she’s good and sweet, polite and always do all she can to please me. Really it makes me feel guilty from time to time. I really can’t spend as much time as I want with her because of my work but I still love Sweetie and she will never hurt me”

Black grinded her teeth.

“And haven’t you thought that she’s very upset with you because of that? That you’re always putting her aside because of your stupid dresses and the few time you spend together you’re so tired and in bad mood that all you do is to scold her? Haven’t you see how unfair you are with Sweetie Belle even if she loves you so much?”

Rarity screamed and tried harder to defeat Black but she couldn’t.

“Who do you think you are to know what Sweetie needs? You are not…”

Sweetie turned back to normal, and on her usual self she wasn’t that strong so Rarity easily pulled her to the pond of shampoo.

“You know what Rarity? For being the Element of Generosity you are very selfish with the ones who loves you. That’s why I let Spike give me my powers, that’s why I decided to become Black, because I have to put you on your place from time to time. Yes, I have a vengeful personality”

Rarity walked backwards.

“No! Is not true! Another of your cheap trick, you can’t be Sweetie Belle, you can’t…”

Couldn’t keep the farce and began to cry.


Sweetie nodded.

“I know you love me Rarity, but the problem with you is that you can’t see beyond your nose. For you being generous means give things, not give time and care of those who love you. You take a lot from others but never return anything more than mere stuff”

“Sweetie Belle, I’m not selfish”

“No? you always knew Spike had a crush on you and used that to take advantage of him over and over, right?

Rarity muttered in shame.

“And not only Spike, me too Rarity. Try to understand: we love you and wanted to be loved as well, but you have a weird way to show love, even appreciation. Sorry but I had to do something about it, I had to punish you somehow and that’s why I turned Black”

Rarity sighed sadly, now than she thought about she was a truly awful pony. Sweetie Belle’s anger pushed her to became her nemesis Black.

“So do you understand now why I’ll keep being Black, right?” Asked Sweetie. “Because you’ll think twice before mess with me to vent your frustrations and I’ll be a legend for future generations. And I’m also dating Spike from yesterday!”

That last line was like a bucket of icy water.


“It’s my choice, sorry” mocked Sweetie. “I love Spike and he loves me back, he’s a sweet little dragon and you can’t date anything higher than a god”

Rarity looked away, but still hugged Sweetie.

“I’m so sorry I made you become Black, I never realized how much I hurt you”

Sweetie shrugged.

“Extreme sisters need extreme measures!”

Rarity smiled.

“Let’s do one thing: once we fix this chaos we’ll take a bath together as we were children to celebrate a new relationship and then… I’ll take a potion to sleep. This day have being a shock”

“Okay Rarity, thanks Celestia! Your denial really worried us”

Rarity smiled.

“Yes, sorry for that”

“Now keeping our promise: the power source of the mutated plants are on its roots, you have to find the way to mix Harmony with the nutrients the trees took from the ground, use rain; mix the Rainbow Powers with the Weather Factory and problem solved”

Rarity smiled to Sweetie Belle and after joined Applejack, ran to tell Twilight.
They solved the problem soon and went to celebrate; not another day saved from Spike but because of the sisters’ reconciliation.
Everything was perfect and nothing would ruin it.

The Harmony rain filtrated all the way down to an underground prison (sealed with the Princesses’ most powerful spells) turning into an irritating leak dripping right on the most forehead of the most dangerous pony of all times; awaking him from his long sleep.

“Oh come on! Not even in eternal prison can a pony rest in peace?”

Author's Note:

So here we are, that was fast but again that was one of my favorite chapters; now we’re about to end the first ‘season’ of this translation with a ‘boss-battle’ and the question is; who do you think that pony was? I know, I know, I already asked that but only two tried to guess.

Read ya’ later!!

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