• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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Survival Game

Survival Game
(The attack of the Wolf-Pies part 2)

Twilight Palace, almost nighttime:
The time was running and they still couldn’t find nothing useful. It was almost time to raise the moon and repeat the invasion of Pinkie Pies. The only thing Twilight found (now that she knew exactly what she was looking for) was the virus-like spell on Pinkie’s blood but with the equipment she had in her castle she couldn’t do much with the discovery.

“Save uninfected ponies is our top priority” declared Luna when she noticed they had only five more minutes of sun.

“Princess, can’t you wait a little longer?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“Not without an almost unrepairable environmental damage, now that I think about it I wasn’t really thinking when I became Nightmare”

Everypony nodded nervously, four more minutes before the Pinkie attack.

“And can’t we ask Mr. Boss for help or something? I bet he can fix this in a flash” Asked Twilight getting more and more nervous.

“No, the contract clearly specifies that we must deal with this, especially now that you’re getting paid for this”

Three more minutes, Spike took one of the Harmony Grenades and used it on himself, same for Scoots and Rumble who quickly began to move to the main door.
But before he left he turned to the girls:

“Remember: you have three hours before I recover my power and I’ll use it all to keep with the party so you better take as many Harmony Grenades as you can. Good luck and I’m truly sorry”

He ran away along with his two infected agents of chaos leaving the group even more nervous than before.
One more minute, Applejack and Rainbow walked away too.

“Good luck, I hope you can fix this”

Rarity gulped while sweating nervously.

“Look at the bright side, at least we won’t transform in Pinkie”

Princess Luna took a deep breath and began to up the moon; and at the same time Twilight casted a force-field around the Castle to buy them a few more minutes.

“We have no choice but go to the Disease Control Center in Canterlot. With the equipment we have there I’m sure we can do something about it” said Celestia.

Pinkie Pie nodded looking at the window to see the ponies trembling at the sight of the full moon while the change was taking place.

“Can you teleport us there?”

Celestia and Luna shook their heads.

“Giving the nature of the diseases we keep in there we casted an anti-teleportation shield to protect them”

Silence, followed by a terrifying howling from all over Equestria:


Twilight opened her castle’s doors to face the horror waiting for them.

“Look, our best friends in the entire world! You know what it means? A PARTY!!” Shouted Mayor Pie.

“PARTY!!” Shouted the rest of Pie-ville

Then Pinkie Heartstrings noticed the Princesses and bowed to them presenting a cake she just baked.

“Your Majesties, you’re here too! Is so good to see you! Now please tell me what you think about this delicious cake I just baked!”

And before they could react, the mint pony forced a piece on their mouths.
Pinkie Heartstrings nodded proud.

“Delicious even if it’s bad for me to say it”

Celestia had to make appear a bottle of water.

“Ugh, too sweet! Besides I can’t eat any kind of candy or pastry”

Rose Pie just fainted.

“A life with no sweets? THE HORROR, THE HORROR!”

Pip-Pie began to sob as well but he was still eating a cupcake:

“Oh I remember when it happened to us. The delicious candy of all candies, so delicious but so bad that left us without our beloved deserts! Luckily that will stay on the past”

And suddenly Ocy-Pie popped out of nowhere and bite the Princesses.

“There you are, now you can have your beloved sweets back”

Luna threw the gray mare away with her magic but she was luckily caught by Pinkie Scratch with a smile.

“Princesses!” Shouted Night, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, Black, Shadow, Sinon and Lighting.

But Celestia smiled victorious.

“Don’t worry! It worked, we’re inoculated!”

“Now move fake Pinkie Pies, we have a mission to accomplish!”

Everypony sighed in relief but not the infected ponies who were glaring at them with a strange look on their eyes that nopony liked.

“No, no, no, no. something is very wrong here! Party-poopers! Party-poopers! We can’t have fun if there’s somepony who dares to reject the fun!” Shouted Pip Pie.

Teacher Pinkie-lee nodded.

“Let’s show them what happens to those who want to spoil our fun!”




The group tighted together to protect each other from the incoming attack.

“What a great start!” Complained Luna shouting a magic beam to push away the Pinkies

But it only made the Wolf-Pies to take their party cannons and shoot against the group with rage.

“So that’s how Pinkie reacts when you don’t want to join her party” mumbled Twilight casting a new force-field.

“No I react this way when somepony wants to spoil my fun!” Complained Pinkie.

The attacks kept going and going so Celestia decided it was time to act:


And created a light-sphere so powerful that temporary blinded the Pies.

“Now MOVE!” Cried Sinon beginning to run.

They of course obeyed, they needed to go as far as possible from the Pinkies.

“Why on earth didn’t you went to the damn disease control center from the very beginning?! Asked Lighting Flash.

“Because I thought I could solve this just with the power of Harmony!” Answered Twilight running as fast as she could.


The mass of fake Pies of course wasn’t stopped yet.

“GO GET THEM!” Commanded Feather Pie.

They ran even faster.

“Come on Pinkie Pie! You belong to us Pinkie Pie!!

“No need to join the party poopers, we’re your friends, your true friends who only want to have fun!”

“Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie! Mother!”

The pink pony looked at her ‘clones’ and shook her head without stopping running.

“Sorry girls but I prefer my real friends!”

Apple and Rainbow Pie joined the others.

“Okay, we’re here, come on, join us!”

Spike appeared as well laughing silly and wearing a curly wig.

“Me too! When I recover my powers we’ll have more fun than ever! I won’t ever allow to the full moon to get down!”


More and more Pinkies appeared out of nowhere trying to cut their escape. Luna sighed and summoned a black sword surrounded in blue flames.

“Sorry about this but you gave me no choice!”

And with great skill she knocked down the three attackers making the rest of the Wolf-Pies to step backwards.

But then Scoots-Pie jumped from inside a side bush and hugged Princess Luna’s leg.

“Come on, don’t spoil our fun!”

Shadow Bloom took her friend and with her great strength she threw her away.

“It’ll hurt in the morning”

Again their efforts only bought them some minutes but the Wolf-Pies kept coming and coming making their escape really difficult. At the end Princess Celestia looked at Twilight, Rarity and Black:

“The three of you help me with this!”

And then the group created an enormous hummock to keep the Pinkies away for a few more, but enough time to get lost inside the forest.

When the Wolf-Pies got to the top of the hummock they were already out of sight. But that won’t be a problem for long. Spike Pie grinned.

“Okay Pinkies, our top priority is to get the party-poopers! They’re decided to spoil our fun and we’re not going to tolerate it! Are you with me?”



And hiding inside some bushes, the group were listening.

“Okay definitely I don’t act like that! Not unless I eat too much sugar” Complained Pinkie Pie.

“And how exactly is too much sugar for you dear?” Asked Rarity curious.

“I don’t know… maybe…·

Twilight stopped them at once.

“It doesn’t matter! This spell is designed to emphasize the negative parts of your personality! So it’ll be really difficult to walk to the disease control center. Canterlot is not that far but still this…”

Celestia agreed.

“At least we have three skilled warriors to help us to clean the way. I don’t like violence but giving the circumstances is the only way”

Dark looked at Sinon, then at Lighting Flash and then back to Celestia.

“Three? I only see two soldiers here”

Luna chuckled and showed her sword to the filly.

“Didn’t you saw how I get rid of two of our attackers little one? Between us I’m a very skilled sword fighter myself. Do you know the real reason why my sister used the Elements of Harmony against me when I turned into Nightmare?”

“To purify you without hurting you?” Asked Black shyly.

Celestia glared at Luna who ignored and told the secret:

“In part, but the real reason was that she’s no match for me. While she got fat eating sweets I liked to train with my sword”

And to set an example she reduced a couple of trees to splinters in only three moves.

“In fact in the three thousand years there were only two ponies who ever defeated me in combat”

Still Shadow shook her head exceptive.

“Ah’ don’t get it. They why don’t ya’ used your skills to defeat ma’ sister and her friends when ya’ returned?”

“Because I didn’t really considered them a threat. Just a minor annoyance”

A sound in the dark remembered them they were running and began to move to Canterlot, but at least Luna’s stories helped to relax them a little.

“And what about the two ponies who defeated you in combat Princess Luna?” Asked Black.

The Princess of the Night cuckled.

“Well, those two were soldiers of fortune, and very dangerous. They created a certain fame to themselves and soon enough they became the most wanted. And since I didn’t had a decent combat since I got free, I thought it would be funny to capture them”

Twilight’s eyes opened in surprise.

“So that was recent?”

Luna shrugged.

“Of course. At the beginning I fought them at once… and got my rump kicked. Then I decided to face them one by one and one more time got a humiliating defeat twice”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened in admiration.

“And what happened next Princess Luna? Are those two still free?”

“Indeed they are but don’t worry; they’re not a threat anymore. After my third defeat I accepted that those two were too much for me and I tried a fourth time, this time along with a whole battalion and that time we won”

“What happened next?”


But they had to stop because they were already at Canterlot outskirts and a group of Pie soldiers ran to invite them to the fun surrounding them.
Lighting Flash sighed and took her sword.


And with her signature move, they were all defeated.

“Cool! I bet those two mercenaries got defeated because they couldn’t handle you and your husband Miss Lighting Flash!” Cheered Black.

The captain of the Lunar Guard laughed happily.

“No kid! Who do you think she’s talking about? After we got defeated Princess Luna offered us a choice: to join the Lunar Guard or go to jail. And since then Black Swordsman and I lead the Lunar Guard with honor”

Luna seemed thoughtful.

“Speaking of Black Swordsman, he’s going to be a problem. He’s specialized in sneaking behind the enemy, especially in the city that’s full of dark alleys”

“But isn’t that a good thing? There’s more place to hide!” Asked Twilight.

“Precisely, and believe me that you won’t see Black Swordsman coming” explained Sinon.

Fluttershy almost faint but Sinon hit her with the back of her ballista Hecate.

“Don’t you dare to play coward. This is an emergency and we need everypony to focus. However, who doesn’t know where the Disease Control Center is?”

The ones who didn’t live or lived in Canterlot raised a hoof: Black, Shadow, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.
Luna nodded and took the lead:

“Okay, what we need to do is to separate in groups to avoid suspicion. Those who know where to go take no more than two of the others to guide them throw the city. Also we need to disguise ourselves instead of hiding”

Black quickly ran to hug the captain of the Lunar Guard.

“I go with Miss Flash! She’s an idol for every unicorn filly!”

Lighting Flash smiled and returned the hug.

“Looks whose talking, Agent of Chaos. Okay, you come with me but promise me you’ll give me an autograph for my daughter, alright?”

“In that case I go with Princess Celestia, I feel safer with her” mumbled Rarity.

Celestia nodded in agreement even if she didn’t’ feel that safe.

“Go on, if you trust me feel free to join me Rarity Belle”

Night approached to Luna with hopeful eyes.

“Princess Luna, can I go with you?”

“Of course dear, I’ll make sure no one touch you”

And to prove her point, she prepared her sword.
Fluttershy just quietly joined Twilight along with Pinkie Pie.

“I guess we’re a team!” Cheered the pink pony.

Shadow looked for Sinon’s protection.

“May I join you, miss Cold-hearted Snipper?”

“Fine. Now to minimize risks, anypony knows how fix a mane?”

“Me! Why?” Exclaimed Night taking a couple of scissors.

The snipper just lowered her head to the filly.

“Can you make my mane look like theirs?”

“Sure but it won’t work, they already know we’re immune”

Black shrugged and transformed herself into an orange filly with green curly mane.

“Well we have camouflage powers as agents of chaos. Come on, a single transformation spell, is not that hard”

“But quickly, Spike will recover his powers any minute now!”

So between Black, Twilight, Luna and Celestia transformed everypony (Sinon and Lighting were unicorns too but they weren’t too skilled in that area)to look like a random infected Wolf-Pie and entered to the city bouncing and saying:

“Fun, fun, fun! Lots, lots of fun and more fun!”

And at the entrance they were stopped by Solar Captain himself Master Pie.

“Hold! Where are you from my little party-loving ponies?”

Twilight giggled imitating Pinkie the best she could:

“Ponyville silly!! Ponyville is really fun! Have you been there already? Do you visited Ponyville tower? It’s fun, fun, fun, fun especially when they let me BE the bell!”

Master Pie smiled satisfied putting aside his Master Sword.

“Ponyville! That news are super-duper fun! Have you see the party-poopers? Last thing I knew was that they were coming here”

“We were after them but then we got lost and ended up here! A super fun story to tell next time!” Giggled Pinkie who now was orange with white hair.

“And do you know what we think of Canterlot? That Canterlot is…”

“FUN! Come on in, the party is on and there’s lots of cake waiting for you!” Cheered Master Pie.

They all laughed together and entered with relief.

“Unbelievable, threatened by my own Captain of the Guard!” Sighed Celestia.

“He’s not his normal self Tia, now let’s separate. Night, around here!”

And they entered to the pandemonium that was taking place by different alleys. Night and Luna arrived by the center pretending to have fun and laugh with every Wolf-Pie but they were totally afraid of what could happen to them. There were too many Pinkies all over the place.

And suddenly the leader of the Lunar Airforce, Black Pie flew over the disaster and announced:

“Wonder-fun news fellow Pinkies! The Crystal Empire have just joined the party! Anytime now every Equestria will celebrate with us, OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!”


And precisely in the Crystal Empire, every single home was covered in balloons, confetti and the childish music resounded from every corner; especially in the Palace where Prince Shining Pie and Mi Amore Pinkeza ran a massive competition of the Pony-pockey.
And from a much hidden corner in the mountains surrounding the Empire, a troop of changelings were observing very unnerved.

“Mother, shall we delay the invasion?” Asked a very scared one.

“Obviously, this creeps me out!” Answered Chrysalis beginning to move backwards.

But then a Pegasus pony arrived from who-knows-where and the first thing he did was to bite Chrysalis.

“Hi, want some fun! I’ll give you fun!” Laughed Flash Pie.

Chrysalis trembled and began to change.


And between her and Flash Pie bited every changeling around.

“Mommy Pinkie-Salis, you know who would love to join us? Uncle Flames!”

“What a great idea son! Let’s teleport to join Reptilia to the party!”

And the changeling troop teleported.
The Changeling Hive and Reptilia were allies so changelings moved freely among the dragons; and also King Flames was Chrysalis’ godfather and they were really close. That’s why he didn’t suspected a thing when he saw the family appearing on his castle.

“Chrysi, is so good to see you! What brings you to old Flames after all this time?”

Pinkie-Salis just smiled and bite Flames.

The Dragon King was one of the most powerful Beings in the world, and also the oldest and wisest of all. And as Luna and Celestia were in charge of the Heavenly Bodies, he had control over the Inner Force of Earth that he controlled through the volcanoes.
So every dragon knew something was wrong when the main volcano of Lizardos (Reptilia’s capital city) expelled a cloud of confetti instead of lava.

Back to Canterlot Black Pie shouted the big news:

“Old King Flames and Queen Chrysalis joined the party! This world is getting better and better!”

In a corner, Princess Celestia froze in fear.

“Princess Celestia?” Asked Rarity.

“Flames… we must hurry, if they got Flames already this won’t end well for anyone”

“That doesn’t sounded like you’re enjoying this party, oh, I see… the party-poopers disguised themselves!”

A pony ran to intercept them but suddenly he was knocked down by a dictionary.
Luckily for Celestia and Rarity, Shadow and Sinon decided it was easier to avoid the Pinkies by jumping from roof to roof so they spotted the danger their partners were into just in time. But even if they saved her, the Princess of the Sun wasn’t happy:

“Dang it, you’re wasting books!” Shouted Celestia.

And her shout unfortunately called everypony’s attention.
Sinon face-hoofed.

“And then you complain when our Guard call you an idiot. However… YOU KNOW WHAT’S FUN? BOOK-FIGHT!!”

“BOOK-FIGHT!” Cheered the Wolf-Pies forgetting about their suspicions and joined to the game by breaking in the public library.

Celestia sighed in sadness and frustration with herself.

“I took hundreds of years to compile all that knowledge. For what? A bunch of idiots come and use them for a stupid game!”

From above the roof, Shadow shrugged.

“Or books or our skins. However, aren’t we moving? This is our chance!”

The filly had a point, so they began to run pretending they were playing too. Waste of books or not, it brought them the perfect cover.
And in other side of Canterlot, Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie didn’t have too much trouble to move between the Pinkie doppelgangers because of Pinkies’ help. So at the end they arrived safely to the Disease Control Center.

“Always copied never equalized”

“Let’s hope the others make it as well” begged Twilight.

“What we need is a miracle” sobbed Fluttershy.

In the meantime Princess Luna and Night advanced in the shadow avoiding contact with other ponies when they could but still pretended to have fun.
They were in a constant alert jumping at every sound they heard, when finally Black Pie along with Yui-Pie blocked their advance.

“Ey sneak like this is not funny!” Tried to say Luna but it didn’t worked since Black Pie just aimed the Elucidator to her.

“There’s no use fooling me, I know you very well your Highness. And you’re acting too suspicious to really have fun”

“Papa Pie is right! Usually you are very funny Princess but now you’re acting B-O-R-I-N-G!”

Luna aimed her sword at Black Swordsman as well.

“Barbara Seed, run while you can. I’ll keep them occupied”

But Babs was too scared to move.
Still she had no time to recover because at that moment Black Pie jumped towards Princess Luna who defended herself the best she could but she was never a match for the black swordsman. Everything was lost, everything was lost…
So in a moment of stupidity and desperation, Babs did the only thing you could think of: bite Black Pie.

“Ouch, watch it kid!” Complained the warrior.

But he suddenly muttered when he began to tremble.

“Papa Pie!” Cried Yui-Pie running to her father.

Unbelievably enough, Black’s curly mane went back to normal along with his expression.

“Your Highness!” He sighed putting aside the Elucidator.

“Black Swordsman? Are you back to normal?” Asked Princess Luna.

The warrior examined his body and nodded.

“Apparently. What just happened?”

But suddenly Yui interrupted:


Raising an eyebrow, Night bite the filly as well. She had a theory and prayed to be right.
And one more time the change reversed making Yui return to her usual self.

“Princess Luna! What happened?”

Luna and the Lunar Captain looked at Babs who nodded happily.

“Of course! I’m Pinkie’s counterpart so…”

“You are the cure!”

“We have no time to lose, come on! I’ll take you to the Disease Control Center!” Exclaimed the Black Swordsman running in front of the group.

Several Pinkies tried to stop them but this time they were confident they’ll win and with two of the mightiests warrior of Equestria on their side, they had nothing to fear.

In the Disease Control Center, Celestia’s and Lighting Flash’s groups have arrived already. They were only waiting for Luna and Night Seed.
And soon enough Lighting Flash gasped when she recognized her husband running to them. Closing her eyes, she aimed Lambent Light to him ready for anything but he stopped on time and raised a hoof like asking peace.

“Wait Lighting, I’m me again!”

“Mama!” Cried Yui running to hug Lighting.

The warrior couldn’t believe it. How was it even possible?”

Celestia looked at Luna who was smiling confidently.

“We found the cure. Is Night Seed!”

“What?” Asked Pinkie Pie.

The girl nodded.

“I’m your counterpart, remember? So that means I’m the key to reverse everypony back to normal”

“Fine, we’ll take a blood sample and finish this already” said Twilight grabbing Night with her magic.

“Wait, I hate needles!” Shrieked Night.

“Do you prefer live in a world of Pinkies?”

And reluctantly she agreed but still didn’t like it.
At the end between Twilight and Celestia could synthetize an antidote in the form of a small pill.

“Any ideas how to convince the Pinkies to take it?” Asked Luna.

Pinkie Pie nodded and showed them a giant cake she baked while waiting.

“Here, but we don’t have time to lose!”

So they teleported to Ponyville to deliver the cake that the Pinkies devoured in the matter of seconds immediately getting back to normal.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe it but she was really happy.

“Girls, you made it! I missed being me!”

“We’ll celebrate later, now we have to spread Harmony before sunrise, COME ON!”

No one objected, with the Rainbow Power they cured the entire world at once giving the curse of the Wolf Pies an end. It was over, finally over.
At the next morning they all had breakfast together: the Princesses, the soldiers, Bearers of Harmony and Agents of Chaos.

“Seriously Spike, try to be more careful next time! This time we almost don’t tell it”

“Ey don’t look at me like that, how was I supposed to know that Pinkie would eventually bite somepony? Because of that I thought I would never use this prank but apparently it happened”

Applejack sighed tiredly.

“And when ya’ casted that damn spell?”

Spike chuckled nervously.

“Ehem… at the Great Galloping Gala.


“Let’s say the snacks you ate were full charged of pure chaos”

Everypony sighed.

“And you just forgot about what you did?” Asked Luna rolling her eyes.

“Kind off”

And of course a massive face-hoof took place.
But then Celestia chuckled.

“At least now I got the answer about how to deal with the candy of all candies. With the blood sample of the ‘Pinkinensis’ virus maybe I can create a cure for the horrible side effect of your first prank. After all this time I’ll finally get my beloved sweets back”

Author's Note:

This is it, a fun chapter to write both times. I hope you liked the concept.
And… I think that’s all for now.

Read ya’ later!!

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