• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 11,609 Views, 542 Comments

Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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We need a leader too!

We need a leader too!

A new day started in the beautiful city of Ponyville, and as always, all the students of Canterlot High walked to school some of them very calm and some others in a hurry like a certain purple girl with bluish purple hair and big glasses, who was carrying a purple puppy in her backpack.

“Twilight, calm down please!” Protested Spike starting to get dizzy because of the movement.

“Spike don’t you dare to puke on my stuff!” Warned Sci-Twilight.

“Then slow down” said the pony shaking his head. “Why the hurry?”

“Because we have an exam today and professor Deep Knowledge won’t hesitate in leave you out of his class if you show up late, and he’s the most punctual teacher in the school!” Said Twilight starting one of her famous nervous breakdowns.

The human Twilight was so concentrated in her running that didn’t noticed she almost crashed with Sunset Shimmer who was walking calmly while humming a melody on her way to school, but Sunset did noticed Twilight and stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Twi, Twi calm down for Boss’ sake!” Smiled the yellow-skinned girl. “We’re on time, at this hours the school isn’t even open; so we can even study for the last time before he comes”

Twilight sighed a little more calmed.

“I guess you’re right, sorry for the rough morning Spike…”

“In times like this I wish I stayed home” was the dog’s only comment.

The girls just chuckled but at the end they just petted the dog and keep walking to school normally, it was a good thing for Spike that Sunset knew how to deal with Twilight. And as always the rest of their friends joined them one by one.

And they weren’t the only ones, around them several groups of friends were meeting and getting ready for school like Flash Sentry, Master Sword, Hylian Shield and the Clawshot Twins; the group of the Japanese exchange students Kazuto, Asuna, Shino, Risa and Ayano; Spit Fire, Fleetfoot and Soarin. Also several couples like Lyra and Bon-Bon; Derpy and Time Turner; Vinyl and Octavia; Cloud Chaser and Thunder Lane (this one also with his little brother Rumble).

As always it seemed like they were going to have a great day a school.

But back with the group of the Mane 7, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were walking with their older sisters when suddenly they spotted the rest of their friends.

“Scoots, Scoots!” Called Sweetie.

“Cuz Babs, howdy!” Called Apple Bloom too.

The two girls, who were walking together, turned and their friends ran to their encounter.

“Ey, isn’t that Rumble?” Asked Scootaloo. “Ey Rumble, come over here!”

The young boy separated from his big brother and joined his own group of friends.

“Morning guys, what’s up?” Smiled the kid.

“Ready for today’s morning” said Scootaloo mischievously. “You?”

“What do you think?” said Apple Bloom preparing her phone with a grin. “A’ spent the whole night deciding which videos delete to make space for today’s fun”

“Yeah, today is going to be epic!” Said Babs imagining all the action already.

And then a teenage girl joined the group of kids, it was a tall light-bluish girl with blue hair tied into a ponytail who wore a magenta blouse with purple skirt, magenta skirt and spiked straps.

“Morning guys!” She said hyper-energetically. “How did you sleep last night? I barely could, you know, I was too excited because our little plan! Are you ready for the show?”

“As ready as always!” Said the rest of the group at the unison.

So they headed to the school with confidence and a grin that was surely noticed by the rest of the students who suddenly were more excited about going to school. After all they weren’t a normal group of friends, no, they were the best pranksters in the school known for their large-scaled pranks and the fact that they were never caught. No matter how hard Principal Celestia or Vice-principal Luna tried to get them, their pranks were just too perfect and they never left any evidence behind.
This kids weren’t normal pranksters, they were the Team of Chaos.

“Just remember keep your phone away from the water this time” warned Scootaloo to Rumble.

“It only happened once, when we were barely starting” said Rumble with a frown.

“Oh come on, if something happens you can ask Kirigaya or Yuuki to repair it” chuckled Sonata.

“What? Why the hall monitors?”

“Well, they’re Asians, duh!” Laughed Sonata.

“That was racist” said Sweetie Belle with a sweat drop on her temple.

“Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t help myself” apologized Sonata.

“Whatever” sighed Babs.

“Oh, look at the time!” Suddenly announced Apple Bloom. “We’re gonna miss when principal Celestia open the school!”

“Damn it, RUN!”

And together they arrived to school as fast as they could, just in time for the show to start.
Their older sisters were already there along with a ton of other students who entered right after the principal opened the school, but as soon as they made a single step inside, suddenly they all slipped and fell on their butts in a very comical way; but it didn’t ended there, a lot of distracted students haven’t noticed what just happened and also slipped falling on their classmates who desperately tried to stand but the whole floor was covered in a strange slippery substance and their efforts to stood ended up in them falling on their noses. And even a few ended up crashing to the lockers or a wall.



“Ey watch it!”

“Bonnie, move!” Protested Lyra. “I’m supposed to be on top!”

“Seriously?” Scolded Bon-Bon grabbing to a wall to keep balance. “However, what is that smell? It’s kind of… familiar…”

Lyra also managed to stand helped by Bon-Bon, and sniffed around, it was a subtle scent… but her girlfriend was a baker and Lyra was very familiar with that scent, so the green-skinned girl passed a finger on the floor and tasted it.


“Non-salted apparently” said Bon-Bon trying some as well.

Everyone around were standing as they could and complaining about the stupid trick while maintaining the balance.

“Who the hell did this?”

“I almost ruin my new skirt, whoever made this!”

“Show yourself!”

But suddenly they all muttered when they saw professor Deep Knowledge entering to the school too concentrated in carrying a huge pile of papers (that day’s exams) to notice the chaos around him and before anyone could warn him, he slipped by touching the buttered floor and lost the exams when he crashed one of the students who just got up after her fall (Minuette).

“No, no, no!” Complained Rarity in one side when Applejack was helping her to stand. “Those leggings were new and now they’re all covered in… butter! That’s hard tor remove”

“It could be worse” said Applejack noticing relieved that her hat was intact (she lost it when she slipped in the butter). “It could be motor oil, and have you seen my big bro’s overalls?”

Twilight got up helped by a column with her feet still trying desperately to place her feet firmly in the floor.

“However, this wasn’t very nice”

“I know” grumped Sunset staring at the group of kids who were recording the disaster from the beginning. “I just hope that the culprits get what they deserve”

The Mane 7 were really pissed after their embarrassing fall, in fact the only ones who didn’t fell of their group were Spike thanks to his padded paws and Pinkie who agilely slide on the slippery surface.

“Well, it’s kind of fun” shrugged Pinkie while she helped professor Knowledge to get back on his feet.

“Thank you Miss Pie, but don’t think I’ll give you extra points for this” grumped the old professor.

“I don’t need it!” Smiled Pinkie Pie. “My friends and I studied all night!”

“Glad to hear it”

And at this point the rest of students preferred to stay in the front door and used their phones to record the disaster knowing that the best was about to start when vice-principal Luna walked to the crowd frowning.

“What’s going on in here? Why aren’t you going to your classrooms?” She demanded to know.

“Apparently someone buttered the hallways” explained Kazuto Kirigaya the hall monitor.

Luna couldn’t believe this, she just frowned and looked around to see the few students who got into the school trying to stand and falling.

“Great. Where’s my sister?”

“Right there” said the other hall monitor, Asuna Yuuki, pointing to one of the hallways.

Principal Celestia was also inside holding to the walls trying to get to the janitor’s closet and take a mop and clean the floors and go to class already, but as soon as she got there the first thing she noticed was the soapy water filtering from under the door .

“Great, now what?” Celestia asked opening the door slowly.

And she opened, a current of soapy water flooded the entire floor dragging Celestia and the ones who entered to the school out of it. Everyone laughed at this even if some swallowed some soap but still everyone had a great time.

The only ones who didn’t laugh were Celestia and Luna who were furious.

“Okay, WHO DID THIS?!” Shouted Celestia.

“Whoever did this, YOU BETTER START CLEANING NOW!” Added Luna.

But no one answered of course, they were all too busy laughing their asses off. But then Sonata just offered them a warm smile.

“Well, it’s pretty clean now if you ask me!”

The two sisters just glared at Sonata along with the group of kids behind her.

“You six to my office now!” Ordered Celestia coldly.

The kids exchanged a worried look but then shrugged and followed the principal and vice-principal calmly even if they were very angry at the time. The only one who were angrier than them was professor Knowledge who just looked at the ruined exams sighing.

“Great, I have to start all over again. Thank you very much!”

So of course at the end the classes had to be suspended because of the disaster (they dedicated to clean up the school instead), but even if the students were mostly pleased, not the teachers. This was the fourth time they had to close the school early because one of these pranks; and the worst part was that they were increasing in number and quality and no one knew how to handle them.
Of course the teachers had their suspects, but they couldn’t prove anything against them; six suspects who right at that time were at the main office in an interrogation routine that everyone were getting used to.

“Okay, yesterday when we left, the school was in perfect conditions. Now someone covered the entire floor with butter. Is this your idea of a joke? Who did this? Or was it a team work?”

“Wait, wait, wait” said Sonata. “What makes you think it was us?”

“Yeah, we’ve never done anything” said Sweetie Belle offended.

“We’re totally innocent!” Sentenced Rumble.

Vice-principal Luna glared at the kids.

“You haven’t done anything we can prove it was you, but shall I remind you that right after the circus incident that dragon named you this world’s agents of chaos and since then we’ve been suffering a prank after another”

And next, the principal showed them several numbers of the school newspaper, and in the front page, there were documented several pranks: like the time someone added some ink to the pool and everyone who got in ended up blue; or when someone freed all the frogs for the dissection of biology class forcing them to make it virtually (okay, that one was kind of a relief); or when during the soccer finals someone changed the ball by a remote-controlled one that caused chaos in the game. There were a lot of pranks, but again no one could prove anything against the team of chaos.

The kids and the teenager chuckled at this making Celestia frown.

“You’re laughing, so it was you after all!”

“No, no, no, you can’t blame us because we’re laughing at this!” Complained Apple Bloom. “You have to admit it was hysterical!”

“Yeah, anyone would laugh at this!” Apologized Babs. “Come on, we’re innocent and you know it!”

“Exactly, how dare you to accuse us?!” Continued Rumble. “I thought this was a great country, innocent until prove the contrary, remember?”

“Just get the hell out of my office” sighed Celestia at the end.

So the group walked out of the sisters’ office very proud of themselves at the time the two hall monitors got in.

“Are we interrupting something?” Asked Kazuto scratching his head.

“Nothing, nothing at all mister Kirigaya” sighed the vice-principal. “And, what? Did you find something?”

“As always a perfect work” said Asuna shrugging. “No clues, no witnesses, nothing at all to get a culprit”

The two sisters groaned even if they were expecting this already. It was always the same, and it was all the dragon’s fault. Why did he had to name a Team of Chaos to this dimension as well? Their pranks weren’t funny, just annoying.

And in the meantime the Team of Chaos were leading to the main door chatting happily and congratulating each other.

“This was one of our best jobs so far” giggled Sonata. “Did you saw principal’s face?”

“Of course, I have everything on video!” Said Rumble. “Thank you Sonata, no one organizes pranks as you!”

“Come on Rumble, it was a team work!” Smiled the older girl.

“No, no, if it wasn’t for your direction they would get us already” congratulated Sweetie Belle. “You’re the best leader Sonata!”

“If someone knows how to organize a prank, that’s you Sonata!” Agreed Rumble.

“Mmmh, now what’s the next big plan?” Asked Scoots excitedly.

“Yeah, we born ready!” Said Apple Bloom jumping. “Tell us what to do Sonata!”

Sonata seemed to consider it, thinking on their next prank but then the heard an ‘EHEM’ right behind them.
The team of chaos turned, and as they suspected it was their sisters’ group.

Twilight, Sunset, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Flurttershy and of course Spike (from inside Twilight’s backpack) seemed very angry, especially Susnset.

“You and your pranks again?” Asked the girl in the black jacket. “Have you realize that your little pranks are about to cross the line?”

“Apple Bloom” warned Applejack sternly, “another one of these and A’ll forbid you to see yer’ friends again, especially Sonata who is a bad influence for you!”

“Excuse me?!” Said the offended girl. “I help them to study! Ask your grandma, Apple Bloom’s grades got better after we became friends!”

“Well, she’s kind of right” mumbled Fluttershy.

“Exactly, ask my brother if you want!” Said Rumble. “Yesterday we were at my house playing games and studying for today’s big test! We had no idea of that the mysterious prankster would prepare something for today’s morning”

“Don’t play games with us kid!” Said Rainbow Dash. “We know you did it!”

“Dash let me tell you something about this country…” began Rumble again, but Scootaloo punched him on the ribs. “Ouch, what?!”

“Dude, it wasn’t funny the first time” complained the orange girl. “However Rainbow Dash, Rumble is right! We spent half of the afternoon studying and the other half saving the world”

“Saving the world?” Asked Spike raising an eyebrow.

“It’s very simple!” Explained Babs. “ You only have to get inside the dungeon, defeat the secondary boss to get the dungeon’s weapon, then get the big key to open your way to the main boss and after defeat him you obtain a medallion and a heart container that will help you in the final battle against…”

The older girls face-palmed at this but the Team of Chaos just laughed happily.

“Great” sighed Sunset with a sweat-drop on her temple.

“Exactly, nothing suspicious from our side” assured Sonata.

So at the end the Mane 7 groaned in exasperation knowing interrogate the kids won’t let them anywhere. They all had perfect alibies, and without evidence they couldn’t ground them properly, they were just the perfect team.

“Guys, you’re Spike’s chosen team, I get it!” Said Sunset giving up. “But come on, this is too much, when is going to be enough for you? I do appreciate the extra time for studying like everyone else but you can’t keep interrupting our classes with your little tricks. Seriously, is getting old!”

“First of all there’s no guarantee it’s us!” Insisted Scootaloo. “And second, a couple of laughs don’t hurt anyone, right guys?”

“Yeah, and if you think about it, the only ones who really complain are the teachers and the hall monitors” added Sweetie Belle. “The other students really enjoy this tricks”

“Yeah, what’s the fuzz about this? The mysterious prankster’s jokes are no big deal!” Finished Sonata.

Again it was pointless to insist so the Team of Chaos victoriously walked away from the Mane 7. Without any proof there was nothing anyone could do to stop them.

“Okay, letting aside that, shall we go celebrate another success?” Asked Sonata to her team. “Ey Spike, wanna join us? We’re going for some tacos!”

“You always want tacos” sighed Apple Bloom. “Why don’t we go for pizza or fired chicken for a change? We can buy a bucket and share!”

“Yeah, I had enough tacos for a life!” Protested Scoots.

“But tacos…”

“Tacos are good but we have limits” added Sweetie firmly.

“Fine, or what about ice-cream? Which flavor do you want Spike?”

The dog frowned just as his owner.

“Why do you always have to invite my dog? Buy your own pet!” Protested the human Twilight.

“Yeah, I will never join your little group!” Added Spike angrily.

“It doesn’t matter” said Sweetie. “If he doesn’t want, he doesn’t want. I’m okay with the ice-cream… but Spike, if you change your mind we’ll be at the mall”

“Yeah, we’ll be always ready to receive you”

And they finally left.
There were a lot of things about this school Twilight never finished to understand, but what intrigued her the most was why on earth the group of pranksters always asked Spike to join them for their big plans. And not only asking for help but asking for his leadership.

“I don’t get it, why they always have to invite me?” Asked the dog.

“Don’t worry about them Spike” cheered him Sunset. “The important thing is that sooner or later they’ll pay the consequences for what they do”

“I hope so” said Twilight. “Did you saw professors Knowledge’s face? If they continue like this they’ll get in serious trouble”

“We know, but sooner than later they’ll learn their lesson” said Pinkie shrugging. “In the meantime, I feel like having pizza. What about you guys?”

“I guess it won’t hurt, and we can stop at mah’ place to study since we have a little extra time” added Applejack.

So they went to the pizza place to relax, but Twilight and Spike were still thinking on the kids’ insistence.

“Seriously, why me?” Asked Spike worriedly.

“Yeah, it’s because you’re a talking dog?” Reasoned Twilight. “Maybe they’re just too interested in you, they’re children after all and we use to hang out a lot with their sisters”

The other girls just exchanged a look.

“You better tell them” said Rainbow to Sunset.

“I guess I have to…” sighed Sunset.

“Tell us what?” Asked Spike.

Sunset took a deep breath.

“Is not easy to explain but let me try… where to start? Where to start? Oh, right… Twilight, remember your other self from the other world?”

“I still shiver at the memory, but yeah, thank you very much…” mumbled Twilight.

“The thing is your other self had an assistant, a dragon called Spike… yes your counterpart” continued Sunset looking at the dog. “And one day that assistant turned into a god…”

“A god?” Asked the dog.

“The god of Disharmony and Chaos to be more precise” said Pinkie Pie. “And the kids’ counterparts are his Agents of Chaos, a very powerful team”

“Okay… and how is that they ended up teaming with Sonata then?” Asked Twilight.

“That’s because one day the Agents of Chaos came to this world and put the entire school upside-down … we teamed up with our other selves (and yours) to stop them. We did it but before they left they nominated Sonata and the kids to act as this world’s Team of Chaos”

Twilight and Spike looked at each other.


“Yeah, I guess that when they met Spike they thought he would lead them as their other selves are leaded by his dragon counterpart” explained Sunset.

“Oh!” Said Spike. “A dragon me who is also a god? Cool, I wish I could meet him!”

“Don’t even think about it” warned Applejack.

Twilight and Spike again exchanged a confused look, what happened when the other Spike came to visit?

And in the meantime in the fried-chicken restaurant Sonata and friends were checking if they had everything ready for the next plan:

“Okay, let’s check this one more time before start” said Sonata.

“We’ve been checking that list for fifteen minutes!” Protested Babs.

“I know it’s boring but we need to have everything ready if we want to get away with this as the other pranks” said Sonata. “Remember, we haven’t been caught once and we must keep it that way”

“Fiiiiine!” Said the others at the unison.

“Perfect, then, compressed-air bombs?”

“Already charged and in their positions in the lockers and the teachers’ desks” said Rumble.

“You made sure to use gloves?” Questioned Sonata.

“And hairnets and masks” confirmed Sweetie.

“Perfect, what about the security cameras?”

“Ah’ already replaced the footage” said Apple Blooom.

“What about the hall monitors?”

“We already covered their informant and in case it doesn’t work we all have alibies in case of interrogation” finalized Babs.

Sonata double-checked it and make a high-five with her entire team.

“This is really great! It’s a shame Spike doesn’t want to join us; this team really needs its true leader. But sooner or later he’ll realize his place it’s with us. Luckily I can keep cover him for a little while”

“But Sonata, we don’t care if you keep leading us, you’re the best!” Said Babs.

“She’s right, you’re a better leader than that dog for sure” assured Sweetie Belle.

The Team of Chaos then separated after finishing their meals and went to their homes to prepare the next move and also to study a little more.
But Sonata couldn’t concentrate that well since she was all thoughtful and doubting. At the very moment they met Spike’s counterpart she had been questioning her position as the leader of the Team of Chaos, suddenly noticing she was only a temporary replacement until the true Lord of Chaos could take over.

“After all, on this side of the Mirror there also are Bearers of Harmony plus one. I am the Team of Chaos’ plus one, but if they got their Twilight we need our Spike”

She sighed and took a notebook Spike gave to her before he left and began to write. It was obviously a magic notebook that allowed Sonata to communicate with Spike but mostly telling each other their adventures and pranks. The former Siren had avoided to tell her beloved mentor about his other self, but it was only a matter of time he needed to intervene. If the Mane 7 team had their Twilight, they needed their Spike too.

At the next day the classes started without an incident, but everyone had the feeling that the day’s prank was coming. And effectively when the students opened their lockers, they were received by a talc explosion on their faces, and in the teacher’s case when they opened their desk’s drawers.

“I’m not going to say anything… I’m not giving them the satisfaction” sighed principal Celestia cleaning her face with a handkerchief.

But that incident didn’t stopped professor from doing his exam and after cleaning his face as principal Celestia did, he went to his classroom and wrote the word TEST on the whiteboard, but his marker didn’t had any ink. When mister Knowledge checked his marker, only received a stream of ink straight to his face making the entire class to chuckle, especially Sonata at Sunset and friends’ death-glares; and also from Adagio and Aria but no one said anything.
Still the professor didn’t said a word and made the exam anyway. After that only incident was that the teacher was about to take Trixie’s sheet when he noticed she was hiding something small, probably a piece of paper.

“Miss Lulamoon! Care to show me what you’re hiding there?”

Trixie froze for a few seconds and had to give the small object she was trying to hide… a pack of gum. Trixie nervously swallowed the piece of gum she was chewing and smiled apologetically to the teacher.

“Sorry professor Knowledge… I’m nervous and when I’m nervous I chew gum”

The teacher rolled his eyes.

“Gum is forbidden in the school, put it away”

Trixie obeyed but when the teacher turned she smiled devilishly at the glares she was receiving from Sunset and Twilight. Both were the most hardworking students in the entire school and they knew all too well that Trixie was the master in cheating on exams, knowing the bluish girl, she just swallowed the evidence pretending it was just gum.
But without further incident everyone got out of the exam relieved.

“Ey Trixie!” Called Twilight. “How did you felt the exam? Pretty hard, right?”

Trixie giggled.

“Not at all! It’ll be another straight A for good old Trixie. After all I am an honor student, you know?”

Twilight frowned.

“One of these days you’ll get caught and I’ll be laughing so hard…”

“Whatever you say Sparkle, whatever you say” said Trixie ignoring the girl’s complaints. “Ey Kazuto, Asuna wait for me!”

The Japanese students turned and greeted to their friend.

“Ey Trixie, you were about to get caught… again” said Kazuto.

“You’re getting too reckless with this, you must be more careful or one day you’ll get into big trouble”

“In the extremely unprovable case the teachers get Trixie, I’ll just say it’s the first time, after all I don’t have a precedent” bragged Trixie very proud of herself.

“It’s your life” said Asuna shrugging.

Twilight just watched the group walking away.

“How’s that she’s friends with the hall monitors?” Asked Twilight annoyed. “I know there are cultural differences between Japan and here, but how they can stand her constant cheating?”

“As far as I understand, she provides information about the students who sell fake hall-passes, candy and such in the hallways. And also she can detect a fake permission note no matter how perfect it is” explained Sunset.

Twilight sighed.

“Is better if you don’t think too much about it” advised Fluttery.

“I guess you’re right” sighed Twilight.

So the seven friends took their stuff and headed to the cafeteria, but in the middle of the way they found a white-skinned guy crying inconsolably in front of his locker.

“Blue!” Gasped Rarity seeing the state of her boyfriend. “What happened with you Blue?”

“Oh Rarity, it’s horrible!” Cried Blue Blood hugging the girl. “I was just opening my locker looking for my books for biology… when out of nowhere a cloud of talc ruined my shirt! My beautiful shirt!”

And he cried even louder.
Rarity moaned and hugged Blue to calm him down when.

“Oh Blue, I feel your pain. Ruined clothes are the worst thing that could happen to anyone!”

“I know! I know!”

Then she separated with a serious expression.

“Now seriously, practicing for the next play?”

“You guessed it, I have to be a crying child on the next presentation” explained Blue getting back to normal. “But you must admit I’m getting better”

“You fooled me for half of a second” admitted Rarity.

The rest of the girls sighed with patience.
Blue Blood was famous in the school because he took the drama club too serious and had the irritating habit to stay on character for weeks. The only one who didn’t find it annoying was Rarity, who always thought Blue’s dedication was admirable.

“But seriously, they ruined the shirt you made for me” explained Blue. “It kind of pissed me off”

“You’re not alone, the teachers are very angry as well” said Rarity. “I simple don’t understand, how is that just a bunch of kids and an immature teenager manage to pull out this pranks without getting caught”

“What I don’t get is that half of the school admire this guys as they were the best thing that ever happened to the school since Sunset reformed” said Dash. “No offense!”

“None taken” sighed Sunset. “But if you think about it, they do nice things too like the time they helped Lyra and Bon-Bon to be allowed to act as a couple in the school by pranking over and over the intolerants”

“It helped Caramel and Bulk as well” remembered Applejack. “However interrupting classes with this jokes is not right!”

“As long as we can’t prove anything against them we have to be patient” shrugged Blue Blood. “I’m not particularly against this jokes but I would appreciate they be more careful”

And speaking of the devil, the Team of Chaos were approaching leading to the cafeteria as well.

“Hi boy an girls!” Greeted Sonata cheerful. “What’s up?”

“Nothing” said Sunset angrily.

“Okay then” smiled Sonata. “Ey Spike, we’re going to have lunch and we were wondering if you want to join us”

“Again?” Asked Spike from inside Twilight’s backpack. “I’ve told you a thousand times that I will not go with you guys!”

“Yeah, it’s irritating that you keep asking my dog to join you” said Twilight crossing her arms. “Get your own pet”

Sonata sighed but at the end shrugged.

“Sorry, but I can’t help it. We need our true leader, Sparkle, we don’t have any second intention”

And suddenly Twilight’s necklace began to react out of nowhere.

“Damn it, Equestrian magic!” Warned Sunset jumping backwards.

They all followed her, but not Sonata who quickly realized the necklace was reacting with her magic notebook.
So Sonata opened her backpack violently and before Twilight could put apart her necklace, the former Siren touched it with her notebook creating a portal, and from the portal emerged a black and purple dragon with a half-eaten diamond on his claw.

Everyone’s jaws dropped.


“Oh hell no!” Exclaimed Sunset.

But it was true, the dragon just walked out of the portal and winked an eye to Sonata.

“Ey, you called me old friend?”

“Spike, our leader!” Shrieked Sonata.

And the two friends hugged.

“I’m so glad to see you!” Smiled Sonata. “Now we can take care of our leadership problem!”

“Not so fast, I only came to see how are you doing and see if the Teams of Chaos can pull out a prank together, that’s it” explained Spike.

“But aren’t you even a little interested in your double?” Asked Sweetie Belle confusedly.

The dragon then turned to the dog coming from inside Twilight’s backpack, too surprised to move.

“I guess a little. Hi, how are you? I’m Spike Lord of Disharmony and Chaos” said Spike offering to his canine self a claw.

Spike the dog accepted it and shook it slowly, but he was too astonished to talk.

“Now, what if you tell me everything since I named you this school’s Lord of Chaos?”

“Sure thing!” Cheered Sonata. “And the best part is that yesterday was Taco Tuesday, and today the leftovers are half-prize! Do you like tacos Spike?”

“I haven’t tried them yet”

“Oh, we have a long work to do, guys to the cafeteria!”

Sunset gulped.

“I have a terrible feeling about this”

Author's Note:

A quick glance to Canterlot High with the other team of chaos. Okay so I hope you liked it and as always I’ll try to update as soon as I can.

Read ya’ later!!

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