• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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That afternoon was one of the most tyring for everypony, for one side the Bearers of Harmony had to fight one of the most dangerous ponies in the world, Maud Pie, who destroyed half Ponyville; and in the meantime the Princesses watched over the agents of chaos who were still children even if they held great power. But at the end everything ended well (considering that Maud escaped) and Ponyville was safe, at least for the moment.

“Okay, thank you for all your help” said Spike happily preparing his luggage. “It was good to spend the afternoon with you Princesses but now I just want go home and take a long nap to forget what just happened”

“Still don’t get what the hay with the stupid rock but at least everything went back to normal” said Sweetie Belle sighing. “It’s a shame, I really wanted to spend the night here, it would be the second castle I stay”

Luna smiled to them gently but Celestia seemed more thoughtful.

“Tia?” Asked Luna raising an eyebrow.

Celestia sighed sadly, it had been a though day and spend the night with some children would be perfect to relax, it didn’t matter if they were the Agents of Chaos. Luna noticed her sister’s concern and nodded to the kids.

“Ey, why don’t you stay for tonight?” Offered the blue alicorn. “Think about it: since you didn’t made this disaster it wouldn’t be instantly cleaned by the Power of Harmony, besides the Secret Service is still looking for another bomb hidden in town. So stay, please?”

The kids exchanged a look but at the end Rumble nodded enthusiastically.

“You know? It’ll be great to spend the night with mom and dad” said Rumble cuddling with Night Wing and Red Hood.

“Yeah, Thunder would prefer it that way” said Night Wing thoughtful. “And Princess Luna already gave us the day off”

“Speaking of Thunder, we must tell him” said Rumble. “Ey Spike, can you send a note to my big bro?”

“Okay” said the dragon. “Anypony else is staying?”

One by one the girls raised a hoof.

“It’ll be fun!” Said Apple Bloom. “But are ya’ sure it won’t be a problem Princess Celestia?”

“Of course not! I love to have children around” said Princess Celestia. “And it’ll be a great chance to know you better Team of Chaos”

So at the end Spike wrote and sent six letters to everyone’s siblings saying they were staying with the Princesses. Five minutes later the answers came: everypony, Thunder Lane, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight said they were okay with it, in fact it was kind of a relief since they weren’t absolutely sure that there weren’t any surprises left by Maud Pie.

“Great, I planned so many things!” Said Princess Celestia cheerfully. “What about we start with…”

But before Celestia could finish Spike snapped his claw to make appear a huge bowl full of candies of all candies and even a fountain with the melted version of it so everypony could soak the candies and have twice as sugar. And also made appear a bowl of marshmallows and melted chocolate for the agents of chaos.

“What about we start with this?” Offered the dragon.

Luna made a face-hoof.

“Spike, I don’t know how to tell you this but you opened the gates of Tartarus”

It was like a hurricane, without her beloved sugar (except for the times she asked Spike for it) Celestia felt something was missing in her life,; that’s why this was an extra especial occasion for Celestia, she just jumped to the bowl and took with a toothpick and soaked in the melted mixture. It was the double of pleasure and sweet goodness.

Everypony around made a step backwards just as a precaution.

“Pal, do you think it’ll be enough for the three of us?”

Spike shook his head and created a second bowl of candy.

“Nope, let’s leave that one to the Princess and we can share this one”

“Wise decision” said Luna feeling ashamed of her sister. “Okay Tia, dear, it’s almost time for me to rise the moon and risking to sound as mom shall I remind you the sugar rush you had last time? And think about cavities”

“I’ll brush my teeth four times tonight!” Said Celestia firmly. “Please Luna, I haven’t been able to eat all the sweets I want since that horrid Nightmare Night a year ago…”

“Sorry” mumbled Spike.

“However, I won’t waste this chance!”

Spike even refilled Celestia’s bowl when she was halfway through it.

“Thank you Spike!”

“Is the least I can do”

Princess Celestia moaned in pleasure when she felt the sugar rush, but it was more moderate that last time. But everypony knew that if she kept eating like that she won’t be able to sleep.

“Tia…” warned Luna.

“Don’t worry, everything is under control. Now, what about if we have some fun? Let’s start with a hot bath, just what I need after a day like this!”

And she bounced happily Pinkie-style to the bathroom that was just like Twilight’s, a giant tub like the ones from Japony. In fact Twilight got the idea for her tub from the Princess on the first place.

“I can get used to this” said Spike sinking into the bubbles.

“You really love to relax, don’t you?” said Sweetie Belle in a very good mood. “Every time you’re not working you’re on the spa or in your room with your comics”

“Mostly in the spa” clarified Scootaloo.

“What can I tell you girls? I love taking care of my scales” said Spike stroking his black body. “And don’t tell anypony, but live with Twilight is stressful as hell”

“She use to drown into a glass of water” agreed Celestia taking another of the candies from the bowl that was aside of the tub. “If something is missing in her plans, no matter how small it is, she freaks out. If she weren’t immortal I would worry about her blood pressure”

The others rolled their eyes and chuckled.
Then Celestia (half because it was her plan and half because she was a little hyperactive because of the excess of sugar) throw a stream of soapy water to Apple Bloom.

“EY!” Complained the filly responding water with water.

Everypony laughed and started a very chaotic water fight. Even Luna joined using her magic to divert the head of one of the showers and use it as a cannon, so the game changed to try to approach Princess Luna without being caught by the cold water stream.
There were only one problem:

“Luna you ruined my candies!” Complained the older sister.

The Princess of the Night shrugged.

“It’s your fault for bringing that stuff here”

“Don’t worry Princess Celestia, I’ll make more” promised Spike.

“Again it doesn’t seem like a good idea” said Luna worriedly. “Tia is a little too energetic already, she doesn’t need any more sugar”

“Don’t listen to her!” Said Celestia firmly. “Sister I promise I’ll take the right measures to not exaggerate with my candies but in the meantime allow Spike to give me some more”

Luna rolled her eyes but didn’t said another word and everypony got out of the tub.

“Shall we start worrying?” Asked Scoots to Luna.

“No, let her be” said the Princess. “But if she stays awake for two or three entire nights it’ll be all her fault. But also she’s very excited for having you here and she does what she can to make you feel comfortable when she’s around”


“However, this reminds me the first time she got a sugar rush”

“Oh, what happened?” Asked Sweetie.

“Well, at that time she was about eight years old, I don’t remember it that well since I was only four. But what I do remember is that our parents always had problems controlling her sweet-tooth. One night they left to war and we were under the charge of a babysitter, who was outsmarted by Tia and she spent the whole night eating sweet after sweet”

“What?” Asked Spike. “And what happened?”

“Just like the time you sent her your experimental candies for the Nightmare Night, she couldn’t sleep in three days. From that day our parents banned sweets from the city”

Everypony but Celestia laughed at this and continued having the improvised slumber-party.

The rest of the night was very peaceful, Celestia stopped eating that much because of Luna’s tale but besides that she was in really good mood. The Princess had always loved children, that’s why she was the teacher in the magic kindergarten, and from time to time she chose a young foal to guide him or her to greatness like Twilight or Sunset Shimmer; or even Cadence.
Of course she met a couple of mistakes on the past like with Blue Blood by messing with his dream to become an actor and guide him to work with the Secret Service. At least he was happier now that he dating Rarity Belle but she would never forgive herself for what she did to him.

But moving back to the present, the situation was different since the children weren’t her students but the Agents of Chaos, but they were really close to her and that was what mattered.

“Now, to keep with the schedule, I just purchased this product” said the white alicorn taking a box from a closet. “It didn’t existed on my times but I guess it’ll be fun: an Enchanted Game Board, a Ponyntendo Wee U. Is anypony on for a Super Smash party? Is up to eight players”

The kids shrieked excitedly and started playing along with the Princesses choosing the pieces for the game. Spike took a kind of galactic bounty hunter with an orange electric armor; Scoots a pony dressed in a green tunic and hat; Apple Bloom a farmer with creepy eyes; Rumble a blue hedgehog; Sweetie a Princess with an umbrella; Luna, a draconic turtle? And for Celestia a Princess with large ears and a bow.
They began to play.

After a few fights and some candies later they went to have dinner, then a few more rounds of Super Smash and then built a giant castle made of cards. And finally they went to sleep.

“Princess Celestia, here, it’s a sleeping potion” said Apple Bloom giving a small bottle to the white alicorn. “Princess Luna say that under this circumstances you better have this”

“I know, I know” sighed Celestia. “Okay, I’ll take it but just to calm my sister”

So Celestia drank the potion and went to rest. She’ll need that to forget what just happened with the psychopath of Maud Pie.

In Twilight’s Palace the girls had finally finished looking for any more traps left by Maud. At least their little sisters were safe in Canterlot. And at next day several workers from Canterlot would come to Ponyville to rebuild the town.

“Okay, that was intense!” Said Rainbow Dash. “I’m exhausted”

“At least there weren’t any seriously injured” said Applejack. “A’ would like them to catch Maud as soon as possible. Oh, sorry Pinkie Pie”

“It’s okay” sighed Pinkie. “I know Maud is very dangerous and we need to capture her, just do not keep mentioning it please”

“We understand darling” said Rarity hugging Pinkie Pie. “And you know you can count on us for everything, okay?”

“Yes, we’re all here for you” assured Fluttershy. “And I know you can count with the Agents of Chaos as well”

Pinkie Pie smiled, this helped her to recover at least a little.
Then Twilight put a gentle hoof on her shoulder.

“Whenever you feel like talking, we’ll be here for you. Now girls, why don’t you all go home? I’m sure you’re all really tired. And for me, I still have something very delicate I need to take care of”

“Don’t worry, we’re in this together” said Applejack. “Or is this Royal Business?”

Blue Blood entered to the Throne Room seeming very serious and exchanged a look with Twilight.

“It is indeed Royal Business but I don’t see why it have to be classified” shrugged the Prince. “Princess Twilight, about that thing we discussed…”

Twilight nodded.

“Yes, so is definitive?”

“I’m afraid it is” sighed Blue. “After all what Maud Pie did we have no choice but re-assign those girls”

Twilight nodded and opened one of the doors of the Throne Room, letting pass the Ponyville representatives of the Secret Service plus Bon-Bon who even if she was retired had a key part on the batlle.

“Boss! What are you doing here?” Asked Vinyl with a smile.

“Bad news I guess” mumbled Octavia.

Blue Blood frowned.

“You are half right Octavia, half. Maud Pie sold your secret identities to enemy nations and the five of you are the main targets of several organization we have fought as the Secret Service”

“So what now?!” Asked Lyra. “Shall we move? But I love living in Ponyville!”

“Yeah, we have made our lives here!” Protested Derpy. “We don’t want to be re-assigned!”

The Mane 6 were listening concerned. They all knew Vinyl, who hosted almost all of Pinkie’s party, Octavia who was the choice for the elegant parties; and of course they loved Derpy who always delivered mail with a smile and a song in her heart. Not to mention Bon-Bon’s sweets or Lyra’s craziness about humans. They would miss this girls even if they didn’t talk with them that much.

But Prince Blue Blood haven’t finished.

“As the Secret Service we must show a strong image, our enemies are waiting for you to hide and they won’t rest until they find and destroy you. No, we have to show them we’re not afraid. They know who you are so you must say, so what? Girls you won’t be reassigned to another location but another division”

“Another division?” Asked Derpy.

“Lieutenant Hooves, from now on you’re not my Lieutenant anymore. You’re captain of a new military unit, and your mission is to help and protect Princess Twilight”

Derpy couldn’t believe it.


Twilight nodded ceremoniously.

“What you heard Captain Hooves, from now on the five of you will be known as the Guard of Friendship!” Announced Twilight. “Since I became an alicorn Princess Celestia have been insisting that I must have soldiers on my own, well, now I have them. But of course only if you accept. What do you say girls, want to be part of my Royal Guard”

“Do you have to even ask?” Asked Vinyl. “You can count me in!”

“Me too!” Said Octavia.

“And us!” Said Lyra and Bon-Bon at the same time.

Twilight smiled.

“It’ll be a new experience for all of us”

Princess Celestia was wandering in the field feeling very happy, the sun was shining, the pegasi placed just the right amount of clouds and the birds were chirping a cheerful melody. It was the perfect day in every way possible but suddenly they appeared floating towards her, the white alicorn’s lost friends: sweets. Sweets everywhere!

Celestia, Celestiaaaa, why did you abandoned us dear Celestiaaaa?

“What do you mean? But why and how? Why are you here?”

You abandoned us Celestiaaaa, aren’t we delicious anymore Celestiaaaaa?

“Of course you are delicious! You’ve always been… but not as much as before”

We don’t understand, you said we were all your favorites!


From the crowd of angry candies approached one that seemed like a normal bonbon but it was the source of all Celestia’s problems.

“Candy of all candies!”

Celestia, I’ve hurt you Celestia, but I never meant to. My intention was pure, to be eaten by your Royal mouth, I never thought I would separate you from my brothers and sisters. Please forgive, me forgive me! Come on, eat them, even if they’re not as tasty they deserve to be eaten as well. I am a creation from chaos, I have an unfair advantage over them, so please eat them at least for tonight!

Celestia nodded.

“I will, is the least I can do. HERE I COME MY BELOVED SWEETS!”

The sweets waited for her with open arms and she began to run but couldn’t reach them. No matter how fast she was moving her legs the sweets were still unreachable, how could she go where her friends were waiting? Celestia cried in frustration, the sweets didn’t move but she couldn’t reach them, it was like she was stuck or something. How could Celestia reach them? Oh, of course! She was a mighty alicorn, so she extended her wings and that help her to get closer but it wasn’t enough so the Princess prepared her horn and…

A tremor shacked the entire Palace awaking all the inhabitants.

“What’s happening?” Shouted Luna running to her sister’s room. “Is the Palace under attack?”

But when Luna arrived she found her sister’s door completely destroyed and the two bodyguards shaking in fear looking how Celestia (as tall and powerful as only herself) was standing there with a tiny string of smoke coming from her horn. But the strangest thing was that she was completely asleep, so asleep that she was even snoring and drooling on her pajamas.

“Tia?” Asked Luna moving backwards.

“Sweets, wait for me my beloved Sweets!”

And the Princess again surrounded herself with all her power and sent a magic beam to Luna; but the blue alicorn was able to dodge the attack because of her swordsman agility so the only thing Celestia destroyed was another wall.

The white alicorn just keep moving destroying wall after wall looking for something, but what? It was when she destroyed the eighth wall when Luna guessed that her sister was going to the room where she kept all her tributes from the Nightmare Nights.

“Oh my sweets! I finally got you!”

And the Princess devoured the entire room’s content in just a few second and then kept moving looking for even more sugar.

“Where are you going my beloved candies?”

The team of chaos ran downstairs.

“What’s going on?!” Asked Spike. “Is Maud Pie again?”

Luna shook her head.

“No, is my sister” explained Luna astonished. “Spike what have you done?”

“Nothing I swear!” Said the dragon.

“You didn’t alter the candies you gave her?” Interrogated Luna with a stern look.

“No he didn’t!” Said Rumble defending his leader. “We ate the same candies that she ate, remember?”

Luna frowned.

“I guess you’re right but… what the heck?”

Apple Bloom scratched her head.

“Does it have something to do with the sleeping-potion?”

Luna face-hoofed, of course!

“Damn it!”

“Apparently sleeping-potions and sugar rush don’t mix well” said Sweetie raising an eyebrow.

The Princess of the Moon nodded annoyed when they heard Celestia entering to the pantry looking for more sugar while in her dream she was still playing to chase her sweets.

“Okay, if I don’t do something this won’t end well” said Luna. “If you excuse me I’ll go to stop her before is too late!”

And the blue alicorn flew to stop the sleep-walker before she went out of the Palace to extend the disaster to anywhere else. But she arrived late, even if the kitchen and pantry were considerably bigger than Luna’s candy storage, apparently Celestia had emptied both of sugar very fast and was already out in Canterlot looking for more sweets; and the city had a lot of places full of sugar like Celestia’s own Academy for the Gifted pastry-chefs; several gourmet cafeterias, Donut Joe’s place, etc.

“I swear this is the last time I buy a sleeping-potion to that zebra!” Complained Luna.

And suddenly the team of chaos joined her.

“Princess Luna!” Called Spike. “Need some help?”

“Kids go back to sleep!”

“But she’s like this because of our candies!” Protested Rumble.

“No it’s because her own gluttony” said Luna. “But okay, being honest I’ll need all I can get. Can you keep her in a single area of the city?”

“Done!” Said Spike. “Scoots, can you find her?”

The orange filly nodded and turned into her form of chaos.

“Sonic Dark Explosion!”

And a gray-scale explosion later, she went at full speed looking for the fugitive Princess. She returned a few seconds later.

“She’s at Donut Joe’s!”

“Okay, let’s go!” Said Apple Bloom transforming into Shadow.

“Luckily Joe’s place is in the touristic route, surrounded by gardens and such, Shadow, you know what to do!” Commanded Sweetie.

The dragon bit his claw thoughtful, when he had a moment of divine inspiration.

“I have an idea: I’ll use my powers to create a bunch of candies to use as bait and something strong enough to hold her, Sweetie you go with Apple Bloom and try to implant a subliminal message with your hypnotic voice to guide her back to the Palace. Princess Luna, you go inside her dream to try to wake her, don’t worry about her causing more damage”

Luna agreed.

“Okay, I’m counting with you. See you later!”

They made a quick high-hoof and went to the action.
Then the lunar guards Night Wing and Reed Hoof along with their son Rumble appeared, and the colt seemed especially excited when he took his form of Chaos.

“Ey, what’s going on?”

“Princess Celestia is sleep-walking and we need to guide her back to the Castle” explained Spike.

“Oh, there are a lot of animals from the garden who still owe me a favor for the Gala, I can convince them to help us”


“On it!” He said extending his wings.

The poor Donut Joe was terrified, seeing Princess Celestia in her pajamas drooling and snoring while she eat donut after donut was something he wasn’t prepared for. And to make things worse, in the matter of minutes she ate all his inventory.

“Your Highness, please, I have costumers and…”

It didn’t worked for the sleeping Celestia, she finished eating and guided by her smell and ‘sweet dreams’ went to a candy-store nearby.

“Sweets, were are you hiding my delicious sweets?”

Celestia was on her way when a hedgehog that had become blue was rolling at great speed came to intercept her followed by a fox who used its tails as helicopter. The two animals began to attack the Princess by throwing her gold rings.

“Who are you? What do you want? My sweets? No, you’ll never have them! Stay away!”

The Princess charged her power and sent a powerful beam to the creatures, but since she had her eyes closed she missed the shot and the two of them had the time to extend a rope to make the Princess fell. Then she was trapped by a bush artistically designed to look like a mouse that used its tail as a whip sending the Princess to a fountain nearby. The Team of Chaos wanted to take every chance they could to wake Celestia, but unfortunately the Princess extended her wings and avoided to get wet.

Once in the air Celestia charged against the candy-store but Dark sent several of ice-cream clouds to deviant her.

“Ice-cream! Come here!” Shouted the sleeping Princess maneuvering to follow the bait.

In the meantime Luna entered her sister’s dreams, and what she saw made her face-hoof.

“Speaking of childhood traumas…”

Inside the dream Celestia was a young filly again, and was still trying to catch her beloved friends the sweets; but several of the young Princess’ mortal enemies appeared to prevent her to get the sugar: salads, boiled eggs, broccoli casserole, spinach quiche, eggplant, and last but not least mayonnaise and mustard. Practically every kind of food the Princess of the Sun disliked.
And to make things better, their parents’ voices were sounding on the background: ‘You won’t get dessert until you finish your dinner young lady’ ‘Listen: everything the chef puts on this table is to be eaten, understood?’ ‘Okay no dessert for a month’ etc.

“Unbelievable” mumbled Luna flying to her older sister. “Tia wake up! You’re making a huge mess!”

Celly, still dodging the salad’s attack, turned to her sister.

“Lulu! What are you doing watching! Come and help me, the salads want me to eat them instead my sweets!”

In the real world the Princess was trying to be held by Shadow’s animated plants but in her dreams all what Celestia saw was a troop of baby carrots trying to get into her mouth.

“Lulu, you love salads right? Help me!”

“You have to be kidding me!” Complained Princess Luna. “Is this your childhood trauma? That mom and dad tried to make you eat healthy? Go to hell idiot!”

“Lulu! How dare you to talk like that to your older sister?” Scolded the nine years old Celestia. “Now help me or get out!”

“I don’t have the time for this…” mumbled Luna.

And it was when she looked herself, she was only five years old.
Still Luna wasn’t on the mood for nostalgia.


Outside in reality Dark was trying to wake the Princess with several clouds, but this time she was using normal cold water instead of the chaotic edible weather.

“Is just me or she’s more skillful like this than when she’s awake?” Asked the dark Pegasus.

Indeed, not even the sentient pear tree that was throwing pear after pear to the Princess or the group of fireflies summoned by Mist to force her to wake up by enlighten her eyes, nothing, the white alicorn was too agile now that her system was full of sugar.

“This night is a total disaster!” Said Shadow.

“Not yet” said Rumble. “At least we’ve been keeping her away from the other stores, but I wish we have saved Donut Joe’s store too”

“Is a minor lost compared with the damage the Princess can do in this conditions” said Spike shrugging.

But Donut Joe disagreed.

“Yeah, right! If you were the one who spent half of your life perfecting the art of the donuts you won’t be saying it was a minor lost”

“I didn’t meant to offend you Joe, you know how much I love your donuts” said Spike. “And I promise we’ll make it up to you as soon as we can. But right now we have to focus on stop the Princess”

Said that, the dragon concentrated his black and purple energy of chaos on his claws and looked at Sweetie.

“Okay, you know what to do Sweetie”

Black then stood and with her beautiful voice sang a soft and nice lullaby, easy to mix with anypony’s dreams without disturbing it.

Inside Celestia’s Dreams Realm, the voices of the Princesses’ parents could be heard again altering Celestia more and more: ‘Celly you better behave on the meeting or we won’t take you to candy store as we promised’ ‘We’ve told you before Celestia, just a marshmallow bunny for day, no more’, etc.

This was way too exasperating, what happened with the plan of the Agents of Chaos?
It was when the parent’s voices were slowly replaced by the sweet’s call, it had to be Sweetie Belle’s lullaby.

Celestiaa, come with us Celestiaaaa, we’ll save you from troubleeeeee, come oooon, eat us all eternity.

Celestia turned where the voice was calling her.

“Hurray! My sweets are helping me to escape! Come with me Lulu!”

Luna rolled her eyes and began to run behind her sister. She made her horn glow, Spike the lullaby is working, but I need you to make sure she’s leading to the Palace in the Real world.

Outside Spike got the message and sent one by his own. On it Princess.

“Guys, is working! But we need more!”

“Understood boss!”

Plants plus several mutated animals plus Dark’s clouds began to chase Princess Celestia closing all ways except the ones leading back to the Palace. They were ready to wake her.

From one of the many balconies of the Palace, the two captains from both Lunar and Solar Guards and their soldiers on duty were watching the show.

“So what happened anyway?” Asked the Black Swordsman.

“For what I see, they’re just having fun” said calmly the Master Sword.

Surrounded by all flanks, Princess Celestia could only advance forward, it was her only hope. She smelled something, it was candy, the candy of all candies soaked with more candy of all candies! Oh, joy of joys!

“Wait for me! Wait for me my delicious friends!”

And she began to move to the source of the smell that was of course another of Spike’s bowls of candy prepared especially to guide her on the right direction.
The still sleeping Princess jumped towards the bowl, but it was pulled away by Spike’s magic and she ended up sinking into an icy-water pond.


Rumble chuckled.

“What?” Asked Dark.

“Nothing, I’ve heard that word from my brother a lot of times but hearing from a Princess is a little naughtier”

At this point the Princess had calmed down a little and walked to the group completely startled.

“Seriously, what the hay just happened?”

Donut Joe approached and gave her a bill.

“For my donuts and walls”

And left very angry.

“Please can somepony tell me what happened?” Begged Celestia.

Luna approached and put a hoof on her sister’s shoulder.

“Long story, but very funny as well”

And after a long explanation and paying donut Joe, they all reunited in the Throne Room where Celestia seemed really ashamed of herself.

“I’m terribly sorry, sugar took the best of me again. I guess I haven’t learnt everything since you pranked me with the candy of all candies long ago”

“Well, it was fun” said Spike yawning. “But even if we had a great time hunting you, I’m too tired”

“Me too” said Sweetie yawning as well. “Now I think all of us can use a good nap”

“Agreed” said the other three Agents.

Princess Celestia nodded tired as well.

“Then let me make it up to you!” Offered the Princess. “Why don’t you stay another night? We can have a nicer and calmer slumber party tonight”

“On one condition” said Spike.


“No more sugar”

The white alicorn agreed.

“You know what? I have learned my lesson, no more sugar for me for a long time. Damn it, I don’t feel very well”

“That’s what happens when you eat a ton of sugar in a single night!” Said Luna sternly. “But you’ll have to stay here and do your job, understood? Because after chasing you all night I’m very tired as well”

Celestia sighed while watching them going to sleep.

“I guess I deserve this. Servants, an aspirin!”

Author's Note:

A silly pointless chapter where the situation wasn’t directly created by Spike.
However what I really wanted with the chapter was to introduce the Guard of Friendship who will have its own spin-off fanfic.

You can see the adventures of the new Royal Guard here

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