• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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The attack of the wolf pies

The attack of the Wolf-Pies
(Part 1)
(Just think about it, if there’s a Flutterbat, why not a Wolf-Pinkie?)

After all what happened, the girls decided to have a good night of relaxing and fun, Spike even agreed to a ceasefire to let them rest. So they were having a nice sleepover, Twilight was especially excited because she installed a giant bath Japony-style.

“Girls, thank you for joining me for this sleepover!” Smiled the purple alicorn.

“You’re welcome Twi!” Cheered Pinkie Pie. “Sleepovers are fun, especially after a long office-day”

Applejack just smiled while Fluttershy was serving hot chocolate with marshmallows to everypony, yeah, now it was time to relax and forget about the Boss, the Other One, Chaos, Celestia’s stupidity… everything.
And suddenly Pinkie called for attention when she placed a cake on the middle of the table. It was a five layer chocolate cake with vanilla and chocolate frosting, cherry jam topping and tons of whipped cream.

“I’ve been waiting for an especial occasion to try this: this is my first experimental cake, super delicious and tasty. Wanna try it with me?”

“It seems delicious Pinkie Pie” said Fluttershy softly.

Rainbow just looked around the cake and nodded.

“Dash’s seal of approval!”

“And how do you call it?” Asked Rarity.

“Creamy explosion!!”

The girls gulped and moved backwards but it was too late, as they thought, the cake exploded covering the entire dining room in frosting, cream, jam, etc.

“PINKIE!” They all shouted.

“What? It’s the best part! Not only a delicious cake but a great prank to have fun with your friends! Fun, fun, super fun!”

Rarity sighed with patience and used a cleaning spell she learnt after the attack of the tomatoes.

“Pinkie Pie dear, I like cake but it’s kind of annoying to clean the frosting from my mane. Some of us prefer a normal serving”

Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Sorry about that, but I thought that after all what happened we could use a good laugh. At least it was a funny prank!”

At the end everypony sighed and chuckled happily.

“Yeah good one, I give you that” admitted Twilight. “Now let’s clean up this mess so we can go to bath!”

“Okey Dokey Lokey!”

And before anypony could react Pinkie began to move at super speed eating the whole thing and even chewing happily the hidden candy inside the frosting. And there she was, eating happily when she bite something that wasn’t part of the cake.

“Ouch! Watch it Pinkie!” Complained Dash rubbing her bitten hoof.

“Sorry Dashie, this frosting was so tasty that I didn’t realized!”

Dash grumped slightly annoyed because of the bad dissimulated chuckles from her friends. But then she tried the frosting herself and relished.

“Pinkie you’re right, this is delicious, the best frosting I ever tried! I have a new fav along with Applejack’s cider!”

The cowgirl tasted it as well.

“If ya’ say so, for me’h it’s a little too sweet”

Twilight tried it as well.

“Mmh, two teaspoons of this will give you cavities for life, but everypony it’s different; this is too sweet for me too”

Pinkie frowned.

“Come on, it can’t be so bad!”

And she tasted the frosting.

“Oh, I get it, this is the one I baked for myself; apparently I forgot the one I supposed to share with you”

But apparently Rainbow didn’t mind.

“Anyway, this is delicious. Great job Pinkie Pie!”

“At least somepony likes it! Dashie, I didn’t know you liked things this sweet”

“Are you kidding?! This is great, the best frosting I ever had!”

Pinkie nodded proud.

“Thank you Dashie. Perhaps the Team of Chaos would like to try it, if there’s somepony know how to appreciate a prank that’s them!”

“No please, don’t give them ideas!” Begged Rarity.

“At least they’re having their own sleepover/team meeting”

Pinkie shrugged defeated.

“Whatever, I’ll keep enjoying my cake and…”

But then she realized that Rainbow had already eaten everything.


“Sorry Pinkie Pie, but this is so delicious… much better than the usual candies. And your prank was funny, funny, funny. I love fun, who doesn’t love fun? Especially when you’re with your best friends wiiiiii!”

Twilight looked at her worried.

“Rainbow, are you feeling okay?”

The cyan Pegasus looked at her confused.

“Of course I’m feeling okay, extra okay if you ask me, twenty percent okayer!”

The others exchanged confusion and worried looks. Everypony except for Pinkie who giggled at Rainbow’s new expression.
At the end Applejack tried to get things back to normal:

“However, what about a game?”

Both Pinkie and Rainbow Dash jumped excitedly.

“Yey, a game! Games are fun, super fun!”

Again the girls looked worried at Rainbow, what was going on with her? But still they played without further incidents. Nothing weird happened there and they kept enjoying their sleepover.
At the next day they were woke up by the delicious scent of fresh pancakes.

“Oh it smells divine! Nothing better than pancakes for breakfast after a night of beauty sleep” yawned a satisfied Rarity.

“It does smell good” smiled Fluttershy.

“Did you woke up early to make us breakfast Pinkie Pie?” Asked Twilight entering to the kitchen.

But Pinkie wasn’t alone, she was indeed making pancakes but the one who was making most of the job was Dash.

“Rainbow? Are you okay? What are you doing?”

“What? Making breakfast of course! Making breakfast is fun, especially if you make it for your very best friends in the whoooooooooooooole world because being with friends is fun, fun, fun!”

Pinkie nodded in agreement.

“Not even I could say it better Dashie!”

Applejack was the most worried, after all Rainbow Dash was her best friend and seeing her acting this weird truly unnerved her. What was going on?
But since they couldn’t really tell why she was acting this way they decided to keep an eye on her for the rest of the day.

And as they expected, weird things did happened.
For example Applejack was stocking cider barrels for next month when Rainbow popped from one and hugged her because ‘hug friends was fun’ but then she challenged Applejack to a race and everything seemed normal at least for a little while. The cowgirl was so relieved that she didn’t even care when Dash was bragging her victory.
Another weird thing was that Rarity found Rainbow flying to Sugar Cube Corner to buy excessive amounts of cupcakes that she devoured at once; and several other Pinkie-like behaviors.

At the end of the day the girls knew they had to confront the cyan Pegasus, even Pinkie who was in bad mood since Rainbow bought Sugar Cube Corner’s last tray of cupcakes.
Twilight just looked at her friend at the eyes.

“Rainbow seriously, what’s going on with you? You’ve been acting like Pinkie the entire day!”

“What? Acting like Pinkie? I don’t think so… why are you saying that? Because I made a couple of pranks and wanted some more sugar than usual? That doesn’t make me Pinkie Pie!”

Applejack shook her head.

“Ya’ don’t understand partner. Ya’ve been acting weird since last night right after that bite Pinks gave ya’”

And at this point Rainbow Dash had a sweat drop on her temple.

“So Pinkie ‘infected’ me with her personality by just biting me? Right, and I’m the one who’s acting weird. Did the five of you hit your head recently?”

“Ey don’t look at me!” Protested Pinkie Pie. “What do you think I am, a kind of virus?”

“Sorry Pinkie, it wasn’t my intention. However, it’s like Pinkie said last night, after all what happened to use we could use a good laugh, no? And I’m an athlete, I need tons of energy and nothing better to recover it than sugar”

The girls looked to each other and back to Rainbow and Pinkie apologetically.

“Yeah, I guess we’re just imagining things. Sorry” admitted Twilight.

“You may be right, we kind of… overreacted…”

Rainbow shrugged and smiled to her friends.

“See? It must be the stress for realize we’re immortal and stuff like that. Let’s forget about this conversation and everything would be back to normal”

The girls agreed. Of course they were imagining things because of the increasing stress they were having…
And right at that moment the sun was quietly displaced by the moon, a beautiful full moon that Dash looked at for some unknown reason.

“Dashie?” Asked Applejack.

But the cyan Pegasus was not listening, she was too busy looking at the moon, the beautiful full moon that awoke something inside her. A full moon that had all her attention right now.

“Rainbow Dash?” Asked Fluttershy worried.

Rainbow Dash just giggled silly.

“Rainbow Dash? I’m Rainbow but not Dash”

Applejack shivered, something was very wrong here.

“What ya’ mean? Oh, Ah’ get it. It’s a prank, hahahahaha, good one Dashie, now how about we…”

Then Dash’s mane turned curly and her smile grew to Pinkie proportions. Everypony stepped backwards, officially something was wrong here.

“Dashie? I’m more than Dashie. I’m RAINBOW PIE, Ahahahahahha! You know what’s fun? Howl to the moon, let’s howl together, OOOOOOOWWWWW!!!”

“Rainbow Dash you’re scaring me!” Cried Fluttershy.

“I told you I’m Rainbow Pie silly, don’t you recognize one of your super-duper friend in the world? Come on, let’s make a ‘Howling-to-the-moon-party’ all you have to do is howl to the moon OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!”

Letting aside the creepiness of the sudden transformation Pinkie just joined ‘Rainbow Pie’

“You’re right, howl to the moon is fun! OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!”

“Exactly, especially when you do it with one of your best friends, OOOOOOOWWWWWW!”

Applejack began to laugh nervously.

“AHAHAHAHAHA, funny. Ya’ totally got meh’ for a while. Now please stop this nonsense and…”

But suddenly Rainbow Pie jumped on top of her friend and bit her. Applejack pushed Rainbow away, but the cyan mare didn’t care. She just laughed more.

“Ey, why you did that?” Complained Pinkie.

“For more fun of course!” Smiled Rainbow Pie.

“I never bite friends, it only happened once but it was an accident”

Rainbow Pie didn’t answered, she just stared to Applejack who was trembling.

“Applejack” called Rarity.

The cowgirl was breathing heavily and sweating trying to fight but this was stronger than her. She just looked at her friends and ordered:


And it happened. Applejack’s mane turned curly and her smile grew dangerously right before she turned to her friends.

“Howdy A’m Apple Pie! OOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!”

“Apple Pie, divide and conquer all the fun!”


And with Rainbow’s speed, the cyan Pegasus flew away from her friends who ran away from Apple Pie’s attack.

Lyra was going back home from the grocery store when Rainbow landed right in front of her with a creepy Pinkie-smile.

“Night Rainbow, trying a new style? Don’t take this bad pal but Pinkie style doesn’t really suits you. Perhaps…”

But then Rainbow Pie bite her and keep flying and biting every single pony she spotted.
Lyra stayed in one place transforming for then go straight home where Bon-Bon asked her about the new manecut and a minute later she became Bon-Pie.


Much for their disgrace, the howling called the neighbors’ attention.

“Feeling fine girls?” Asked Vinyl entering to the house.

“What’s with the new styles?” Wondered Octavia.

Two minutes later the four were howling to the moon:


From their position in Twilight’s Castle, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie heard the increasing howling of the recently transformed ponies.

“If only I knew before biting Dash, I would be more cautious” cried Pinkie. This situation scared even her.

Twilight comforted her friend.

“It’s not your fault, there must be an explanation for this. We need to figure this out and act before it extends even more. Pinkie, follow me to the lab, I need to analyze your blood to understand what just happened”

Pinkie nodded and followed her friend while the others locked the doors and reinforced them with all the furniture they could find.

“Hurry girls” begged Rarity.

In the meantime Pinkie Scratch and her wife Octy-Pie were bouncing all over the town to find a new pony to ‘invite’ to the fun but everypony in town was infected already; and the next train won’t arrive until next day.

“I guess we have no choice, we have to use the teleportation chamber Twilight built us” assured Pinkie Scratch.


(Ey, they were secret agents for a reason)

So they moved back home to enter Vinyl’s DJ room and activated the especial mechanism.

In Canterlot, the most secret agent of Celestia’s most secret service was relaxing on his mansion when the teleportation chamber opened its doors revealing the two mares.

“Agent Melody, Agent Scratch, did something happened in Ponyville? Why are you looking me like that? What happened?”

Both jumped on him and not even his defensive spells and training were enough to avoid been bitten. He tried to fight the transformation but it was useless so he panicked and began to run all over Canterlot’s streets but he realized his mistake until it was too late.
He spotted a happy family having a nighttime walk around the beautiful city: Black Swordsman, Lighting Flash and their daughter Yui. Black Swordsman recognized Blue Blood as well and seeing he was in trouble he ran to help a fellow soldier but the stallion was rejected.

“Stay away… it’ too late for me! Please don’t come any closer I don’t know how much I can control myself… please run while you can…”

Ignoring the warnings Black took Blue Blood and tried to take him to a hospital.

“Leave me you fool!”

Black Swordsman turned to his family.

“Yui, Lighting, find some help!”

As you guessed, the mightiest warrior in Equestria got bitten as well and soon enough Blue and Black Pie were howling to the moon. At least Lighting and Yui had enough time to teleport before it was too late.

Luna was looking the city and the increasing parties all over the place. Usually it was a good sign but now she felt somehow uneasy about it.

“What’s going on Luna?” Asked Celestia joining her.

“You’re feeling it too, sister? This is not right”

And were about to fly to the city to check on their little ponies themselves when Lighting and Yui teleported in sweating and breathing heavily.

“I don’t know what’s going on but everypony is turning into the Bearer of Laughter Pinkamena Diane Pie”


Yui nodded.

“Papa transformed right before our eyes. And then we escaped but we bumped into a party full of more infected ponies and another and another and another…”

The filly began to cry in fear and her mother hugged her protectively.

“I had to open us a path with my sword. I didn’t meant to hurt anypony but we were cornered and almost transform as well”

“And how is this working?” Asking Luna.

“Biting each other!!” Cheered an excited voice.

Everypony jumped in surprise and turned to see Solar Captain Master Sword waiving carelessly his Master Sword, the legendary weapon that destroyed evil.

“Come on Your Majesties, don’t you want to join the party?”

Lighting didn’t hesitate, she aimed Master Pie with her own sword, Lambent Light making the stallion giggle.

“Oh, we’re playing swords! It’s fun, fun, fun!”

They began to fight.
Normally Master Sword was no match for Lighting but Master Pie’s unpredictability and random powers out of nowhere were a huge disadvantage for Lighting.

“Your Majesties run!”

“Mama!” Cried Yui tackling the Solar Captain.

Master Pie lost his balance and Lighting had the opportunity to finish him with her most powerful technique:

“Move on Yui, MOTHER’S ROSARIO!”

Master Pie passed out much for everypony’s relief. Not for long…

Yui whined when noticed the small bite mark she had on her hoof.
Lighting’s eyes began to cover in tears.

“No, not you Yui…”

“Mama… RUN!”

And with her last remaining of consciousness, Yui teleported the three mares to the next room. A second later she was howling to the moon as well:


Lighting sobbed when she heard her daughter’s howl but also knew her husband would take care of her so she locked the door with her magic and prepared Lambent Light.

“We have to get out of here, if Master Sword is already infected there’s a huge chance that all of the soldiers are infected as well”

Celestia nodded.

“Okay, let’s move and…”

The door began to crack at the constant attacks of soldiers and servants wanting their Princesses to join the party.

“I highly recommend the window!” Urged Luna.

Celestia gulped and nodded again.

“MOVE! Next stop Ponyville, maybe Twilight Sparkle is able to help us”

“Or she’s infected too, shall I remember you that Pinkamena Pie is one of her best friends?” Mumbled Luna.

Lighting ran to open the window and introduced half of his body to the room when he was knocked down again by a dictionary. Lighting turned smiling.


The cold-hearted snipper prepared another book.

“Mind if I join you?”

“The most the better” said Luna placing Sinon at her sister’s back and Lighting on hers.

The group were ready and since more and more Pinkie imitators were introducing where they were, they flew away.

“Come on, let’s party!”

“Life it’s a party!”

Once on the air they almost sighed relieved but they were intercepted by the Airforce leaded of course by Black Pie.

“Let’s party my love! Yui-Pie wants her mommy Pie!” He called.

Lighting shivered but Sinon simply aimed her dictionary at him and threw it with all her strength. BULLSEYE!
The Pegasus in black coat felt and the Princesses accelerated.

“Such aiming!”

“It’s a waste of books!” Complained Celestia.

Sinon rolled her eyes annoyed.

“I used it because Black is my friend, just be thankful I didn’t use my Hecate” she complained showing her an enormous ballista she carried on her back.

Without another word they arrived to Ponyville hoping that the Bearers of Harmony still were themselves.

The town was silent but they felt somehow observed.

“I have a bad feeling” gulped Luna.

The group prepared themselves protecting each other’s backs; the Princesses with their magic and Lighting and Sinon with their respective weapons.

“You look tense” said a voice in the night.

“You know what you need?”

The group’s tension grew even more.

“SURPRISE PARTY!! OOOOOOWWWWWW” Shouted the entire Pie-town.

And to receive their guests, Bulk Pie ran to trap them in an enormous hug.


Lighting sighed.

“Close your eyes if you don’t like violence. MOTHER’S ROSARIO!”

Bulk Pie fainted but Lighting’s attack only angered the Pies.


“They’re here to spoil our fun!”

“Go get them!”

Celestia screamed and shoot two powerful beams from her horn to scare the crowd. It worked just for a little while but more than enough to allow the group to escape to Twilight’s castle, protected under a magic dome.

“Twilight, it’s us. LET US IN!” Called Celestia.

Twilight spied from the window and once she confirmed they weren’t infected, she allowed them to get in.

“Princesses I’m so relieved you’re still you”

“Same here Twilight Sparkle. Are the six of you still you?”

Twilight shook her head.

“Sorry, Dash and Applejack were the first victims of this”

“And don’t you have the slightest idea what’s going on?” Asked Luna.

Twilight checked on Pinkie’s blood tests.

“Still don’t. It all started when Pinkie accidentally bite Rainbow Dash but still don’t know what’s going on”

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“Rainbow Dash is patient zero then?”

The girls nodded.

“But still we have no clue what just happened”

They remained silent when a small filly entered to the room, Sweetie Belle.

“We know”

And of course everypony jumped to her forcing the filly to take her form of Chaos.


“Sweetie Belle, so this was your team’s doing? I must guessed it!!” Said Rarity glaring to her sister.

“But I thought you agreed to a ceasefire!” Complained Twilight.

“We did but you don’t understand! We did this prank long time ago and kind of… forget about it. It didn’t had to be Pinkie Pie, if any of you accidentally bite somepony the spell will activate with a catalyzer”

“Which catalyzer?” Asked Pinkie Pie.

“Full moon. However we don’t have time to lose, Scoots got bitten. Spike and Rumble are distracting her while I came to grab some Harmony Grenades to seal her powers”

“So we can fix this with the grenades?” Asked Twilight with hope.

“No, you have to Unleash the Rainbow Power but since Rainbow Dash and Applejack are infected that’s not an option anymore. ANYWAY WE MUST HURRY! DO YOU IMAGINE WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF SPIKE GETS BITTEN? WE NEED SOMETHING TO RESTRAIN HIM RIGHT NOW!”

Everypony paled at this perspective and after arming themselves with the Harmony Grenades they used a crazy door to move to Chaos Headquarters where Night and Shadow where hiding under a table while Spike and Rumble were beginning to change.

“Oh no, we’re too late!” Cried Sweetie.

Spike looked at the Princesses.



“DO IT!”

Celestia quickly obeyed and it was miraculous. Everypony suddenly got back to normal.

“What just happened?” Asked Twilight.

Now relieved, Spike explained:

“The spell activates with the full moon, you know, like the wolf-pony story”

Twilight shook her head.

“Great, you really messed up this time Spike. At least we can fix this now that everypony is back to normal”

Rumble sighed a little ashamed.

“Is not that simple, the spell must be active in order to cure the ponies, a rule we made to make this harder to reverse”

“Congratulations, NOW WE'RE SCREWED!!!” Shouted Twilight.

Spike sighed.

“Sorry, I swear I never thought this will happen. However there’s a small hope: I created this spell to work like a virus; all you need to do is go to Disease Control Center to analyze any of us’ blood and find a cure. How about that?”

Celestia frowned.

“We have no choice”

Spike nodded and then bite Princess Celestia.

“Ouch! What you think you’re doing?” She complained.

“Know how a vaccine works?”

“Of course I know, what it has… oh!”

Spike nodded.

“We can inoculate you but once the full moon raises again you’re alone. And you better seal my powers first because I have a feeling that you don’t want to know what will happen if I transform with all powers intact”

Author's Note:

Another strange chapter, very similar to the Rule 63 one but with a ‘horror-movie-kind’ twist. I hope you liked it and as always:

Read ya’ later!!

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