• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Chaos: the Age of Spike - Kaliann25

Discord retired from being the god of chaos, naming Spike as his replacement. With the CMC as his agents of chaos, this is a new age of chaos for Equestria: the Age of Spike

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The Nightmare Night duel / Happy anniversary Masters of Chaos

The Nightmare Night duel
Happy anniversary Masters of Chaos!

It was finally here! The most waited night for mares and gentlecolts; fillies and colts: Nightmare Night, a very especial Nightmare Night for Equestria since both Princesses would be entertaining/terrifying children.
And more important, much for the children’s delight the one setting the rules of the encounter will be no other than Spike Lord of Disharmony and Chaos!

In Canterlot Palace tension could be cut with a knife.
Both contestants were staring to each other ready to start the ultimate battle for the people’s love. And for Twilight, she was just looking at the two Princesses with a sweat drop on her temple. Seriously, this was really happening?

“Princess Celestia, I understand you want to set things with Princess Luna, but still, why are you following Spike’s rules? He’s the Lord of Chaos for Boss’ sake!”

“Yes, but he’s the only one who can put us back in line in case this fraternal rivalry goes too far” explained the Princess. “And also he can make sure that everypony enjoy this match”

“And this is also the anniversary of his naming as God of Chaos” smiled Luna. “And allowing him to set the rules is better than compete for the ponies’ attention, don’t you think? And more important: he’s a neutral judge”

“Twi, you must admit she has a point” said Rainbow.

So Twilight had to admit they were right, besides; after all they lived together she had learn to trust Spike. What was she really worrying about? This should be fun!

And then it was time to rise the moon to start the most memorable of the nights; but since the two main Princesses were busy getting ready, Candace and Twilight took care of the task.

Once the night started the Team of Chaos teleported in leaded by Spike and Sweetie.

“Okay, is everypony ready?” Asked Spike with a grin. “Okay, first of all let’s make things clear: all Equestria is listening so everypony knows this is one of my games”

“Fair enough” said Celestia impatiently.

“Yes, yes, we get it! All Equestria is listening. Tell us the rules already!” Protested Luna.

Spike nodded and made appear a bowl full of the hyper-sugary candy of all candies making Celestia to almost faint.

“The challenge is simple: the Princess who scares the most ponies at the end of the night gains the title of Queen of Scares. Everything is allowed as long it doesn’t hurt anypony”

“Agreed!” Said the two Princess at the unison.

Then Sweetie made a step forward and showed one of the candies to the Princesses.

“The catch is that a bunch of ponies who agreed to help us tonight and us will be giving away this candies to all the children in Equestria. And as you already guessed this aren’t normal candies”

“I know, it gives you a hell of a sugar rush” said Celestia annoyed.

“It was your fault for eating that many at once!” Mocked Luna.

Spike made face-claw.

“Can we continue?” Asked Spike.

Both Princesses blushed and nodded furiously.

“Where were we? Oh right, the sugar rush” said Spike smiling. “That is one of many tricks these candies have; my team and I have selected our best pranks and a few new ones so we have until six different magic effects, there’s no way to know which one you’re eating”

“Why pick between trick or treat if you can have both?” Added Sweetie very proud of this.

Twilight face-hoofed but didn’t say anything.

“And to be extra sure this prank is safe,” continued the dragon, “this candies are not addictive like the candy of all candies”

“And you couldn’t think about that a little sooner?” Complained Celestia.

Ignoring Celestia, Sweetie showed a couple of medals, one with the Sun and other with the Moon.

“Whenever you scare a pony one of this medals will appear on them indicating which one scared them, a measure to make sure you won’t scare the same pony twice”

“Again, fair enough” said Celestia agreeing.

“Last but not least” said Spike charging the black and purple energy of chaos. “Admit it, Nightmare Night is the dream of all children but the parents’ nightmare. Not tonight, tonight the only adults allowed are the two contestants!”

Said that, the Lord of Chaos spread the power of chaos all over Equestria.

“Then what?” Asked Twilight. “Are you sending all the adults to a vacation or something? Ey… is everything looking bigger or is just me? And what’s happening with my voice? Spike! What have you done?!”

She turned to her friends, who were transformed into fillies about the age of the Agents of Chaos.

“It can’t be!” Said Fluttershy admiring her new/old self.

“This night just got twenty percent cooler!” Said Rainbow flapping her tiny wings happily. “I can hardly wait!”

“So what are you waiting for?” Said Spike cheerful. “On your marks, ready? GO!”

Luna grinned and turned her fur black and put on a blue armor. With a devilish smile and a demented laugh, Nightmare Moon extended her wings and got lost into the night.

And for Celestia, she changed her complexion for a more muscular one (pretty much like Luna’s); her pupils enlarged to become more reptile-like; her wings lost its feathers to become membranous and creepy; the aurora-boreal-mane turned into green and blue flames. And as a final touch, a golden armor covered her body, now she was ready for anything.

“Oh Princess Celestia, you look great!” Cheered Twily.

“Thank you my faithful student” said Celestia with a paused and calm voice that resembled her mother’s (the cruelest murderer of all history along with her father). “Tonight is the night, the night where the legend of Solar Flare will born!”

And she flew through the night looking for her first victims. She spotted them soon, right below her was a small group having a bonfire in one of the multiple plazas of Canterlot.

Suddenly the flames grew in intensity and then extinguished out of nowhere.

“Ey!” Shouted one of the kids, disguised as a gnome.

The flames grew again with Solar Flare emerging from it laughing softly and creepily.

“What’s up kids? Don’t you know the only flames allowed are the ones from Solar Flare?!”

The burning mane of the apparition surrounded the children with its flames making them screaming in fear, shrinking in a corner to protect themselves. They stayed like that for a while, but that was it. The kid dressed as a gnome looked out to see if there was any danger out there he saw nothing; just a small medal on his chest.

“So the scare competition has begun, good one Princess Celestia!”

“Daddy, it was terrifying” said a girl with a Batmare costume.

“I know, right?” Asked the girl’s mother, another girl dressed as a zombie. “Now where can we find one of those magic candies?”

“Did somepony said magic candies?” Said a voice behind them.

They all turned to see the cute and adorable Trixie (in a pirate costume) offering a bowl with her magic.

“Please take as many as you want”

“Great!” Said the kids running to the bowl.

“Ey wait!” Suddenly said Trixie putting the bowl of candies away from three of the kids. “I can’t give candy to you”

“What? Why?”

“Because you have no costume”

The three kids looked down to themselves and groaned in protest.

“Come on! We were adults until five minutes ago! How could we know Spike would turn us into children?”

“I know, I know, that’s why Trixie brought support. Pure Soul!”

The unicorn colt (in a vampire costume) trotted happily to the three kids offering them the masks Suri made for the Team of Chaos.

“Heye, tdy dis!” Said Pure happily.

The former adults exchanged confused looks but as soon as they put on the masks the garments turned into complete costumes: a skeleton, a breazie and a swamp monster.

“Now you can have candy” said Trixie offering back the bowl.

They ate the candy and the effect was devastating, everypony felt the effects of the Power of Chaos; two of the group got the sugar rush and ran to have more fun. But the Batmare-dressed filly didn’t like the effect since she turned into a colt.

“Oh, come on!” He-She protested.

“You never know which effect you’re having” said Trixie shrugging trying one of the candies herself.

So the small and adorable Trixie got super over-weighted in a second, so fat that she had to roll to move.

“See? It’s all about luck”

Well, the colt had to admit it was funny so he tried a new one, and puf! She returned to her old feminine self and also transformed her into her costume. Excitedly, the girl took her hook-pistol and climbed to the nearest roof.

“I am vengeance, I am the night, I’m Batmare!”

And she ran to fight criminals in her way.

Pure giggled at this and took one of the candies, that ended up being the sugar-rush one and he ran at full speed to an unknown destiny. Trixie sighed and tried a new candy too, this time transforming into rubber (but keeping her round form).

“A good start, Pure wait please! Wait for mommy!”

And she bounced to go after Pure.

Moving to Ponyville, Luna had promised her especial friend Pipsqueak that she’ll go to scare him first. But where was him?
Well, she haven’t spot Pip yet but she did looked at an interesting group: the Cake family, Miss Cheerilee, and the sisters Roseluck and Daisy. But right when she was about to scare them Shadow appeared to offer them candy and costumes.

“Ey, it’s dangerous to wander around without a costume, don’t you know the legend? Nightmare Moon could find you and eat you, you must disguise soon! Especially tonight that her crazy sister joined for the feast” Said the agent of chaos.

“And where are we supposed to find costumes?” Asked Miss Cheerilee making a raspberry to Shadow.

So the black filly offered them the especial masks.

“Here, courtesy of the team”

“Great!” Smiled the group putting on the masks.

After a quick Puf! the costumes appeared: the two Cake parents and the flower duo wore a gray jumpsuit with black boots and a strange backpack. By her way Cheerilee had a black jacket, boots and a mask of a skull surrounded with flames.

“Cool!” They said admiring their new costumes.

“Mom, dad, you look great” said Pumpkin, already dressed as a zombie.

“But what are you, exterminators?” Added Pound looking how his father excitedly armed and disarmed the strange weapon attached to the backpack.

“Yeah, exterminators, of ghosts, poltergeists, demons and other bad entities” said Miss Cake.

Shadow didn’t get the reference but still offered them the especial candy.

“Everypony is dressed already? Good, now, who wants candy?”

At this point Nightmare got tired of waiting and went to scare another group: Snips, Snails, Twist, and Pipsqueak! There was no time to lose, she’ll go back to the others later.

The group was happily wandering looking for the agents of chaos to have some enchanted candy when suddenly were surrounded by a black and blue fog; that immobilized and rose them through the air.

“First bite of tonight!” Said a voice from behind the shadows.

A great portion of the fog turned into a bottomless pit that was Nightmare’s mouth, and she swallowed the kids while her evil laughter resounded everywhere around Ponyville.

When the kids opened their eyes they were intact but with the medals of the Moon on their chests.

Shadow Bloom giggled at this and ran to offer them candies.

“And? Did you enjoyed tonight’s first scare, Pipsy?” Asked Nightmare happily to her especial friend.

“I loved it Princess Luna!” Cheered Pip. “You’re great Princess Luna”

“Thank you, thank you” said Nightmare softly stroking Pip’s mane. “You know what? It doesn’t matter who wins this stupid contest as long as you stay on my side Pipsy”

“Of course I’m on your side! You’re my favorite Princess after all!” Said Pipsqueak eating the first candy of the night. “And also I made a promise that I won’t eat anything until you scare me”

Nightmare couldn’t help but hug Pip who suddenly transformed into the filly version of him, Lil’ Pip.

“Oh, again?” Lil’ Pip complained with her sweet little voice.

“It can happen to anypony” said Snips also eating a candy and transforming into a clay figurine. “See? A trick for each candy”

“And there’s more” assured Shadow. “On this night you can have all the candy you want”

“Our turn, our turn!” Quickly said Twist and Snips.

Twist transformed into her costume: a big chicken who left clucking and pecking on the floor; and Snips, he shrank to the size of a tiny doll.

“It seems you’ll have an interesting night” smiled Nightmare turning to the group she was stalking first. “Now if you excuse me I have some other business to attend tonight”

And the nightmare pony flew towards them, but unfortunately for them the candy they ate transformed then into their costumes and…

“A semi-corporeal ectoplasmic entity! Probably a class 5!”

“Ready? Charge, FIRE!!” Said Daisy to Mister and Miss Cake.

And the ghost-buckers’s anti-spectral charges impacted in Nightmare immobilizing her.

“What the heck?”

“Set the traps!” Commanded Mr. Cake.

Roseluck then placed a strange gadget painted in yellow and black that sucked Nightmare in and closed.

“That was easy” said Mr. Cake.

“YEY, GHOST-BUCKERS!” Said the group and ran to another adventure.

When they left, Pip went to open the ghost-trap to free Luna.

“Are you okay Nightmare?”

“Yes, I think so” said the dark alicorn. “But I just realized how difficult this game will be. Those costume-candies are going to be especially dangerous”

Effectively, in the city Vanhoofer Supermare took Solar Flare from one leg to then smash her against a statue (ironically of Celestia).

“I protect the ponies, I’m Supermare!” Shouted the heroine finishing Solar Flare with her heat vision. “This is the power of the last daughter of Kripton”

Solar Flare stood there just glaring at Supermare.

“I get it, this contest will be hard” mumbled the monstrous alicorn.

Supermare nodded and decided to definitely defeat Solar Flare when somepony touched her shoulder.

“What?” Asked the heroine.

“Here, have some kryptonite” said Nightmare Moon offering Supermare a green crystal.

The last daughter of krypton shrieked in terror and flew out of there as fast as she could at the time the medal of the moon appeared on her chest.

“Ey! You stole her from me!” Protested Solar Flare.

“Yeah because she was so terrified of you” ironized Nightmare Moon. “Let me show you how it’s done!”

Nightmare made her horn glow and several stuffed spiders and some plastic skeletons came to life becoming grosser and bigger, creeping to the city terrifying ponies in their way. In the matter of seconds several ponies were screaming and running from their lives all over Vanhoofer.

“If I didn’t scared them all, at least more than half of this city” bragged Nightmare.

“Are you here to mock me or what?” Asked Flare glaring at her sister.

“No, I came to give you some advice: direct approach is good but little tricks like this helps you to scare in multiple locations at the time. Besides with the costume-candies direct approach can also be very dangerous”

“True, that crazy mare almost kill me”

“Ey, I’ve been trapped into a ghost-container unit, get yelled that I’ll be destroyed along with all the other ponytans, and a kid dressed in green attacked me with the Master Sword, the legendary weapon that seals evil; all in the last half an hour”

Both sisters sighed, but then returned to their scaring-schedule.
Unfortunately for both of them a colt who had just ate one of the special candies became gigantic and blew them away with a single puff.

In the meantime in Canterlot Palace, Spike was examining all the battlefronts with a magic mirror, it was tiring but somepony had to watch over this competition, and Spike was especially interested that everypony enjoyed the night.

“Ey, isn’t that Miss Cheerilee?” Chuckled Sweetie when the mirror showed them Ponyville School.

Ironically the candy Cheerilee ate put her in an evil trance that made her go grab a big branch and began to destroy the schoolhouse windows while singing:

“We don’t need one education; we don’t need none thought control; no dark sarcasm in the classroom, teacher leave those kids alone. EY TEACHE, LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE! ALL IN ALL IS JUST ANOTHER TILE IN THE ROOF!!”

And kept going with her destructive rampage.

“Oh, now I remember” said Rarity with a half-smile. “Back when we were kids Cheerilee didn’t like school."

“And it doesn’t reminds you some dragon doing some prank that ended up in an educational disaster” said Twily in an accusation tone.

That made Spike notice them.

“Ey, what are you doing here? I gave you back your childhood, go and have some fun!”

“Finally someone reasonable!” Sighed Pinkie Pie. “I’ve been begging them, but they don’t listen! They say we must watch to nopony gets hurt and such”

“Spike, ya’ turned us into fillies but in the bottom we’re still us” said Jacky. “And we must make sure ya’ and yer’ agents don’t cross the line”

Spike sighed, he didn’t had time for this.

“Guys?” He said snapping his fingers.

The agents of chaos materialized.

“Give me a favor, make sure they enjoy the night as well” he said.

Each agent took their counterpart and dragged them through a crazy door Spike summoned for emergencies, and after a last look to the mirror showing the chaos, he went to Canerlot along with Twily.

“Come on Twi, you can’t relax even at the night of candies and fun?” Complained the dragon. “In fact, here, have this!”

And he put one of Suri’s mask on her.

“Interesting, what I’m supposed to be? A costumeless nerd?” Complained Twilight.

“No, just think about the costume you want and it’ll turn you into it”

Twily seemed to consider it for a bit and then the mask turned into a Matter-Horn costume

“Isn’t Star Swirl anymore?” Asked Spike.

“Not after what he did to us” Twilight complained.

“To be fair, my grandpa meant no ill, he was just out of his mind” said the small and adorable Trixie. “Candy?”

“Sure!” Said Spike, eating one that made him big, fat and heavy.

“Come on Twilight, have fun!” Insisted Spike.

Twily doubted for a little but at the end she tried one turning into rubber.

“Okay, this seems like fun, now what?” Asked Twilight.

“This!” Said Trixie pushing the poor Twilight who began to bounce all over the street.

Spike glared at Trixie.

“Was that really necessary?”

“Of course! She literally needed a push to start enjoying the night, besides when Trixie was this age I was kind of a bully and here we are”

Spike face-clawed but shrugged.

“By the way, thank you for helping us tonight, I know you’re busy with your work and your son. Ey, and where’s Pure?”

“Playing with some of his school friends. Even if we have now the same age now there are some things that he prefers do away of his mom. He’s just like Trixie when she was that young”

The dragon rolled his eyes and then rolled himself to stop his sister.
And for Twilight, once she tried a new candy that gave her the power of Matter Horn and was ready to have some fun.

“Now I can tell this is lots of fun Spike!”

“Exactly, play along, after all this is just a game” smiled Spike. “Eat all the candy you want, some tricks are good, some are not as good but there are just as funny!”

“Yes, I guess that playing along just for tonight wont’ hurt anypony”

“That’s the spirit! Look, even Moon Dancer is having fun!”

That was right: Moonie was running happily, at the size of a tiny doll, but then she ate a new candy that returned her back to normal size and turned her into rubber. Happy with her new state, Moon Dancer started to bounce all over the place laughing and cheering.
Twily shrugged and went to join Moonie for the fun.

“Ey Twily, let’s go for another candy!”

“I don’t see why not”

They went for candy happily not noticing the sinister eyes of Solar Flare staring at them at the distance.

“It’s my time!” Said the evil alicorn extending her wings.

Green, pink and blue flames from Solar’s mane surrounded the fillies right at the time they put a new candy on their mouths. Then the rest of Solar Flare materialized in front of them grinning evilly.

“Greetings girls!


“Ey Twily, see? It’s the teacher! The teacher!”

“Teacher leave us kids alone!”

Solar face-hoofed.

“I have a terrible feeling of Deja-vu”

And both fillies jumped towards her angrily screaming that leave them alone, that they weren’t supposed to be in class and such. So Solar Storm accepted defeat and fly to somewhere else. Damn candies, but I must admit it’s a great challenge.

In Cloudsdale, Dark and Rainbow Dash were flying and trying the candies. Rainbow especially enjoyed the sugar rush but heavily disliked the one that fattened her up.

“Oh come on!”

“Rainbow, you just have to try another one. It’s all about luck!”

Rainbow sighed and were about to take another candy when Lighting Dust enter on scene offering candies.

“Wow, and I thought that a second moon appeared on this night” mocked Lighty.

“Oh you’ll see who the moon is!” Defied Dashie jumping and smashing Lighting.


“Nopony messes with the Dash”

“Except for Dark!” Said the agent of chaos.

“Except for… ey! Nopony is nopony!”

Scoots shrugged and happily offered the other two a couple of candies.

“Whatever, sugar rush race?”

“You’ll eat my dust, I’m a Wonderbolt after all!”

“And I am a Shadow Bolt, dummy!”

The three fillies felt the increasing power in their systems, it was an unbelievable power, and for the three speed demons it could only mean an unbelievable speed they never reached before.



The expansive wave sent away Lighting Dust, but luckily a cloud stopped her fall.

“This isn’t fair! I was only giving candy like they asked, that little brat of Dark is a traitor!”

“No, she’s not a traitor” said a creepy voice in the dark. “She was just excited because she was racing her idol as equals”

“Hello? Who’s there?” Asked Lighting Dust looking around.

Lighting’s own shadow enlarged and a couple of blue eyes and fangs popped out of nowhere. The apparition winked to Lighty and the filly shrieked and flew away as quick as possible.

“Another one for Nightmare!” Laughed the dark alicorn.

And she wasn’t the only one, Solar Flare was looking with her sharp and evil eyes, where could she find another pony to scare? She had scared a huge amount of ponies, but was it enough to beat her sister in her own game? And then she found Fluttershy walking with Mist, scare an already known scared-cat was low but according with Spike everything was allowed.

And for Flutty, she had to admit this Nightmare Night wasn’t too bad; Mist was a showing her that even he could be a good friend making her feel safe from all the scary stuff. Mist even suggested to go to Fellowstone Park that was almost empty. There was nothing to fear there, except for bears but neither of them really cared about animals. In fact Flutty recognized one of her first animal friends.

“Ey Flutty, that bear with the green hat and green tie seems like he knows you”

Flutty looked at the bear and smiled.

“Come on Mist, it’s a friend! Hello dear how are you?”

The bear growled something and Fluttershy nodded smiled.

“Oh I see. But ey! What are you doing with those picnic baskets?! Did you stole them?”

The bear lowered his head ashamed and growled again.

“I don’t care if you consider yourself smarter than the average bear! This is not right, this doesn’t gives you the right to steal the tourist’s food. Remember why Mr. Ranger contacted with me in the first place? Because of bears like you ponies doesn’t like bears!”

The bear looked at Mist like asking for help.

“Dude, you know I’m always willing to help you with your plans but tonight I’m her escort and I have to make sure she haves fun! And speaking of escorts, where’s your pal, the one with the bowtie?”


“Watching that noponye comes! No, this can’t be!” Scolded Flutty. “You sir are going to return all those picnic baskets right now!”

The bear growled in protest but then Fluttershy used the Stare and had no choice but go to return his beloved picnic baskets back to their owners.

“You have to be firm!” Said Flutty.

“I brought you to have fun, not to work” said Mist taking one of the magic masks. “Anyway, want a costume? It’s easy, just wear it and it becomes whatever you want!”

Flutty accepted and the mask turned red and a giant turtle shell appeared on her back along with two swords sai.

“I don’t get it” mumbled Mist.

“I love all the stories about cute little animals who fight for the pony kind!” Said Flutty. “And this one haves the most attitude on the team”

Mist smirked and this and put on his own mask, that turned orange and also made appear a giant turtle shell on his back along with nun-chucks.

“What? He’s one of a kind, and you always know where to find them when it’s party time” said Rumble shrugging.

Flutty giggled and they wandered for a bit when the bear from before went to find them again growling an apology.

“Okay, apology accepted” said Flutty. “Now why don’t you pick a mask and join us for Nightmare Night?”

“That’s right dude, disguise and I’ll give you one of these” said Mist showing the bear a piece of candy.

The bear growled happily and put on the mask. And suddenly his hat turned into a black bowler, his green tie into a black bowtie… and had fake bolts on his articulations. Fluttershy paled, but the worst part was when he ate the candy and turned into a robotic (or animatronic?) bear.

Flutty shrieked in pure terror and fainted while Mist face-hoofed.

“Boss damn it, why?” Complained Mist. “Of all costumes you had to choose that one! Damn it!”

The bear moaned regretful.

“No, is not your fault, you couldn’t know it”

Then Mist just leaned back to a tree thinking how to wake Fluttershy when suddenly the branches immobilized him. Much to his horror a magic aura rose the entire tree and moved it towards an electric saw.


Suddenly everything stopped and Solar Storm appeared before him grinning.

“The bear stole the other one from me but this was also good. Now how many scares would it take to defeat my little sister?”

“Go to hell”

And she flew away while Mist’s heart was still racing.

“Stupid Celestia, I wish Nightmare kicks her flank” said the agent of chaos.

Celestia, or well, Solar Flare heard him but none of them really cared. Right now all the only thing that Solar really cared was to defeat Nightmare. And then she looked at Rarity and Black exploring the streets of Canterlot.

“Oh another of the agents of chaos, why the heck no? Hahahahahaha!”

And she hided waiting for the right moment.

“But Sweetie Belle this can’t continue like this! I’m the only one without a costume!” Said Rarity.

“I offered you one already but you refused to wear it, even with your own fabric!”

“I won’t not wear something made by Suri Polomare, thank you very much. How could you do this to me? Hire a rival designer!”

“For safety, we won’t risk to use anything that could be touched by Harmony in one of our pranks, especially in our anniversary”

“Still is offensive!” Said Rarity.

“Whatever, try to enjoy the moment Rarity” sighed Sweetie Black.

“I’ll try, as long as I get a costume!”

Sweetie sighed, she knew her sister wouldn’t get a costume anytime soon. So much stubbornness!

“Be reasonable Rarity, who can borrow you a costume at this hour?”

Rarity stood there not willing to cede but suddenly a young colt appear before them, wearing a long cape and a theatrical mask with a small smile.

“Did somepony said costume?” Asked Blue Blood.

“Oh, the Phantom of the Opera?” Guessed Rarity.

The little prince nodded dramatically and waved his cape in excitement.

“Finally for the gods, my costume was a total success!”

And he walked to the direction of the wind to make it wave his cape in a theatrical effect.

“And the one who guessed had to be this wise beauty, oh the night can’t be more generous!” He said in delight and fell on his back dramatically.

Rarity smiled holding back her laugh.

“What’s going on Blue? Why do you act like that?”

Blue Blood quickly stood back covering half of his face with the black cape.

“WY do you ask sweetness of sweetness? Look at my acting, isn’t it sublime?”

“If for sublime you mean overacted yes, totally sublime” said Sweetie Belle with a small drop on her temple.

Blue Blood pouted and taking his cape, he left.

“Bah, barbarians, ignorant ponies! You don’t understand my art!”

Rarity stopped her coltfriend.

“Wait, wait Blue! Don’t listen to Sweetie, she’s too young to understand the deepness of your acting” said Rarity calming him.

“Oh, thank you, oh night beauty” Said Blue Blood. “Now, do you want me to lend you one of my spare costumes my dear?”

“Oh, you have?”

“Or course! When I grow up I want to be an actor, a great actor!” Said the little prince.

“Blue, you are already a great actor” said Rarity sighing.

“Of course not! But when I was this age I didn’t know I was going to be a secret agent, no, I was just a kid dreaming about be on stage. A little overacted as your sister said but I didn’t learnt how to do it right until I was a teenager”

“And if you have a foal would you share your love for acting with him or her?” Asked Sweetie.

“Sweetie Belle! You can’t ask things like that!” Said Rarity.

“Easy Rarity, I don’t mind” smiled Blue Blood making another exaggerated bow to the fashionista. “And no dear, being an actor twenty-four-hours as a spy is great but also brings me lots of trouble; if you don’t believe me, ask your sister. No, I save the costumes for the time when I open an acting school. It would be great, dedicate completely to my passion”

They arrived at Blue Blood’s home where Rarity chose a suit from the famous play Romeo and Juliet, (Romeo since Blue only had costumes for male characters but she didn’t mind). So finally Sweetie Belle offered them some candy.
Blue Blood tried his first one shrinking to the size of a tiny doll. He clapped delight.

“Oh look at me, I’m small!” He cheered. “Perfect, I can apply for the role of Oberon King of Elves”

The Belle sisters laughed at this, he was really cute; and then Rarity tried one as well transforming into the fabulous Elusive.

“Seriously? Again?”

“But my friend, at least now the costume really fits you” laughed Blue Blood rolling all over the floor because of the fake and exaggerated laughter of his.

“We chose our best jokes fir the night” said Black trying a candy and transforming into a Lego figurine. “See?”

The group laughed satisfied at this, everypony was having a great time at their own way, when suddenly Elusive bumped with a rope abandoned on the floor.

“What’s this?”

The rope caught the three of them and elevated to Solar Flare who relished her lips waiting for the banquet she was going to have.

“Who’s first?” She asked showing her sharpened fangs.

Black shrugged.

“Sorry, I’ve seen this one with Princess Luna”

“I don’t care, at least it worked with your friends” said Solar shrugging as well.

Black turned seeing that Elusive and Blue Blood had fainted.

“Of all the ponies I had to choose to hang out with the most dramatic!”

Solar Flare laughed evilly and flew looking for new victims. Every city in the world seemed to be in chaos, it was wonderful.

“Uh, thank you for inviting me hang out with you Night!” Smiled Pinkie wandering in ManeHattan. “But I still don’t know how the ponies have fun in here!”

“Ey, as long as you know how to move, you can be welcome anywhere” said Night. “We’re an elegant and sophisticated city, but not at the level of Canterlot. I swear even the world’s funniest clown will kill itself of boringness in there”

“That actually happen about ten years ago” said Pinkie taking about partying-urban-legends. “The famous Pagliaccio di Praga ended his career and existence in Canterlot”

“Sounds disturbing… or tragically absurd. Still, we’re here. This is my club, but we can’t get in without a costume”

“And what should we do?” Asked Pinkie Pie.

Night looked around and called:

“Ey Suri! Suri Polomare, around here!”

Rarity’s rival fashionista, in a skeleton costume, trotted to them happily.

“Oh, Night Seed, right the pony I wanted to see!” Said Suri. “Here, is dangerous to go without costume, one for you one for your friend”

Suri winked at them and continue giving candy to every children she saw. In the meantime Pinkie and Dark put the masks on.

“And now what?” Asked Pinkie.

“Now think about the costume you want and you get it” said Night when her mask turned into a the battle-maid uniform of Narberal from Overlord.

“Uh, sounds like fun!” Cheered Pinkie Pie transforming into Batmare’s archenemy, the Clowner.

And together they entered to ManeHattan’s number one youth club, where Night Seed had VIP treatment for being the ‘coolest’ and the official ‘party animal’ of the tem of chaos.

“Are you ready for some FUN?” Shouted Night.




So Night jumped in the middle of the dance-floor and when she shot her party cannon (with lasers, black and purple balloons instead of pink balloons and confetti) everypony began to dance wildly and energetically.

“Come on Pinkie Pie, don’t let us waiting!” Called Night.

Pinkie shouted in delight and joined to the fun. This wasn’t the kind of party she was used to but it had its own charm. It was great and everypony were having lots of fun. When suddenly a kid showed her a bowl full of candies on a corner.

“Ey, there are some chaotic candy if you want”

Pinkie nodded, she would finally try one of Spike’s trademark candies, and it was so great. Her world had changed forever.

“I have to make something like thiseven if it’s only one time in my life!”

She realized she had turned into a giantess, and she giggled happily and started to dance after she tried a new candy, this one made her already high energy to rose beyond imagination and her dancing speed was almost unreachable.

“Thank you for inviting me Night!” Said Pinkie. “This is so great”

“What are enemies for?” Asked Night from a DJ console.

And suddenly the music change into boring and dull classical music, like the one from the Great Galloping Gala. The candy-bar turned into fancy canapes and the costumes into elegant dresses.

“What now?”

“Sorry for interrupting you but I prefer the royal style” said Solar Flare appearing in the middle of the crowd. “And if somepony tries to play that ‘duck-step’ or ‘electronic’ or ‘industrial’ or any of the abominations ponies of today call music will know what I’m capable of!”

She laughed evilly causing everypony to run away from the boringness she brought.

“I bet this one give me a lot of points, try to defeat me now sister”

“Well, she’s learning” sighed Night ripping her dress.

“But it’s not right” said Pinkie.

“Of course it isn’t right, this is a scare competition after all” said Night.

Pinkie giggled.

“No, no that silly. I mean, you didn’t had to rip your costume. If you really have my abilities then you’re capable to do this!”

And she went behind a column and appeared with her costume back.

“Just like that?”

“Just like that!”

Night had to admit that was pretty cool, so she did the same in another column transforming back into a battle-maid.

“There are a lot of things I must learn” sighed the chaotic filly.

And for Nightmare she was proud of herself, she had just made the entire city of Stalliongrado shake in fear when she tried one of those chaotic candy, that made her gigantic and threatened to swallow the entire population.

“Where else can I go? Any place that haven’t been visited by my sister yet? Oh I know!”

And she moved to Apple Loosa.

A train was leading to the rustic town and she transformed the trails into a horrific roller-coaster that leaded right to the open jaws of the nightmare pony. Lots of pony screamed in terror but a couple of them went to face her in their powered costumes like the Ponyjin phase 3 or the Pink Ranger; but Nightmare (after lots of unfortunate encounters) knew when to retire and she disappeared into darkness.

“Okay that was intense!” Said Jacky jumping out of the train.

“Leaving aside that, have you decided which costume you would wear?” Asked Shadow.

Jacky considered it for a bit.

“A’ don’t know. The family tradition stablishes that something related to the farm but A’ can’t think in anything yet”

Apple Bloom sighed and transformed her mask into an alien.

“Ey not traditional” protested Jacky.

“A’ know, now hurry up and suit on”

Applejack had to laugh and transformed into the Grim Reaper.

“Yer’ right, now that everything is upside-down to hell with family tradition”

Shadow nodded and the two of them went for some candy in Apple Loosa and also hoping to find their cousin Braeburn.
They found him wearing his usual cowboy outfit but with a futuristic wristband on his right forehoof.

“And what are you supposed to be?” Asked Grim Reaper Jacky.

The cowboy shrugged happily, when a giant space-ship darkened the night by covering the moon. It’s side-doors opened revealing an army of mini gray Solar Flares covered with a resistant eyeless carcasses. They were hideous but got worse when opened their mouths covered in fangs only to reveal a tinier mouth inside it.
Panic was about to start in the town but Breaburn made step forward aiming his wristband to the ship and shooting a laser that took down the UFO with a huge explosion.

From what was left of her ship, Solar Flare stood rubbing her head. A cowboy who fought aliens? Dumb but apparently effective.

“Uninspected but really funny” said Shadow changing her costume from alien to Nightmare Moon. “What does she expect sneaking into Luna’s territory?”

“A’ didn’t know you stood aside Princess Luna” said Jacky.

“Ey, she’s an action Princess” said Braeburn very proud of himself. “Now, shall we have more fun?”

They had their fun. Everypony all over Equestria was having the same fun, scaring and being scared, especially from the Princesses. And just like that it was midnight.

“Attention to everypony!” Resounded Spike’s voice all over Equestria. “Nightmare Night almost finishes, it’s time that our two contestants return to the Castle to count the scares and you to have your last candy. I hoped you enjoyed the night and thank you for participate!”

As a general answer, everypony cheered and celebrated at Spike’s message. This was a fun night, playing with friends of all generations and enjoying the magic effects of Spike’s candies and of course the scare competition between Princesses. And speaking of the Princesses, they had to return Canterlot Castle immediately.

Flying over Ponyville, Nightmare looked down and smiled, Lil’ Pip, Pipsqueak’s feminine version was pouting adorably.

“Oh, I wanted to become the Black Swordsman, not a girl!”

Nightmare landed aside her.

“But look at the bright side Lil’ Pip! You can be the Lighting Flash!”

Lil’ Pip smiled and her costume turned from a long black trench coat to a black and blue armor with Luna’s symbol on it.

“And what are you doing here Nightmare? Aren’t you supposed to return to the Castle?”

“Yes but I was passing by and thought, why don’t invite my very best friend, huh? Wanna come Pipsy?”

“Of course! Just let me ask my parents!”

But the two kids barely paid attention, one became gigantic and the other turned into a ninja warrior and between the two were making a huge mess.

“Apparently no problem. Let’s go!”

Nightmare placed gently Lil’ Pip on her back and the two of them flew to Canterlot. When she arrived to the Castle, realized that Solar Flare had arrived already along with the six Bearers of Harmony.

“Finally” mocked Solar Flare. “Let’s set this”

“Agreed!” Said Spike. “The medals will make the counting easier. Are you ready?”


The dragon released a black and purple energy for all over Equestria while everypony around looked at him excitedly. Once he finished counting magically the scared ponies he slowly turned to the Princesses.

“First of all sorry, but somepony has to lose for the other to win. In the first place with one million two hundred thousand and four scared foals we have Solar Flare! Applause please!”

Solar Flare’s horrible laughter filled the Palace, while Nightmare kicked a wall in frustration. Defeated o her own night, dang it!


“And also in the first place equally with one million two hundred thousand and four scared foals, Nightmare Moon!!”

“Wait, what?” Asked Twily.

Spike nodded.

“You heard me, it’s a draw” said the dragon shrugging. “There’s no winner, except for the kids who had a hell of a night I think”

“Oh we totally had it” agreed Lil’ Pip.

“No, no, no, this haves to be some kind of mistake!” Protested Solar Flare. “This can’t end like this! I demand a recount, I DEMAND A RECOUNT!”

“And if in the recount I end up winning, what?” Defied Nightmare. “It’s done moron, done”

Solar Flare advanced to her sister.

“You don’t understand, do you really think I can let things like this, huh? Do you know how frustrating it is to know that no matter how hard you try the ponies will always like you more? Since that Nightmare Night when you went to Ponyville I realized how they look at me as the serious Princess and you the action Princess”

Until now Nightmare had patience with her sister, but that was it. She grinded her teeth.

“Oh, maybe because it’s the reality? Who is the one who modernized her Royal Guard to make it more powerful? Who’s the one who learnt how to use the sword while the other was filling her stomach with candy, huh?”

“You hire low-class criminals who doesn’t play fair”

“No, they play to win; not like yours who follow your directions that everything can be fixed with diplomacy. Besides, aren’t you the one who always claims about the goods of reformation? That’s what I do, I give my soldiers the chance to reform”

Solar lowered her head holding back her frustration.

“You don’t know this feeling Luna, I, I’m…”

“Jealous?” Asked Nightmare.

“Yes, jealous. All this time you…”

And that’s where Nightmare completely lost it.

“I don’t now what jealously are, is that what you were going to say? Now listen well and listen carefully stupid: do you remember when I was the jealous one and because of my stupidity ended trapped on the moon? Do you?”

Solar Flare gulped, since Nightmare’s anger was almost tangible.

“This is so typical of you, I start shining and suddenly you get jealous because the people like me more. You are an selfish jerk. First you stole the lights from me and then don’t give a shit about me corrupting with anger, then you lock me up in the moon for a thousand years and when I return and finally make things up with you; you can’t watch me shining. Admit it, you won’t be satisfied until you steal the lights from me again”

“No, Luna, I never mean to make you feel bad. You know I love you, is just that…”

“Is just that you can’t see beyond your nose, right? You are so into your little bubble that everypony else are nothing but side characters in our own life. But you know what? I want you… DEAD!”

And Nightmare jumped towards Solar Flare making appear a black and blue sword covered in powerful blue flames much to everypony’s horror, especially Solar Flare. Solar screamed so scared that went back to her Celestia form and stood there shaking and looking at Nightmare.

A Moon medal appeared on Celestia’s chest and Nightmare grinned.

“One million two hundred thousand and four… plus one. Dear sister, I won”

“Wait, what?”

Everypony laughed at this, at the time Celestia recovered from the scare, still frozen where she was.

“Luna, what have you done? I… I… I almost pee myself…”

She lowered her sight to see the yellow puddle under hear increasing the ponies’ laughs.

At the end Luna went back to normal and winked to Celestia.

“Yeah, yeah, better luck next year, okay? It was fun and all but it’s over. Oh, and you better clean that, okay?”

She then made a high-claw/high-hoof with Spike.

“Thank you for this Spike, I really enjoyed the night”

“You’re welcome Princess Luna, thank you for providing the show”

And one by one the guests left Celestia alone to rise the sun. She was still shacking.

“Damn it, I almost have an attack!”

At this point the Bearers of Harmony had spread the Rainbow Power all over Equestria to get things back to normal; and in the meantime Spike and his team were waiting safely inside the headquarters. When it was over they headed to the Castle where they noticed somepony (probably Pinkie Pie) had closed all the curtains.
They smiled to each other and opened the door.


“Hi girls, what are you doing?” Smiled Spike.

“I don’t know” said Rainbow sarcastically. “Probably offering a party for becoming the greatest headache of all history of the pony kind? And for me, especially certain filly who didn’t conformed with be my number two and turned number one of her own team. Right Scoots?”

“Thanks Rainbow” said Scootaloo hugging her sister.

“You better continue like this, Scoots, I like compete with you at full power”

“Same here, this was just the first year, we have a lot of adventures to have”

“Hell we have” said Applejack jumping happily to hug Apple Bloom with all her strength. “What about ya’ Apple Bloom? Are you continuing to make my life impossible with yer’ apples of chaos?”

“Is that a challenge?” Asked Apple Bloom with a smirk.

“Only if ya’ want it to be. And ya’ know? For me ya’ll always be the same little girl who couldn’t sleep during storms and sneaked into ma’ bed. But she was so cute that A’ couldn’t help but protect her from harm”

“But A’m older and stronger now” said Apple Bloom proudly.

“A’ know, and that strong will and that Cutie Mark show how much ya’ have grown. A’ love ya’ lil’ sist and don’t care if ye’re Shadow or another enemy, that won’t change, but promise us you will never cross the line and force us to turn ya’ into a statue”

Apple Bloom nodded.

“Don’t worry, if not for ya’for us!”

Rarity then smiled to Sweetie Belle.

“And for me, I still remember when the three of you did all those crazy stuff to gain your Cutie Marks; who would say that the craziest one would be the one. I see that you found your way, and even if you’re very annoying from time to time, is a constant reminder of how I use to be a little un fair with you and it’s good that somepony put me on my place. But don’t forget that at even if we’re rivals on the battlefield, we still love each other, right?”

“Always” said Sweetie hugging Rarity.

“And today I had a great time playing with you and Blue Blood. It felt good to be a little filly again”

“That was the idea, remind you the best days or your lives” explained Sweetie Belle. “I liked be with you as well”

The two Belle sisters stayed like that for a while, so Pinkie came closer to Babs.

“Hi Babs”

“You know we aren’t related, right?” Smiled Babs.

“Of course we are, silly! Don’t you know I’m a member of the Apple family? A far relative but relative until the end! Besides today we had tons of fun together, almost as much when Cheese Sandwich joined us and almost drawn us in cheese”

“Don’t remind me that”

“Or when we were narrating when Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were competing for the Iron Pony title”

“That was when we met, right?” Asked Babs.

Pinkie nodded.

“What I mean is that having a counterpart is fun and I understand that you don’t want me as a sister since you already have one; but you know I will always be your friend”

“Friends and rivals no matter what!” Said Babs making a high-hoof with Pinkie.

Rumble sighed.

“My turn, no?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Yes, we all agreed to talk a little with you, and even if we’re not relatives and haven’t talk that much I have to say you’re a very special boy Rumble. You have fun and play with your teammates of chaos, but also really care about animals. I don’t like how you give them exactly what they want without thinking if it’s good for them or not; but unlike Discord you actually ask them what they want in order to help you, you don’t force them. You are good Rumble, and as Pinkie said, even if you can’t consider me your sister you know I’ll always be your friend and be here for you”

“Thanks Fluttershy” mumbled Rumble al little ashamed. “Boss, I don’t know what to say except for… thank you, I know you’re good and a very especial pony with much potential. Thank you for always being so sweet and considerate with everypony, it’s something worthy to admire. And thanks, I don’t know, I’m bad for sappy stuff. Ehem, as for me you’re an honorary member of the Lane family”

Fluttershy smiled to him calmly, besides a shy adult and an awkward preteen they couldn’t give speeches that long, and it was okay for them.

Just Spike and Twilight to go.

“Well Spike, there’s only me left and honestly I don’t know what to say that I haven’t said before. But during this year I’ve learnt to know you better, I always thought in you as other member of the family, who still haven’t found his place and vocation; and surprisingly I was right! You had born to be the god of chaos, I can see that now. Sometimes I say that if I wouldn’t be so selfish and paid more attention to you wouldn’t become this, and I was constantly regretting how dumb I was… but one day I realized I was thinking like that because of how frustrated I was every time you defeated us. And then also realized that you were happy, happier than before because you found your place in this world, and it was as important as the Princesses’. Spike, you had born for this and during this year it’s been an honor to fight against you and I hope things keep going like this because we have a lot of fun with you and your ideas. Seriously, even with my headaches I’m happier now”

“Oh Twi!” Said Spike hugging his older sister.

Things had changed a lot for the Bearers of Harmony and the Team of Chaos that year, but it was alright. Maybe some relations won’t be as they were before but they were all happy with their new family dynamic. And something was for sure, both Harmony and Chaos will keep doing its role in the universe not because it was fate, but because they enjoyed to do it. Together.

Author's Note:

I originally wrote this chapter at prequel’s anniversary. I couldn’t believe I had a fic that lasted a year and was really happy about it. Now I look back and is still as funny as I remember it; maybe the translation isn’t perfect but I enjoy it pretty much. Thank you all of you for supporting my story for this long and as I did in the Spanish version, I would like to make a Questions and Answers special.

Any doubts you have, any questions about this saga please feel free to ask, I’ll be answering as much as I can.

Read ya’ later!!

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