• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,106 Views, 2,472 Comments

Crystal's Hopes - Crystal Wishes

Crystal Wishes finally found her happily ever after, but she never thought about what came next. The life of a military wife is not as easy as she hoped it would be.

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Right Where I Belong

Keep moving forward. That had been Crystal's mantra all morning. Don't stop, don't think, don't do anything except find a way to keep moving forward. As long as she did that, she was fine.

Definitely don't dwell on the fact that Silent was still in Equestria. Or how she'd been plagued by nightmares and terror when he wasn't even in danger. Or how she wasn't sure how she was going to get through the next week… month… two months… How long would he be gone?

Crystal shook her head and lightly slapped a hoof to her cheek. Stop thinking. Keep writing.

The royal stable was beautifully built, with intricate stonework and cobblestone floors. The sheep poked their heads through the slats of their stalls to peer at Shepherd, some curious, others wary. He spied a couple barrels set against one wall that, upon closer inspection, were filled with—

Pausing a moment to consult the book she had borrowed on raising sheep, she frowned. The diet of sheep consisted mainly of plants. Would those be stored in a barrel? Did they eat oats? She needed to consult a shepherd on the matter.

That interruption was all it took to throw her off course. The quill levitated above the page, waiting for instructions that never came. Her mind was blank again.

She groaned and rubbed at her eyes. Was it time for a break? Perhaps she could just lie down and close her eyes. Not sleep, of course—just rest for a moment. She scooped up her writing supplies in her magic and moved them over to the coffee table so she could stretch out on the couch.

A feeling of relaxation and numbness soothed her body into a comfortable state. The edges of her worried mind dulled. Her eyelids felt heavy, but she tried to keep them open just a little while longer.

What if she just slept until he came home? That would be fine, wouldn't it? Then she wouldn't have to keep herself busy. And it was so comfortable to just put her head down and close her eyes…

The lock jiggled before clicking into place, and the door creaked open. She jerked her head up, freezing when she saw Silent Knight standing there.

"Silent?!" She scrambled to her hooves and tried to jump off the couch, but there was no floor; instead, she fell.

Silent remained at the doorway that now hovered above her, growing further away as she plunged into darkness. She could do nothing except fall and watch the distance between them grow, a scream trapped in her throat. He just stared, making no effort to save her, his expression blank and void of emotion.

"Wake up," a voice thundered in her ear and her body seized up before it felt like she hit the cushion.

Her heavy breathing was the only sound she could hear for a moment until a pounding heartbeat overtook it. No, no, no! She wasn't supposed to fall asleep, and this was exactly why.

That voice, though… It was familiar, and not just because it had been in her nightmares last night and the night before. Or was that familiarity just a figment of her imagination, too?

It didn't matter. What mattered was she no longer allowed to close her eyes. She couldn't be trusted with not falling asleep, and one nightmare per day was more than enough for her.

Her magic snatched her notebook and quill. Keep moving forward. The stablehoof story wasn't holding her interest at that moment, so it was time to work on The Desert Rose.

What did she have so far? A protagonist and her family, a setting, and a vague idea of a plot that ended with the protagonist accepting she didn't want a romance. Velvet was right… How was she going to sell that to her readers?

Perhaps if there was still romance, but it didn't directly involve Fatinah. Crystal's ears perked up and she started to take notes. That could work! Fatinah could help her sister or a best friend find love, and through those efforts learn more about herself.

Crystal jotted down the final thought before she smiled with satisfaction. Finally! Progress! Now all she needed to do was—

Knock knock, knock knock.

—not panic. Unfortunately, her heart didn't get the memo and it went off to the races without her. What if she had just fallen asleep again? A trembling hoof reached out to test the ground. It was solid. A second hoof followed it, then a third, then the fourth.

She was standing. That was a good start. Taking a step forward brought her closer to the door instead of just walking in place. So far, so good.

Knock knock.

Oh, right, she hadn't said anything. "Coming!" she tried to call, but her voice was a raspy mess. Her vocal chords must have forgotten how to work, given that she hadn't spoken aloud since the lunch with Cadence.

When she pulled the door open, her suspicion that she was dreaming was confirmed as far as she was concerned. Princess Luna was standing on her welcome mat.

"Hello, Crystal." And she was speaking.

Crystal just stared at first, then looked around. She was still in the Crystal Empire, right?

Princess Luna laughed softly and shook her head. "You are not dreaming. May we come in?"

"We?" Crystal squeaked. Had Luna reverted to her old manner of speech?

"Yes, we," came a voice from out in the hall. Luna stepped inside so that a pegasus mare could follow her: Willowy Tempest, her personal aide. Right at her heels were two house guards, Miley Hooves coming inside and the other taking up position at the door.

Crystal didn't quite recognize the second guard, a delicate-looking unicorn with a dark blue coat under her armor. She did, however, know the lieutenant's pin the mare wore. This was Luna's new House Guard commander—Silent's replacement.

"Oh, right. Of course!" Crystal smiled. "Hello, Willow, Miley. Would any of you like some tea?"

Luna stopped in the middle of the room and took a moment to look around. Miley was doing her very best to stay professional and remain two paces behind the princess, but she did sneak in a smile and a wave before resuming her serious expression.

While Luna surveyed the surroundings, Willow cleared her throat and said, "No, but thank you. We don't plan to be here very long. Isn't that right, Princess?"

"You have made a lovely home here, Crystal," Luna said in an absent tone. "Your walls are bare, however."

Crystal flinched when Luna's gaze landed on her. The weight of it was too much to bear and she felt compelled to lower her own to the floor. "I—"

The weight grew heavier. Was Luna somehow forcing her into honesty? Or was it her own loneliness that made her want to tell the truth?

Telling even a simple white lie seemed impossible with Luna staring at her so intensely. In a quiet voice, Crystal admitted, "I want to wait until Silent comes home so we can pick pictures to put up together."

Luna hummed thoughtfully. "I see."

When Crystal glanced up, she saw Luna's gentle, motherly smile looking back at her. "Luna?"

"Willowy is right. We will not be here very long, and neither will you." Luna put a hoof on Crystal's shoulder, interrupting her before she could say anything. "I am here to take you home."

"Home?" Crystal glanced between the hoof, Willow, Miley, and Luna. "I don't understand. I am home."

"I told you she'd say that," Willow mumbled, shaking her head.

Luna's eyes grew soft and she gave the shoulder a squeeze. "I will not allow you to remain here without support. I have been blind enough already to the suffering of those close to me. That is why I will not allow you to endure yours alone."

Crystal sucked in a breath and held it to keep from betraying the surge of feelings that rose up from Luna's words. Instead, she forced the best smile she could manage. "But I—Luna, with all due respect, I don't…" She trailed off, looking away and over at the couch. "I don't want to leave this place. This is the home Silent and I made, even if it was only a short time."

"So you plan to remain here with your nightmares?" Luna inclined her head to put it in Crystal's line of sight. The crease between her furrowed brow seemed almost pained. "I cannot save you every night."

"Save me? What do you—" Crystal's eyes went wide as it clicked into place. The voice. The figure. The strange sense of familiarity. "It was you?"

With a small nod, Luna replied, "It was, but I have many ponies under my care. There are many who are plagued by nightmares after the declaration. I cannot guarantee that I can be there for you each time you have one… So I want you to come with us to Canterlot where you can get the support, help, and love that you need."

Willow cleared her throat, reaching into the planner she had tucked into the crook of one foreleg and retrieving a pamphlet. "There is a support group for military spouses that meets once a week that the princess and I believe would be a good idea for you."

"A support group?" Crystal bit her lower lip and gave a quick shake of her head, though she did accept the pamphlet in her magic. "I don't need therapy. There's nothing surprising about having nightmares, given the circumstances."

Luna withdrew her hoof while a soft sigh escaped her. "While that is true, nightmares can be consuming. I cannot stand by and allow a pony I care for to suffer. Not again."

Not again? Crystal could understand those words coming from Princess Celestia, but who had Luna lost? What was the story there?

Crystal didn't respond at first, merely standing there and sorting through her thoughts. Willow was lost in the planner and mumbling to herself. Luna, on the other hoof, stared directly at Crystal with a forlorn look in her eyes.

It was that sadness that convinced Crystal to reply, "All right."

Luna's ears perked and relief washed over her face with a smile. "All right?"

"All right," Crystal repeated, nodding. "I'll spend the weekdays in Canterlot and the weekends here." She raised a hoof when Luna opened her mouth. "Silent bought me an unlimited train pass, so the only thing I'll spend is time."

After a moment, Luna's smile widened. "That is a fair compromise, and I accept. Pack your things and we shall take the next train as soon as you are ready."

Crystal simply nodded and walked into the bedroom to pack a suitcase. Where was she going to stay while in Canterlot? She didn't want to impose on Velvet and make Nightingale feel uncomfortable. And she certainly wasn't going to stay at the castle. That just left one place she could think of… as much as she dreaded to even consider it.

"Hi, Mother."

Upper Crust just stared, eyes wide in surprise, flinching when Jet Set called from inside, "Who is it, dear?"

Crystal's ears flicked back. "May I come in?"

"What?" Upper Crust blinked, then took a step to the side. "Of course. Of course you may." Her brow furrowed, but she kept quiet while Crystal walked past her.

Jet Set glanced up from his newspaper and a smile spread across his face. "Crystal?" He folded up the paper and set it aside so he could sit up straight. "My darling, what are you doing here?"

Crystal hesitated. She wasn't ready to have this conversation just yet. Instead, she smiled, set her suitcase by the stairs, and walked over to sit on the couch. "I am spending a few days in Canterlot and was hoping I could stay here, if that's all right."

"Of course it is." Jet Set looked at Upper Crust as she lingered at the door. "Isn't it, dear?"

"Yes." Upper Crust took a step forward, hesitated, then walked the rest of the way to sit beside Crystal. "Your old room is still a bedroom, so you're welcome to sleep there." She glanced at the door. "Is your husband not joining you for this trip?"

"It's just me," Crystal replied in a voice she hoped wasn't too quiet. She tried to smile wider to cover up the nerves fluttering in her stomach. "How have the two of you been?"

Jet Set sighed and tapped the newspaper with one hoof. "As well as can be expected with the dreadful times. It's truly an appalling thing. Equestria, at war? I never thought I'd see such a headline. It's really taken its toll. Why, some of our friends have even volunteered."

"Truly dreadful," Upper Crust parroted, her wary gaze locked on Crystal's form.

"But enough about such things." Jet Set waved a hoof, smiling. "How is life in the Crystal Empire? Tell us all about it!"

Crystal's smile grew more sincere as she relaxed into the couch. "Oh, the Empire is lovely. The ponies there are just so wonderful. Nothing like—" She cleared her throat. "Nothing like what you'd expect from ponies who have been gone for so long."

Jet Set hummed in agreement. "Yes, yes, quite. I would imagine the culture shock would take some adjustment, but it sounds as though you like it well enough."

"Where is your husband?" Upper Crust said, her tone somewhat pressing, almost insistent.

There it was. Crystal's stomach dropped and she shook her head. "If you're asking, then I think you know the answer, Mother."

Jet Set sat upright. "You don't mean—"

"—he volunteered?" Upper Crust shook her head and sighed. "I see. I understand, darling. We completely support your decision."

"My decision?" Crystal frowned lightly. "What do you mean by that?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Upper Crust gestured at the suitcase with one hoof. "You've come to stay here while you sort out the details of your marriage."

Crystal's ear flicked. "The 'details of my marriage'? What do you mean by that?"

Jet Set cleared his throat. "What I think your mother is trying to say is that we understand why you would want to… move back to Canterlot."

"I'm not moving back to Canterlot. I'm simply here for a few days." A feeling of uncertainty mixed with preemptive irritation stirred her to jolt upright. "This has nothing to do with my marriage."

"Well, then, perhaps this would be a good time to consider… alternatives," Jet Set said in a cautious tone. "I know you love Silent Knight, but love isn't going to take care of you while he's at war."

Upper Crust huffed. "And it certainly won't take care of you if he, Celestia forbid, dies."

Tears stung at the corners of Crystal's eyes, but her flaring anger staved them off. "How can you even say such a thing?!" She wanted to lash out and strike her mother. Throw something against the wall. Instead, she simply trembled. "He's not going to die!"

"We're just thinking of your best interests, dear." Jet Set tapped his hooves together. "We don't like the idea any more than you do."

"Nopony would blame you, darling," Upper Crust said, reaching out to put her hoof on Crystal's. "Divorces aren't unheard of."

Crystal recoiled and stood up, glaring at her mother. "Divorce?! I'm not getting a divorce, Mother!"

Jet Set clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "You should at least consider it, dear. He did leave you, after all."

"Leave me?!" Crystal turned her glare on him as a boiling heat spread through her veins. "He didn't leave me! He volunteered at the behest of the princesses to do his duty! To uphold his oath!"

"And what of his oath to you?" Upper Crust shook her head. "There are plenty of guards that could volunteer in his place. Any number of them would suffice. He, however, is a husband, and should have respected that if he thought himself a good husband. Why did he have to volunteer?"

A bitter laugh escaped her and she took a few steps back to put distance between herself and them. "Why? Why! Because he had to volunteer, in the stead of those who can't." She glared at her father again and spat with bitter emphasis, "And in the stead of those who won't."

"Crystal Wishes!" Jet Set frowned as he sat up in his seat. "That's quite unfair. What good would I be over there?"

Her eyes narrowed as the anger boiled within her chest. "What good are you here?"

And with that, she snatched her suitcase in her magic and stormed out the door. When it slammed shut behind her, her resolve broke and tears fell down her cheeks while she walked blindly down a street. She had to get away. She didn't care where she ended up. Just as long as it was as far away from her parents as she could get.

How could they even suggest such a thing? The very notion twisted her stomach into a knot. It was almost as though they'd been thinking it and just waiting to spring the awful idea on her!

Why had she thought she could spend so much as a minute with them, much less several days? As her hooves carried her across the city, she just tried to breathe without choking on a sob. It wasn't until she had calmed down that she realized where she was going.

Thinking about it, she should have just gone there to begin with. It made perfect sense—much more sense than going to her parents'. When she finally arrived at the door, she sucked in a breath, knocked, and smiled when a mare answered.

"I'm sorry to show up out of the blue," she said, ducking her head, "but could I stay with you for a few days?"

Winterspear didn't miss a beat. She put a hoof on Crystal's shoulder and guided her inside. "Absolutely. Come on in."

Author's Note:

Wandering everywhere
Each way I turn is wrong
How I'm wishing
I could be there
Right where I belong

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