• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,106 Views, 2,472 Comments

Crystal's Hopes - Crystal Wishes

Crystal Wishes finally found her happily ever after, but she never thought about what came next. The life of a military wife is not as easy as she hoped it would be.

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Stars in their Eyes

Hospitals. Crystal would be perfectly content if she had never seen one again after Silent's coma almost two years ago. There was some relief in that she wasn't there for something awful, but something wonderful—a little bundle of joy-to-be.

Her pounding heart and the sweat beading on the back of her neck didn't seem to care about the reason, however. It still looked, smelled, and sounded like a hospital. The light chatter between the ponies that had gathered wasn't enough to keep her fully in the moment rather than stuck in the past.

"Hard to believe that Horsey's gonna be a mom already," Cloud Kicker commented. She was lounging on one of the chairs, one hindleg draped over the side and her head tilted back to stare up at the ceiling. "I remember when she first came to town. Doesn't feel like that long ago..."

Berry Punch raised one brow. She sat on the floor with her head resting in the seat of a chair so she could stretch out her legs. Her usual drawl was mitigated by speaking softly and quietly as she said, "Really? I'm surprised it took this long. Nice mares like her become mothers fast."

Velvet nudged her elbow into Crystal's side and whispered, "You okay?"

Crystal blinked a few times. "Hmm?" She looked at Velvet. "Yes. Why?"

"You stopped breathing." Velvet glanced around before leaning in closer to Crystal. "Are you thinking about—"

"I'm fine!" Crystal snatched a Filly magazine in her magic and brought it over. "I'm just nervous. About Horsey. I just hope everything goes well."

Velvet eyed her with clear skepticism, then shrugged. "All right, fine, suit yourself." She rose her voice to ask, "Hey, Berry, do you think you could teach me about what wines pair well with what?"

Golden Harvest, who had been sitting quietly with a fashion magazine, looked up to grin and say, "If Pinot can't teach that, then she's been wasting her time as a vintner."

"Ha, ha." Berry stuck out her tongue. "You're hilarious, Carrot."

Golden's smile fell as she huffed and raised the magazine to cover her face. "Rude!"

Crystal stifled a sigh as she feigned interest in an article. It was about the latest celebrity news. She remembered when she was young and knew all the popular ponies in fashion and music, but now she recognized none of them. Idly, she flipped through the pages until she got to a section of reader-submitted short stories.

Finally, something she could get invested in! Just because the audience was younger, that didn't mean the writers couldn't put out quality works. Crystal felt the tension at the back of her mind ease as she started to read the first submission.

Day Mac averted his gaze, his cheeks darkening to a deep shade of red. "I..." His light purple orbs shimmered a bit as his gaze crept back to her. "I forgive you, Miss Saline."

In a fraction of a second, she smiled and threw her forelegs around him in a gesture widely known as a "hug." He was not prepared for the physical contact and stared straight ahead with a look that read, 'What do I do?'

Crystal read the passage a few more times before she blurted aloud, "What are orbs?"

A strangled snort was Velvet's only response as she leaned toward Crystal to read over her shoulder. After a moment, she replied, "I was going to say I knew, but I've never seen orbs that shimmered. That does give me some ideas, though."

"What?" Crystal glanced between her and the story.

Velvet laughed and waved a hoof. "I think it's supposed to be eyes, or something."

"Then why not simply say 'eyes'? Why 'orbs'?" Crystal's ears folded back. "Do ponies really write this way these days?"

"Well, to be fair, Filly is aimed at ponies fresh out of elementary school," Cloud Kicker teased.

Crystal sighed and tossed the magazine on the table situated between all of the waiting room chairs. "Well, this 'Juvenile Quartz' pony can keep their orbs. That is the strangest way to refer to eyes I have ever read."

"I don't know," Berry mused. "I've seen 'em described as endless pools."

"Don't forget soul windows." Velvet laughed. "In one of the Prima Donna books, they were windows to the soul."

Crystal shook her head. "Those are meaningful metaphors! Orbs is just—" She waved a hoof. "Oh, it doesn't matter." Her gaze fell to the floor and she muttered, "It's been two hours. Everything's all right, right?"

From where he had been pacing off to the side and out of they way, Hors D'oeuvre stopped to look at the group of mares, his sights set on Crystal. "Sans doute! My brother would never let anything go wrong." He offered a weak smile. "This is simply something that takes time and patience."

"Says the colt who's been wearing a hole in the floor." Cloud Kicker laughed.

Hors shot her a playfully dirty look before he returned to pacing, gaze fixated firmly forward.

Velvet chimed in, "Hors is right, though. It does take time. It can take anywhere between half an hour to six just to start the process. Then there's all the post-labor stuff, and..." She blinked when she noticed all eyes on her. "What?"

"You seem to know an awful lot about this for a mare who doesn't have a foal," Crystal said with one brow raised. "Unless you're keeping a secret that I need to know about?"

Velvet rolled her eyes and swatted a hoof at Crystal while the others laughed. "It's not like that! I just did a lot of reading when my mom was pregnant with my little brother, jeeze."

Before Crystal could respond, the front doors opened and an apricot-colored mare trotted in with a box balanced on her back. "Hi! I'm sorry I'm late." She stopped and looked between them all. "Am I late?"

"Nope. Just in time, Marmes," Berry said. "Velvet was gonna tell us 'bout her secret foal."

"There's no secret foal!" Velvet whined.

Marmes blinked a few times as her gaze shifted to Crystal and Velvet. "Velvet? I recognize that name." She slid the box into an empty seat before approaching them. "You two must be Velvet Step and Crystal Wishes. Horsey dear has told me so much about you two. I don't think we've met formally, though." She smiled and raised a hoof to shift her orange braid out of the way before reaching out in greeting. "I'm Marmes Malade. Savoir and Horsey are two of my favorite customers."

"Nice to meet you," Velvet said, accepting the hoof. "What do you mean, customers?"

"Marmes makes the best marmalade in all of Ponyville," Golden Harvest said, leaning toward the package Marmes had brought. "What's in the box, Marmesy? Tell me you brought enough for everypony."

"Well, yes, and no. I only brought a jar for the new parents-to-be." Marmes smiled softly. "If you want, dearie, I can bring a batch by your house tomorrow."

Golden beamed at her. "That'd be great!"

Crystal tilted her head and glanced between Marmes and the box, which could easily have fit twenty or so mason jars. "It must be a very large jar of marmalade."

Marmes tilted her head, then raised a hoof to hide a chuckle. "Oh, no, dear. I brought some gifts for the foal." A light red hue showed through her coat. "I'm a bit of a hobbyist crocheter, you see. Usually just cozies for the jars. But when I found out that sweet Horsey was going to be a mother, I just couldn't help myself."

"So what you're saying, Marmesy, is that you've brought a giant box full of foal blankets." Cloud Kicker grinned and looked down at Berry.

Berry snickered. "Sounds 'bout right."

Marmes shifted on her hooves before sitting down beside the box and putting a hoof on it. "It's not just foal blankets." A shy smile crossed her lips. "It's also little hats and booties." In a quiet voice, she added, "But, yes, it's mostly foal blankets."

Crystal looked around the room and started to smile. How lucky Horsey was to be surrounded by so many friends and so much love. She had truly earned it, too. An overwhelming sense of pride for Horsey calmed Crystal's nerves, at least for the time being.

Two hours turned into three and was nearing on advancing to four when Nurse Crimson Cross walked over to the group. "Hello. Are you all here waiting for High Horse and Savoir Fare?"

Everypony scrambled to their hooves and surrounded the nurse, showering her in a cascade of questions. Crimson Cross raised a hoof to stop them when Crystal asked, "Is she okay?"

"Yes, she is okay." Crimson turned and gestured for them to follow. "And she is waiting for you all to meet her."

Hors stopped in his tracks, his eyes going wide. "The foal is a she? I have a nièce?"

Crimson just nodded in response, the squeals of the other mares keeping her from saying anything.

"Oh my gosh, they have a baby girl!" Velvet bounced with each step. "They have a daughter!"

Crystal smiled brightly. "I bet she is beautiful, just like her mother."

There was a bit of a scuffle when they reached the door. It was only wide enough for one pony, and none of them had agreed on who would go first. Nurse Cross simply stood off to the side, waiting for them to sort it out, an amused smile on her face.

"Hello, everypony," Horsey called softly from the bed, a bundle of pink cloth cradled to her chest. Her brown mane was matted with sweat and her eyelids drooped with exhaustion, but she practically glowed.

Hors was the first to speak after tearing his gaze away from the bundle to look at Savoir. "Comment est-elle?

Savoir stepped forward to greet his brother with a tight embrace. "Elle est parfaite," he said, his voice hitching some. "Absolument parfaite." He pulled back to smile. "Come along, everypony. Please meet our daughter, Claire de Lune."

Quietly, they gathered around the bed while Horsey pulled back some of the blankets with utmost care. Sleeping in a field of pink was a unicorn foal, her coat a light grey color that was tinged with blue. A shock of white ran through her otherwise light purple mane. The chorus of awws that went around the room roused the little filly from her slumber and, after a wide yawn, she blinked her eyes open.

"Oh my word, Horsey," Crystal breathed more than said. "She has your eyes."

Velvet let out a dreamy sigh. "I forgot how perfect foals are... Red's already grown up so much I forgot how tiny he used to be."

"You've done good, you two." Cloud Kicker smiled. "Really good."

Berry nodded in agreement. She turned her head away to hide the quick movement of a hoof wiping tears from her eyes.

Marmes clasped a hoof to her cheek and cooed, "She's so beautiful that I don't even mind that I forgot to grab the box before we rushed in here..."

"Bonjour," Hors said, lowering his head to Claire. "I promise, ma petite, I will spoil you more than either of your parents would prefer."

Horsey giggled, though the sound was a little breathless. "Thank you, everypony."

While the group fawned over the newborn, Crystal's focus was instead on Horsey. The mare gazed fondly down at her foal and was positively radiant. She had never looked more unspeakably beautiful than she did at that moment, not even on her wedding days.

If nothing else, there was one thing that Crystal knew for certain. Whether Claire wanted it or not, Horsey would raise her with love and acceptance. Claire would want for nothing, and Crystal had no doubt that Horsey would make sure of that. History would not repeat itself with this generation.

"Keep up! We do not have all day, Mademoiselles," Beignet shouted over the noise of his cooking. Though he had seemed like a nice enough stallion when he briefed Crystal and Velvet on waitressing at Haut-Savoir, once the lead chef got behind the stove, his demeanor had changed completely.

The new waitress that would take over Horsey's shift wouldn't start until the day after next, so Crystal and Velvet had foolishly volunteered to help out. It was barely past noon and Crystal was pretty sure her hooves were ready to give out. Velvet fared better, but she struggled with taking and remembering orders.

"I can't believe some ponies enjoy this," Velvet muttered to Crystal as they took their respective trays from the kitchen. "Horsey is lucky I love her, otherwise I would have walked out hours ago."

Crystal giggled. "Just keep thinking of that cute little foal upstairs. That's how I'm managing!"

"Yeah. That and the fact you have magic to carry these trays. Seriously, you—Hi! Here's your spinach quiche, ma'am." Velvet smiled a little too wide. She had never quite mastered the Canterlotian plastic smile.

Crystal just giggled again as she kept walking toward her own table. "Here you are, Mademoiselle. I have your gratin dauphinois ready for you." Her magic set the plate down and levitated the other. "And for you, Monsieur, your roasted vegetable crepe cake."

Once certain the customers were satisfied, Crystal turned to take the tray back to the kitchen when she spotted Horsey coming down the stairs. "Horsey?" She started toward her. "Is everything okay? Is Claire okay?"

Horsey skidded to a halt, then nodded. Her movements were hurried and almost erratic. "Yes! Claire is fine. She's sleeping right now. I have to warn Beignet." She made her way to the kitchen. "Beignet! Please get the beignets ready!"

"What?" The stallion looked at her, his eyes going wide. "They did not have a reservation for today!"

Crystal glanced between them. "Who are 'they'?"

Horsey ignored her for a moment to reply to Beignet, "I know, and I'm sorry! But I just saw them coming up the road. They're on their way."

Beignet muttered various words in Prench, the meaning of them made clear by the less-than-pleased tone he used.

Horsey turned to Crystal with an exasperated smile. "It's going to be okay. You just may need to stall them for a moment while Beignet gets the beignets together."

"All right. That's fine, but who are they?" Crystal's gaze flickered between Horsey and Beginet as he started furiously rolling out dough. "Are we under siege?"

"What?" Horsey bubbled with giggles and shook her head. "Oh, no, no. Luxury loves his Sweets, and his Sweets loves sweets."

Crystal blinked slowly. "What?"

"You'll see." Her ear twitched and swiveled at the sound of the front doors swinging open. She turned to flash a smile. "Good afternoon, Luxury, Sweet Baby."

Luxury, a somewhat rotund earth stallion with a bright orange mane and moustache, made a scoffing noise. "Little Miss High Horse, now, I do believe my eyes deceive me! Are you up and about on your hooves instead of restin' upstairs with your brand new foal?"

Before Horsey could respond, Sweet Baby jumped forward. While Luxury's whole figure was rounded, Sweet Baby was rounded in a very voluptuous way. Her blonde mane was tied up in a tall bouffant that, if included in her height, made her nearly as tall as Luxury. "Oh, Daddy Lu! Don't worry so much! If Horsey thinks she's good to be on her hooves, then why, I say that means she's fine!" She batted her long eyelashes as she wiggled about. "Horsey, sweetie, I'm just so happy for you! You're gonna be a perfect momma!"

Horsey smiled and bobbed her head. "Thank you, Sweet Baby. Have I told you about my Canterlot friends?"

"Canterlot?" Sweet Baby practically squealed. "Oh, honey, you've not mentioned that before!" Her big blue eyes turned on Crystal. "It's so divine to meet you!"

Luxury sniffed the air, idly musing, "I do hope that's beignets I smell..."

Sweet Baby swatted at him. "Daddy Lu, where are your manners? How can you be thinkin' of food when we're in the presence of a proper lady?"

Luxury grunted and said nothing further, but he did give his attention to Crystal.

"Oh." Crystal glanced at Horsey, who quietly excused herself and backed away to return upstairs. "Well." Stall, stall, stall... She smiled. "I suppose I would still be her Canterlot friend, though I've recently moved to the Crystal Empire."

"The Crystal Empire?" Sweet Baby gasped and covered her mouth with a hoof. "Oh my sweet sweets, aren't you just fancy?" The way her eyes sparkled with delight matched the little silver tiara atop her head. "It's like I'm in the company of royalty!"

"And what is your name, little miss?" Luxury smiled at her. "Don't believe we caught it."

Crystal ducked her head. "I'm so sorry, how rude of me. My name is Crystal Wishes. Horsey and I—"

"Did you say—" Sweet Baby took a step toward her. "—Crystal Wishes?"

"Y-Yes?" Crystal blinked.

"Daddy Lu." Sweet Baby grabbed onto his foreleg and tugged it. "Daddy Lu, Daddy Lu, Daddy Lu! Do you realize what is happenin' right now?"

"'Fraid I don't, pumpkin pie."

"Crystal Wishes. Born and bred Canterlot lady, moved to the Crystal Empire. Nice and pretty as can be." Sweet Baby squealed, "Daddy Lu, we are not in the company of royalty, but one of my most favorite authors in the whole entire world!"

Luxury eyed Crystal a moment before he broke into a smile. "The C.W. Step? Why, my sweets was just talkin' the other day 'bout an interview she read of yours."

Sweet Baby beamed up at her. "Miss Wishes, I would be so very touched if you would dine with us."

"And speaking of, where are our beignets? And when are we going to get ourselves a table?"

"They're almost ready," Beignet called from the kitchen. "Almost ready!"

Crystal glanced around and gestured at a nearby empty table. "Please have a seat. I don't know if I can—"

"She totally can," Velvet cut in, her sudden appearance startling a small yelp from Crystal. "Don't worry, Crystal, I'll cover your tables." She winked and added in a quiet voice, "You wanted to go public, right? Well, reap the benefits and have some sweets with these nice ponies."

Crystal hedged at first, but finally relented by taking one of the chairs. She smiled at Velvet before looking at Sweet Baby. "It's such a pleasant surprise to get to meet one of my fans."

"Fans? Oh, my word, 'fan' is such a tiny little word." Sweet Baby wiggled in her seat. "That does not even begin to describe my depths of my devotion to your works! As I always tell Daddy Lu, he's my Prince Highborn, my Sir Chevalier, my Stoutheart!" She dropped her chin to rest in her forehooves. "You absolutely must tell me everything."

Crystal blinked. "Everything?"

"Everything," Luxury repeated. "My sweets is always talkin' 'bout how she wants to know how you come up with your stories. So, Miss Wishes, if you will oblige us?"

"Oh, well, all right." Crystal took a breath in and tried to decide where to start. She hadn't really prepared herself for running into a fan in such a casual, unexpected way. What was she supposed to say? What questions would Sweet Baby ask? How would she answer?

Finally, Crystal smiled and felt the tension leave her shoulders as she relaxed into her seat. This was what she wanted, and as Beignet came over with an oversized plate that must have had forty or fifty beignets on it, she resolved herself to enjoy every bit of it. And that included having some of the sweet little puff pastries while she chatted with a fan.

Author's Note:

Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes
On this lovely bella notte

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