• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,106 Views, 2,472 Comments

Crystal's Hopes - Crystal Wishes

Crystal Wishes finally found her happily ever after, but she never thought about what came next. The life of a military wife is not as easy as she hoped it would be.

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Break the Frozen Heart

The low hum of the train's wheels clicking against the tracks filled the air as they were gently rocked from side to side, not a word spoken since they had left the station. Massage chairs were no comfort for any of them, with or without letters. It was hard to relax or rejoice when there was somepony nearby in pain.

Crystal stared at the ceiling, a cold feeling crawling along her spine. Had it been a mistake to drag the group to Ponyville on a whim? Had the distraction been worth this awful ride home? Would similar excursions be tainted by the memory of this moment?

"It's too quiet," Bonnie said, her voice raspy from crying. She let out a shaky sigh and tapped her hooves together. "Somepony talk. Tell me about your letters."

Crystal turned in her seat and opened her mouth to speak, but Weather Front—who was sitting beside Bonnie and holding her hoof in quiet comfort—spoke first. "You sure 'bout that? Why don't we pick something else to talk about?"

Bonnie nodded, the only thing about her weak demeanor that seemed certain. "Yes. I want to hear something wonderful." She inclined her head to smile up at him. "You heard from your brother, didn't you?"

Weather's wings fluffed with a surge of pride, but he quickly shook them out to temper their spirit. "Yeah. He wasn't able to write much with all that's goin' on, but enough that I know he's all right." A chuckle escaped him. "He signed off with, 'I'll keep keeping you safe, as always.'"

"Tell me about him." Bonnie shifted in her seat to face him. "Please."

Crystal, along with everypony else that was seated nearby, quietly listened as Weather struggled through his understandable hesitation.

"If you're sure, Bon..." He took a breath in and relaxed into a lopsided grin. "Well, I wasn't always the big stud sittin' here with you, you know? I was a bit bullied as a colt. Storm was always there to jump in and protect me, though. Now he's out there protectin' everypony, and I couldn't be more proud of him." His wings drooped just slightly. "Right now, I can't help but feel like I should be there with him, not in the factory... I know I—I am helping out, too, but he... he—"

Bonnie reached out to put her hoof on his cheek, a soft smile on her face. "Shh, no, don't think like that." She pulled her hoof back as her chin started to tremble. "I... I'm sure that's not what he wants. That's not what my brother wanted."

Weather winced and shook his head. "Bon, maybe we should talk about something else."

"No. No, I don't want to sit here in silence." She clenched her eyes shut and sucked in a sharp breath. "With everypony so quiet, all I can do is think about how he shouldn't have been there. He just wanted to help ponies. He was just a doctor. Just a civilian. He should have stayed here, he—" She shook her head, wringing her hooves, and snapped her eyes back open. Her gaze locked on Dawn's. "You got a letter, didn't you, sweetie?"

Dawn chewed on her lower lip and looked to Crystal for guidance. What was she supposed to say? 'Give her what she wants, even if none of us think it's what she really wants?' With a weak attempt at an encouraging smile, Crystal nodded and Dawn returned her focus to Bonnie.

"I did." Dawn's ears wiggled as she squirmed in her seat. "He wasn't able to write much, either, like Weather's brother. Just that he's okay and that he—he misses me."

Bonnie gave a quiet, soft laugh. "Oh, how nice it must be to be young and in love..."

"Love!" Dawn squeaked, her face turning a bright shade of red. "I-I-I don't know if it's love! We've only really dated for... not even three months before he left. I—"

A strangled laugh came from somewhere in the train car. Crystal's ears flicked in the sound's direction, guiding her to its source: Golden. The mare had a hoof clasped over her mouth, but it had been just a moment too late.

Dawn looked over at her as well, ears flat against her mane. "Is something funny, Miss Au?"

"Oh, no, please, carry on," Golden said with a small wave of her hoof. "I'm sure the deep bond between Bonnie and her brother is entirely relatable to you and your stallion of three months."

"I'm sorry." Dawn slid out of her seat and walked down the aisle. At her approach, Golden straightened up, but Dawn didn't back down, instead getting up close and personal. "I'm sorry, but you sound like you have something you want to say, Miss Au. Why don't you say it?"

Golden glanced around as if to seek help from others, but none was offered. She huffed lightly, returning her gaze to Dawn, then rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll say it. We're all thinking it, anyway, I'm certain. Why are you wasting our time here? He's just a coltfriend. You can get another one of those. I can't get another father. Bonnie can't get another brother. You don't belong h—"

The loud, distinct sound of a hoof making contact silenced Golden as Dawn slapped her across the face. A chorus of gasps followed, Crystal and others staring in shock as Dawn kept her hoof raised, as if to threaten a second blow.

"How dare you!" Dawn practically spat. "Just because I've only been dating him a few months, that means I don't care about him?! That I should just break up with him and move on?! Maybe that's the kind of life you lead, Au, but it's not mine!" Her tail flicked in agitation. "We're all here to support one another, so if that's not what you're here to do, then maybe you're the one that doesn't belong!"

Golden's mouth flapped open and closed a few times. She started to reply, but the words she attempted to say came out instead as unintelligible blubbering. Finally, she rose from her seat and trotted at a brisk pace to the nearest exit. Quiet murmuring filled the air once Golden disappeared through the door to the next train car.

"Settle down, everypony," Crystal called, walking over to where Dawn still stood. "We're all just a little tense right now."

Dawn turned her head to look at Crystal. Tears were falling down her cheeks, but she didn't tremble or stammer. "I'm not going to apologize. We have too much negative energy with the war for her to keep bringing more. We're here to help each other, but we can't let her repay that with her rude comments and sour attitude!"

Crystal hesitated. She looked at the door Golden had left through, back at Dawn, then sighed. She had to protect the group as a whole for now. She could reach out to Golden later. "I know. I know, nopony's blaming you. Let's just sit back down and continue our conversation."

When they got back to their seats, Bonnie broke out into a ragged laugh. "You really are full of surprises, aren't you, little filly?"

Humility caught up with her and Dawn ducked her head. "S-Sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's about time somepony put Miss Fancy Pants in her place." Bonnie waved a hoof. "Go back to telling me about your colt."

While Dawn talked about Thunder Tumble's sweet and kind personality, Crystal's gaze had wandered back to the door. Golden would be all right, wouldn't she? What would the group think if she went after her?

Slowly, Crystal's ears drooped. The needs of her group outweighed the needs of one mare, was that it? Was that how she was going to justify it to herself? Well, what an awful sentiment for Golden. No wonder she felt so bitter and alone.

Exhaustion seized all of Crystal's muscles as she dragged herself to the door of Winterspear's condo. It was a deep ache, one that neither massaging chairs nor a hot bath could solve. Guilt was weighing on her mind and wearing her out.

"Hey, welcome home!" Winterspear jumped up from the couch and hurried over. "I got a letter from Silent! He's okay. He's all right."

Crystal smiled and nuzzled her cheek to Winterspear's. "Thank you. I know, I got mine this morning."

"Really?" Winterspear pulled back, blinking at her. "But weren't you down in Ponyville?"

Crystal winked as she trotted past, levitating her luggage into the room she occupied. The room that was technically Silent's. "The couriers are absolutely amazing! To be honest, if I had wings, I would join up just to help lighten their workload."

The room was so bare and empty. Nothing decorated the walls. The bed was strictly regulation standard: white sheets with a white comforter. She wanted to do something to lighten it up, but what was the point? When Silent came home, they'd go back to their home in the Empire.

"So," Winterspear said from the doorway, a bit of hesitation in her voice, "how was the trip? Did you all have a good time?"

Crystal's ears flicked back, pushing away the first image that jumped forth. "More or less. It was wonderful to see Horsey, my fillyhood friend." As she turned around, she put her best smile in place. "Her daughter is absolutely precious! A tiny little bundle of joy. Drooling joy, but joy nonetheless."

Winterspear laughed and went back into the living room, Crystal following close behind. "Well, great." She froze, her wings tucking in close to her sides, and slowly she looked over her shoulder at Crystal. "So, your support group... Did they all get letters?"

"I'm afraid not." Crystal sighed as she dropped down onto the couch. "It's awful. This whole thing is awful. I just want to wake up and discover this was one horrible nightmare... Not just for my sake, but for everypony's."

For a while, neither of them said anything. Winterspear stood somewhat awkwardly in the middle of the room, a distinct tension about her from the rigid, flat feathers to her tightly pursed lips. "Oh." Finally, she relaxed some as she stepped forward and stretched out a wing to push a small stack of letters across the coffee table. "You have some mail, by the way. Looks like stuff from your agent or something?"

"My agent?" Crystal perked up a little. "Oh! The first chapter of my new serial went out this month."

"Well, I hope it's good news." Winterspear walked around the corner into the kitchen. "Are you hungry? I'm going to have a snack before I go to the gym."

"I'm fine, but thank you." Her magic levitated the envelope and tore it open to retrieve the letter inside. "Let's see..."


Great news! We need you to

A knock at the door tore her gaze away from Sunset's hoofwriting. A chill ran along her spine, but she tried to quell it by clearing her throat. "Are you expecting anypony?"

Winterspear shook her head. "I'm not, and if you're asking, I'm guessing you're not, either."

Crystal set the letter down and rose from the couch to walk over to the door. Pulling it open revealed a wilting mare that she hardly recognized as—"Golden?"

"Hi." Golden rubbed a hoof against her foreleg. "I got your address from Radiant Orchid."

Crystal blinked a few times to shake off her surprise before a surge of excitement bloomed in her chest. Was this a second chance? "Oh?"

Golden dropped her head, her tousled mane falling to obscure her face. "I really screwed up, didn't I? I don't—" Her voice hitched and she sniffed. "I don't know why I said what I did to Dawn. I just can't help it. I can't stop these awful feelings of jealousy and bitterness."

"Mm." Crystal leaned against the doorframe, trying to angle her head to get a better view of Golden's expression. She saw a tear fall from her chin, followed shortly by another. "What do you want?"

"What do I want? I don't know. I… I suppose I thought you could, perhaps, help me." She glanced up at her. "I don't have anypony else I can turn to. As depressing as it is to say, you are the closest thing I have to a friend."

Nodding slowly, Crystal straightened up. "All right. I'll help you, but only if you really want this. I don't want to waste my time if you're not fully and wholly committed to being a better pony."

Golden heaved a sigh that carried with it years of frustration and loneliness. "I am. I'm tired of feeling this way. I just want to be happy and normal like you."

This really was a second chance to make things right. There was hope for something good to come out of this war after all.

A smile lit up Crystal's face and she hopped to the side. "Then come on in!"

With a furrowed brow, Golden didn't move from where she stood. "Why do you sound so happy about this? What part of 'I feel empty and alone and hate myself' makes a pony happy?"

"Because I abandoned you on the train, and I regret it more than words can express," Crystal said faster than she could consider if honesty was the best policy; the openly startled and almost hurt look on Golden's face confirmed that it was. Those walls needed to come down and stay that way, for good. "I want to make that right."

Golden's gaze flickered to the side, but she reluctantly took a step inside. "How can you make it right? You did nothing wrong. I'm the pony who can't keep her mouth shut."

Crystal just shrugged and smiled, turning away. "Winterspear, we have a guest!"

"Oh, yeah? Who is—" Winterspear froze when she leaned around the corner. "Oh my gosh!"

A weak shadow of a grin spread across Golden's muzzle. "Au my gosh, indeed." She cleared her throat. "Charmed to meet you. So, you two... live together?"

Crystal waved a hoof as she dropped down onto the couch. "She's my sister-in-law, and I'm only here on the weekdays. On the weekends, I go back home to the Crystal Empire. But, let's skip the small talk."

"Yeah, let's skip the small talk," Winterspear repeated, her eyes wide. "Let's skip to the part where you explain why there's a supermodel in my living room."

Golden opened her mouth, but Crystal cut her off. "There isn't a supermodel here. There's just a mare who is in need of a friend, and since she showed up here, I'm assuming she knows I'm that pony." She turned to look at Golden with a smug smirk. "Unfortunately for her."

"Unfortunately? Why unfortunately?" Golden's ears folded back. "What's wrong with you? Why are you so... whatever it is that you are?" She glanced at Winterspear. "Is this normal for her?"

Winterspear gawked.

Laughing softly, Crystal levitated the letter from Sunset and waved it in Golden's face. "Because I already know exactly how to bring you down to my level and keep you there. I'm going to train you. If I can train a stallion as dense as my husband to be a proper Canterlot officer, then I can train you to stop being a proper Canterlot snob."

Silence held the room. Golden stared at Crystal, then looked over at Winterspear, who just kept up her masterful impression of a surprised statue. With a low, drawn-out groan, Golden practically dragged herself over to the loveseat and dropped onto it like a sack of potatoes.

"Now, your first lesson is going to be in empathy." Crystal brought the letter closer, drumming her hooves on the cushion beneath her. "When ponies get good news, even if you want to be a bitter pony about it, you smile and rejoice with them. And I do believe I have great news to share."

"Besides being friends with a supermodel?" Winterspear squeaked.

Crystal waved the question away and cleared her throat. "Crystal! Great news! We need you to write more of Desert Rose, pronto. The first chapter is hot. Really hot! It being set in Saddle Arabia is just what ponies need right now. Critics are calling it 'the start of a charming escape' and 'an adventure to get lost in that's only just begun'. So, Kahuna is pressuring me to pressure you into agreeing to doing a double feature each month. Front and center of the literature section, two chapters a month! Can you do it? Of course you can! Yours, Sunset."

A double feature! She'd never had one of those before. This really was great news, and it couldn't have come at a better time—she got to share it with the pony who wanted to hear it the least but needed to the most. Silent would be so proud of her, too. She couldn't wait to tell him all about it!

The happiness swelling in her chest started to deflate. Silent was over there, fighting for his life. He was suffering through things she couldn't even begin to fathom. He didn't have time to care about such inconsequential things like her serial.

"Wait." Golden pawed at the air. "Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that you've published a single chapter of something, and it's already well-received?" A frown tugged at her lips. "And you want me to be happy about this? Happy that you're getting yet another success."

Crystal smiled and nodded, forcing herself back into the moment. "That is the basic gist, yes." Her magic flew the letter toward Golden and bopped her on the nose with it. "Smile for me, Golden."

Huffing and swatting the letter away, Golden rolled her eyes, then put on her picture perfect smile. For that, she received another bop on the snout. "What! I smiled!"

Winterspear sat in the space between the living room and dining area, rubbing her temples with both forehooves. "I'm sorry, what's going on! You got a great letter and you're hitting the Au with it?"

"That is also the basic gist." Crystal just couldn't help herself as a giggle escaped her. Joy was overflowing in the space where guilt and regret had once occupied. Golden had come to her for help, and by Luna's moon she was going to give as much of it as she could.

"I think I've made a terrible mistake," Golden groaned, dropping her head into her hooves. "You're mad. Absolutely mad."

Crystal's magic brought the letter back to her so she could look over the wonderful news again, smiling. "Perhaps I am. But it's the next logical step. You had a whole group of ponies hugging you and wanting to help you, but you pushed them away. Now you've come to me, so I'm going to pull you close and never let you go." She looked up from her letter, grinning. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

Golden glared at her, but there was no malice in her eyes, only uncertainty and a bit of fear. "Who would want somepony mocking them, taunting them with their success, and hitting them with a letter?"

"A pony who has nowhere else to go and simply has to accept their last chance." Crystal's mirth faded, as did her grin, and she straightened up. "If you want a friend, Golden, then you're going to have to change. Keep lashing out and I'll give up on you. I don't expect you to walk out of here tonight a new mare, but I won't endure your bark and bite indefinitely."

Golden didn't say anything. She didn't have to. Her folded ears and downcast eyes said it all: she understood.

Crystal smiled once again. "Now, I am absolutely exhausted from everything that has occurred in such a short amount of time. You're welcome to stay the night here, or I'll come get you in the morning. I'm sure Winterspear wouldn't mind staying at her marefriend's for an evening so you could have her bed."

"What?!" Winterspear jumped to her hooves, wings flared out in surprise. "No! My bed's not made! The sheets are—they're not—Au's a—"

With a groan and a sigh, Golden lolled her head to the side to gaze at Winterspear with a neutral expression. "I don't want your bed. I'll sleep in my own bed, thank you very much." She stepped down off the couch with the grace of a falling rock. "And you do not need to come get me. I'll come to you when I'm ready."

"I can already tell that we are going to have the most wonderful time together." Crystal laughed, waving a hoof. "I'll see you tomorrow, Golden."

Once the two of them were alone again, Winterspear wobbled and looked as if she might faint. "You... have so much to explain in the morning. For now, though, I am going to the gym. I cannot even right now."

Crystal giggled and slipped off the couch, carrying her letter along with her as she trotted to her bedroom. "Have fun!"

A second chance. How often did a pony get one of those? Certainly not often enough, given how wonderful she felt. Golden was a pony in need, and she had turned a blind eye for the sake of her group. Now she could make up for that by keeping Golden so far out of her comfort zone that she'd have no time to build any walls.

Author's Note:

See the beauty sharp and sheer
Split the ice apart
And break the frozen heart

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