• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,106 Views, 2,472 Comments

Crystal's Hopes - Crystal Wishes

Crystal Wishes finally found her happily ever after, but she never thought about what came next. The life of a military wife is not as easy as she hoped it would be.

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How Far You Go

Hooves clattered against the floor as ponies hurried down the main hall of the Canterlot Convention Center. Posters, books, and other merchandise were dragged along via magic, on backs, or in bags. There was still half an hour before the convention officially began, but authors and artists were already clamoring to get their booths set up.

Crystal trotted along at a light pace. She knew exactly how long it would take to get her own booth ready, and she had plenty of time to enjoy the walk to her dedicated space. There were so many things along the way that she enjoyed getting a good look at: the nervous-but-hopeful new authors, the laidback-and-experienced regulars, and—her favorite of all—the various posters advertising new books.

The row that included her own booth was, obviously, home to all sorts of romance authors. Some of the samples of cover art caused her to blush and avert her eyes, while others caused her to stop and stare, especially when one seemed particularly familiar.

"Hi!" the mare behind the table chirped.

"Hello," Crystal replied absently, her eyes fixed on the pair of violet eyes in the artwork that gazed up into the moonlit sky. The stark white coat, the scruffy blue mane, the little patch of blue facial hair below his pursed, shiny lips—

"I just got my fanfiction printed," the mare happily explained once she followed Crystal's gaze. "It's kind of niche but I got a lot of good feedback, so I'm here to advertise it!"

Crystal blinked a few times and raised a hoof to point at the poster. "Is that Sir Chevalier from The Princess of the Knight?"

The mare's face lit up. "Yeah! It's my favorite story!"

"Really?" Crystal couldn't help a small, shy blush at the earnest exclamation. Her heart skipped a few beats in her chest. There was fanfiction about one of her characters! "What is your story about?"

Without any reservation or hesitation, the mare dove right into the heart of the story: "It's about Sir Chevalier, whose noble character is tainted by Princess Selene's advances. You know, folks want to see a darker side in their bedrooms, everypony wants to see that! So I wrote this, where a year after Mare's Temptation, Selene wants to have a foal, but Chevalier feels he's not quite ready.

"So, our princess uses her seductive talents in ever more and more scandalous situations to, you know, uh, encourage Chevalier. Oh, you have to read this part where Chevalier walks into a room, and Selene is wearing the hottest horn sock—"

Crystal's head felt like it was spinning. "Excuse me? Horn sock?"

"Oh, it's a big thing in C.W. Step fanfiction, believe me. In chapter thirty-one, after the rope problem on the balcony, Chevalier finally has enough, and using the help of his best friend, Mighty Polearm, teaches Selene a lesson! It doesn't go quite as planned, teehee! Oh, but I won't spoil the rest."

Crystal looks at the cover art again. That was when she saw Princess Selene in the background, a devious look in her narrowed eyes as she appeared to be stalking Sir Chevalier from the shadows.

The mare continued, "Do you like the tagline? I thinks it's really clever. 'Can Chevalier resist the temptation of Selene's Fuller Moon?' What do you think?"

"I—" Crystal swallowed, trying to quickly clear the confusing mess that was her state of mind. This was a fan of hers, so she certainly couldn't be rude, but it would be an understatement to say that she was lost. How had her story inspired something like that? Could a fan interested in such themes really also be interested in what she wrote?

"It's okay, it's breathtaking, isn't it?" The mare laughed and waved a hoof. "What do you write? I mean, you're here, so I assume you're off to set up your own booth?"

Crystal's ear flicked and she glanced down the row at where she had been headed. "Oh, well, I, that is—" She bit her lower lip. It felt strange to not be recognized. Perhaps being a fan of her writing didn't equate to being a fan of her specifically?

"Don't be shy!" The mare leaned in, a sly grin forming on her lips. "Is it dirty? I love dirty! I'll trade you a copy of my book for a copy of yours!"

A part of her wanted to run and hide, but a strange, almost mischievous part of her wanted something else entirely. The darker side urged her with the assurance that it might be fun to see how the mare would react. Tentatively, Crystal opened one of the bags floating in her magic. "All right, you have a deal."

With an excited squeal, the mare slid a book across the table, then reached out with both hooves for what floated toward her. "Let's see, it's—"

Silence. A blank stare that gradually shifted into a wide-eyed gawk. Ever so slowly, the mare—whose name was printed on her cover as Dreamy Zucchini—lowered the book to the table and raised her gaze to meet Crystal's.

"You're C.W. Step," Dreamy said in the tiniest voice with just a hint of a squeak.

Crystal nodded, unable to hide the smile from her face. The dark side of her was right: this was indeed fun. "I am."

"Oh my Selene." Dreamy dropped her face into her hooves. "Oh my sweet Selene. I can't believe I didn't recognize you! The face, mane, the cutie mark, the beauty mark—you're totally, obviously her. I'm sorry, I was just so excited to talk to somepony about my book that I wasn't even paying attention!"

Crystal giggled and waved a hoof. "Don't apologize! This was—How should I put it?" She tucked the copy of Dreamy's book into her saddlebags. "A unique experience I've not had before, so thank you! But if you'll excuse me, I need to go set up my booth before the convention doors open."

Dreamy could only give a small, meek mumble in response as Crystal trotted away. She couldn't wait to share the find with Velvet; this sort of dirty thing was right up her alley. For the time being, however, she had a day of sitting and signing ahead of her.

Unlike previous years, the large poster that would sit behind her wasn't cover art of one of her books, but an advertisement for the premiere showing of The Desert Rose in just a few days. She couldn't wait to see the finished film on the big screen rather than against a sheet on her wall!

With a happy little hum, Crystal unfurled the poster and its stand, set books out on the table, and readied her quills and inkwell. There wasn't much to do to get ready, but she liked to take it slow and meticulously plan the placement of everything.

The books were arranged to take up the right half of the table. A stack of Her Silent Love was front and center of the display, as it was her most recent novel. The Princess of the Knight, being her most popular, was fanned out on both sides of the stack. And, lastly, a few copies of The Mare's Temptation were propped up at the back; while she was partial to it, it didn't seem to carry as much favor as her other stories.

Voices and hoofsteps filled the air as ponies flooded the room, pouring down the rows in search of their favorite authors. Crystal put on her best smile as she watched the crowd go by. Some ponies were decked out in elaborate costumes of their favorite characters, while others had bags ready to fill with merchandise.

One by one, ponies stopped at her table with books they wanted signed until a line started to form. It was nice—she hadn't published anything in quite a while, and yet there were still smiling faces vying for her attention.

A copy of Her Silent Love was set on the table in front of her, and Crystal smiled as she flipped it open. "To whom should I sign this?"

There was no response; instead, the mare who had set it down just stared at her. Was she shy? No, her jaw was set tight and her ears were standing tall. The muscles in her face twitched as she seemed to fight against opening her mouth.

"Are you okay?" Crystal asked as her brow furrowed. "Ma'am?"

One of the mare's ears twitched. "Is your husband away at war?" she finally asked, something sitting at the edge of her voice: anger.

Crystal felt her chest tighten as she straightened up in her seat, the quill dropping out of her magical grasp. "Ye—Yes. Why?"

The mare's nostrils flared. "You sit here, a smile upon your face and indifference in your laugh. Reading Her Silent Love, I thought you actually understood what it was like to be a military spouse. But you are just like every other author, selling a book to make a bit.

"I don't know what I expected," the mare continued in a low, venomous tone. "I suppose I thought I would meet a comrade in heart, not a trophy wife."

The nearby ponies gasped and backed up to give the mare space, glancing at one another and whispering just below hearing range.

Crystal's ears perked upright before flicking back to fold flat against her head. "Excuse me? Who are you, even?"

"A real military wife. It is not entirely surprising that you cannot recognize one when you see one."

Crystal wanted to fight fire with fire as she felt her own anger swell inside her, but when she stared into the mare's eyes, she saw something else that quelled her burning feelings.




All things Crystal had felt plenty of times ever since Silent left. It was a dark sea, the depths of which she couldn't perceive—most times she could tread the water, but other times a wave of loneliness and anger would wash over and pull her under. And through all of her struggling, she was often times surrounded by so many happy, smiling, normal ponies that she felt lost and alone.

With a sigh, Crystal stood up and walked around the booth. The mare took a step back at the approach and stiffened when Crystal embraced her. A few nearby ponies gasped and one even cried out in envy, but the mare just stammered, "Wha—"

"It's so hard, isn't it," Crystal whispered. "The world just keeps turning while it feels as if we're standing still, incapacitated with sadness." She squeezed the mare tight. "Yes, my husband is at the war. He's fighting on the front lines, and I'm terrified he might not come home."

There was a moment of stillness between them until the mare started to tremble. "Then how do you keep smiling as if your life holds no worry or care?"

Crystal laughed breathlessly. "Because I have to be strong for him, so when he does come home, he doesn't come home to a broken mare." She pulled back to smile at her. "That's our duty. I know it's hard, but it's what we have to do. Why don't you tell me your name?"

"I—" The mare's voice hitched. "Lily Forest. My name is Lily Forest."

"Lily. That's a pretty name." Crystal smiled and took a step back. "Do you have a support group?"

Lily raised a hoof to wipe her eyes, glancing around with a sudden uncertainty at all the eyes on them. "No, I don't. I was invited to join one months ago, but I found no solace in the company of those ponies. They sought ways to find distractions and how to move on, but I'm plagued with fear that I simply can’t let go." She gave a short quip of a laugh. "I managed well enough on my own until I saw you just now. I don't know why, but I had an image in my head of who I expected you to be, and—"

"It's all right, really." Crystal opened the copy of Her Silent Love on the table as she went back to her seat. A quill lifted in her magic and she wrote down the contact addresses for Radiant Orchid and Derelict Apathy. "I completely understand, but I do think you should give the support group another chance, and these mares—" She slid the book toward Lily after adding her signature. "—can get you in touch with a group of good ponies."

After a thoughtful silence, Lily relented with a light nod. "I'll give it a second chance." Her ears folded back and she glanced at the line behind her. "I'm sorry for taking so much of your time." She flashed a smile before hurrying away from the table.

"Just remember that you're not alone." Crystal returned the smile twofold and waved Lily off, then turned her smile on the next pony in line. "Thank you for your patience! Who should I sign your book to?"

The stallion's lower lip trembled. "That was—"

"Right?!" the mare behind him exclaimed. "Totally!"

Crystal blinked. "I'm sorry?"

"That was such a beautiful moment," the stallion said. "It was like something out of one of your stories! I can't wait to tell everypony in the fan club about this!"

"Fan—Fan club?" All at once, Crystal felt her cheeks heat up with a blush while, contradictory, the color drained from her. Icy hot embarrassment seized her magic and the quill fell to the table. She knew she had fans—the ponies that stood in line just to talk to her made that evident enough—but a club was a whole new level.

The stallion nodded. "Yeah! Of course! We get together every few months to share our fanfiction and fanart and stuff! Oh, and don't worry, we already have tickets for the premiere!" He gestured a hoof at the poster behind her. "We are all so excited. You're going to still finish the written version, though, right?"

"I hope to," she said absently, her mind whirling elsewhere. "Do you mind if I ask you a strange question?"

"Huh?" The stallion blinked, then nodded. "Yeah, sure, anything!"

Crystal breathed in through nervously clenched teeth. "Would you say that you're a fan of my writing, or of me? What—That is to say, if I took a temporary detour in my career to pursue something else, would you still support me?"

After some quiet thought, the stallion shrugged. "Both, I guess? I mean, we really like your stories, but you always seem like a good pony in interviews, too." His ears wiggled. "What are you going to do?"

"It's a surprise, but—" Crystal rummaged through her saddlebag for one of her notebooks, which she set on the table and flipped open to the first blank page. "If you have some way I can get in touch with the fan club, I would love to invite you all to my next venture. It would mean so much to me to have you there."

Jogging in place and grinning excitedly, the stallion nodded. "Of course! Totally! Absolutely! Just, uh, just send it to 59 Moonrise Way here in Canterlot. I'll make sure the Manehattan club gets the invite!"

Crystal blinked a few times, then giggled. "Please and thank you. I'll send the invite as soon as I know the details." She closed the notebook and put it away before returning her attention to the book he had tucked under one wing. "Now, what do you have for me to sign for you?"

"Huh? Oh! Right!" He stretched out his wing and retrieved the book he had been holding. It wasn't one of her novels, but instead a binder that, when he opened it, was filled with Mares Monthly clippings. "Could you sign this for me?"

Crystal's magic enveloped the notebook and brought it closer. "Oh my goodness, is this everything I've written?"

The stallion beamed. "Yeah! Including the article you wrote about the changeling invasion."

It was hard to decide between the feelings of flattery and uncertainty. Where was the line that differentiated a fan from a stalker? She glanced up at him and smiled; his expression was so earnest, more like a colt's than one of ill intentions.

"If you could make it out to Bold Counsel, please," he said, the feathers on his wings ruffling with excitement.

Crystal nodded as she danced her quill across the empty first page, flourished with her curvy signature, and slid the binder back to him. "Thank you so much, Counsel. I really appreciate it."

As the stallion bounded off with a gleeful whinny, Crystal giggled. She had almost skipped coming to the convention, but thankfully, Sunset had convinced her otherwise. She had fans who wrote fanfiction, fans who joined clubs, and fans who collected her works in a binder—but most of all, she had fans who continue to be there while she wrote a new, bold chapter in military charity history.

Author's Note:

It's up to you how far you go
If you don't try, you'll never know

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