• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,106 Views, 2,472 Comments

Crystal's Hopes - Crystal Wishes

Crystal Wishes finally found her happily ever after, but she never thought about what came next. The life of a military wife is not as easy as she hoped it would be.

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Just a Little Longer

There was only one place on Crystal's mind once the train pulled into the Canterlot station.

Only one place where she knew she had to go, only one pony she knew she had to talk to. Her hooves carried her there as if she didn't have a choice in the matter, and there was a part of her that was reluctant about the whole thing. Their relationship was strained these days; what if showing up unannounced was no longer something she could do?

But her heart overruled her fears and kept pounding away to guide her to the condominium building. It hadn't changed since she had last seen it, the double doors inviting her in as if she still lived there. Each step up the staircase echoed against the walls and down the halls to announce her presence, though she had a feeling her arrival would still be unexpected.

Why would she be? She hadn't visited Velvet in so long. They shared passing remarks when Velvet would drop by the bakery before helping her mother in the back or heading out for deliveries. The days of giggling over nonsense, staying up all night, and sharing their deepest secrets seemed so far away.

Crystal stood outside the too-familiar door, knocked twice, and inhaled sharply through her nose. When had she stopped breathing? Probably sometime between stepping off the train and right then. Her lungs hurt, pressing against her aching ribs to suck in more air while she waited.

It took too long. Perhaps Velvet wasn't home. Crystal cursed under her breath; of course Velvet wasn't home, the mare had so many things going on lately that—

"Yeah?" came Velvet's voice as the door opened, and violet eyes widened when their gazes met. "Crystal?"


She was home after all.

Or, rather, she was at her home. Not their home, not anymore, and certainly much less Crystal's. It was a place she hadn't lived in for over a year.

Had she ever stood there, outside, like a guest who didn't belong? For years, this apartment had been hers and Velvet's, but now she felt so strange having to knock, wait, and to ask to be let inside.

Velvet's brow started to furrow. She was no doubt confused as to why Crystal said nothing and instead merely stared like a helpless foal. Words continued to elude her as the painful distance between them became all the more evident in the way Velvet didn't embrace her straight away or even seem excited to see her.

Were they even friends anymore?

That question sent something worse than a chill through her chest, and the fear of knowing the answer scalded more than a burn.

It was all Crystal could do not to start sobbing right then and there. She threw her forelegs around Velvet's neck and squeezed her tight, babbling with little coherence, "I'm sorry—Miss—I just—please—!"

Velvet's mouth flapped open and shut a few times, the feeling of her jaw flexing against the side of Crystal's face a strange sensation. "Oh, uh, okay, okay. Shh, okay." She sat down on her haunches and put a hoof through Crystal's mane to stroke the back of her head. "What happened?" Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Did he—"

"No," Crystal gasped out. "No, it's not that, I just, this, I can't do this without you. I can't." A shudder ran the length of her spine. "This war is awful and terrifying, and I can't stand—I can't stand losing you more than I already have. Please, don't pull away from me anymore. Please."

"Okay, all right." Velvet nosed her cheek. "I'm here, okay? Why don't you, uh, I guess you can come inside."

Crystal opened her eyes, about to let go just long enough to walk into the apartment when she froze.

Sprawled on one of the sitting pillows with his mouth hanging open was a familiar purple-coated pegasus. He stared at her with the same disbelief before he blurted out, "I know who C.W. Step is."

Velvet pulled back from Crystal to shoot the stallion an arched-brow stare. "What?" She laughed, shaking her head. "Silv, you are weird sometimes."

"'Silv'?" Crystal glanced between them. "You know him?"

"Yeah." Velvet turned the arched brow on Crystal. "Wait, you know him, too?"

"You two know each other?" Silver Script asked, his forehooves raising in front of him. "I don't know what's going on, but I have nothing to do with this. I just live here."

Crystal's eyes went wide. "He lives with you?"

Velvet shifted with an unfamiliar uncertainty, her hoof rubbing against the opposite leg. "Uh, yeah. He's been living here a, uh, a couple weeks? Not long." Her ears went flat to the sides. "How do you know each other?"

"He's the script writer that worked with me on Desert Rose," Crystal said and jabbed a hoof at him almost accusingly. "How do you know each other?"

"It's complicated," Silver quickly said, and winced when Velvet shot him a glare.

Velvet sighed and grabbed Crystal's hoof to tug her inside, shutting the door and shuffling her way over to one of the unoccupied pillows. "Listen, Silver, Crystal and I have some talking to do."

Crystal watched as Silver gave Velvet a peculiar look, and she rolled her eyes in return.

"What? No, this isn't part of your conspiracy theory. Crystal, Horsey, and I were fillies together. It's a coincidence. Jeeze, just give us some space, okay?"

Silver's wings flicked in tight against his sides and he grumbled something Crystal couldn't quite hear that earned a raspberry from Velvet. He glanced at Crystal with an expression that seemed almost like suspicion before he walked into the second bedroom.

The bedroom Crystal used to live in.

With a quick shake of her head to chase away the thought, Crystal leaned in closer to Velvet and whispered, "What's going on here?"

"It's not really important." Velvet patted the now available pillow. "I think what's important is why you showed up on my doorstep in a panic attack."

Crystal hedged, trying to decide if she wanted to press the matter of Velvet's roommate, but sighed instead and dropped down to burrow against the plush pillow. "I'm struggling, Velvet. There is so much pain in my chest that I sometimes find I can't breathe."

Clenching her eyes shut when tears sprung into her vision she continued, "We've been drifting apart, I know. I know that happens, that that's normal. But you and I aren't normal, so—"

Velvet hummed in her throat, not a cheerful sound, but a soft, thoughtful one. "What happened?"

There was a long pause as Crystal sorted through everything she had read, and what she could safely share. With hesitant pauses to keep her words in check, she mumbled, "The war is terrible. I've been seeing so much more of it. They die. Ponies die, and gryphons die. They're all over there killing each other, every day."

Crystal began to tremble as the reports began to invade her thoughts like a creeping fog. "I have so many things in my head that don't belong there, Velvet. I need to make it better, but I can't do that, I can't right now, not when it hurts so much."

Reaching out a hoof to set it on Crystal's side, Velvet said, "Okay. All right. I don't understand, but I get it, okay? What do you want me to do?"

Crystal sniffed and rubbed at her eyes before turning her head to look at Velvet with a weak attempt at a smile. "I want you to forgive me and be my dear friend again, if that is even a possibility for us."

"Forgive you?" Velvet's nose scrunched up and she withdrew her hoof. "I can't."

Pain spread from her chest and down her limbs, but Velvet continued before her heart could break all the way.

"Oh sweet Celestia, don't make that face, I didn't mean it like that! I meant I can't forgive you, because I'm not mad at you." Velvet groaned and shook her head. "I'm never good with this stuff, okay? I'm sorry. I've just, well, I've got my own things going on."

Crystal glanced at the bedroom door that separated them from Silver Script. "That is certainly an understatement."

Velvet seemed to ignore the muttering. "But that's a lame excuse for the fact that I just don't feel like I fit in your world right now. I mean, you're off doing charity work, saving the world and stuff. You're all war this and war that, and I'm trying to let you do all that instead of distracting you with my things."

"Oh, Velvet." Crystal nibbled on her lower lip, then moved to climb onto the pillow Velvet occupied, snuggling up against her. They didn't quite fit together like they did once upon a time, but she found her place while she ignored Velvet's huffs and puffs of playful annoyance at the invasion.

"I'm not saving the world," Crystal mumbled. "I've been trying, and I've been doing a poor job of it, so please, distract me with your things. I want to know what I've been so clearly missing about your life."

A short snicker escaped Velvet and she draped her foreleg over Crystal's middle. "You sure?"

"Absolutely positive."

Breathing in and out in a sigh, Velvet shrugged. "Okay, well, I might be trying the foal thing again. I'm not ready to give up, not just yet. I don't want to say too much because it's not certain, but—something might work out. Maybe."

Crystal peered up through her bangs at Velvet's plain expression that didn't betray a single thought, then looked at the bedroom door again. She didn't want to make assumptions, but they did spring forth unbidden. Instead of voicing them, she smiled and nestled closer. "I hope it works out, I really do. You've waited for so long."

"Thanks." Velvet hesitated before she lowered her head to rest it next to Crystal's on the pillow. "Can you, uh, I guess, tell me about the war?" Her nose scrunched up. "Not, like, everything. I just want to understand a bit better what you're going through."

"Maybe another time," Crystal mumbled, closing her eyes. "For now, I would very much like to know how your parents and brother are doing."

She could always count on the mention of Red to bring a spark of joy to Velvet's voice. "Oh, Red's great! Total and complete Daddy's colt now, poor Mom. Follows him everywhere and helps him with the baking. It's so cute, Dad even got him a little apron. Not like the one I got you way back when, but a real one."

A bit of heat burst across Crystal's cheeks as she recalled the frilly piece of clothing that could hardly be considered an apron, given that it would have protected so little of her coat from flour or icing. She could still remember how Velvet cackled when Crystal turned just as red as the hearts decorating the skirt of it.

"The bakery is doing well, as always," Velvet continued. "But I guess you know that. You spend more time there than I do these days. Oh! But did you know Mom's got a new hobby?" When Crystal shook her head, Velvet grinned. "She goes jogging with some other moms. They take the path down the mountain, have a little picnic, talk about life, and hop the train back up. She seems to really enjoy it."

Crystal tried to imagine Sunbeam out in the wilderness, her bright yellow curls mangled with twigs and leaves. A soft laugh escaped her and she inclined her head to smile up at Velvet. "I wondered where she's been lately. Good for her."

"Yeah." There was a pause before Velvet nosed Crystal's cheek. "So, are you just going to mope in my living room, or do you want to go out?"

Crystal blinked. "Out? Where?"

"Drinking, clubbing, dancing? I don't know, something fun? I can't really stand just sitting here." Velvet carefully rose to her hooves. "We can pick up Golden and really go wild. She gets me into the best places!"

Wild. Crystal's mouth went dry at the thought of shirking every responsibility she had to go 'wild'. Her throat closed up at the very notion of having fun to that degree while Silent—

Ambush. Confirmed kills. No prisoners.

In a sudden flash of a cold sweat, Crystal jolted upright and walked with unsteady knees to the door. "Could we drink first, then go wild?"

Velvet was at her side, watching her with keen eyes that saw too much. "Yeah." She gave an uncertain smile and bumped their shoulders together. "That's usually how it goes, after all. Oh!" She stopped just before shutting the front door to call, "Hey! Silv! I'm heading out! Bye!"

It took everything Crystal had to shift her thoughts from the darkness seeping into her mind to instead ask once they were walking down the hall, "Are you going to tell me the 'complicated' situation with Silver Script?"

"Sure, fine, okay." Velvet shot her a weak grin. "He got broken up with and escaped to Canterlot. He needed a place to stay, and I had a spare bedroom."

Crystal lowered her voice. "And he is going to help you with the foal situation?"

There was a suspicious flick of Velvet's right ear, but she offered a casual shrug. "Maybe. I'm not sure yet. I've still got a lot of details to work out, like how if I do become a mom, I'll have to quit ballet."

To say Crystal gasped would be putting it lightly. She came to a halt, stood up straight, and gave an exceptionally un-ladylike squawk. "What?!"

"What, what?" Velvet stopped to look back at her, glancing around at the ponies that stared at them. "I swear we've talked about this before. Of course I'll have to quit ballet. I can't be gone all day or going on tours or whatever if I'm a mom."

"But—Velvet!" Crystal rushed forward and grabbed one of Velvet's hooves. She gave it a tight squeeze. "You love dancing! You love ballet! What about your cutie mark? How can you just walk away from your passion, your destiny?"

Velvet tugged the hoof out of Crystal's grip, then used it to gesture at the outline of a pink heart beset by a quill that was Crystal's own cutie mark. "What about yours, huh? What does a charity have to do with writing?! I was thinking of quitting to become a ballet instructor, so I'm at least going to stay in my field! What are you doing with this whole Flower Foundation stuff instead of becoming Equestria's best author?!"

That stunned Crystal into silence, lips parted so she could take a sharp intake of air. She stared at Velvet, whose eyes seemed to darken with a strange pain that she had never seen before. The lithe mare's chest expanded with ragged breaths and her lower lip quivered. She was trying not to cry, but why?

"Velvet?" Crystal asked, a small hitch in her voice.

With a low growl, Velvet jerked her head to the side and spat, "I hate watching you turn into this totally different pony because of Silent. He left, and now you have to do all this stuff, this charity stuff, and this support group stuff." She took a step away from Crystal, practically snarling. "I was really happy when the film thing happened! Because I thought maybe you'd go back to writing and being happy, but instead you're showing up crying and talking about how you're filled with pain."

This was not what Crystal had expected when she wanted to see Velvet. These were not the words she had hoped to hear.

"I thought I could do this, just smile and act okay and go out and have fun, but I can't, okay? How am I supposed to be your happy, drinking, clubbing friend when I hate everything you're doing?!"

They stared at one another, Crystal feeling on the verge of tears, and Velvet looking no better off. The air was thick with tension that sparked with pain and uncertainty. A year's worth of not speaking—not really speaking—had culminated in this moment, and she felt the weight of guilt trying to crush her into the cobblestone.

So, she did the only thing that made sense. She pulled Velvet into her embrace and held her close, putting as much strength as she could into how tightly she held Velvet to envelope her in apologetic love. Ponies were staring even more now, but she didn't care, especially not when Velvet started to sob against her.

"I'm sorry," Crystal whispered. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, Velvet."

Velvet didn't respond with words. She didn't return the hug, either, but she did cry, openly and freely. It was so unlike her that it spoke volumes in her stead, and all the while Crystal continued to mumble apologies over and over.

They remained that way for quite a while until Velvet settled down, or ran out of tears—or both. She kept her face hidden in Crystal's mane and finally returned the tight hug with a weak one. "I'm sorry, too. Ugh. I've just been bottling that up for so long that it came out ugly and wrong. That's not really what I wanted to say at all."

Crystal seemed stuck on repeat. "I'm sorry."

"Well, I mean, it was what I wanted to say, just not how I wanted to say it. I just, I can't stand it. You're supposed to be living happily ever after." Velvet snorted as she tried to breathe in. "This isn't the foal's tale ending I thought you'd have."

"No, it's not, is it?" Crystal's lips twitched into a brief smile. "I'm afraid I'm still under the wicked witch's spell. But my prince will endure his trials and come home to break the curse."

There was a long pause before Velvet started to snicker, prompting Crystal into soft laughter of her own. It hurt to laugh, but in a strange way, it was a good kind of hurt. The way a wound might ache as it was healing, or how stretching a muscle stung a bit until it eased into the motion.

Velvet finally pulled back, grinning, and glanced around while she wiped at her eyes. "We must look as dumb as we sound right now."

"Oh, who cares? I would rather this than you continue to bottle up your feelings." Crystal nosed her cheek, then stood up and gave a small smile. "Is there anything else you want to talk about? I'm listening."

"Nah, not really." As they started walking again, Velvet had that familiar prance in her step that Crystal hadn't noticed was missing. She was happy to see it again. "I mean, this is a good start, right? You know I hate talking about feelings. Can we just agree that we hate your life and drink the rest away for now?"

While Crystal wouldn't say she hated her life, she most certainly wasn't going to ruin the moment by correcting Velvet. Instead, they trotted side-by-side, spirits renewed.

"I just hope Golden doesn't have plans already," Velvet said with a roll of her eyes. "She's been spending time with her new stallion. I think this one might actually stick around. It's kinda weird, I never pictured her as the sort of pony to settle down, you know? I thought she was more like me."

Crystal chanced a grin. "I don't think anypony is like you."

Velvet puffed out her chest and added an exaggerated swagger to her gait. "Yeah, that's true, isn't it?"

The grin softened into a smile as the two of them broke into snickers and giggles. It was just like old times, and that gave her hope. She and Velvet could be friends again. Not everything was lost to the war. Piece by piece, she would pull her life back together, stronger than before.

Author's Note:

Every level tension's getting stronger
So be careful just a little longer
You'll get a medal when your work is through
Just for you

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