• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,106 Views, 2,472 Comments

Crystal's Hopes - Crystal Wishes

Crystal Wishes finally found her happily ever after, but she never thought about what came next. The life of a military wife is not as easy as she hoped it would be.

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Play it Brave and Bold

"Crystal Wishes!" Sunset Coffee cheered when she stepped off the train, his expression bright and cheerful as always. He rushed toward her and wrapped his forelegs around her, rearing back to lift her into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you!"

Crystal squeaked as the air was squeezed out of her lungs. "S-Sunset—"

He laughed heartily as he put her back down. "Sorry, sorry! This is just one of the most exciting things of my career. I know I'm not technically a real agent, but if I were, this would definitely be the highlight." He grinned like a giddy colt. "Who am I kidding? This is still the highlight of any career I've had! A film!"

She laughed behind a hoof, shaking her head. "You must be excited. Your tie's on straight!"

With a quick glance down at his prim and proper tie, he shrugged. "Well, we have to make a good impression. My normal 'casual boss' look won't work here! And you, look at you." He chuckled as he gestured at the scarf around her neck. "Your lucky scarf!"

Touching a hoof to the soft, pink material, she gave a light nod and smiled. "This is likely a highlight of my career, too."

"Yeah!" Sunset started to trot forward, then stopped and spun around to face her, his expression suddenly serious. "Before we go, though, we need to talk."

Crystal's ears folded back. "Y-Yes?"

"This company. Inner Harbor Films. I watched some of their films after I got their letter, and I want to make sure your expectations are set straight." He put a hoof on her shoulder. "They do small films. Not quite low budget, but... don't expect the glitz and glam of a Bridleway production. As exciting as this is for both of us, keep that in mind, okay?"

A knot twisted her stomach. She should have done research on her own. The thought hadn't even crossed her mind!

"Oh, don't make that face." He winked and resumed leading her out of the train station and into the bustling city. "It's my job to think of these things! You just keep writing these stories that ponies love and we'll call it even." He stopped at the edge of the sidewalk, raised a hoof, and bellowed, "Taxi!"

Coming to a sudden halt in front of them, a stallion pulling a yellow cart flashed them a grin that was just a little too wide. "Hey! Whar yoose headed?"

Sunset gestured for Crystal to climb onto the seat first, then followed her. "421 East Hayette Street, my good sir!"

Crystal idly ran a hoof along the edge of the scarf as the taxi started forward. "Do you think it's a good idea?" She glanced up at him. "Is this a good idea?"

Sunset blinked a few times, then grinned. "Well, meeting with somepony never hurt! It's not like you have to agree just because we show up. At least hear what they have to say!" He clapped her on the back. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you don't get suckered into a bad deal. That's why I'm here!"

"And I'm grateful for that." She let out a sigh and watched the city go by.

While Canterlot was made of white stone and gilded accents and Manehattan was skyscrapers, Baltimare was a sprawling mix of stone and steel. Buildings rose high—but not so high that they interfered with pegasi flight paths—and stretched out all along the coast. All throughout the city, crabapple trees flared their pink petals against the neutral tones of their surroundings.

The cart came to a halt and the stallion looked over his shoulder. "Dat'll be sex bets!"

"Six bits!" Sunset puffed his chest. "Why, good sir, you barely broke a sweat!"

"Zarrite?" The stallion raised his brow. "An yoo can tellat frum dere?"

Crystal put a hoof on Sunset's, glancing up at him and then smiling at the driver. "Six bits it is." She floated the coins over to him, tugging on Sunset's hoof to guide him out of the taxi. "Thank you!"

"Have a goodun!" He trotted off, leaving the two of them on the sidewalk.

Sunset's nostrils flared. "Outrageous. Six bits for a short jaunt! We could have walked the distance ourselves and saved the money!"

Crystal giggled and looked up at the small, two-story building in front of them. She swallowed the nerves that suddenly fluttered up from her stomach. "But then we'd be exhausted and haggard. Didn't you say we need to make a good impression?"

"Well, that is true..." He smiled and started forward to get the door for her. "I'm just excited. I've never done this before!"

Crystal looked around the lobby, which was much more functional than decorative, but did have several framed posters along the walls. "What have you done before?"

Sunset added a small bounce to his step. "One sec." He smiled at the receptionist. "Hi there! Sunset Coffee and Crystal Wishes to see Prince Majesty." His attention returned to Crystal. "I've done a lot of things before! Journalist, editor, manager, coffee colt, janitor... When I met Bouqy, I worked for Cosmarepolitan, but she was avidly against them. So I was an accountant for a while, then I joined up with Mares Monthly!"

The words went right in one ear and out the other, her mind still hung up on—"Prince Majesty?" Her eyes widened. "There's a prince living in Manehattan?!"

"Nah!" Sunset waved a hoof. "I think it's just a pseudonym. Like a stage name or something. Or maybe he really is a prince! I didn't think there were any real princes, though, at least not in Equestria." He shrugged. "Maybe he's from overseas?"

Crystal stiffened. Overseas? Her mouth went dry and she gave a dumb nod, eyes darting about. The receptionist was a pony, but what if the producer was a gryphon? Could she do business with a gryphon?

The da-ding of the nearby elevator arriving drew their attention to it as its doors slid open. A stallion walked out into the lobby, flowing blonde locks caught in an invisible breeze, an aura of power emanating from him. His indigo coat shined in the light—not the shimmer of a crystal pony, but rather the gleam of exceptional grooming and care.

As he approached, he regarded the two of them at first with indifference, and then with a wide smile.

"So, I am graced with the presence of the C.W. Step." He bowed so low that the tip of his horn touched the floor. "Oh! Pardon me. Not C.W. Step, but Mrs. Crystal Wishes, yes?"

Crystal flushed and glanced up at Sunset, who just shrugged and grinned. She wanted to pout. Why had he come, then, if he was just going to react that way? Honestly!

"I am Prince Majesty, as I'm sure you surmised." Prince Majesty straightened up and gestured with a hoof toward the elevator. "Please, come this way. We have so much to discuss. I want to hear everything about this wonderful Arabian tale of yours."

The three of them filed into the elevator, Crystal trying not to suffocate on the lavender cologne the stallion wore. Being so close to him, however, let her feel the magic circling him, like a warm current; glancing him over, she guessed that was how his mane and tail seemingly moved on their own.

"I'm sure you have just as many questions as I do, Mrs. Wishes," Majesty continued. "Feel free to ask away. I am but your humble servant."

Sunset cleared his throat. "Well, our first question—"

"Tsk, tsk," Majesty interrupted, flashing a charming smile. "I am speaking to the lady! We can deal with the matters of business later. For now, I want to hear from Mrs. Wishes herself on a more personal level."

Crystal swallowed the lump in her throat. "Oh! I suppose my first question would be, why Desert Rose? Wouldn't one of my completed stories be better suited?"

Majesty chuckled. The elevator doors slid open to reveal a spacious office that was no more lavish than the lobby, the walls similarly adorned with posters. The far wall was floor-to-ceiling windows, and before them sat a wide desk.

"Why, because I'm completely enamored with your Saddle Arabia!" He circled the desk and sat, leaning into his chair, his bright red eyes dancing with interest. The light from the windows illuminated him from behind, catching in his flowing mane like spun gold. "I would almost think you have been there yourself. How do you do it!"

"I read, a lot," Crystal admitted with a small giggle. "I read almost as much as I write."

"Really! Well, I suppose from how well you convey scenes, it's not that much of a surprise that others can do the same." He winked. "I'm aware that Desert Rose is still a serial in progress, but I am not a patient stallion. If I see something I want, I don't wait until it's convenient. By then, who knows what other companies may approach you before I can!" He tapped a hoof on his desk. "No, Mrs. Wishes, I don't care for the idea of better suited. To me, there is only what interests me, and that is your Arabian tale."

A flush filled her cheeks and she did her best not to fidget. Ladies didn't fidget, after all. "Oh. I'm flattered that you've enjoyed it so much even though there's not very much of it out yet, thank you."

"Of course!" Majesty winked. "I've enjoyed your other works, but this one—this one is special. I can envision it! I can hear it! I can feel it! Now, my dear, I want to see it." He folded his hooves, his eyes just slightly narrowing. "I suppose now is when the talk of business begins, assuming you are interested in proceeding."

Crystal looked at Sunset and, trying to keep her smile small and dainty, nodded. "I am."

Sunset returned the nod and focused on Majesty. A serious but warm expression took hold of his usually jovial face. "First and foremost, Prince Majesty—"

Majesty clicked his tongue. "Please, call me Maj! Prince is my father's name."

"Right, right! Maj. First and foremost, there's the obvious issue of the fact it's an incomplete serial. Crystal has an outline that was approved by Mares Monthly, but doesn't have the actual content written. How do you plan to work with that?"

"Wonderful question!" Majesty spread out his hooves in a wide, welcoming gesture. "Of course, we'll compensate Mrs. Wishes to have her work with our screenwriter to finish the story. She'll be employed as a contractor." His hooves came back together, steepled this time. "Unfortunately, that means we'll require her time. The serial will have to be put on hold or cancelled. That, my dear, is entirely up to her."

Sunset looked at Crystal, his brow knitted with concern. "Crystal?"

Crystal bit her lower lip and looked anywhere but at either of them. She was a writer—did she really want to put her writing on hold to pursue this path? What would it lead to? Was it worth the risk? How would it impact her career, her fans?

When Sunset reached out to put his hoof on hers, she looked up at him with a smile. "What would you do?"

"That's not fair!" Sunset's coltish grin returned. "I've always taken any opportunity that comes my way. But I'm not you. Like Maj said, this is entirely up to you. If you want to do it, I'll deal with Kahuna so you don't burn bridges with us."

Slowly, Crystal breathed in and held it. She enjoyed films, even if they weren't popular. If this were a chance to have her work adapted into a Bridleway play, she'd be a fool not to take it.

Her gaze darted to meet Majesty's patient one. "How long would it take?"

Majesty hummed in thought for a moment, then shrugged. "If I pulled our best writer off what he's working on and dedicated him to this, and he had your full support, he could likely turn it around in four to six weeks." His lips quirked upward in a smile. "You could return to work after that, assuming you weren't interested in working with the director during the filming process."

Sunset gasped. "Ooh! That sounds like fun!" He quickly cleared his throat. "Again, it's up to you. Totally up to you." He rubbed his nose to try to hide his grin.

"It certainly does sound like fun, but..." Crystal shifted her hooves to cross one over the other. "I have to ask once more. How long would that take?"

"Well, certainly, the trip to Saddle Arabia alone would—"

Crystal's ears jolted upright. "The trip to Saddle Arabia? You mean to say that it would be filmed in Saddle Arabia? Actual Saddle Arabia? With actual Arabian horses?"

"Of course!" Majesty waved a hoof. "As if it could be filmed with Equestrians. That would be insulting to the setting I've grown to love! No, no, that wouldn't do at all. To Saddle Arabia my crew would go and, if you desired, with you to oversee and supervise."

"To Tartarus with the timeline, then!" She turned in her seat to face Sunset, seeing her own excitement mirrored on his face. "Do you think—"

"Yes!" He grabbed her hooves. "You should do it! I support you a hundred percent! A hundred and ten percent!"

Crystal felt her heart flutter and dance in her chest. Travel to Saddle Arabia, see sights she never imagined, try food she never tasted, be directly involved in the filming...

"Oh." The elation deflated in an instant as she turned back to Majesty. "There is only one problem, a question I would imagine you have, Mr. Majesty." She ducked her head. "The plot."

Majesty leaned in, clapping his hooves together. "Do tell! I am dying to know which of the stallions that Fatinah chooses. Oh, both are wonderful options, certainly, but the option you have picked for her is the most important."

Nerves replaced the fluttering, little butterflies that begged to flee. She swallowed. "That is the thing, you see. She chooses neither."

"Neither? Ah, a third suitor appears, then?" He nodded. "What a twist, I—"

"No, sir." Crystal shook her head. "Fatinah is not interested in romance or love. She's strong and independent; she doesn't need a stallion to complete her."

Majesty looked over at Sunset as if to seek confirmation from him. Blinking a few times, he returned his gaze to Crystal. "Pardon me, but Mrs. Wishes, you're a romance writer... writing a story without romance?"

"Not entirely without romance," Crystal said, her voice faltering to just above a mumble. "Khalil and Ghareeb's rivalry grows into respect, and respect into love."

"The stallions. Her suitors? They are the story's pairing? And Fatinah is all alone?" Majesty furrowed his brow. "I will be honest, Mrs. Wishes: that is quite peculiar. Avant-garde, dare I say." He looked at Sunset. "And Mares Monthly approved this?"

Crystal sat up straight and tall, drawing attention back to her. "They did. It's non-negotiable, I'm afraid. Fatinah is alone, but she isn't lonely. She is happy without love. So many stories—my own included—venerate love and romance as though that is the only path a mare should ever dream of. While that is the path I walk, it is not the path for a very dear friend of mine. I cannot fathom that she is the only mare who doesn't seek a romantic partner, so this story is for her and for them." She sucked in a breath, then finished, "If that is a problem, sir, then we'll stop wasting your time."

For a while, nothing was said. Majesty lowered his head in deep contemplation, the flowing of his mane ceasing as his focus went elsewhere. Then, all of a sudden, he rose up onto his hindlegs and applauded. "Brava! Brava, indeed! That is what I like—what I need. Passion, unyielding and unrelenting passion! I can already see the tagline: 'True love comes from within.' Brava, Mrs. Wishes."

Sunset perked up and looked between them like an overexcited foal, grin wide and eyes glittering. "So, then, we can move forward?"

"It would be my absolute pleasure," Majesty said as he lowered back into his seat. "I’ve had an option draft prepared so that we could go over the details right here and now..."

While Sunset and Majesty pored over the fine print, Crystal's mind drifted away, their words becoming a distant buzzing noise. The Desert Rose was going to become a film. She was going to go to Saddle Arabia. Oh, she'd have to get in touch with the courier service right away... Did they deliver overseas?

Her heart clenched. Or would she have to wait until she returned to get Silent's next letter? She had no idea when it might arrive. Would Silent understand if her reply was late? He wouldn't think she had given up on waiting for him, would he?

Crystal wrung her hooves and focused on breathing evenly. This was an opportunity of a lifetime—she couldn't pass it up to sit, wait, and worry. Life marched forward on the home front, for better or for worse. He would understand. He always did.

Author's Note:

You'll take the town and you'll take it with style
If you play it brave and bold
These streets are gold

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