• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,106 Views, 2,472 Comments

Crystal's Hopes - Crystal Wishes

Crystal Wishes finally found her happily ever after, but she never thought about what came next. The life of a military wife is not as easy as she hoped it would be.

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When You Wish Upon a Star

The Zest café was exactly the same as when she had visited it with Velvet over a month ago. There was not a single thing about it that seemed to care what she and thousands of other ponies were going through, not even so much as a faltering smile. It was almost as if nothing had happened at all.

Crystal stared down at the bamboo boat full of different vegetables that begged her to eat it. Her stomach didn't seem as compliant as it did before she arrived. All she could do was think about her surroundings—and the sound of countless conversations colliding.

"My new dress has an extra button and…"

"Can you believe that she's wearing a…"

"Are vegetables low fat?"

"… but her begonias aren't nearly bloomed enough!"

"… and that's why you don't pair orange with neon green, darling."

It was all so mundane. So petty. Just as Crystal was starting to feel nauseated, she saw a familiar light pink figure in her peripheral vision.

"Crystal, Crystal, Crystal!" Velvet embraced her before she could react. "Sorry I'm late! You know how it is."

Crystal smiled, a sense of comfort washing over her at the simple sensation of being hugged. "It's quite all right. I do know how it is."

Velvet slid into the seat across from her and beamed. "So, where are you staying? How long? Are you moving back?"

"One question at a time, please!" Crystal laughed softly, shaking her head. "I'm not moving back, per se. I'll spend my weekdays here in Canterlot and my weekends at home."

Velvet's smile started to fall. "At home…" The smile was gone, replaced entirely by a frown. "How can you call the Crystal Empire home? I mean, really? How is it more home than Canterlot?"

"Do we have to have this conversation?" Crystal dropped her gaze to where the bamboo boat sat, patiently waiting to be devoured. "I'm trying to work up an appetite."

"Fine." Velvet sighed and leaned against the table, propping her head up against one hoof. "So, why don't you have an appetite?"

Crystal's ears flattened to the sides as she hesitated, allowing the silence to fill up with the noise around them.

"… and then he said…"

"I would never dream of being seen wearing…"

"… they ran out of my special brand of hoof polish…"

"… it was the worst, possible, thing, ever!"

"This place," Crystal practically spat, pushing the tray away. "I can't stand it."

Velvet blinked. "Zest? You're the one that picked it! We can—"

"No, not Zest. Canterlot." Crystal tried not to look as sour as she felt. "There's a war and they're still talking about hoof polish and petty gossip!"

"They? They, who?" Velvet looked around, her brow furrowing. "Are you spying on other ponies' conversations?"

Crystal sighed and shook her head. "Not intentionally, no. Force of habit. An awful habit, but it is what it is." She tried to offer a smile. "Can we go somewhere else?"

Velvet snatched up the bamboo boat before sliding out of her seat. "Sure! But I'm eating this."

A bubble of laughter escaped as Crystal followed alongside her out of the restaurant. "All right, but you owe me one later when I do regain my appetite."

"We'll see about that." Velvet chomped on one end and said around the mouthful, "So, 'sup wit' you?"

"What's up? Well, there's a fair question." What should she share? What would Velvet understand? Finally, Crystal just shrugged. "I'm still figuring things out. Princess Luna thought it would be a good idea for me to move back here."

Velvet nibbled on a cucumber. "Mmhm. I knew there was a reason I liked her."

Crystal's brow arched. "Liked her? I thought you were terrified of her?"

"Water under a bridge! We're besties now. Or, well, we would be if…" Velvet trailed off, then finished in a somber tone, "How long has it been since we had game night?"

Crystal's mood fell with Velvet's tone and she averted her gaze. "It's been… a while."

Velvet bumped her shoulder to Crystal's. "Maybe we should do that again. Get the whole gang back together?"

"Not the whole gang," Crystal muttered before she could stop herself.

A silence fell on them as they walked along the street. Velvet just went back to finishing off the meal while Crystal muddled through her feelings. Perhaps some semblance of normalcy—a positive normalcy—wouldn't be so bad.

Crystal glanced at Velvet and smiled. "I think it's a great idea. I'm sure Runic and Luna would love it."

"Yeah?" Velvet's ears wiggled. "Do you mind if I invite Nightingale?"

"The more the merrier." Crystal felt her smile widen as trepidation filled her chest. A gaming group… without Silent. It almost seemed wrong.

"Hello!" a voice cried from above. "Hello! Is that you, Mrs. Crystal Wishes?"

Both of them looked up to see a white pegasus mare flying toward them, the wind catching in her short blue mane and flowing tail. A little hat on her head and a messenger bag around her shoulders marked her as a courier.

"Yes?" Crystal blinked. "May I help you?"

The mare landed in front of her and started to rummage through her bag. "I'm so glad I found you! I have a letter for you."

Crystal's brow furrowed. "What? Why would you track me down for a simple letter?"

"It's courtesy of the crowns, Mrs. Wishes! Letters from overseas get free priority courier service. I've been looking for you all day!"

"Letters from—" A jolt ran through her and she nearly jumped on the mare from the surge of emotions. "You have a letter from Silent?!"

The courier pulled out a plain white envelope. "I think so!"

Velvet just stood there with wide eyes as Crystal's magic grabbed the letter and tore it open. A sound that was a muddled, sobbing cry of joy escaped her at the first words she saw:

My Beloved Crystal Wishes

"Is it from him?" Velvet asked, her voice shaking slightly.

Crystal nodded with so much enthusiasm that her head hurt for a moment. "Yes! Yes, it is!" The relief that flooded her senses overtook her and she pulled the courier into a hug. "Oh, thank you so much! Thank you!"

The courier gave a squeak of surprise. "H-Happy to help!"

Crystal quickly pulled back, an embarrassed flush heating her cheeks. "I'm so terribly sorry, Miss…"

"Snowy Haze." The courier smiled. "And it's okay. You're not the first! I have to get started on tracking down the next pony, but, um…" She fidgeted, red showing through her white coat.

Crystal blinked. "Yes? Oh! I'm so sorry." Shifting her focus to her bit pouch, she started to count out the coins in her magic. "Yes, a tip, of course, I—"

"No, no, no! That's not it." The red grew more intense. "I'm happy to help out how I can, even if it's just delivering letters. What I wanted to ask was, if… If you don't mind…" She reached into her bag, pulled out a pen and a copy of Her Silent Love, and said as quickly as she could, "Could you please sign this, I'm sorry to spring this on you, I was just so excited when I saw your name and I knew it had to be you, I'm a really big fan of yours!"

Velvet sputtered into laughter. "Ooh, look at you! Getting stopped in the streets for autographs!"

Regaining her wits, Crystal giggled behind a hoof. "Oh! Of course! It's the least I can do after you've brought me the best news I've received in weeks." The pen became enveloped in pink magic and she smiled as the mare opened the book to reveal the blank inside cover.

Snowy Haze — Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and determination. Forever Grateful, Crystal Wishes

"There. Thank you," Crystal said, returning the pen and pulling the letter close to her chest. "Truly, thank you."

Snowy beamed at her. "Thank you for your stories!" With a cheerful squeal, she pushed off the ground and took to the skies.

Crystal's heart raced as her gaze darted about. She spied the nearest outdoor seating of an inconsequential café and trotted toward it, Velvet following close behind her.

"What does it say?" Velvet asked as she took a seat. "Is he okay?"

Crystal laughed softly, nervously. "I don't know yet!"

Her hooves started to tremble while she kept looking at Velvet. She was almost afraid to read it. Of course, what was she expecting? He wouldn't start off a horrible letter with 'My Beloved', would he? No, certainly not. It was a good letter.

"Well? Read it already!" Velvet waved her forehooves.

"All right, all right." Crystal sucked in a breath and finally lowered her gaze to the hoofwritten words.

My Beloved Crystal Wishes

Once more I find myself in Margull and filled with trepidation. I had intended to write you a bland letter promising you that I was far from the front and safe but that seems like a waste of time.

We are setting up camp, I am currently safe, and in a position where I will likely remain so.

My grandfather is here. Stratus Knight's father, I mean. I see so much of Stratus in him that I get irrationally angry every time he walks by. Before we arrived I even yelled at him. Tonight he came to me while I was trying to write this letter and asked about the funeral.

He was concerned about whether or not we'd treated Stratus appropriately. I assured him we had. Then he asked me if I would be the one to treat him the same way when he passes. I agreed to do so.

There seemed little point in denying a pony his final wishes out of spite. Not that I anticipate his death anytime soon. He looks as fit as ever.

The encounter made me miss you all the more. Clement Knight is not family. You are. Winterspear is. I've taken that for granted to some extent and now that I am surrounded by nothing but the job your absence is unnerving.

Tonight I will go home to a dorm room with three other junior officers in it. They do not know me, they will not cuddle with me, and they will certainly not do any of the other things you do for me when we're alone.

I miss your warmth, I miss your voice, and I miss you.

May we see each other soon

Your husband

Silent Knight

Crystal released the breath she had been holding. Or perhaps it was a different breath. She had lost track of her own breathing.

"Hey… Is he okay?" Velvet asked in a soft, tentative voice.

"Mm." Crystal nodded, blinking a few times to fight back the tears. "He misses me."

Velvet snorted. "Well, d'uh. Even he's not that stupid." Her ears flicked back. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm still bitter about him leaving."

Crystal gave a small shake of her head. "It's all right. I am, too, sometimes. But there's not much I can do about it now except support him." She smiled, rising to her hooves. "Do you mind if we go to your place so I can write a response?"

"Sure." Velvet stood and walked alongside her. "So, uh. Speaking of your fan… How is my story coming along, anyway?"

"Your story? Oh!" Crystal added a little skip to her step. "Tonight, I'm going to focus on finishing the proposal to send to Reindom House for an advance. I hope they like it as much as I do!"

Velvet glanced at her, a small crease appearing between her furrowed brow. "An advance? Are you okay?"

Crystal nodded. "I am, but I'd just like a cushion. I'd feel more comfortable with one right now to ensure I stay okay."

The crease didn't ease any. "If things get tight, you let me know, okay? We can figure something out." Her expression relaxed into a crooked grin. "So, anyway, how are you doing it? What's the twist?"

"Well, I've given it a great deal of thought, and I think I have it. Let me know what you think: Fatinah is pursued by a mare and a stallion, but ends up with neither. The message is self-reliance, independence, and the strength and value of a mare on her own."

Velvet's ears wiggled as she laughed. "That's not really much of a romance, you know."

Crystal stuck her tongue out. "Maybe she helps them find their own companions! Or they end up together. I don't know! I don't have to figure out all of it just yet, just enough to sell it to Reindom."

"Mm… Fine, fine. But change one thing for me?"

"Of course!" Crystal giggled. "It's your story, more or less, after all."

Velvet flashed a wicked grin. "The stallion that's after her?"


"Make him end up with another stallion."

Crystal's brow furrowed and she tilted her head. "I have no problem with that, but why?"

"Because it'd be hot. Stallions kissing is hot. Like, that'll sell the story right there alone. In fact, forget the rest. Just write about stallions kissing."

A rush of heat filled Crystal's cheeks and she swatted at her. "Oh, you! Take this seriously!"

Velvet laughed. "I am serious!"

"Fine." Crystal huffed and pushed the door open to the condominium building. "Any other lewd suggestions you'd like to make?"

"Nope. Just the stallion thing." Velvet pranced ahead of her and up the stairs. "The rest sounds like, well, it sounds like you're gonna need to write a seriously great proposal!"

Crystal rolled her eyes. "I find your lack of faith disturbing. You're talking to the C. W. Step!" She tossed her mane and struck a pose while Velvet unlocked her condo's door. "I could spin romance out of a tragedy. This will be an easy feat!"

Velvet sputtered into laughter. "Okay, sure, fine! Whatever, Miss Overconfident." She pulled open a drawer in the kitchen to retrieve some paper and a pen.

"No quill and ink?" Crystal put on her best fake pout. "They write so much better than pens…"

"Yeah, and they're, like, really difficult for earth ponies to use. You want to write to Silent or not?"

Crystal's magic snatched the pen as she walked over, Velvet setting the paper down on the counter. "Oh, fine. It'll do." She flashed Velvet a playful smile. "Thank you."

"Mmhm." Velvet went to the lounging pillows and flopped down on one. "When you're done with that, we can try to find some lunch that doesn't come with a side of Canterlot Snob."

A laugh escaped Crystal and she waved a hoof before turning her focus on the blank sheet in front of her.

This would be her only way of staying in touch with him. Her only connection. It was a little daunting… She had to say what she wanted to say and say it just right so that her feelings could travel across the sea.

My Dearest Silent Knight…

The sky shifted through a brilliant display of yellows, oranges, reds, and even purples as the sun descended past the horizon. Crystal nuzzled her muzzle into the folds of her scarf when a light breeze brushed through her coat, but she kept her gaze skyward.

She was waiting for the stars, and a little chill certainly wouldn't deter her from that task.

When the sky had turned to a vast, dark landscape high above, the shy moon began to peek over the mountains in the distance. Her beautiful face, pale and smooth as porcelain, that hid behind a glowing white veil. Gracefully, she ascended into the night sky, bringing with her an entourage of shimmering, diamond stars.

"Crystal?" Winterspear's voice asked as the mare approached. "What are you doing out here?"

Crystal looked over at her with a smile. "Good evening! Are you off to see Iridescence?"

"I am... That doesn't answer my question, though." She sat down beside her, armor clinking against the cobblestone. "Are you okay?"

"I'm more than okay." Crystal returned her gaze to the sky, finding the brightest star she could and fixing her eyes on it. "I received my first letter from Silent today."

Winterspear's ears shot up. "You did?! How is he? Where is he? What is he doing?"

Crystal giggled and shook her head just slightly, never taking her focus off that star. "He's well." The smile fell into a somber, straight line. "He's serving with your grandfather."

"My grand…" Winterspear trailed off. Silence held them for a while until she said simply, "Oh."

Crystal reached out a blind hoof. After two misses, she managed to find Winterspear's shoulder. "I'll read you that part of his letter when I'm done here."

"Done here? What are you doing, anyway?"

"I told him that I would send my love through the stars, so that's just what I'm going to do until I feel they've been sufficiently supplied for the night to carry him through tomorrow."

Winterspear went quiet again, and Crystal was content to say nothing more. She had work to do. She had so much love to give to the stars for them to pass along.

While Crystal reflected on their wedding day to fill her chest with warmth, Winterspear stood up and stepped closer. "Hop on."

"Huh?" Crystal finally looked away from the sky to give Winterspear a curious frown. "What?"

Winterspear smiled and nodded her head toward her back. "I'm going to take you as close as we can get to the stars to make sure there's nothing lost between you and them."

Crystal blinked a few times, then gave a quick shake of her head and a small wave of her hoof. "Oh, no, no. You'll exhaust yourself, and you're supposed to go spend time with Iridescence and Dot."

"I think they'll understand if I'm late, and, let's be honest! You don't exactly weigh that much." Winterspear laughed, nudging Crystal with one hoof. "I'm not going to take no for an answer when it comes to my little brother, so you might as well just hop on already."

Crystal relented with a giggle and carefully climbed onto Winterspear's back. With a proper running start, Winterspear got them into the air with no trouble at all. A few pumps of her wings took them higher until the wind caught up and sent them soaring.

There was no time to appreciate the majesty of flying or the world below her. Crystal had her eyes fixed on the stars again as they danced and shimmered in the sea of deep blue and purple hues. She had a promise to fulfill.

Winterspear's wings flared straight out to the sides and slowed their progress so she could land delicately on a cloud. "Be careful," she said, stretching out on her stomach to keep Crystal upright. "I'll catch you if you fall, but it'd be better for both of us if you just stayed on my back."

"I will." Crystal leaned down and nuzzled the top of Winterspear's head. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me." Winterspear's ears wiggled and she inclined her head to look up at the stars with Crystal. "I'm just glad my brother has somepony like you that can fill a whole sky with love. So... thank you, Crystal."

Crystal took a deep breath in. The air was much colder this high up, but it was worth it. She could see the whole sky now that she was where the clouds couldn't block her view.

Slowly, she released the breath and smiled. To the brightest star she saw, she whispered, "I miss you, too."

Author's Note:

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

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