• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Camp Orion - Meemie7

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

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Chapter 15: Discord

The wind roars loud enough to drown out the warnings that the guards shout below. Even nature seems to pay them no such heed. The ground gets smaller and smaller below me until the cracks can no longer be seen.

“I can’t believe I did that!” the princess cries next to me. She giggles like a schoolgirl as she positions herself to glide alongside me. “What are we even doing!?”

“Um, flying?” Her giggles erupt into laughter.

“N-no, I mean, what are we going to do!? We’re going to get in so much trouble for this!”

“Then, better make this count for something.” Her laughter dies down, but a stupid grin is left plastered on her face. My gaze wanders to the west and the sun blazes a fiery red-orange signifying that it is getting ready to set. How long have we been out here, exactly? I am about to say something to my fellow escapee when I notice she’s no longer beside me. I tilt my wings to break and turn around. Princess Luna is hovering midair, staring at the sun.

“Oh, sister… Your sunsets are always beautiful…” She lets out a sigh and closes her eyes. A soft breeze blows through the air, sending a slight shiver down my spine. “I miss her…” she whispers. A long silence only filled with the wind grows between us until Princess Luna clears her throat.

“Alright. You said you wanted a show, correct?” I grin and nod. “Then, let’s give my sister a little surprise.” Luna’s horn starts to glow white instead of its usual light blue for simple spells. She turns away from the sunset and towards the eastern horizon where the sky has already taken on a shade of cerulean. Her eyes close and the light glows even brighter.

Then, a pale, white sphere climbs the sky from the bottom of the horizon, surrounded in a bright, white aura. As the moon soars higher into the darkening sky, tiny twinkles begin to shine, dotting the sky like the grass wads back at the yard.

Luna fixes the pale moon into a point halfway between right above our heads and the ground. The sky has gone from many shades of red, yellow and pink to a deep blue. Luna’s horn fades and she starts laughing all over again. “I can’t even imagine my sister’s surprise right about now! She’s probably flabbergasted! Ha!” I smile along with her. Of course, Celestia will know that it was Luna who raised the moon and is most likely on her way here right now with an armed force. Though, I don’t say anything about that. Instead, I place a claw to my goatee and stroke it thoughtfully.

“It’s a lovely night, but I can’t say I’m impressed.” Luna stops smiling.

“Well, what would you do differently?” Luna scoffed. I glanced from her to the sky and flew up higher. I concentrated my energy on the stars and snapped my fingers together. Suddenly, the stars grew brighter and brighter.

The glowing dots turned from white to color. All different colors light up then sky from a fiery red to a cool aquamarine. The earth glows underneath the brilliant light of the sky. The darker shades of brown underneath turn lighter, tinted green as if the sky itself is coloring the land to resemble a meadow. Luna blinks and her lips part ever so slightly.

“Oh…” She whispers. I fly down to her side.

“How about that?” I inquire. She looks to me and the corner of her mouth rises a tad.

“It’s… a nice touch, Discord.” Luna mutters. She looks back up to the sky and her horn glows a bright blue once again.

Suddenly, a brilliant violet flash streaks across the sky, angled down to the earth. It comes and goes like a ghost. Then, another falls of a pink hue. Then, a spring green one, a neon yellow one, a sunset orange one. They keep falling like a rainbow of racing raindrops.

“May I?” I get my fingers ready to snap as I look to Luna quizzically. She smiles and nods and I let the fingers fly. The falling stars no longer fall in a straight line. They curve around the sky, looping around the stars, moon, around each other, like a dance of fire sparks climbing into the sky. The sky lights up with animosity, a light show of color, of life. It has so simple of changes, yet, it makes the black night just as colorful, perhaps even more so, as the day.

“What do you think?” I ask Luna. She grins wide at me.

“I’ve never seen anything like it. I can practically hear all of Equestria coming out of their homes to see this amazing work of art…” Luna whispers.

“Art was meant to be shared.” I repeat. "You get to share your art with the whole world every night.” I lift my head to the sky, basking in the collaborative piece of the Princess of the Night and the Master of Chaos.

“Well… What if you made art that can be shared? That others will enjoy?” Luna whispers. I laugh a bit under my breath.

“I’ve tried in the past, Princess. No one likes the chaos I create.” I mutter.

“Then, what did you just create?” Her hoof motions to the sky, to the infinite color palette, the racing stars, the largest light show this world has ever seen. “Is this not your chaos magic?” I shrug.

“Believe me, Discord. I know what it’s like to believe what you do, what you create, isn’t appreciated.” My eyes cast downward to the cracked, tinted ground where little, black dots move across the ground, emitting voices. Angry, booming voices.

“So, what, pray tell, am I supposed to do about it, Princess?” She places a hoof to her chin in contemplation.

“Accept that there are going to be ponies who don’t approve of your art. But, find the ones who will and confide in them.” Luna announces. I nod slightly and my gaze catches a moving figure in the sky with four legs and two large, white wings. It is still a distance away, but it’s approaching fast, as if on a mission.

“Fun’s over.” I mutter. Luna nods in response.