• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Camp Orion - Meemie7

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

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Chapter 28: Group

Snowheart: Alright, so what’s the beef?

Discord: Don’t look at me, I’m fine. It’s her who’s moping around.

Snowheart: Luna, Discord says that you’ve been pretty quiet this morning.

Luna: I’ve heard.

Snowheart: What do you think about that?

Luna: I don’t know, I’ve just been… thinking.

Snowheart: About what?

Luna: I… Do you really think that we’re ready to leave?

Discord: A little while ago, you couldn’t wait to leave.

Luna: Yes…but what if we go back to how things were?

Snowheart: And you’re scared about that?

Luna: I suppose so.

Snowheart: It’s true that many ponies who go through this sort of thing will relapse. But, think about how far you’ve come. If you never came to Camp Orion, where do you think you would be?

Luna: Probably… still with the Tantibus…

Snowheart: Discord?

Discord: Turning Canterlot Castle into a House of Cards.

Snowheart: It concerns me how quickly you came up with that answer.

Discord: Don’t get me wrong, as soon as I’m getting home, I’m making a house of cards sculpture of the castle.

Snowheart: You do that. But, back to the topic at hand. You don’t have to fall back into that trap, but that means that your work is not done after you leave here. You’ll need your friends and family to keep you grounded and to make you accountable. I think you should also probably be seeing a professional for a while. Specifically, a cream-colored, blue-maned professional whose name adheres to a certain season…

Discord: I didn’t know Sunshower Raindrops was a doctor.

Snowheart: Ha. Ha. Well, actually, turns out I’m moving to Canterlot.

Luna: What? Why?

Snowheart: Celestia promised me funds for a new office if I were to make the move. Frankly, a free house and office in a city like Canterlot… it’s an offer I couldn't refuse. So, I can make appointments for both of you, solo or group if you want. I can also make other recommendations if you’re getting sick of me or want to try someone new.

Discord: Then, you’re certainly not seeing the last of me.

Snowheart: Good to hear. How about you, Luna?

Luna: Of course.

Discord: So, any last words of advice before you kick us out of here?

Snowheart: Yeah. I wanted to say I’m proud of you. I’m so proud of both of you. What you’ve been going through is not easy and it’s something that most ponies don’t have to put up with. But, you’ve decided to fight it and it’s a battle that’s worth the fight. You two deserve to be free of your past, multiple times over.

Luna: Snowheart…

Discord: Thank you for everything.

Snowheart: I’m just doing my job. So, how about Tuesday in Canterlot?

Luna: Sounds good.