• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Camp Orion - Meemie7

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

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Chapter 26: Group

Snowheart: Welcome to group, Celestia and Fluttershy.

Discord: Otherwise known as interrogation for us.

Fluttershy: It can’t be that bad, is it?

Luna: No, not at all.

Fluttershy: Oh. That’s good. Are you getting the help you need, Discord?

Discord: Yes, I suppose.

Snowheart: Discord has made some great breakthroughs in the past few days. I encourage you to share a bit, Discord, but what happens in each session does stay confidential.

Discord: Well… I do now have royal protection from the Equestrian Government.

Celestia: Excuse me?

Luna: Ah, yes. Tia, Discord won’t be taken under custody under any circumstance and he is under priority protection of the Royal Equestrian Government. Please see to it that it is done.

Celestia: Um…

Luna: I’ll explain at a later time if it is alright with Discord.

Discord: Yes, that’s fine.

Fluttershy: Well, I’m glad to hear that. So, when will you be leaving?

Discord: Tomorrow.

Fluttershy: Wow, you’re all better then?

Snowheart: Well, not exactly. That’s why I’ve invited you and Celestia to come here given your close relationships. Recovery doesn’t end after leaving here, far from it. I’ve already discussed with Luna and Discord that they will have to keep up their goals and strategies from Camp Orion in their everyday lives. I was hoping that you two would be willing to help your friends and family in their recovery.

Celestia: Of course.

Fluttershy: Oh, certainly.

Snowheart: Thank you so much for your help. Luna and Discord, how about you share with them?

Discord: Do we have to?

Snowheart: And what do you think my answer to that is?

Luna: We will if we want to get better.

Snowheart: That’s right, Luna. Now, I asked Luna and Discord to come up with some strategies and goals to enact outside of Camp Orion in their last journal. Discord, how about you go first?

Discord: ~sigh~ Fine. I will do my best to try keep my chaos magic within reasonable limits. At least, making sure that no pony is negatively effected by my magic.

Snowheart: and…

Discord: …

Snowheart: What is it?

Discord: Can I talk about something else? Please, I need to talk about this.

Snowheart: Yes, of course.

Discord: Fluttershy, I need to know something.

Fluttershy: …

Discord: I may end up doing some things that I will regret in the future. I will make mistakes and I might even wind up hurt some pony. I might end up hurting you.

Fluttershy: …

Discord: I don’t want to and I have no intention to. But, I feel scared that I will. I need a promise from you… will you still be my friend if that happens?

Fluttershy: Yes. I will. Um, I might be cross with you and I might make mistakes, too. Will you be my friend if I make mistakes?

Discord: Of course, I will.

Luna: And I’ll hold up my end, as well.

Discord: Thank you, Luna.

Snowheart: Luna, you’re up.

Luna: Sister…

Celestia: Lulu, I’m so proud of you, how much you’ve accomplished.

Luna: Tia… are you still mad at me?

Celestia: About what?

Luna: The Tantibus.

Celestia: Luna… I’m not mad at you. I was never mad. Not at all. I was worried about you. You’re my sister and I love you so much.

Luna: What about my turning into Nightmare Moon?

Celestia: No, I’m not mad about that either. You are not Nightmare Moon anymore. That’s not who you are.

Luna: I caused you so much pain.

Celestia: It’s in the past now. It is done, Luna. It’s all done. None of the pain from the past will ever happen again. It’s finished.

Luna: Sister, I dispelled the Tantibus a few nights ago.

Celestia: You…did?

Luna: It’s gone forever.

Celestia: Oh, Lulu…thank you. That’s incredible.

Luna: Um, is it okay that, every once in a while, we can talk? I…I don’t think that I should be keeping everything in.

Celestia: I’d love that, Luna…

Discord: Ah, that reminds me. Fluttershy, I’ll be talking with you more. A lot.

Fluttershy: I look forward to it, Discord.

Snowheart: Celestia and Fluttershy? You’ve heard what their plans are. What I’m asking you is that you make them accountable. Just as they’ve said, I had to interrogate them a lot to get them to open up. They know that they have to open up to you, so keep them to that promise. One of the most important factors in recovery is accountability. Can I trust you to keep them accountable?

Celestia: Yes.

Fluttershy: Yes.

Snowheart: Good. Anything else you want to say to each other?

Luna: Um… Tia?

Celestia: Yes, Lulu?

Luna: Don’t ever put the two of us in the same living quarters ever again.

Discord: Agreed.

Celestia: Heh. Alright.