• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Camp Orion - Meemie7

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

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Chapter 7: Discord

I push open the door to the living room with my shoulder, stretching my lion arm in the process. That was actually a good sleep. Probably the best I had in a while. The sunlight streaming through the window signified that it was very late in the day, probably around ten. The sunlight beams fell on a mane of sparking blue on the couch. She didn’t turn when I made noise, she simply continued staring at absolutely nothing.

“How long have you been there, exactly?” Only then did she turn her head around to face me.

“Before dawn broke the sky. I was not sure when we were starting, so I made sure to be here early.” I scoff slightly and float over to the cupboard. Royalty. So uptight. Just typical. I take out a box of hay crackers from the cupboard. Not usually my kind of diet consisting of chocolate covered whatchamacalsits, but I’ll live. “I’m a bit surprised to see you have risen at all. After eight, I started to lose hope.”

“Oh, please. I just came here for breakfast. But, I suppose I’ll have to stay, now.” I mutter while tossing a cracker into my mouth.

“Well, you won’t have to worry about me noting your attendance for long.” I perk up my ears.

“And why is that?”

“Because, I do not need to be here, of course." I roll my eyes.

“And what makes you think that you have any more of a right to leave than I do.” I spit. Luna shrinks back a bit.

“What I mean is… I cannot stay here for long. I have a duty as a princess to Equestria. I must be able to fulfill my responsibilities. You, on the other hand, do not have a royal responsibility.” I slump down in the couch opposite from her.

“Well, this may come as a surprise to you, but I do have a life outside of being the bringer of chaos. I was supposed to help Fluttershy with the duck pond tomorrow. But, it doesn’t look like that will be happening.” I take another bite of the cracker. Luna looks like she is about to retaliate when we hear the sound of a door opening and hoof steps.

“Wow. They weren’t kidding.” I whip around and find a cream-colored mare with pale blue curls standing in the doorway. I can help but stare at the starch white doctor’s coat she adorns. “The Princess of the Night and the Master of Chaos. I have my work cut out for me.” She trots in gleefully, closing the door behind her. “Sorry for my intrusion. I’m Doctor Snowheart, but Snow is just fine. Princess Twilight Sparkle recruited me for this.” The mare takes a seat in one of the empty chairs and drops a clipboard down in front of her hooves.

“Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Snowheart. But, if I may…” Luna pipes up. “I cannot stay here for long. I have to return to my royal duties immediately.” Snowheart frowns.

“You don’t have to worry about that at all, Princess Luna. The other princesses are managing your duties while you recover.”

“But, I cannot let them do such a thing when it is my responsibility!”

“The only thing you need to worry about right now is your recovery. You’re staying here.” Luna slumps against the couch in utter defeat. I try to hide a grin, but Snowheart notices immediately. “Do you want to get out of here, too?” I shrug.

“I’m stuck here no matter what I say, aren’t I?” She nods. “Then, there’s no point in arguing.”

“Fine. We’re clear then? Any other concerns, protests, life-changing revelations?” Neither of us say anything. “Good. Then we can get started.”

Author's Note:

I believe I should make it clear right now. I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist or anything like that. I'm taking classes in psychology and have done my research for this fanfiction. However, I am just someone who saw some potential for a story and ran with it. As such, this is not an accurate portrayal of psychiatric hospitals or mental illnesses. If anyone who is reading this does struggle with possible mental issues, I highly encourage you to seek professional help. At the very least, talk to a trusted adult about it. Okay? We're good? Great.