• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Camp Orion - Meemie7

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

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Chapter 12: One-on-One Discord

Snowheart: Discord…

Discord: Yes?

Snowheart: Can you please… sit normally?

Discord: Whatever do you mean?

Snowheart: You’re sitting on the ceiling.

Discord: Well, what if I feel most comfortable on the ceiling?

Snowheart: Just get down.

Discord: You’re no fun.

Snowheart: Yeah. Fun. Speaking of “fun”…

Discord: Just as I said, being the Master of Chaos is fun for me. Isn’t it expected for us to do what we enjoy?

Snowheart: Well, yes, but… You were doing so well before. I want to know what caused the sudden binge in chaotic spell-casting.

Discord: I got bored. Plain and simple.

Snowheart: But, your actions distressed those around you.

Discord: No one got hurt.

Snowheart: What if someone did?

Discord: Are you here to guilt-trip me or what?

Snowheart: I want to help you.

Discord: You have an odd way of helping others.

Snowheart: Hf. What I mean is… you had your chaotic tendencies under control before. No one was being harmed and everything was kept within moderation. Do you agree?

Discord: I suppose…

Snowheart: What changed?

Discord:… I just got bored is all.

Snowheart: You’re lying.

Discord: You don’t know me. You wouldn’t know if I’m lying or not.

Snowheart: Hf. Regardless, do you see what we need to work on?

Discord: …how to have fun without using Chaos-based magic.

Snowheart: Well, not necessarily. We need to keep it in moderation. Just because you’re here doesn’t mean you have to stop using chaos-based magic for good. You don’t even have to put a limit on it. What we need to fix is how that chaos-based magic affects others.

Discord: Seems like that is up to interpretation.

Snowheart: Well, what’s your interpretation of it? What do you think is going too far?

Discord: …when others are negatively affected?

Snowheart: I think that’s a good start.

Author's Note:

In case of any questions, Discord has been stripped of chaos-based magic, but he can still fly.