• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Camp Orion - Meemie7

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

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Chapter 6: Luna

The stallions clad in gold do not show us around the complex, if it can even be called that. They simply open the door for me and the Draconiquis to enter and step back outside the door. There is no tour of the place since it very well seems there is nothing to tour. The room we enter in is quite simple, really. Along the side, closest to the door, a wooden kitchenette area clusters together. On the opposite wall, there is a desk with what seems like hundreds of stacks of parchment, an unopened ink bottle, and a pure white quill, the bristles of the feather aligning perfectly. In the far opposite wall, two cream-colored couches sit across from each other and a large, tall-backed armchair rests between them as if it is breaking them up from a potential fight. There’s a screen door on the opposite wall as well to what looks like a backyard and two doors on the side walls, mirroring each other perfectly.

I stand there motionlessly next to Discord who does much of the same. It is like a stand-off between me and him to see who will make the first move, who will explore the place first. I let out a sigh and take a step forwards rightmost door. I focus on the gold doorknob and try to grab hold of it with my magic. It feels a bit more strained than usual, but the doorknob glows a soft blue and turns to my will. Well, at least my magic isn’t all gone.

The door swings open, revealing a much smaller room than what I am used to. A bed, quite a large one at that, is pushed up against the corner, the white sheets glowing a soft orange from the light of the dipping sun from the window above it. A simple lamp stands next to the bed and a wooden desk similar to the one outside the room is pushed against the other wall. Well, I suppose it will suffice for a little while. I clear my throat and leave the room back into the main corridor.

When I come back, Discord is already no where in sight. Exploring the grounds, I presume. I trot over to the desk pushed up against the wall and use my magic to open up the ink bottle. I pick up the quill, immerse it in the thick, black ink and start scribbling on the nearest sheet of parchment.


Who do I even send this to? Who can get me out of this? None of the princesses would help. This whole endeavor was their idea, after all. Perhaps one of Twilight’s friends…? What would I even say? What would they think if they found out that I was here? I put down the quill pen on the parchment, the dripping ink forming a spreading bushy flower across the near-white surface. I stare at the tiny points the ink makes as if the black is reaching for an unmarked surface to cover. My face begins to scrunch up. Why did I do that? Why did I ever let the Tantibus do that? I should have never let it get that far.

I put the cap back on the ink bottle and slide out of the chair. Over half a day of flying has made my whole body exhausted. I open up the door to my room and trot inside.

“What are you doing?” A certain raspy voice calls at me from the bed. Discord’s serpent-like body sprawls across the sheets, his tail drooping off the far end of the bed.

“What are YOU doing? This is my room!” I snap at him. He sits up on the bed, his back resting against the wall and a cold stare meeting my equally stern eyes.

“I don’t ever recall being assigned rooms and your name was not on it. Therefore, it’s fair game.”

“But, I was here first! Besides, your name is not on it, either.” Discord shows me his toothy smile and points to the wall behind me. I follow his finger and, there, written in dark blue paint and still dripping, was a sloppy “DISCORD”.

“I believe my name IS written on it.” I growl at him.

“Why did you want this room anyway?”

“Well, I’m quite taken with having the moon as my nightlight.” He gestures to the window right above the bed where the sun has already fallen and the moon has begun its trek up into the sky. "Where I live, I don’t see the moon at night. I thought it would be a nice change to watch the moon as I fall asleep.” I swallow hard as I trace every slightest movement of the moon. That moonrise… is supposed to be MINE. I am supposed to be the one bringing that moon up. But, I’m not. I’m here and Celestia is the one raising the moon. Just as she has done for thousands of years…

“Fine. I’ll take the one across.” I storm out of the room.

“Good night, Princess.” Discord calls after me as I shut the door with just the right amount of force to let him know that I am, for lack of a better word, pissed off.