• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 631 Views, 6 Comments

Camp Orion - Meemie7

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

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Chapter 25: Discord

I set down the quill pen beside the small notebook. This journal assignment really felt like homework. The question, if that can even be called a question rather than a command, was “Create a plan for your recovery after leaving Camp Orion. You may list or bullet point.” Ugh.

“Finished?” Luna asks from the kitchen. I close the book and join her in fixing lunch.

“Finally, yes.”

Snowheart is late, today. Don’t we usually have group in the morning?” She carries her tea over to the couches and I take the box of hay crackers with me. They’re beginning to grow on me in a sense.

“I’m not complaining.”

“Of course, you’re not. You got to finish the journal before the due date.”

“Luna, do you really think I’d be concerned with trivial things like due dates?” The princess simply shrugs and takes a sip of her tea. As if on cue, the door opens and the starch white coat comes flying in.

“Good afternoon, Luna and Discord.” Snowheart announces. I nod to her.

“You’re late.” Luna states, not at all bitter but still a tad annoyed. Snowheart straightens up her neck.

“I’m not late. I knew we’d have group later today.”

“You didn’t tell us about it?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Snowheart stays by the door, holding it agape. A white hoof ending in a golden tip steps in through the door followed my a flowing, rainbow mane, a tall unicorn horn and two white wings. Luna stands straight up.

“Sister?” Luna rushes over to the door to greet the alicorn.

“Luna! It’s good to see you on… better terms.” Celestia speaks with a voice like silk as she places her hoof along her sister’s back.

“Heheh. My apologies for that…” Luna giggles out. Though, I can clearly see from her smug little grin that she’s not sorry at all. Snowheart steps in.

“I thought that today would be a good day to call in friends and family for a little large-group session. So, I called in Celestia.” The Princess of the Sun grins warmly at Luna.

“I’m glad to help in any way I can.” Luna and Celestia embrace in a hug. My eyes cast downward and I feel a pang inside of me. Did Snowheart really expect that Celestia would be able to split her attention between the two of us? I take the box of hay crackers and stand up. Maybe, if I’m quiet, I’ll be able to slip into my bedroom without them noticing…

“Oh, I’m so sorry I’m late!” A voice behind me cries out along with huffs. The voice is gentle and sweet like flowers. Lilacs… her voice is like lilacs. It could never be cruel, but it could certainly be stern if the owner wanted it to. It made the listener feel like they mattered, like they were safe, like she could be trusted…

I whip around and she walked in with a kind smile and sparkling eyes. Her soft pink hair hung across the side of her face like a silk curtain waiting to be carried by the breeze. She floats in like a gliding bird, graceful and silent. She finds me with those caring, empathetic round eyes and approaches me, opening her slim mouth to speak.

“Hi, Discord. I missed you so much!” My lips part and one word escapes my lips in hardly a whisper.
