• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,456 Views, 48 Comments

The Twelve Specialists - BioChemicalWolfGear

The sky is not the limit for the people of the skies. Man comes so long ago.

  • ...

Our Arrival

(Intro to characters)(Ok you can skip it but it’s interesting)

(Back story)

There was a time long ago when man was at war almost every day. They killed each other off so quickly. Until one day when the skies offered a Utopia. ‘The Fortress of the Sun’ otherwise known as ‘Utopia’ for it's dedication to peace was built in the skies and unleashed an array of technology that no human has ever seen before. The floating fortress was under the command of the ‘Twelve Specialists’. Each had a very human name that they all agreed to forget, and they knew each other under their alias. Each alias was their title and position on the Utopia.

(Utopia ship imagery)

The Utopia had a very protoss look. The walls were made of platinum and laced with gold. At the bottom was a large platform that allowed for ships planes, it was the hanger. And the hanger was the only way to get inside the Utopia. The hanger wasn’t long it was circular and very wide. A little larger than two football fields. In the center of the hanger were crooked pillars that had a honeycomb wire frame around it. Eight pillars held up the whole hanger. On the bottom of the hanger was a crystal that worked very much like a tractor beam. It was a light blue but at times turned a light purple.

In the center of the hanger inside the pillars was a spiral staircase that led up to the hub. The hub was an intersection of sorts that led to each chamber of the Thirteen Specialists. There was a Library, Observatory, Workshop, Forge, and a blank globe in the hub rooms that were attached to it. Every room was circular. Golden Pikemen Golems walked the halls for trespassers in pairs.

The hallways were spiral staircases that led up to the higher levels and they had similar rooms. Only when you get to second floor up you would see a massive crystalline engine that was known as ‘The Great Impulse’ because it was the impulse engine for Utopia. The floor around it was nonexistent and in the pit below it was a generator that sent energy to the light blue crystal ball. Its nucleus looked solid while the outer layer looked like water.
Above that room was the bedrooms for the Specialists. Each one had their own style of rooms that matched their likings. For example: Beast Master had a bookshelf full of books with animals. And even some pictures of his days as a big game hunter.


(Keep in mind that they may sound weird but you will get used to them)(Sound wave IS NOT A TRANSFORMER!)

“Watchman” Whose crystal balls of sight spread across every globe and allowed him to see and hear everything. He was the one who determined if the society is worth talking to, or if it’s a threat.

“Beast Master” Whose ability to control the most dangerous creatures was legendary with his great taming abilities.

“Smoke Machine” Whose abilities to create the most destructive ion storms known to man, he leveled even the strongest cities when he wanted to. He was known for bringing water when there was none to barren planets.

“Golem God” His skills with technology allowed him to bring life to suits of armor and built an army to defend the Utopia along side Beast Master, his Golems also at times had wings so they could intercept any enemies.

“Turret Turmoil” His super weapons saved Utopia once and he was in charge of creating a defense system so no fast movers could harm the order.

“Peace Keeper” He ended a war with only a single statement. His abilities to calm a room by just entering it gave him a noble peace prize on earth before it got out of hand.

“Sky Rider” Her aeronautics expertise allows her to build and fix anything that can fly. Utopia is grateful for her skills as well when it came to the design.

“Binary” He is a madman with a keyboard. Able to create all manors of viruses and single handedly created the coding for Utopia to fly. He was also the reason why Macs can no longer be found on the market. (He made a virus)

“Sound Splitter” She was the first human to ever make a long range…Wub cannon that had deadly results. She built the Multi Dimensional sound system that could play music throughout the entire world with one machine. She even knows her way around a mixer.

“Nano Swarm” She may not have been the first to create a Nano Swarm but she was the first to use them to take control of other living organizes. Even kept a creature from trying to eat Beast Master. She's a cyborg.

“Witch Doctor” His ability to diagnose any creature or human and heal them within seconds was legendary and amazing enough to be invited to Utopia. He was also best friends with Beast Master for healing his animals and giving Doctor something to do.

“Impulse Power” He built the Utopia’s great impulse drive. His ability with an inter-dimensional warp drive allowed them to travel to new realities so none could take the utopia. He chose all the specialists and together they built the great embodiment of salvation called Utopia. No one but them was able to board it because everyone else had already died under nuclear fire when it was finished.

The Twelve Specialists were on a noble mission to find their new home one day. They’ve tried so many dimensions and eventually ended up in the skies of a new world. They quickly would raise the cloaking shield and send out Watchman’s crystal balls so they would be unseen floating throughout the atmosphere. Each new world they came to had some sort of racism and unrest. They could fix it but there was always the threat that someone would want to go to war. After their first mistake of being known too soon they learned to be discrete. They ended up at war and had to destroy an entire planet for the faction to finally give up. Cities weren’t enough.

That day the city of Utopia had blood on its hands. That day they vowed never to interfere with other civilizations. But tomorrow they would break that agreement and become part of something they never thought possible. A perfect Utopia.

(Introductory over now to story)



The Utopia teleported into another dimension. Just like all the other times it would cover send out Watchman’s Crystal balls and maintain its orbit of the planet. The air shell kept the oxygen from escaping into deep space.

“Hey Beast Master. You think this world might be different?” Said Sky Rider. She was laying over the edge of the hanger looking down at the world with Beast Master.

“So far I don’t see that much activity from here. I do see the forests and towns below so I can guarantee if we go down there we have a place to hide from the locals.” Said Beast Master.

“That didn’t exactly answer my question but I guess it’ll have to do…I can’t see any towns from here…”

“Well these are griffon eyes.”

“Wait you took those from a griffon? Eeeeeew!” Beast Master chuckles a low chuckle.

They return back into the depths of the hanger and passed by some of Golem God’s dragonfly Golems. Sky Rider looked at it as they passed by.

“What I’d give to ride one of those.” She said. Beast Master looks at the golden dragonfly and chuckles a bit. The dragonfly was about as big as a jet and he had no doubt that it wasn’t meant to be ridden.

“Well maybe Golem will put a saddle on it.”

They head back up to the observatory where Watchman was analyzing some papers. He seemed to be enjoying himself almost too much. They could hear him whisper something about ‘They drink coffee? That’s just grand’ and other things they couldn’t understand.
They chose to leave him alone and go to Binary’s room where he was properly typing up code. Every time his finger hit a key there was a little click and these clicks were so annoying since Binary’s typing is that of a god. He would write paragraphs and paragraphs of code in just minutes and would always invent something new every day. This made the ticking almost rhythmic but very consistent.

“Yo Binary!” He clicking stops and Binary lifts up his glasses and looks toward the door. He then has a maniac ear to ear grin when he sees a friend, it is the creepiest sight ever. But after a while of seeing that grin you get used to it and realize how normal he actually is when you get past his…Madness.


Rider giggles and says “Howdy Binary. You see Peace Keeper?”

“No not today why you ask?”

“He’s supposed to give us the ok to go down and mingle and I want to know when that might be. Or at least when it would be ok to move the fortress into the atmosphere. I really want to go out and fly you know?”

“Oh yes! You do have that need for the contryside rushing by. I’ll keep a lookout.”


With that they return to their individual quarters. Binary was first to go to rather than going to Peace Keepers quarters first. Peace Keeper never really stays there and he goes about the facility reflecting on his past experiences. He and Impulse both determine when it is a good idea to go to the planets surface. Binary was known for sending messages through the golems to get peoples attention and that’s why he was best to talk to.

After a few minutes Peace Keeper went into Sky Rider’s quarters and he told her that they would be going to the planet’s surface shortly.

Utopia went into a partial free fall. The inertial dampeners saved everyone from an awkward sensation of falling. Once they were in the atmosphere Smoke Machine created clouds around Utopia. Watchman’s crystal balls were returning and they were going back into their places in little circular indentations in the walls of his observatory. Sky Rider went to her Solar Raven. The Solar Raven had the ability to cloak and looked like a jet with an oval cockpit in front and the wings were bent forward. It was also laced with gold like Utopia. The engine fired up with a low pulsating sound and it took off going from zero to one hundred in a blink of an eye. Once it left the hanger it disappeared.


Ditzy was doing her regular mail rout going from Manehatton to Ponyville. In Manehatton she got a Wonderbolts action figure of Spitfire for Dinky when she gets home. When she was flying back however she noticed a peculiar large cloud that seemed to be flying too high for it to be within the legal limit. ‘I’ll have to report that to the weather patrol.’ She thought to herself.

She headed to the mail office and got her paycheck from her boss and left to go home. Before she did she went over to Rainbow’s and explained what she saw.

“Wait so you saw a cloud that was how large?” Said Rainbow with a confused expression.

“About fifty times the size it should be for a partially cloudy day. And not only that but it was one hundred times higher than the legal limit for a cloud.” Said Ditzy.

“You sure you’re not seeing things Derpy?”

“Yes I’m sure I’m not! I’ll show you too.”

“All right I’ve got to got get Thunder Wing and Cloud Kicker. Go home for a bit and I’ll pick you up so we can find this cloud.”

With that Ditzy goes back home and sees Dinky and Carrot Top. Immediately she is tackled by a small grayish light purple unicorn.



Carrot Top followed Dinky out the door and witnessed the most heartwarming mother daughter moment ever conceived.

“Dinky I got you a Spitfire action figure from Manehatton.” Ditzy hands her the little action figure.

“Yay! I always wanted Spitfire.” Dinky had the most heartwarming smile on her face.

“YO DITZY!” Yelled Rainbow from above. “TIME TO FIND THE CLOUD!”

“Sorry girls there was a cloud that was too high up and I need to help get it down.”

“Bye mommy!” Said Dinky. With one last hug they were off to find the mysterious cloud.


Ditzy was leading the small group of weather ponies. Rainbow seemed skeptical about it but if there was a misplaced cloud she would still have to deal with it. Being the captain of Ponyville’s weather patrol she would be up to her neck with complaints and paperwork if there was a cloud that wasn’t where it was supposed to be.

“Ditzy you sure it wasn’t just your imagination? We’ve been searching for hours and I don’t see any-“ She stops when she sees a wayward cloud really high up. She saw how high it was and she almost stopped flying from the shock. It was at a level that was so dangerous that the pony that put it there could have passed out from the lack of oxygen and fell to the earth. “…Whoa.” She was in awe as well as worry for whoever did that. She also was raging inside her head at the moment at how stupid somepony had to be to put it there.

“Yea there it is.” Said Ditzy.

The other pegasi who followed them looked in awe as well. Ditzy didn’t have the same reaction. She was confused as to how it moved from a lower altitude to a higher one.

“Hey Rainbow…” Rainbow took a moment to look back at her. “That cloud moved up. It was much lower when I first passed it.”

“WHAT!?” Yelled Rainbow.


Peace Keeper and Impulse made the decision to move the Sun Fortress higher up so that no Pegasus could accidently fly into it. They realized that the horses were the sentient race here so they didn’t want to get caught by them. Though Watchman pointed something out that they would make their days terrible.

“Why is it you called us here Watchman?” Said Peace Keeper.

“Well…You know the Pegasus that we saw earlier?”

“Yes?” Peace Keeper was confused but then he had a knowing expression if worry.

“Exactly. She came back but with friends and their looking right at us. Good news is that if we show ourselves now they may not see us as a threat. Or at least I hope.”

“C-can’t we just…No that would be inhumane.” Peace Keeper looks at Impulse Power. “Ok we should go and speak with them. Lower ourselves gently so the impulse engine doesn’t roar and it sends them screaming.”

“Sure. Who should meet them? I know you would be first option but what if they don’t like your political manor.” Said Impulse.

“No it should be me. I’ll just be less formal with them.”

“Ok…I’ll lower us gently.”


Rainbow found a cloud to pace on while she thought of a plan on how to get that cloud down. She thought Applejack could do something about it when she was able to grab the cotton candy clouds from the sky. But she can’t fly and Rainbow didn’t think even Applejack had a strong enough throwing mouth or tail to reach such a high target. Twilight has magic but she can’t grab clouds. Wait Twilight has a blimp and she and AJ-

“RAINBOW LOOK!” Said Ditzy.

The large cloud was lowering itself to a much lower height. Much too each ponies awe it stopped right in front of them. Rainbow was first to try to move it but to no avail.

Ditzy was first to help her try to move it but then they both could do it so Rainbow tried to kick the cloud to remove it, nothing happened to it. Cloud Kicker couldn’t even put a dent in it and Thunder Wing couldn’t either.

Then they heard something inside of the cloud.

“I-is that a voice?” Said Rainbow.


“How should we introduce ourselves?” Peace Keeper was talking to every Specialist. They were all in the conference room discussing how to meet them all. Turmoil was able to attend but had to be hooked up to life support.

“I think we should play a song!” Said Sound Splitter.

“Any of your songs would scare them Splitter.” Said Nano Swarm.

“Yea we don’t want to scare em with Skrillex.” Said Sky Rider. A few chuckles throughout the room can be heard.

“THAT’S A GREAT IDEA! I’ll go set up the loud speakers!” She got up and began to go to the door.

“WAIT NO NO NO!” Said Peace Keeper hastily. “We can’t do that! Well music would be a nice way to introduce ourselves, we should think of how evil we could seem to them. Are they terrified of aliens or foreign entities? Or are they open minded about them?”

“If it’s any help.” Said Watchman. “There are griffons and different types of ponies. Even a few sentient cows and livestock that have their say in society. So if we show up we may be met with mixed results. Maybe instead of music we should disperse the cloud and have Sky Rider call them over into the hanger. A friendly smile should be all that’s needed to get a good first contact for now.”

“I’m still not sure if I like the idea of meeting them so soon but all right. We are a democracy. And I will do my best to uphold the wishes of the-“ Peace Keeper was interrupted by Sound Splitter.

“Will you stop being such a noble? Get over here!”

With that the counsel was dispersed and Sky Rider went to the deck. Golem God was able to get the help from Binary and they converted a Dragonfly for Sky Rider to use if ever she were to fly with the horses outside the Utopia. Impulse Power lowered the impulse power of the impulse engine so it wouldn’t roar in the atmosphere and terrify the horses. They got to the level of the ponies and Sky Rider was in position to greet them.


Rainbow, Ditzy, Cloud Kicker, and Thunder Wing all heard the same thing and looked at each other with nods to confirm they heard the voice.

Rainbow chose to respond. “HELLO? Is anyone in there?”

“OH so you can hear me! Good! Hey just so you know on the other side of this cloud is a floating fortress ok?”

“A-a floating fortress? Like a war fortress?”

“No no! Nothing like that! It’s called Utopia! This is ‘The Fortress of the Sun!’ and we are new creatures in your world!”

Rainbow tries to see through the cloud but it was so thick only the muffled voices could get through.

“C-can you show us?” She yelled.

“Sure let me ask Smoke Machine! HEY SMOKE MACHINE! REMOVE THE CLOUD!” There was a muffled response and then the cloud moved out of the way to reveal the massive hanger and one side of Utopia.

The ponies look with awed expressions. Rainbow again the first to speak up spoke for most of the group.

“WHOA! What is this?”

“Please come in. We are a peaceful folk.”

Rainbow could swear someone shouted at them from across the hanger ‘Scare em with Skrillex!’ But dismissed it as the statement didn’t make sense for the friendly person in front of them.

“So what are all of you?” Said Sky Rider.

“I was going to ask the same thing.” Said Rainbow in an untrusting tone.

“Oh right we just met. I’m Sky Rider. I’m a human from the sky clan of Triumph. I was chosen to save the world by Impulse Power the one who built this place. And well I gave him help of course. And yea we came here in search of a new home after ours was destroyed.”

“Ok I’m Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all of Equestria. And I’m a pony.”

“A pony? That’s pretty cool. Hey I admire your colors! Full spectrums pretty cool if I may say so.” She said with a smile. The ponies didn’t see her as a threat. “Oh hey what brings you to our cloud? You must have a reason.”

“Well your cloud was too high up. Beyond the legal limit too. That high up no Pegasus could survive and that’s why you won’t see a cloud that high. So yea if you don’t want that sort of attention then you should keep it at this level.”

“What? So you mean…Wait I don’t get it why would a Pegasus want to keep clouds low?”

“Well we do control the weather so if a cloud is too high we would assume a Pegasus passed out and fell to the ground with the lack of air, ya know?”

“Oh ok…Wait you control the WEATHER!” Sky Riders eyes light up like a child in a candy store. “That’s so cool! Where I come from the weather controls itself. But with Utopia’s weather machine we can control clouds and even create ion storms and stuff.”

“Wait nothing controls the weather in your place? How do clouds form then?”

“Oh water evaporates on the ground and goes to the sky. Stuff like that. Easy enough to explain but I don’t want to go into it. It wasn’t my favorite topic when it came to aeronautics you know?”

“Not really. What’s air O not ik z?”

“Oh I guess since your pegasi you don’t need flying machines. Well I am an expert on them! I can make anything fly and as fast as I want it to. It’s just what I do.” She said with a proud expression as she crossed her arms.

“Wait flying machines? Can I see one?” Rainbow seemed to forget how alien they seemed and this leaved the other pegasi to hover there and watch. Ditzy lands on the hanger floor and she notices how solid it is. Rainbow already left with Sky Rider to see her flying machines.

Ditzy looks around the hanger and sees the large insects that look like dragonflies. They had a light blue glow inside their bodies and only shows through the spaces between the armor. They didn’t seem to pay any attention to her. She kept her distance as she approaches the center of the hanger were there was a spiral staircase. She went up and started looking around and got a glance from Watchman then he ignores her and looks back through his crystal balls and telescope. She goes into a dark room where there was a human in a chair with some strange machine in front of him. She could hear a clicking that could easily get annoying if exposed to it too long.

“U-umm excuse me?” Said Ditzy. The clicking stopped and the creature looked at her.

“Oh Good welcome sky clan!” He started giggling. “How is you!”

“Umm good. What is this place?”

“Oh it’s my room. I thought I would stay here to keep my madness from scaring you.”

Ditzy blushes. “Oh I’m in your room?! Oh I’m so sorry!” She turns to leave.

“No its ok! I don’t mind company. You seem nice enough to not rummage through my things.”

“Uhh ok? So umm…What do you do here?” Ditzy was trying to diffuse the awkwardness with casual conversation. It’s safe to say it was working.

“Oh what I do? Oh I do coding! I create viruses and I make it so this ship can fly.”

“That’s interesting. How do you get it to fly exactly? Do you use magic?”

“HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA. Magic doesn’t exist in our world. Nope this is all done with machines.” Ditzy was in awe. They didn’t use magic for this?

“W-what do you mean…No magic?”

“Why exactly what it sounds like dear. No magic to make this ship fly!” He started to stifle a giggle.

“B-but that’s just not possible!”

“Oh for me it is!” Ditzy sits there on the ground letting that information play throughout her head. It was several long moments before Binary speaks up. “Sorry did I break you? Anyway my name is Binary.” He said in a calm tone with a trusting smile.

“Oh sorry my name is Ditzy.”

“Well Ditzy I must say…I’ve never seen a Pegasus before. It’s an honor ma’am. Now if you please excuse me I must get back to doing what I do best. Make us better!”

Ditzy leaves the room and goes to find another Pegasus. Sky Rider isn’t allowed out of the hanger at the time but that didn’t stop her from flying at full speed inside of it. To everyone’s amazement she didn’t hit anything.

Peace Keeper was speaking to Rainbow about how they could meet the world without scaring anyone.

“Well you could appear over Ponyville. People would see the cloud and see me try to move it and when I fail others will come and try to move it. Then eventually Princess Celestia may even show up and be able to move it out of the way showing your ship. Then she would talk to you ya know?”

“Well we did think of using music to introduce ourselves. Since you’ve meet us you should get this Ponyville populace to go outside and see us. When we see most people are outside we will play music or something.”

“Meh that’s kinda boring but all right. I’ll tell my friend Twilight about you. If you don’t mind that is.”

“Actually yes…tell everyone about us. Then when people are outside then we will play some intro music or something along those lines.” He gives a fake laugh and walks back to the center of the hanger.

“All right guys!” Yelled Rainbow. “We got to go introduce the town to the Humans! What we’ll do is tell Twilight about them. She’ll tell princess Celestia and we introduce them to the world!”

The pegasi cheer and they head off back to Ponyville. Sky Rider approaches Peace Keeper in the conference room where he sits in his spot deep in thought.

“Hey Keeper. What’s getting you down?”

Peace Keeper looks up and gives a weak smile. “Well I was remembering the possibility of having to go to war with these people. They seem too peaceful and if we show ourselves wrongly we may make them terrified.”

“Naw it’s all right! They can take anything that comes their way. I’m just glad Beast Master wasn’t there to see the Rainbow one.” She laughed. “He would have been all over her!”

“Yea I fear as much.”

“Though Rainbow Dash did say that she has a friend who loves animals. Maybe Beast will find a beauty in this world.” She gives Keeper a mischievous grin.

Keeper laughs “Yea I’d hate to have another Beast Master. Oh god especially a hybrid pony master!” A look of horror dawned on his face.


Rainbow spoke to Twilight about the visitors. The Utopia ship floated over Ponyville the next day before the sun came up and some ponies noticed it. Though some didn’t really care. A few pegasi went up and touched it to make sure it was a full form cloud. And it was. The only thing that made this cloud so different is that it was so large and ball like so it looked strange in the sky.

Twilight didn’t believe Rainbow when she said she found humans who were mythical creatures.

“Rainbow are you sure Lyra hasn’t gotten to your head?” Said Twilight.

“YES I’M SURE! But now that I’ve seen a human she doesn’t seem all that nutty.”

“It doesn’t matter Rainbow if you can’t get a human to come to my door then I won’t believe you.”

“You know Twilight I may be able to arrange that.”

“Ha I knew you couldn-Wait what?!” Twilight said in shock.

Rainbow dashed out the door and up into the sky. She started knocking on the side of the cloud and a hole opened up for her to go in.

“Sup Dash!” Said Sky Rider.

“Sup Sky! Hey you think you can grab a plane or something and follow me to my friends’ library?”

“Sure let me go ok it with Peace Keeper. He always knows what’s best when it comes to talking to new races and stuff. Just a question does anyone or anypony speak anything other than Equestrian or English?”

“No why?”

“Just maken sure because then I’ll need an interpreter.”

Sky Rider got the ok from Peace Keeper really quickly. She then got the ok from Golem God to use his dragonfly. The dragonflies have stingers at the end of there tails and they can bend there tails with ease if they need to do any combat. So the dragonfly was first choice for first contact if ever something went bad. Normally Peace Keeper would go too but he didn’t know how to fly a dragonfly and two humans would be a bit overwhelming.

“Ok Dash I’m ready to get this show on the road!” Said Sky Rider as she climbed her new ride.

Dash and Rider went into a dive toward Ponyville. The dragonfly wings were pumping mechanically and scripted. They pulled up half way down and flew over the market. Rider could swear every pony’s eyes had pinpricks when they stared at her flying above the market. She landed in front of a tree house where Rainbow led her. She dismounts and follows Rainbow inside.

“Twilight I brought you a human!” Said Rainbow proudly.

“Oh wait I’ve got to see this.” Said a know it all voice said from upstairs. “Did you get the cutie mark crusaders to dress up as a human or-“ She froze when she saw Sky Rider.

“Sup I’m Sky Rider!” She said loudly which made Twilight jump a bit.

“What? B-but you’re a human! You can’t exist. Y-you just can’t!” Said Twilight almost terrified.

“Well I’m human! And I’m real! Wana shake my hand?” Sky holds her hand out toward Twilight and Twilight walks up to Sky. She puts her hoof in Skies hand and her expression changes from shock to fascination.

“Y-you’re real! J-just…What? I’ve got to write a letter to the princess right away! Please don’t leave! I’ll need to prove that you exist!”

“Sorry Twilight is it? Yea sorry Twilight but I’m still needed up on Utopia. Have your princess come to Ponyville and we’ll do the rest ok?”

“Wait what do you mean you’re leaving? You live in the forest right?”

“No I live in the sky silly! Wana watch me take off on my dragonfly?”


Twilight follows her outside and is greeted by a dragonfly the size of three market stands at the door and Sky was getting on its back.

“See you later Twilight! Maybe we can be friends in the future ya know?” Said sky as the dragonfly hopped into the skies and headed toward the oddly shaped cloud.

“I-I’ve got to go write to Celestia.”