• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,456 Views, 48 Comments

The Twelve Specialists - BioChemicalWolfGear

The sky is not the limit for the people of the skies. Man comes so long ago.

  • ...

Open House

Each of the specialists was bombarded with questions the following day. Not only did ponies from Ponyville arrive but also reporters and elite from Canterlot came as well. Turmoil didn’t like the upper class. Especially since he was never so fortunate. He happily told the story of war for food in front of them so they would understand the fortunate life styles they refused to share with others. (Some gave money to charity after that)

Sky’s story was one of the most entertaining of all the others on how she became a specialist.


Sky Rider was actually a member of the royal family from the air nation. The air nations land was actually a bunch of floating islands and steel outcroppings. Every station in each rock face had a hanger. Some planes were a lot like helicopters and other propellers.

Sky was a princess for the Sky nation. She was destined to be queen and rule over the skies. She was very good at building planes and inventing new ones. She didn’t want to be ruler and she would rather be an engineer. But Sky Rider had no choice.

“Katie you fix the raven?” Said Katie’s brother.

“Yea almost done.” Then the engine roared. The raven was a vertical and take off and landing jet, it’s a commercial craft that most people use. It came in many colors and had four engines on each of its four sides. Almost like wheels that were jutting out of the sides and tilted forward and back a bit. They were one man ships.

“I knew you’d be good at this stuff. Hey there will be an air show later. Want to go?”


“Just don’t interrupt it like last time ok? Just cuz we’re royalty doesn’t mean we won’t have consequences.”

“Yea yea I learned my lesson last time…” She had a mischievous grin and said to herself “not really.”

“Ok let’s go to the residential region. The fortress is just boring. None of my friends are here!”


They run to their respective ships. Sky Rider/Katie went to her home made ship that had the speed of a jet plane but could slow and speed up faster than any other flying machine. She became famous as an expert aeronautics engineer before reaching the throne. Her ships couldn’t be bought or sold since they were made by royalty.

Hers was surprisingly laced with gold. She wouldn’t style any other ship with gold unless she used it often. Its golden exterior made it noticeable against the usually grey or multi colored sky. Since the gold was so shiny it attracted a lot of attention.

They raced to the residential district and they saw homes built into the earth of the floating islands. Massive vines also covered the platforms. (There for style since vines represented life)

“The residential areas are beautiful.” Said Katie. Over the communications

“Yea. OH LOOK! It’s Southern Wind!” he said as he looks into the hanger.

Southern Wind was the name of one of the fastest ships in all of Skyline. (Name for the city in the skies). It was also the lead ship in the Wind Sailors team of stunt pilots. Katie was a fan of the group and wanted to join them. Until her interest in engineering caught up to her.

“Oh that’s so cool! I’ve never seen a Wind Sailor docked before.” Said Katie with awe in her voice.

“Maybe we could go meet them. You know since we’re royalty they may think it’s an honor or something.”

“You know that’s not a bad idea.”

Their day went exactly how you would expect. They landed and a few people gave polite bows to the young royalties of the land and they continued on with their day. When they reached the place the Wind Sailors were staying they were allowed in without too much trouble and got to meet Scot Channing the Wind Sailors leader.
The next day Katie’s mother and father approached her.

“Katie we need to talk.” Said her mother.

“W-what? I-if it’s about meeting the Wind Sailors then I’m sorry-“

“Katie I would never be mad at you for meeting celebrities.” Said her father. “In fact I’m proud that you went to see them and at the appropriate time…But there is another reason why we are here.”

“What did I do?” She was worried as her parents looked to each other and then back to her.

“You need to be married to a prince from another land. Specifically the Terrain’s prince.”

“W-what?” She said in Horror.

The Terrain’s were warrior people that were bound by the earth. They had weapons to destroy sky islands and had some bad blood between them and the sky people. The worst part was that they were the biggest nation on the planet after conquering the Cruuk race of insectoid creatures. They still exist but in slavery.

“Yes you need to marry Dark Soul the dreaded.”

Katie refused at first. But after a few hours she realized if she didn’t marry Dark Soul then his people will war with the skies. And they will get the ability to fly. The Sky people live in the skies for a reason. Because the ground was too dangerous.

It was three months until the wedding before something happened…


“…” Katie heard the noise from her room at the palace. She got up and looked out the window and was fooled for a moment when she looked at an object that glowed as bright as the sun…She thought it was day. “B-but I just went to bed? Whoa what’s-“ The alarm sounds in the palace.

Fighters are scrambled and move to intercept the unknown vessel. Then the unexpected…It vanished into thin air.


“Watchman…Cloak us.”

“Already done Impulse.”


The wedding was held in the Terrain Palace of Power. Katie was approaching the palace up the 2000 stairs to the alter. Pedestrians lined the steps and watched in awe. Wind Sailors walked along side the princess as she approaches the palace. Then…



The palace in flame and gold creatures start to rain from the sky.


“That’s her.” Said Impulse looking through the glass orb. “That’s our new specialist.”

“The princess?” Said Watchman.

“Yes…Golem invade the city. She doesn’t want to be married and if we take the capital and restore peace then we may persuade her.”

“It will be done my lord.”

“I’m not your lord!”


The ponies that were listening to Sky Riders story were so in awe that they almost forgot where they were.

“And that is how the Terrain Empire was destroyed and peace restored to the oppressed lands.”

“Is there more?” Said Rainbow wanting more (-.- did I have to explain that?)

“Yea want to hear the rest?”

“You bet!”


Then a few golden statues landed in a formation around an empty space in front of Katie. Then a guy with a parachute slowly floats down almost guided into the circle. Then the parachute disappears and a jet pack appears on his back with black jet wings that spanned wider than his arms if he spread them out.

“Morning my lady.” He bowed.

“W-who are you?”

“My name is Turmoil. Guardian of the sun!”

“W-what? Y-you can’t be guardian of the sun? The sun doesn’t need protecting.” She was still pretty scared at the sudden appearance of him. He was built very well. Like a body builder who didn’t go overboard.

“Ha. Yes true the sun you know…But the Fortress of the Sun needs protection.”

“The what?”

He points up to the glowing golden fortress that appeared out of nowhere. “That fortress…Utopia.”


“We bring peace through all lands. We saw your future…It was terrible. We decided to stop it from happening. We will take over Terrain Empire and enforce the believes and laws of Utopia.”

“W-what are those laws?”

“Love thy neighbor.”


At this moment some ponies look over to Turmoil and give him approving looks.


“Invading a capital doesn’t look like loving thy neighbor.”

“The second law is to never kill.”

“You’re breaking that one too.”

“Do you see bodies?”

She looked around and there were no casualties. Buildings were destroyed but no blood was on the ground by the corpses. Meaning no one could bleed out.

“B-but are they dead?”

“No out cold. All those in the army who are loyalists to the Empire will be imprisoned. All those who want peace will be freed. All those warlords will be brought to justice. And in return we want you.”


“It’s either get married to a warlord and lead your people to slaughter the water nations…Or come with us and spread peace across not only your globe…But others as well.”


“Any questions?” Said Sky.

“So what’d you chose?” Said Rainbow

“I’m here aren’t I?” She said with a smile.

“Well if I knew you were royalty.” Said a pony, he did a bow and so did some other ponies.

“Aww thank you but I’m a specialist now. I no longer hold my royal title.”


“Ha are you kidding? You’ve been a millionaire since you were a filly?” Turmoil said to Filthy Rich.

“Yes I was quite fortunate.”

“Hey Rich you mind throwin some bits my way? I kinda want to go sight seeing ya know?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve offered enough money to many charity events.”

“Well at least you’re somewhat generous with it. Though to be honest Filthy I’m sickened by the upper class.”

“Really? Why is that?”

“Because I lived in the slums for my entire life until Utopia picked me up.”

“Oh I’m sorry for your misfortune. But your experiences turn you into a better pony?”

“...Genocide doesn’t build good character. But it kept us from going hungry.”

“Sweet Celestia! You participated in genocide!”

“Where I live stealing food is punishable by death…Because there was no fortunate underground. Where I come from the sun was a myth. And so was fresh air. Genocide was a simple way of life if you wanted to keep bandits from taking your food, and your lives.”


“My story began when I went to bible camp. The priests accompanied us and I soon fell in love with the idea of god. A giver of life? A creator of the universe?” Said Golem God


Chris was making his way to the church. He was accepted to become a priest and he has participated in several masses. He was loved by the community and by the church, and by god himself.

Chris grew up in the belief that the world leader was god. And anyone who could kill a god was a god. But Chris was an engineer of some sorts. He was the first to discover how to harvest souls and ever since then he’s been putting them into many different bodies.

Though Chris’s crowning achievement that got him the notice of ‘god’ himself was the golem that held a pike. The pikeman golems became the most valued of them all and they became part of a small army for his ‘god’.

“Tell me Finnegan how did you manage to control the souls of the mortal man?” Said his ‘god’ as they met for the first time in the halls of lord. A mortal man who controlled the population claiming he was a god. Chris Finnegan figured this out after dumb questions only a god should know…Like how to control mortals.

“With the same technology that you’ve been using to control people.”



Chris was the first to rebel against ‘god’…Thing is…He won. He managed to kill the dictator that convinced his people that he was a god. He was hated by many and many attempted to kill him. Eventually it almost became too much. Then well the expected.



Nano Swarm didn’t have a story. She didn’t know her past enough for her to tell one. And that’s what she stuck by.

Binary however heard about impulse engine and wanted to know how it was coded. He never left Utopia since then.
Binary grew up with a father who designed programs for games. He spent most of his childhood making Lua files that his dad showed him how to do. After the age of 7 he started working on java scripts. At the age of 10 he made his first game along side his father. By then he was a computer person and went into programming. He became a software engineer and once he heard about ‘the golden fortress’ he seeked Utopia out rather than the other way around.

He was the first specialist not chosen to be picked up but preferred over the other selection.

Beast Master told his story to all the ponies and one pony in particular was hit the most when he told it. That was Twilight Sparkle. The idea of Celestia dying and no friends to return to was a devastating tale. Since then she wanted to be around Beast Master more often more out of pity so despite her instincts to go learn something she did the honorable thing and stayed with Beast for the remaining time at the open house.


Witch Doctor didn’t need much convincing to join Utopia. All that was needed to be mentioned was the potential to discover many new creatures with mythical abilities and he hopped aboard the Utopian band wagon in a heartbeat.

Watchman was a different story…And a much more difficult one to explain…But before most of the ponies could get to him Beast Master interrupted the halls.


“WATCHMAN!” He said in an almost beastly manor…(He sounded part wolf at the moment)

“oh shit.” Said Watchman out loud. He then quickly summoned a glass orb and it flew over to Beast Masters stall. It zapped him and he disappeared. Where? A cage…a reinforced with concrete cage.

“W-what’s going on?” Said Twilight worried. Her question was answered when a very very loud roar came from down the hall. But it was obvious it was an echo. It sounded canine.

“Sorry everypony we’re now restricted to eleven specialists.” Said Sky Rider.

“But what’ happening? Is he in trouble.”

“Well we will approach you about this subject later ok? For now let’s continue with the open house.”

“NO! I want answers now!”

“You won’t get any if you don’t listen Sparkle.” Said Nano.


Sound Wave’s story was very simple. She was sixteen when she went to her first club. Ever since then the night life has been calling her as destiny and eventually she took classes to work with music equipment. Eventually her skills with knowing all the great music for clubs became popular with many managers in the regions. But eventually her life dream was shattered with too many credit card charges after someone stole her identity.

She got it back but she was bankrupt before the guy was caught. Then Utopia picked her up and she’s been the entertainment for the specialists since then. She also became friends with many indigenous species of each world Utopia goes too.


After the open house dies down all the ponies start to go home. Twilight stays behind and so does Rainbow Dash. Eventually Fluttershy showed up and was asked to stay by Binary.

“W-what happened to Beast Master?” Said Fluttershy

“Werewolf.” Said Nano

“Were what?” said Rainbow

“Well. Beast Master has been cursed with the power of a wolf.”

“How is that a curse?” Said Rainbow

“Because when he’s a werewolf he goes on a killing spree and well…Kills everything he sees. We’ve tried to research things to control it. Even Witch Doctor thought of ideas on how to suppress it. He’s been adding things to Beast Master’s body so that it had less of a hold on him. Now all we need is for someone to talk to him while in that form and calm him down so he can collect his thoughts…We’ve tried very hard to do that but we don’t have as much experience with animals as Beast Master.”

The ponies look at Fluttershy. Then Twilight turns back to Nano and says. “Have no fear Nano Swarm I know someone who can help.”

“Yea yea I know Fluttershy…The specialists will have to discuss this with ourselves. You know the risks right?”

“I’ll do whatever I can to help Beast Master.” Said Fluttershy confidently.

“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.” She gave Fluttershy a glare that made her back up a bit. “There is a very real possibility that you will die if you help him. Not only that but if you survive an attack from a werewolf there is a good chance you will turn into one yourself. And if you turn into one yourself there is no one here to contain you when you transform, so that means you would rampage around Ponyville and kill all your friends and people you don’t even know.”

“I-I don’t think it’s that-“ Started Twilight.

“Bad? Are you serious? I thought you were the smart one! Ponies aren’t prepared to handle a werewolf. And Fluttershy if you become one, your bones will break and your skin will mutate and form into a creature that is a carnivorous version of your herbivore self. That means when you transform back you will probably die of the creatures you’ve eaten.” Fluttershy’s pupils were pin pricks.

“I-I still want to try.” She said tearing up.

“Fine I’ll take that into consideration…But Fluttershy if you turn into a werewolf you will be forced to stay with us. We will not allow you to stay in Equestria as a werewolf. Though there is a good chance you’ll just die rather than transform into one yourself. Which is a better alternative to be honest.”

“How is dying better!” Said Twilight.

“Killing is the ultimate sin here…She will be murdering on the masses and she wouldn’t be able to control herself. From what I understand ponies would rather die than kill all their closest friends and family members.”

Twilight remained silent for a moment. “Y-you’re right…I’m sorry.”

“For what? Beast Master can control his werewolf state only when it’s not under a specific time. Usually the full moon is associated with the transforming of a werewolf. Beast is just another beast then. Other times his dragon DNA allows him to do controlled transformations. He rarely ever uses them because they are very very painful.”

“I-I’m sorry.” Fluttershy was in tears. Nano felt terrible for making her cry but it was necessary to tell them the gravity of the situation.


“All right why did you call this meeting Nano? Especially when Beast is, well a beast.” Said Impulse.

“Well I’ve explained the situation to Fluttershy and she seemed still up to handling the problem.”

“It’s too dangerous!”

“Yes but we can still try it.”


“YES! She is willing to help him! And she is probably the only per-pony who can!”

The meeting room was silent. Everyone deep in thought about the current situation.

“All right give it some time. Before we leave there is a timed transformation and if Fluttershy can’t save Beast from that form…Then we leave. And if she becomes a werewolf too then we will take her with us.”

“Agreed.” Said Peace Keeper.

“I” Said Witch Doctor.

“I” Said Wave

“I” said Binary.

“It’s settled then. We’ll help Beast Master if Fluttershy is still up to it.” Said Sky Rider. “We owe him that much.”


‘I’m hungry…Maybe I should eat Nano first…No she doesn’t have much meat. Peace Keeper yes! I’ll eat him! NO THER IS MORE! Binary HAHAHA. What?’

Beast Master was in a wolf form. His mind is fully being influenced by the transformation.

‘No no…Fluttershy is a nice prey item…Oh yes so is all her friends. Maybe that Rainbow one taste like skittles MWAHAHAHAHAHA!’


Beast Master’s tame mind was never like this. It burned his subconscious with guilt and regret.


“H-hey Fluttershy…” Said Rainbow as she flies over head. Fluttershy was moping heading back to the transporter bay.

“Y-yea?” She didn’t look up.

“Are you ok?”


“What’s wrong?”

“I-I can help him…But I’m too afraid to.”

“That’s not something to be ashamed of.” Said a disembodied voice. “We all have fear. It’s only natural. It’s how we deal with these fears that matters. Whether we throw someone under a bus if we believed it would save ourselves. Or we over come it and jump under the bus to save another.”

“Who’s there?” Said Twilight.

“I’m Golem.” He came out of the golden wall behind on of his golems and he goes out in front. “And I don’t know about you but…I don’t want you to do this. Sure the chance at giving Beast a better life style is a nice thing to do but its too dangerous.”

“B-but I want to help him!”

“Then you can. Only when we prepare to leave you will come with us if you are unsuccessful. If you manage to save him then we will be in your debt. If you fail there is a good chance you could die or become a werewolf yourself. You’ve heard this already.”

“Y-yes. And I know the risks.”

“And I plead for you not to take them.”

“I will.”

“You will think of your decision for the next few days. In that time Beast will be assigned to stay with you for the remaining days of our stay.”


“He will need to see you as a sister to not initially attack you right away when he’s in beast form.”

“B-but how do I do that?”

“I can arrange a session with Witch Doctor…He may be insane when it comes to the mind but his methods get results. He could make a mutual sensation of love between you two.”

At this point Rainbow had the ‘Eww’ expression and she spoke up. “L-love? Like they will fall in love or?”

“Fall in love.”

“Oh never mind…That’s still kinda weird though.”

“If it saves Beast Master from the uncontrolled transformation then it may be worth the risk…And love will feel good Fluttershy.” He gave a warm smile. “Even if it may be unnatural.”


“WHAT?!” said Twilight and Rainbow in unison.

“Yes! I’ll do it. If it means that I can save him then I’ll do it.”

“Fluttershy Love is a very powerful thing. If you can’t control yourself you might-or well.” Her face got deep red.

“NO! I won’t do that!” Fluttershy said assertively.

“True that can’t happen.” Chimed in Golem. “Beast Master is a very self disciplined person. No emotion can easily overtake his thoughts. Which will make this very difficult.”

“But you can’t be serious about this!” Said Twilight.

“I am. And I’m going to do whatever it takes to save him.”

“Valiant, and cute.” Said Golem with a smile. “Love will be easy to achieve between our species since we are both sentient and we see each other more and more like people of our society. I have faith that Fluttershy will be successful.”

“Cute?” Said Fluttershy.

“Yes you are pretty adorable.” Golem explodes in a cloud of golden smoke and it rushes down the hall way. Leaving Fluttershy with pink cheeks.