• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,456 Views, 48 Comments

The Twelve Specialists - BioChemicalWolfGear

The sky is not the limit for the people of the skies. Man comes so long ago.

  • ...


Watchman decided to go down to the library and read up on ponies that can do magic. He was given the assignment to find a magic specialist for Utopia, and potentially convince them to join the Utopians in a universal era of peace.

“If you told me what you’re looking for I can help.” Said Twilight.

“No I don’t mind. Besides what I find what I don’t need I’ll enjoy anyway.”

“Suit yourself.”

Watchman looks through the various different books about magic and spell magic. Despite the fact he already found what he was looking for. He wanted Twilight’s curiosity to take her over and speak to him. If it failed he would approach her. It took several hours of waiting and reading until Twilight approached him again.

“So if you’re not too busy I’d like to ask questions. If that’s ok with you?”

“Sure thing Sparkle.” Said Watchman as he turns to face her.

“Umm I never got to any other stalls…Do you mind telling me a brief summary of each human?”


Watchman proceeds to talk about his companions and their stories of how the ended up in Utopia. He even told Sparkle about how Utopians are selected. Then…

“Twilight Sparkle I’ve told you a lot about Utopia…Now I want to talk about you.”

“Oh umm sure ask away.”

“You’re special talent is magic right?”

“Oh yes I’m very good with spells. Why do you ask?”

“Twilight Utopia has selected you to be the Specialist of Magic…” Silence for a good thirty seconds.


“Yes…Utopia wants you to leave your old life behind and help us discover the secrets of the universe. We want you to be by our sides in a new family. We all were chosen because we had nothing left to live for in our universes; you however have every reason to stay.”

“Y-yea all my friends and my family. And the princess. Also all the knowledge in the world!”

“Twilight we can offer you all the knowledge in the universe.”

Another long moment of silence. Obviously Twilight was pondering the offer. “No my friends are more important…”

“Twilight we don’t want to leave without you…How about we compromise. You get to be a specialist for several days while you make a decision on if you want to be one of us. If you chose the specialist life style over your current one you come with us. But if you like your home here more than life as a specialist then we will offer you the chance to come with us.”

“…I’ll give it a try but I can’t guarantee that I’ll come with you. My friends and family are just too important to me.”

“It’s ok Twilight…We know. And we thought of this issue. We believe there is a seventy five percentile of you choosing to become a specialist.”

“I-I don’t believe that.” She said obviously nervous now. She was afraid…Not about what they might do to her, but because they believe they have a card that once shown has a more than likely chance to make her chose a life of travel over her friends and family.

“It’s ok Twilight…Once Utopia showed me what it has, I wasn’t afraid of the unknown. I wanted to discover it…Twilight Utopia can offer you something that I’m not allowed to freely disclose to you. But you have to experience it.”

“W-what is it?”

“I told you I can’t tell you until you’ve tried it.”

“F-fine I’ll be part of this experiment…But will it hurt?”

“It’s painless.”


The open house incident didn’t go unnoticed. But the specialists are more worried about the time of ‘day’ that Beast Master transformed. This means at some point each week they will have to cage him in the day. The wolf blood he has also times itself to be in sync with the moon. However it syncs with the moon in another universe so the one in Equestria basically doesn’t mean shit.

But it was a matter of time before Celestia heard about this and she came to Utopia to discuss the issue with Impulse…Impulse however wanted something else.

“Impulse, I’ve come to discuss the situation with Fluttershy and Beast Master.”

“That situation you have no jurisdiction in. So I’d prefer you not talk about it.”

“But MY SUBJECTS are my jurisdiction!”

“Your student Twilight Sparkle has shown interest in magic…We want her as the specialist of magic.” Celestia was silent.


“A valid question. But as you know we’ve all been selected by Utopia…Sparkle was just recently selected too.”

“What do you mean?”

“We need magic specialists…We never encountered magic before so we don’t know how to deal with it. So with Twilight we can defend ourselves against it and even be able to amaze and show off with it. We could create peace amongst the stars with Twilight’s abilities…And we want you to approve of this before we show her...Some things.”

“What will you show her?”

“…A great burden. We will remove it if she doesn’t want it anymore. If she chooses to keep the burden then she will come with us as the thirteenth specialist. And she will have the honor of saving billions.” He idolized the last sentence.

“…All right. Let her do the experiment…But if she chooses to go with you I demand a goodbye with all her friends.”

“We’ve never left without goodbyes Celestia…Unless there was nothing to say goodbye too.”


“Y-you sure this will work?” Said Fluttershy.

“Positive.” Said Witch Doctor.

They were in the stasis room where Fluttershy was being placed inside the stasis chamber next to an unconscious Beast Master. Fluttershy was nervous and defiantly scared.

“You ready Shy?”

“Y-yea I’m ready.”

Witch Doctor starts up the machines and the capsule closes on Fluttershy. She’s now stuck in the stasis chamber with no way to stop the operation. Her eyes start to feel heavier and heavier until they’ve completely closed. The machine gets to work and starts to weave new strands of data into both their minds. The process was done after about thirty minutes. Fluttershy exits the chamber first and is helped across the room by Witch Doctor.

“Now Fluttershy it’s important that he doesn’t see you right away. He may suspect me of putting emotions into his head the procedure won’t work.”

“Got it.”

“Head to your cottage and find something to do. Beast Master will find his way to you in time and when he does…Expect feelings.” Witch Doctor said with a smile.


“Ugh what happened?” Said Beast Master.

“I’m not sure Beast. Maybe it was some reaction to transforming in front of the ponies. Otherwise you shouldn’t have blacked out like that.”

“Shit is everyone ok?”

“Yea Watchman teleported you to a cage before you could fully transform and do some damage.”

“Good…I-I need to be somewhere.”

“Where do you need to be?”

“On the ground…Maybe I can defuse the situation if the ponies are afraid of me at the moment.”

“You’ve been out for hours and we’ve explained the situation to some of them. They offered help but we refused since there was too much risk.”

“How much risk?”

“Well if they tried to help you while in that form they could become werewolves too…Or die, defiantly die.”

“Well shit. I’ll be back on the surface.” He gets up and starts to walk out the door.

“OH Beast.” Beast Master looks back at Witch Doctor. “I’ve detected a swarm of dragons heading this way. They seem to be migrating.”

“Thanks Voodoo man. I’ll check it out.”


Beast Master returns to his quarters and thinks about the recent events. He also noticed something new inside him but he couldn’t place it. It just didn’t feel natural in a way. The Scepter appears beside him.

‘What bothers thou?’

“I’m not sure myself…I need some time on my own for a moment…Oh there is a dragon migration going on soon. Want to go participate or?”

‘Ha these dragons are weak. I will not participate with their inferior race.’

“Suit yourself. I feel like taking something new on. I’ll be back here by the end of the day…Hopefully.”

Beast Master heads to the teleportation pad in the main hall. On his way there on the cart ride he started thinking of what he wanted to do on the surface. But all his mind went to was Fluttershy. He wanted to see her again and he had no idea why. Either way he was going to the surface, and still needed to wait a while until those dragons appeared.


“Hey Fluttershy! Are you ready for the dragon migration?”


Rainbow Dash decided to go to Fluttershy’s cottage with Twilight to pick her up and watch the dragon migration. She however was waiting at home for Beast Master to show up.

“B-but Beast is coming isn’t he?”

“Well he is a dragon rider so he probably is going to be at the migration.” Said Twilight.

“No…Umm I just did the experiment today…” there was a good moment of silence and Rainbow skipped a beat and feel to the floor.

“WHAT?!” Said Rainbow. “You. You did it?”

“Y-yea…We went ahead with the plan and I was just at Utopia just a few hours ago.”

“Well do you feel any different?” Said Twilight.

“N-no its…weird but.”


“Well when I think about Beast Master I…I feel comfortable.”

They stand there for a good moment. Right now both Twilight’s and Rainbow’s mind is racing with thoughts of how this would work. The dragon migration seemed to be the last thing on everyone’s mind at the moment. Then they heard a crash outside.

“Hello? Fluttershy you home?” It was Beast Master.

Fluttershy rushes out to meet him. “Hi Beast Master. W-what are you doing here?”

“I heard there was a dragon migration. I want you to join me as I test the strength of each of these dragons. Do not fear I will not allow harm to come to you if they try to attack.”

“B-b-but I’m afraid of d-d-dragons.”

“Ah yes. But don’t worry Fluttershy. Because dragons are afraid of me.”

Rainbow turns to Twilight and whispers. “Did he just ask Fluttershy on a date? Like in his own way?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Sure I’ll go with you.” Said Fluttershy…Rainbow and Twilight looks back in utter amazement. More because of the fact she accepted a date with Beast Master than anything else.

“SPLENDED! I’ll go grab my chains.”


“How else am I going to hold the dragon down?”



In the trench Twilight kept looking back at Beast Master. Wondering if he was aware of the offer she was given to become a specialist.

“Umm Beast Master?”

“Yes I’m aware of the offer.” He said dully.

“WHAT? You knew?”

“Yes Utopia’s wishes speak to us all.”

“What’s he talken about?” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Umm nothing.” Said Twilight.

“Sure don’t sound like nothin’.” Said Applejack.

“She’s been offered something that not many creatures have the honor to become.”

“Oh yea? What’s that?” Said Rainbow.

Then a great disturbance in the force…Rarity roles out a red carpet that shoots streamers and confetti into the air, announcing she arrived. Beast Master gives her a death glare but she doesn’t act on it. Fluttershy is also in the trench as well. Then the dragons show up and one does a loop in front of the trench.

“pfft…I’ve seen better.” Said Rainbow gloatingly.

“Rainbow don’t underestimate dragons.”

“Why not?” Then one crashes into another mid air and it retaliates by spitting fire at it which happens to be in the direction of the trench. Everyone except Beast Master and Rainbow move out of the way.

“That’s why.” Said Beast Master. “Anyway time for me to have my fun. I’ll be back.” He starts taking off the long chains slung over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” Said Fluttershy.

“Something dangerous.” He swings the chain around in a circle and releases it. The end flies skyward and wraps around a purple dragons torso. “BYE!” He yells as he’s taken by the chain into the air.

“OH NO!” Exclaims Fluttershy.

While in the air Beast Master swings the chain so he is launched into the air above the dragon while it’s still disoriented as to how a chain got around its waist. He lands on its back and swings the chain around so it would tighten its mouth closed, and bound its legs. Both Beast Master and the Dragon plummet to the ground at an alarming rate.

“WHOA!” everyone exclaims in unison as the dragon crashes down to the ground. Rainbow and Fluttershy rushes over to the dragon. Everypony else is too afraid to move out of the trench.

“Beast Master are you hurt?” Said Fluttershy to the large cloud of smoke that covers the dragon.

“Nope! Just fine. All right all I need to do now is add this beauty to my collection!” Said Beast Master joyously.

“Whoa dude h-how did you do that?”

“Please, I learned how to wrestle dragons before I learned to walk.”


Beast Master returned his catch to Utopia for study and…experimentation from Witch Doctor. (author visibly shudders). Beast Master returns to Fluttershy’s cottage where they feed animals and tell stories of caretaking. Though both of them are thinking the same thing…They have feelings for each other, they just didn’t want to admit it.

“And that’s how I got phoenix blood in my veins.”

“T-that’s nice.” Fluttershy seemed timid…Well more timid than she already was. She also stammered enough to make Beast Master curious.

“Fluttershy are you afraid of me?” He felt almost heart broken.

“W-well…no. I-its just…”

“Come here.” He drew Fluttershy into a hug. Feeling her warm coat against his body melted his heart. Whether it was his need to comfort her or his hidden love for her, Beast Master wanted to be close to her.

“Thank you.” Fluttershy finally said after a few minutes of hugging. “B-beast Master?” She said as shy as ever.

“Yes?” He said as she leaned closer and closer to his face. Beast was quicker as he pressed his lips against hers. He was gentile enough so she wasn’t startled too much by the action. It was by no means passionate but it sent the right message.

Fluttershy broke the kiss first. “Umm. I’m sorry.” She had a pink blush.

“I’m not.” Said Beast Master with a playful smile.


Nano Swarm was hanging in her new room. She looked around at all the material possessions given to her and thought. ‘Why do I need all this?’. Then she heard a knocking at the door.

“Come in.” She said.

Peace Keeper walked through the door and looked at her seriously. “You’ve seen this right?” He held up a small black rock like thing.

Nano looks down. “Some actually…Not all.”

“You should see it all. Especially now that our time here is almost over.”

“What do you mean?”

“You may regret not doing this earlier when we finally leave.”

“Umm again what do you mean?”

“Just look at the fucking data Nano.” He places the rock on the dresser and walks out.


Nano picks up the rock thing that was on the dresser and delves into its knowledge. It was a data storage device. Mainly for old Nano Swarm users from hundreds of years in the past. But what she saw in the data made her go pale.


“I need to know what it means to be a dragon!” said spike.

“Spike I for the last time I know nothing about dragons!”

“Twilight can you at least try to help me?”

“Fine! Beast Master caught a dragon and even owns one. Maybe he’ll know more about dragons because I don’t know anything. He might still be with Fluttershy.”

They leave the library and head down the familiar path to Fluttershy’s cottage. Upon arrival Twilight sees Fluttershy and Beast Master laying in the grass…Kissing.

“Oh dear…” Fluttershy broke off the kiss and said something that she couldn’t make out. Then Beast Master said something and she nuzzled against his chest. “Umm Spike maybe we should come back lat—“ Spike was already heading toward them.

“HEY GUYS!” He yelled at them. They both look back at him in shock and embarrassment. “Hey Beast Master! I want to know what it means to be a dragon!” Said Spike excitedly.

“A dragon eh?”

“I’M SO SORRY!” Yelled Twilight. “I-I saw you two and I tried to stop Spike fr-“

“It’s ok Twilight.” Said Fluttershy. “I don’t mind.”

“Yea not a problem, so Spike you want to know what it means to be a dragon hmm?”

“YEA! Can you tell me?”

“Well I don’t know about dragons in this world but the ones in mine…Well I’m an expert.”

“Ok let me hear about the ones in your world.”

“Well dragons in my world have only one purpose really. That is to give others ultimate power. Other than that its pillage and destroy. They often also steal jewelry and make their nests out of it to show the wealth they gained through death and destruction.”

“Oh that sounds…Terrible.” Said Spike. “But I want to know how dragons behave ya know?”

“Oh that’s easy. Dragons are very aggressive. They don’t let anything go unpunished. Like if I pushed you out of a line or cut in front of you. You would have to reclaim your honor and kill me.” Spike looked almost horrified. “So unless you want to be a mass murderer who likes to see his friends in massive amounts of pain you should stick with us. A dragons mind is not set in stone. You can be whatever you really chose. If you want to be tough don’t go and prove it. You are tough. I can prove it to you if you so wish.”

“Prove it? How?”

“Twilight move away from Spike.” She complies and Beast Master breathes fire onto spike. “See? You can survive temperatures that would make another persons blood boil.” He said as Spike emerges from the flame unharmed.

“Well yea I’m a dragon.”

“If I threw you through a tree you’d live.”

“T-that sounds painful.”

“But it’s true. You’ve been blessed with a body that is a fortress. You can use it just like a fortress and you can be kind with it. You can use it to burn down villages…Or build them from the ground up.”


“Yea. You’re a dragon and you have billions of years left in your life. You don’t need to look far to know where you want to spend your first hundred.”

“Wait what do you mean? I want to be a dragon! How does this help me though?”

“Being a dragon is more than discovering what you are but rather who you are. You could be a wisdom seeker and fly the lands of Equestria looking for new knowledge to pass down to travelers who seek your guidance. You could be a warmonger and burn down all sentient life forms you see.” Spike makes an audible gulp. “Or you could just enjoy the time you have by socializing with other dragons or ponies. You’ve already got some of that down.”

“So basically…What do I do?”

“Fpfpfpfpfpfpfpfp…Ok Spike I personally think you need to go see what other dragons are like. Then return here and tell everyone what you want to do. Stay here with your friends…Or stay with the dragons.”

“Wait are you telling him to join the migration?!?!” Said Twilight.

“Why not? The dragons won’t kill him. He is a dragon himself. He is also an orphan for what they believe and dragons usually don’t adopt so they will leave Spike to do what he wishes as long as he doesn’t get in the way.”

“B-but B-B-B-Beast Master Spike is a baby dragon!”

“And there are hatchlings at the migration site. Dragons that are much younger than Spike. Besides I’ve seen teenage dragons and they are almost as bad as the adult versions. But they are a lot more social and are more likely to help Spike in some way just because they would like to have more dragons to hang with ya know?”

“Wait why not hang with dragons that are my age?”

“Cuz there are no dragons your age. Dragons have timed mating cycles and the last set of hatchlings was yours. The teens you will see would be the ones you would have grown up with if you indulged in normal dragon growth stimuli.”


Twilight interrupted. “OH! You mean if he was greedy he would be the same size and age as the other dragons?”

“Yes. But since Spike has remained selfless he is now stunted for a short time. Eventually he will sprout to the right height in due time.”

“So you’re saying that the dragons I’ll hang with there will be from my age group?” Said Spike.


“Sweet thanks Beast Master!”

“If you want I can give you a lift there.”


“On Scepter of course. And don’t try to talk to him. He doesn’t have any vocal cords. He speaks to me through his mind.”

“Whoa that’s pretty cool! I want to learn that.”

“You can’t, it only works for him.”