• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 48 Comments

The Twelve Specialists - BioChemicalWolfGear

The sky is not the limit for the people of the skies. Man comes so long ago.

  • ...

Dragons Lair

Rainbow Dash, and Rarity didn’t take Beast Master’s advice about letting him go alone. Causing Beast to worry for their safety and following them. Fluttershy was happy he chose to help them but was still worried for his safety so she went to. Of course they kept out of view though.

“Beast you said I should do this on my own?”

“Yea but if I don’t go with you, your friends will follow you. And seeing as they can’t survive any dragon fire that’s bad news.”

“Can’t you die by it too?”

“Dragon skin and phoenix blood. Plus wolf blood…Don’t forget wolf blood.”

“Yea I wanted to ask you about that.”



“An expression. Ask away.”

“Oh ok. Well how did you get wolf blood?”



The story of wolf blood was Watchman’s story. Watchman always wanted to be a blimp operator because he could see over the battlefield and look down on the soldiers and direct them. He would also get valuable enemy troop movement information. Watchman grew up in a world were blimps and zeppelins were the only flying machines. He also flew his first blimp at the age of ten.

Watchman was enlisted into the Tehlik Union Army (TUA) to spot enemies and call artillery on them. His blimp was high in the air and he had a telescope looking down at the world. It was only by chance he saw ‘the movement’. He radioed it in to the ground units and a squadron went in to investigate.

Five minutes later they radioed in that they were under attack by a werewolf. At first Watchman didn’t believe it because it was mid day. But this one seemed controlled so it mush have transformed on its own free will.

‘I’m going down there. Maybe I can help!’ Thought Watchman. The dumbest idea he ever had.

Watchman finds his way down at ground level and goes toward the area the wolf beast is. He used to hunt with his father so he tried to stay down wind. But he was wrong with the assumption of the location of the beast and it ends up behind him. He turns when he hears a roar and then before it swipes at him with his claws a muscular hand comes up and stops it.

“Sup I’m BEAST MASTER!” He throws the wolf man at a nearby tree.

It gets up and charges Beast Master again. Only this time when he goes to block from a swipe it does an uppercut with its claws knocking him to the ground. It then leaps at his neck and Beast Master grabs its jaws before they could close and deliver death. Watchman finds himself paralyzed with fear as the beast and the Beast Master wrestle on the ground. Soon Beast is riddled with cuts from the werewolf and the beast itself is in a pool of blood.

“Bugger had what was coming.” He turns to Watchman. “And I’d like to-Gaw” Beast holds his chest as he feels something trying to escape from it…no something is trying to escape from his entire body. The first transformation is the most painful…it is also the most terrifying. Beast Master starts to turn into the wolf man he just defeated and as he does he feels his need for blood to grow.

“BEAST!” Yelled out Nano Swarm. She jumps on his back pinning him to the ground. She then forms a metal bar and she wraps it around his wrists and another one around his legs as he continues to transform. Once he was fully transformed he was immobile and harmless…If you stay away from the teeth that is.

“T-this is amazing!” Said another voice. Watchman looks over and sees a man in a white coat. Witch Doctor. “I’ve got to get samples.”


“Why not?”

“This is Beast Master!”

“WHAT? I’m…impressed more than worried actually.”

“You’re fucking hopeless.”

“Anyway we still need to recruit this fellow even with the casualty.” Turning to watchman.

“W-what?” Said Watchman.

“Yes will you join us?”



“Yep. And since then I’ve been fascinated with how other creatures DNA mixes with mine. Witch Doctor realized early on that since my DNA changes completely it can support many different improvements with my body.”

“Like thick skin?”

“Yep. And fire breathing.”

“You can breathe fire!”


“Can ya show me?”

“I’ll show it to the dragons if you call me. Don’t call me too soon or you may miss out on learning more about yourself. I can tell you now that it might be harsh and even painful. Dragons are known for rough housing.”

“Oh *Gulp* I-is it that bad?”

“Yea only worse if you don’t keep your cool and take it like a dragon.”

“Oh so I have to keep calm and think through my actions?”

“Yea it’s that simple. Oh and if another dragon can do it so can you. Remember that!”

“Ok but…Where did you go?” Spike is now alone.

“I keep to the shadows…your destination is ahead.”

Spike looks ahead of himself and sees the mountain where dragons are gathered. The mountain range will be difficult to climb but once he was able to make it up he looks down into the crater and finds a group of teenage dragons.


“Ok Twilight Sparkle. The chamber is ready.”

“Umm are you sure this is a good idea?” Said Twilight nervously looking at the powering up stasis chamber.

“Yes every specialist was inside this at one point. We just need you to get inside for a few moments and all our knowledge and all of your knowledge will be added to the collective.”

“Wait I thought you were all specialists? Like you didn’t need each others knowledge to get things done?”

“Well this is true but now that we are specialists we can’t improve unless we are exposed to something new.”

“Well ok but if it hurts.” She gets into the Chamber “I’m going to hold it against you.”

“Don’t worry Twilight.” Said Witch Doctor as he closes the chamber so she can’t get out. “It will.” He whispers.

A giant flash of light comes out of the chamber and Twilight begins to scream.


Ponies were outside doing daily activities that they normally do. But in Ponyville they weren’t out side because of those daily things. They went outside to watch as Utopia starts to glow with a lavender aura of magic. Applejack could see it from her farm and wouldn’t look away in fear of missing something important.

“Golly…dat sure does look like Twi’s magic. Ah wonder if she’s ok?” she said to no one in particular.


Turmoil lands beside her in near the barn and she jumps up in shock.

“WHOOAA! Turmoil don’t ya’ll know any better to scare ponies?!” Said AJ angrily.

“My apologies one of fields. I was coming to confirm your suspicions.”

“One of fields?” Said Applejack with a raised eyebrow.

“You are a farmer. One with fields. So…One of fields.”

“Ah think ah understand. Now what about my suspicions?”

“Twilight is indeed using her magic to hold Utopia…We are turning her into a magic specialist.”


“Yes a specialist. Though the process is a painful one. Her magic dampeners are breaking and she’s desperately holding on to the entire fortress to use up the excess energy to ease the pain of overflowing magic.”

“S-she’s in pain?” Said Applejack in horror.

“Don’t worry. Once it’s over she will have only one barrier and she would be more powerful than the princesses combined. The pain will go away once her magic is locked down once again. Witch Doctor will make sure nothing happens to her.”

“C-can ah go see her?”

“That’s what I came here for. I want you to see her after the procedure. All your other friends are occupied at the moment and we want someone there for her to talk to and…gage her personality. We believe after a specialist goes through this transformation they would become a little different from what they used to be. Just ask her some questions and comfort her when the time comes.”

“Ah can do that. But what do ya mean by that changing of her personality?”

“Well you will see actually.”


“Ugh I feel terrible.” Said Twilight.

“It’s ok Twilight. I’ve gotcha.” Witch Doctor helps her out of the chamber. “How do you feel?”

“Like my brain has been raped by cinder blocks.” Her eyes were looking opposite directions as she talked.

“Umm…wow did not expect that to come out of your mouth.”

“I…what is straight again?” Her eyes corrected themselves and she looses her balance.

“I’ll carry you.” Witch Doctor carries her in his arms and carries her to the cart.

“Hey Witch…”


“...Are you handsome from your world?” She said with a stupid grin on her face.

“Yea…are you pretty from yours?” Witch returns the stupid grin.

“Well.” Twilight’s grin falls to a frown. “Umm no.”

“Well you’re pretty in my opinion Twi.”

“A-are you flirting with me?”

“Are you flirting with me?”


“It’ll be our joke ok?”

“Agreed handsome.”

“You’re a lot different now.”

“Oh? You sure its not your feelings?”

“Naaaw! Naaaw! But your just being…Direct and informal. Like we’ve been friends for a long time and you could just say whatever you want without worrying about my opinion.”

“Well that’s not a bad thing is it?”

“My machine wasn’t designed for ponies…Maybe it made you a little more human. Or dirty which ever.”

“You think I’m dirty? Wana clean me?” She said with lustful eyes.

“Oh shit.”


Beast Master waits along the side lines while Spike mingles with the other dragons. He notices an oddity with one of the dragons that seems to be on the outer ring of the group tailing Spike. It looks a lot like a costume.

“Shit…whoever is in there better get out soon.”

Several minutes go by and the dragon costume anomaly goes unnoticed and even participates in some dragon games.

“This is getting out of hand. They should not be interfering.”

Beast Master finds a time when the others aren’t looking to go to the dragon costume and crawls in it. He hears on of them begin to scream and covers her mouth his his hand. Only to find it was Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.

“What are you all doing here?”

“I was going to say the same about you.” Said Rainbow.

“I’m making sure the dragons don’t turn on Spike. And if he wishes to leave I will be his excuse.”

“W-what do you mean?” Said Fluttershy.

Beast hugs her. “Go home shy. I’d hate to see you hurt.”

“Oh?” Said Rarity. “Is there something you’ve been meaning to tell us Beast Master?”

“Oh it’s already been said. Yes Fluttershy and I are in love.”

“W-what?” Stammered Rarity.

“Umm yes. We are dating.” Spoke up Fluttershy.

“Whoa that was fast.” Said Rainbow. Obviously not entirely surprised by the situation but surprised Fluttershy brought up the fact they are dating.

“Yep. But please gals go home. This place isn’t safe and I have immunities against fire so I can stay. Hey you haven’t seen me for a while too. That’s because I’m good with stealth. Now please hurry up and go home before you get yourselves caught.”

“Actually Beast I came to make sure you were ok.” Said Fluttershy.

“Aw don’t worry Shy. I’ll never let anything hurt me. Or Spike for that matter.” He raises her chin and pecks her on the lips. Causing Rainbow to falter and Rarity to give an approving smile.

“Well if you two are done.” Rarity began. “We will head back home. I can see Spike is in trusted hands and you know more about dragons than we do. I’ve heard that from Applejack.”

“Thank you ladies. I bid you ado, and have a nice trip back home. Don’t get lost and actually.” He pulls out a small hand held orb. “Here if you do get lost then this will bring you to Utopia. Just look at it and think ‘Impulse come pick us up’ and Impulse will hear you.”

“Very well. Don’t let Spike get hurt.”

“Will do. And Fluttershy.” He turns to Fluttershy and she looks him in the eyes. “Stay safe.”


“Golly Twi. Ya already got yer own room?” Said Applejack enjoying the scenery of Twilight’s room at Utopia.

“Howdy Applejack!” Said Twilight trotting up to her friend.

“Hehe ‘howdy’? Since when did ya pick up Apple Family talk?”

“Listening to you my good friend.”

“He he. Ya know Twi they said you may have changed through this ordeal and Turmoil told me it would hurt. You ok?”

“Well Applejack you are my friend and I will do all I can to reassure you but…No. I feel so different right now. I feel more powerful than Celestia herself! I-I think I can move the sun and moon at once, and have enough power to move mountains at the same time.”

“Wow Twi that sure does sound impressive. But you also aren’t lying. You really do have the power to move planets don’t ya?”

“Yea…But its weird and awesome at the same time! I’m so happy about it but I’m also sad.”

“Why are you sad Twi?” She said worried and wraps her hoof around Twilight’s neck.

“Well…I’m immortal now…Applejack I can’t die.”

“Well how’s that a problem?”

“Well I’m going to go to all your funerals…Yours Fluttershy’s, Rainbow’s, Rarity’s, Pinkie Pie’s, and even Spikes after he lives thousands of years.”

“I-…Ah didn’t think of that Twi…ah’m sorry.” They hug each other.

“He he ya think yer more powerful than Celestia huh?”


“Ya need to challenge her to a sun wrestle.” They burst into laughter.

“Ok girls time to go see Celestia!” Said Witch Doctor. He was in the room with Turmoil.

“O-ok. I don’t know what to tell her though.” Said Twilight.

“It’s ok Twilight. I already know how to get her attention.”


Impulse feels a strange sensation. ‘Impulse dear? Pick us up. We want to go home from this dreadful place.’ Said a voice in his head. Along with the voice was a location.

“All Utopian’s we are teleporting new travelers.”

Impulse goes down to the main hall and waits at the teleportation hub.


“THAT INSOLENT-oh never mind he did help us.” Rarity let out a nervous giggle.

“That insolent what now lady Rarity?” Said Impulse with a mischievous grin.

“Oh nothing.”

“Now is that all? Shall I send you to the surface? Oh hold on you are all friends of Twilight Sparkle. She’s been converted into a specialist and I do believe you would like to see her in her new mind.”

“New mind?” Said Fluttershy.

“Yes she’s a lot different now…” He turns and starts walking down the halls until he turns back before reaching the golden door. “Be prepared.”


Twilight and Applejack sat there talking for a few more minutes until Applejack noticed Twilight was examining her.

“Umm Twi whatcha looken fer?”

“Y…you’re pretty Applejack.”

“Wut?” Said Applejack confused.

“Yea. Why don’t you get yourself a stallion?”

“Umm that’s not exactly on my mind at the moment Twi. Besides I got priorities at the farm.”

“How long will that last AJ? Priorities. You really gotta go out there and find someone ya know?”

“Umm Twi are you ok?”

“I told you that I’m fine. In fact more powerful even.”

“Applejack.” Started Witch Doctor. “Twi is different. She started flirting with me while I was carrying her to this room.”

“You were doing what with Twi?” Said Applejack in a hostile tone.

“What she couldn’t walk so I carried her to her room.”

“You better have done nothin’ with her Witch.”

“Don’t worry AJ. Witch and I have an agreement that we will flirt with each other even though we don’t mean it.” Said Twilight.

Then gasps came from the door and they looked over to see Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash at the door with Impulse.

“Witch…What the fuck man?” Said Impulse.

“Sorry Impulse she wanted to flirt and I didn’t mind. Besides we’re two different species so I really don’t think it will work for us.” He caught a glare from Fluttershy. “Well that’s only true for us.”

“I ought’ a beat you to next Tuesday!” Said Rainbow as she lunges at Witch Doctor and he dodges with impressive speed.

“Sorry Rainbow I’m in no mood to fight.”

“Well I am!” She dashes at him again but stops in mid flight.

“Rainbow stop it!” Said Twilight.

“But Twilight he-“

“I flirted with him first Rainbow! Got a problem?!”

“…Umm no b-“


“Damn. Well I’ll be off experimenting with the new addition to Beast’s collection.”

“Ok see ya Voodoo man.”

“Wow that’s new.” Said Witch Doctor as he goes out the door.

“Turmoil you’ve been unusually quiet.” Said Impulse

“What is there to say? This is none of my business.” Said Turmoil

“Then why are you still here if you have nothing to talk about?”

“I was hoping to hang with Rainbow actually. Though if she wants to be with her friends at the moment I can wait. Or I could go to the hanger and catch up with Sky Rider and Nano Swarm.”

“Negh I’ll hang with you Turm. Twi’s alright so I’ll come back. What you planning on doin?”

“Well I’ve been working on something. A present if you will.”

“Really? Well I didn’t know you cared so much.”

“Turmoil something you wish to tell us?” Said Rarity.

“Oh yea. I do. Twilight is more powerful than Celestia and Luna combined. Impulse is going to bring Twilight to Canterlot soon so Celestia can meet her ‘faithful’ student.” No one but Twilight notice the emphasis on faithful. She didn’t know what was going on at first but she knew that if Celestia asked her to stay she would say no.


“So where we going?” Said Rainbow.

“Well the hanger to pick up your gift.” Said Rainbow

“It’s in the hanger? Is it a plane? You know I can fly right?”

“Yes I know.”

They get on a cart and it shoots off toward the hanger at beyond normal speeds. Once there Rainbow gets out and looks around the hanger that looks like a present. Sky Rider was working on something with a golden plane and Nano was lifting tank treads next to a tank with a laser tank.

“HI Rainbow!” Yelled Sky from across the hanger.

“Hey Sky!” She flies over to her. “What’cha doing?”

“Maken a plane.”

“Cool. Does it fly fast?”

“Nope just into space for now.”

“Whoa that’s pretty awesome.”

“Rainbow your gift.” Said Turmoil from across the hanger. She dashed over to him and he had golden feathers in his hand. “These feathers will weigh you down when you’re on the ground. But when you fly with them on…” He put three on each of her wings. “You fly at twice the speed of sound…A Sonic Rainboom times two with little effort.”

“WHAT?! No way I don’t believe you.”

“Try em out.”

Rainbow jumps up into the air and she flies up so fast she almost hits the ceiling. She corrects herself greatly to this new found speed. The feathers feel like their flapping with Rainbow in unison so they seem to be giving her more thrust.


(Shit after I finished this one I notice my last chapter wasn't uploaded. Sorry everypony D:)