• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,456 Views, 48 Comments

The Twelve Specialists - BioChemicalWolfGear

The sky is not the limit for the people of the skies. Man comes so long ago.

  • ...

Hour of Need


It’s been a week since Utopia had declared war against Canterlot’s enemies. It is now at Tier 3 and no weapon can do serious damage to it. Sure Utopia can be destroyed, but not by the power of the sun alone.


Peace Keeper was walking the new halls of The Fortress of the Sun. The support beams were sturdy and straight, laced with gold. The fortress now resembled the sun with its radiance and its aura filled your heart with warmth and love when you laid eyes upon it; just like the tier 1 version. But the halls were much taller so they reached up to a staggering 20 feet. It almost looked like a golden cathedral or a golden temple.

Peace Keeper’s main goal of walking the halls was to learn the new layout of Utopia. Peace Keeper was the first to come out of the stasis chamber. Witch Doctor, Watchman, Sky Rider, Sound Wave, Impulse Power, Beast Master, Smoke Machine, Binary, and Nano Swarm where all out of stasis. Golem God and Turmoil were still in stasis. Turmoil because he needed Nano Swarm and Witch Doctor to give him life support to get back to his suit, and Golem because his chamber was set to the wrong time. Binary corrected the mistake and he emerged from stasis five minutes after the rest.

“Hey Witch!” Said Sky. “Can we wait on bringing back Turmoil?” All the Specialists give her a questioning look.

“Why?” Said Witch Doctor.

“Because I want all our pony friends to see him! You know since they may not see him flesh and blood ever again…” Her enthusiasm decreased as her statement progressed until it became a hopeless whisper.

“Y-yes that is a good idea…”

“Wait Witch. Can’t you just give him hybrid lungs like Beast Master?” Said Nano.

“Well there were two major differences between Beast Master and Turmoil. Beast Master had living organ tissue for me to combine with the other animal DNA so it would accept every new installment. Turmoil however…His lungs are dead and have been removed now. His only way of breathing is through Nano’s Swarm healing abilities and even that has a limit to how much oxygen it can pump into you.”

“Oh…” Said Sky, her hope ruined.

“Don’t worry. I can clone his body. After the clone is made I can rebuild him entirely. Well depending on if the clone houses his lungs or they are lost forever.”

“S-so there’s hope?”

“Yes there is hope. Now Impulse let’s get back to the atmosphere. I’m sure Utopia is done with the moon.”

“On it Doc.” Said Impulse giving a weak salute.


“I’m worried Luna.” Said Celestia to her sister as they change shifts from night to day. “There has been reports of Griffons on our boarders and no sign of Utopia…I just hope they will come through with their declaration of war…Even if it is wrong.”

“Don’t worry my sister. We will do our best to protect our subjects from harm. And Utopia wouldn’t leave us. I’m certain of it.” Said Luna trying to comfort her sister.

“I hope you’re right Luna.”


Utopia appears in the skies above Canterlot. It was almost as big as Canterlot itself and its warm glow pierce through the houses and into the souls of sleeping ponies of all kinds. It sobered the mind for those who where drunk, and quelled the fears for those who were fearful, it also warmed the cold and homeless and gave them hope.

Ponies that were woken by this warmth of Utopia went outside to find such a source. Some praised Celestia for doing it until they saw Utopia.

The dawn of a new day rose over the horizon. Its orange glow turned to yellow and light reflected off of the surface of Utopia’s hull.

“They didn’t leave us.” Said Celestia with joy returning to her even on such a gloomy day and an uncertain future.

A squadron of jet fighters formed out a blue mist that was created below Utopia. They started to fall and then move through the sky horizontally in a V formation. This continued for ten minutes before a fighter group with a different fighter in the center of the V formation came before the lookout that Celestia and Luna were perched at. The cockpit of the center plane opened up to reveal Sky Rider.

“HIYA! You are formally invited to join in a Utopian celebratory occasion to honor our good friend Turmoil! This day will be the only day for any pony to be able to see him while flesh and blood until he goes back into his steel prison!”

“Wait the one in armor is not in armor?” Said Luna.

“Yes! And this is only true for today. We are bringing him out of stasis to be transferred over to his suit of armor. We originally thought of going ahead and putting back in the suit but I wanted all our new pony friends to see him for the first time.”

“We will be honored.” Said Celestia.

“OKAY! I’m going off to Ponyville to get Rainbow and Twilight and their friends and stuff! BYE BYE!”

Sky Rider flies off and heads toward the direction of Ponyville.

“I guess I should wait a little until I rest through the day.” Said Luna.


The sound of afterburners roared through the skies above Ponyville. All ponies that were awake go outside to see the V formation of golden fighters and Rainbow Dash trying to catch up with them.

“What is going on?” Said Twilight to herself as she hears the roar of engines. He goes outside to see what the commotion is.

“HEY COME BACK HERE!” Yelled Rainbow.

“RAINBOW WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Twilight yelled to Rainbow.

“Huh? Oh those are planes from Utopia! I think Sky Rider is in the one in the center.”

“Why hasn’t she landed?”

Just then a male voice comes from behind Twilight. “Because she doesn’t need to.” It was Watchman.

“WHOA! Y-your that Watcher guy right?”

“Watchman. And yes I am. Twilight I need you to collect all the people who have meet a specialist.”

“Why? Is something going on?”

“Yes. A very big thing too. Only for the people who know one of us of course.”

“Why only people who know you? Why not someone that can help.”

“Because we don’t need help. Turmoil is coming out of the stasis chamber.”

“Stasis chamber?” Twilight seemed eager to learn something new.

“It’s what keeps him alive Twilight…We want you all to be there to see him be removed from it.”

Her heart sank. “W-why? Why would you do that?”

“Because this will be the only time you would be able to see him in flesh and blood.”

“SAY WHAT NOW?” Yelled Rainbow. She swooped down behind Watchman when he showed up and she over heard what he was discussing with Twilight.

“Yes Turmoil will be out of his suit for the first time since he got it. This is possibly the last time you will be able to see his face.”

“Where is Utopia?” Said Rainbow.

“Canterlot. Celestia and Luna both agreed to come aboard and watch.”

“Well I’m coming. I’ve never heard of a stasis chamber before and I’d like to learn more about your technology.” Said Twilight eagerly.

“All right then it’s settled. Go get your friends and meet me in front of the library in one hour. I’ll teleport us all to Utopia and we’ll watch as Witch Doctor and Nano carefully extract him from Stasis.”

An hour later multiple ponies show up. Not only the main six but everyone who has seen the specialists. That was pretty much half the population of Ponyville too. Even the doctor from Ponyville hospital took time out of his day to see the monstrosity that bought his salts.

“All right is this everyone?”

“Yea it’s a lot of ponies so you may need to take us all one by one.”

“No need, I can teleport all of you.”

“Wow you must be really skilled with magic.” Said Twilight.

“I don’t use magic to go where I please. It’s so…crude.” Watchman lied. He was trying to sound impressive.

“W-what? You don’t use magic? Then how are you going to get us all to Utopia?”

“Like this.” He snapped his fingers.



A large group of ponies appeared in a hallway. They look around and are amazed at the difference between the old Utopia interior and the new one.

“Follow me ponies. I know the way.” Said Watchman as he walks down one of the hall way.

The group of ponies follow and some fly ahead to look at a few things. They all return to the group and follow Watchman up spiral stair cases to the Stasis chamber.
In the center of the cylinder room was twelve stasis chambers and ten specialists. The one closest to the door was occupied. Turmoil was frozen and safe for now. Nano Swarm summoned the swarm around the stasis chamber.

“Ok everyone” announced Witch Doctor. “Turmoil is coming out of stasis now. Wait everyone is here right?”

“Yes we are all here.” Said Celestia.

“Princess!” Said Twilight as she ran over to her mentor. “How goes the planning?”

“Hey! Turmoil will be coming out of stasis without any lungs. I had to remove them to clear up space so the artificial ones can take in air for him. Oh if you see him gasping for air or start to panic, don’t help him! I MEAN IT. If you stop him on the way to his suit then he probably could die.” The room was silent. “Remember you’re here to see his face for the first time. Not to give small talk as he’s exiting the chamber. Once he’s safe in the suit and he starts moven around you can talk to him.”

The room remained silent while Witch Doctor goes over to the side of the stasis chamber while Nano Swarm surrounds it with the light blue mist. The chamber opens and Witch Doctor rushes to get Turmoil to his feet. Turmoil’s suit is close to the side he got out of, and Witch Doctor made sure everyone could see his face while he positioned him in front of his suit. Turmoil without any lungs panics as he tries to use lung muscles that aren’t there to breathe. It was like drowning.

Turmoil’s suit started to wrap itself around his body and lift him up to the chest area. Once Turmoil was inside the armor started to wrap around him. Then the sound of a scuba diver’s generic breathing could be heard coming from the suit. Just like it would when was walking outside.

“Turmoil?” said Rainbow.

Turmoil slowly turns his head toward Rainbow.

“How goes the war?” Said Turmoil.

“Umm hasn’t started yet.”

“How goes you?”

“Fine but…you looked like you were in pain.” She cleared her throat between ‘but…you’ because she was trying to keep her voice from cracking.

“The quality of life means nothing to me. As long as I continue to uphold my beliefs of a Utopian society.”

“B-but your quality of life is terrible!” said the doctor from the hospital. “You can’t even breathe properly! You must be treated too.”

Witch Doctor clears his throat. “Yes well…That is the side effect of proper treatment doctor. Turmoil would have died if it weren’t for that suit.”

“That’s still no way to live…”

“No but it is a way of life.” Said Turmoil. “I’ve seen enough of the world to know I must uphold the peace to my greatest ability.”


Everyone was sent back to where they were rightfully from. All except Celestia and Luna.

“Keep your armies away from the front lines for now. My units will suppress the armies of griffons.” Said Watchman

“Do you think you can bring victory without harming any innocents?” Said Celestia

“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people Celestia.” She remained silent. “I fight battles without swords to cut flesh, without spears to pierce the heart, without bullets to rip apart organs. No I fight war with the power of electricity. I stun and subdue rather than maim and kill.”

“T-that’s good to hear.” Celestia never wanted death, she wasn’t sure if Watchman can hold up his promise of no killing during war since the other specialists vowed to brutally murder the griffon king.

“I will take you to Canterlot. Please withdraw all your forces for now. Have them stationed at cities and towns.”

“I will.”


The first wave of Griffon infantry sped toward Canterlot in an attempt for a swift victory. The griffon king didn’t want to fight Utopia and Canterlot at once so taking out Canterlot first will make it easier for him to fight the Utopian’s. Or so he thought.

The first wave in sight and Watchman was called to respond to their masses. He sent out all his glass orbs and they harnessed the power of shock. At first they charged the line of griffons in the sky knocking many out and then they shot bolts of lightning at the ones still awake.

The griffons shattered some orbs but it turned out it was very difficult to shatter glass that can fly. Swift victory for Watchman. No deaths.


Next up was Sky Rider. She summoned a massive squadron of jet fighters and helicopters that ravaged the griffon plains and countryside. There were griffons stationed at a griffon village that was offering them fields to hunt. Soon the roar of afterburners and the thumping of turning blades filled the air with noise. The skies did not rain fire. They rained lightning. This effectively brought all who lived in the town to their knees and they slept for hours.


Turmoil sends out battleships. Floating battleships with turrets that outlined the bottom of the hull. They had the same boxy shape of a stealth fighter but without wings. Who needed wings when you have commercial use impulse engines. Utopia wasn’t the only ship that could fly without fuel.

Turmoil’s battleships had cannons that instead of besieging the city…he blew apart the forest on its outskirts. Of course Griffons moved to intercept and fight them but once they saw the crater left by Turmoil’s dreadnoughts they changed their mind about fighting and surrendered to Utopia’s army.


Oh this one hurt…Nano Swarm literally walked into a griffon fortress…She walked out towing two hundred griffon elite warriors behind her in chains...She didn’t give them the honor to walk out on their own…Then she added insult to injury as she clipped their wings and hung them upside down from the trees of a nearby forest…Damn.


Beast Master just flew into a griffon town with Scepter and asked them where the nearest army was. As a joke of course but he was surprised they actually pointed him in the right direction after they saw the dragon he was riding. He was even more surprised when they surrendered just because he was riding a dragon…cowards.


Binary had the most fun of them all. He didn’t use electricity or cannons. No he used physics…The kind that deals with being thrown around by an invisible force until you lose consciousness. He took a major cloud city that the griffons built.


After each of the chosen warriors played with the enemy they all united in Utopia and it moved to the capital…Ok teleported. Once there Peace Keeper goes to the meeting room where the intercoms were. His voice can be heard over the bustling war preparations of a warrior race.

“You bird have no hope with fighting Utopian might. Your armies have been subdued without death. Your walls do not keep us at bay. Your armies have now force to fight us with. You tried to survive as long as you could. But now we are at your capital after only one day of fighting. Utopia is ready for your surrender.”

To Peace Keepers surprise no one acted on his words. He knew they wouldn’t of heard of the fate of their military since it has been only one day but an entire army surrendered to a guy riding a dragon. Surely a great fortress hovering above the capital city should stir their bones.

No one moved…Except the armies. They flew in an attack pattern toward Utopia. They had no means of fighting Utopian might but it didn’t matter. Sky Rider summoned riot control fighter groups and Turmoil summoned his battleships. Everyone else watched.

Turmoil wasn’t going to let this war continue without any direct intervention from himself. He went to the lower levels of Utopia and jumped off the elevators toward the ground below. Upon hitting the ground and getting up he was immediately jumped. Yet his size and weight made the fact he was outnumbered seem like child’s play as he walked through the crowd of griffon soldiers.

“Yes yes you don’t like me now get out of my way.” Said Turmoil annoyed.


“Hey some respect griffon! I thought griffons where noble fighters! Not ingrates who use insults!”

“Coming from the coward in a suit of armor!”


“GAW! You have a voice that rivals Luna’s!”

“Good now show me to your king.”


“I think it’s obvious that he would be in the castle don’t you…”


Turmoil gave up on talking to the soldiers. They still tried to beat him to death with spears and occasionally tried to slam into him to knock him over. Some even tried to trip him or subdue him in some way. But after ten minutes and one pile up later he reaches the halls of………

“This is bull shit.” Said Turmoil out loud as he sees a giant army lined up in the throne room facing his direction. “I’m gunna need some rope.”


“H-how did you get the griffon king from all those soldiers?!” Said Celestia.

“Ethnic cleansing.” Said Turmoil.

“I’m sorry what is ethnic cleansing?”

“It’s something I now do for fun when around griffons…”

“I-I surrender!” Said the griffon king. Who was tied up in front of Celestia in the Canterlot throne room.


The sun was going down now. Luna was waking up to take the place of her sister and rule the night time in Canterlot. Peace Keeper was with Celestia in the lookout tower as Luna joins them. Utopia in the distance.

“Peace Keeper…What brings you to us?” Said Luna.

“Ah Princess Luna. Well I’ll make this short. After you allowed us to harvest some of the moon our fortress changed…Priorities…”

“What do you mean?”

“The Fortress of the Sun is also now The Fortress of the Night.” Luna and Celestia had questionable looks on their faces.

“What does thou mean?”

“Come hither and see.” Peace Keeper mocked. Luna started to raise the moon in time for Celestia to completely lower the sun.

Utopia’s golden glow that would usually warm the night now started to turn grey and cold. And the side of Utopia that faced the moon the texture and color turned white. There was a soft radiant white glow coming off the sides of Utopia. Just like the moon would in the night sky.

“What’s going on?” Said Celestia.

“Your moon now sings to Utopia as its benefactor. A star was destroyed to make it live, a moons material gave it strength.”

“I’m not sure I follow…” Said Luna.

“Your moon gave something to Utopia and now Utopia shapes itself too look like, and honor the moon when it is raised.”

“Oh…so what will we do about it?”

“Nothing just thought you should know that you no longer share the night sky with the stars and instead with a city that is dedicated to your influence as much as the suns.”

“Hmm interesting.”

“I’ll see you when its time to raise the moon Luna.” Said Celestia warmly.

“Good night Tia.” Said Luna.

“Good night my sister.” Said Celestia. She walks off to her bed chambers.

“I have a lot of things to think about now…” Said Peace Keeper worried.

“Like what? Surely you live the life of luxury in a fortress so beautiful.”

“No…We always worry about ourselves. Today was the day that we brought down an entire nation without so much as killing a single soldier. We are powerful…And now everyone knows it. We need to watch ourselves from now on. The sentient races of the world may come to fear us in time. Luna I ask you to pledge to protect us from such thoughts.”

“Pledge? No I must not pledge my allegiance to another nation. It’s wrong!”

“I don’t want your allegiance, I want your word. Your word to help us keep our hands clean of evil. Your word to defend the fortress from the people who want to destroy it.” Luna noticed he said people but chose to ignore it.

“I cannot guarantee that I will keep public opinion from wavering from makers of peace…But I can try.”

“Thank you. It may not be your word but it will have to do.”

Peace Keeper’s body turned to ash and blew away in the dust. It was a hologram from Watchman’s glass orbs but Luna didn’t know that. She was quite impressed with his exit.


(GAW I BULLSHITED THE STORYLINE! Ok know what I’m getting bored with this story entirely. I’m going to do my best to make the contact with the ponies’ maximum while I create new chapters and stuff so it stays interesting. I also want to start on a new story but I don’t want to juggle 3 stories. Maybe I’ll get the first chapter out or something and then I’ll go off and have finishing shit.)

Maybe I’ll go add quotes from famous people for fun or some shit…or some shit >:)

I hope you found this entertaining.