• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 48 Comments

The Twelve Specialists - BioChemicalWolfGear

The sky is not the limit for the people of the skies. Man comes so long ago.

  • ...

Tale of a Dragon Rider

Turmoil and Rainbow were in the hanger. Some pegasi ponies followed Turmoil around seeing he wasn’t a threat. Though they were confused as to why he was taking apart a plane and he started ripping off its gold plating. On the inside of the thin gold plates was an abundance of aluminum. The pegasi gasped.

“Any of you take the aluminum I will rip off your heads!” Yelled Turmoil. Causing everyone including Rainbow Dash to back away from Turmoil. When Turmoil was done getting a small fist full of aluminum he surrounded the plane with a Nano shield that Nano Swarm placed to protect all the planes.

“Umm ya done?” Said Rainbow from across the hanger.

“Yes I’m done. Come here.” Rainbow complied and flew over to Turmoil along with a few other pegasi.

“Who are you?” Said one of the pegasi.

“Turret Turmoil the turret specialist. I design weapons for Utopia’s defense. I am also the one who leads us to war if ever it is needed. Though that is usually up to the democratic meetings we have with ourselves.”

“Wait so you’re a warlord?” Said the pegasi nervously.

“Warlord is an insult to my name. I’m a specialist. I just happen to lead us into battle when we have to fight. I am no warlord.”

“S-sorry just asking.”

“Understandable. I look intimidating so you assume me to be evil. This is not the case I guarantee you that.”

“Now hold on I didn’t say-“

“You didn’t need to. Your tone and assumptions have done that for you. I do not reject your opinion and I do not reject you for speaking your mind. Just please refrain yourself from assumptions on this station. None of us are killers.”

“But wait you said you protect Utopia in a time a war.”

“It doesn’t mean I’ve killed. That is the system we have but we never needed to use it. My turrets have done enough damage shooting down ships that have tried to destroy entire populations. I haven’t personally killed.”

“So you technically killed?”

“In a way yes. But remember I did it because the people trying to kill us believed in ethnic cleansing.”

“What’s ethnic cleansing?”

“The most terrible crime anyone can commit…And it has to do with mass murder.” Turmoil wanted nothing more with this conversation and turned to the edge of the hanger. He looked back at the group of pegasi whose pale faces stared at him in shock, horror, and even pity. “Rainbow come with me. I don’t know my way.”

“OH right!” She said and she flew out of the hanger.

Turmoil leans forward and goes into a freefall with the aluminum in his hand. He angles himself so he wouldn’t hit a pony or a house. He then realizes Rainbow is heading toward a direction and looking back at him waiting for him to fly or something. She realizes he’s not going to and she tries to catch up to him as he falls. Probably thought he wasn’t able to fly.

Rainbow almost catches up to him before Turmoil does a forward front flip and levels out so he’s right side up.


He hits the ground and gets up. Rainbow lands on the ground next to him wide eyed and awed.

“Sky Rider told me of a pony named Rainbow Dash. I’m guessing you’re her?”

“Uh yea I am. How’d you do that? Fall and not get hurt I mean.”

“I’m in a jump jet suit. We have to have inertial dampeners or our purpose would be just…Pointless? Yea pointless is an all right word for it.”

“Jump jet?”

“We jump and thrusters make it so we jump even higher. Then we land on the ground somewhere else. Usually for combat situations so one can get behind enemy lines. I use it so I can freely go between Utopia and the surface world.”

“Surface world?”

“Can we get to the hospital?”

“OH right sorry, umm this way.”


Beast Master was able to catch up to Sky and Binary who were leading the pack of four specialists. Golem was still behind but not too far.

“Where are we going?” Yelled Beast Master to Binary.

“Don’t know yet!” Yelled Binary.

“Really?! All right I’m going to head back!” Said Beast Master.

“See ya Beast!” Yelled Sky.

Beast Master turned his dragon around and started to head back to Ponyville. He couldn’t see Utopia so he gets Scepter to fly higher and look at the level of the clouds. To his surprise he still couldn’t see Utopia. Though thanks to Scepter’s tracking chip he could feel the electronic signal heading back to Utopia. He started to follow it.


Turmoil was following Rainbow and making some small talk.

“So what do bits look like?”

“Little gold coins.”

“So how many bits would it be for…let’s say an apple.”

“It depends on the time of the season and the stock of the apples. Usually a single apple is a bit in the summer and fall since Applejack is harvesting them at that time. And to buy one in the winter it’s three bits because the stock can’t be replenished ya know?”

“Ah that makes sense. So what’s it like being able to fly?”

“Wouldn’t you know? You can fly too.”

“No I only can jump really good. But I can’t fly.”

“Oh makes sense I guess. So you got a family?” Turmoil stops for a moment. Rainbow turns to him with a raised eyebrow.

“No…My family is the specialists. My real family still lives in the tunnels.”


“I was born and raised underground.”


Terry was a boy in the underground world. His father was in charge of setting up the turret systems that protected the subway station that the English lived in. After a war that devastated the surface world the remaining survivors lived underground. Terry’s dad taught him everything he needed to know about turrets so he could one day make his own and even defend his home when needed. That day would come soon enough after 25 happy years in the underground world.

Food supplies were running low and the greenhouses weren’t supplying enough food. Not only that but since they didn’t have enough food in their green houses they had to slow or even halt trading with another station that needed food. The problem was that other station relied on Terry’s station to supply food so they could survive. Now with the shortage they were getting hungry and greedy. Eventually war broke out in the subway and people started to kill each other over the food. Terry set up mini turrets and pill boxes so that he could defend the station. It wasn’t enough though since any ground lost meant that he couldn’t go there and set up more defenses.

Soon he would be over run and he created robots that walked around with turrets attached to them. They would clear out any opposing factions while allowing Terry to set up defenses without worry about getting jumped. He even was able to work with the local militia to fight off these invaders.

Eventually the other stations people died of hunger or surrendered. Also thanks to the fighting there were less mouths to feed and the shortage of food wasn’t as bad as it once was. Eventually peace restored itself and more greenhouses were built where there was room.

“Hey Terry. My name is Impulse…I live in the skies.”

“The fuck?”


Rainbow’s expression was pale. She has heard of the horrors of war…But to Turmoil it was the every day stuff for living. 25 years of his life was underground in a hostile environment. It took only seven to turn him into a man and knew the world for its hardships.

“One does not know the world as I do Rainbow. You can’t escape conflict even in an underground bunker. You can’t lock away your past with a floating fortress. Hell it even came back in this suit.” He pointed to his armor plates. “It reminds me of the days I was trapped underground by trapping me in a suit of armor, being protected by the dangers of the outside world.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“You shouldn’t…I may have not chosen that life style but it made me who I am today. I wouldn’t change it for a more fortunate one. Mainly because someone had to live through that…And I don’t want anyone else to live through war the way I did.”

“I’ll pay for the salts if you want.”

“I can handle it.”

They continued walking toward the hospital. Ponies looked at Turmoil and saw Rainbow accompanying him. Some wanted to know more but others just assumed he was with Rainbow or something along those lines. Though some also went pale when the saw the bipedal monstrosity with combat armor accompanying their friend Rainbow Dash. Who could blame them?

“So Rainbow how would I go about convincing them its aluminum?”

“Umm with your looks I think they’ll just give it to you. You know cuz you’re handsome.” She giggled. Then she was a bit horrified because she just insulted the guy who had a troubled past. But Turmoil burst into laughter.

“Hahaha yea I guess. Now if we had Sky here she would friend them to death and we could take all of the hospital equipment.”

“No way! Pinkie Pie has the death by friendship down better than Sky! Though she seems…wait a minute.” Rainbow had a horrified expression. “She’s just like Pinkie…”

“Rainbow? Are you telling me that there is a pony here with the joy that Sky has?”

“Only ten times more happiness than a regular pony should.”

“Oh dear god! Sky is only somewhat tame because most of the specialists aren’t as wound up as she could get. But when she’s next to someone with the same energy…I’m going to OD when I get back.”


“Over dose.”

“Oh why would you do that?”

“Because we may not have a future if Pinkie and Sky meet.”


They arrived at the hospital and when Turmoil walked in Nurse Red Heart fainted. ‘I guess it is a tactical faint considering she’s in the hospital’ thought Turmoil. The doctor came in and looked at Turmoil. He went pale for a moment and an awkward silence ensued. Until Turmoil broke it.

“Hello doctor.”

“Huh? Oh hello umm…Sir?”

“I’m here to buy some smelling salts for my comrade. I have aluminum for a trade.” He drops the aluminum in front of the doctor and it makes a thud sound. “Its dense aluminum so it’s twice as strong and heavy. I can change that for you if you wish.”

“Umm no no…I’ll go get the salts.” The doctor leaves to go get the salts and Turmoil turns to Rainbow.

“He must think I’m pretty.” She giggles.

The doctor returns with a box. Large enough to fit two anvils but obviously smelling salts.

“Thank you doctor. This is enough to meet the needs of Utopia for a long time. Thank you for the business.”

“Umm sure…Have a nice day.” He said with a nervous smile.

Turmoil lifts up the box and heads out the door. He had to kneel a bit but he was able to get out without dropping the box of salts.

“Hmm know what Rainbow.”


“I don’t know how to get this onto Utopia…”


Beast Master is in sight of the town now. He could see every little detail with his eyes and he notices something strange. At the hospital there was a man in a suit of armor.


Beast Master swoops down with Specter toward the hospital and stops on the ground in front of them.

“Yo Turmoil what you got there?”

“OH Beast Master I bet you can help me!”

“Sure what you need?”

“I offered Witch Doctor my assistance with getting smelling salts so he can do…Something with them…Oh yea a pegasi fainted in Utopia and just having the salts on hand will be nice.”

“Well all right then. Specter grab the box from Turmoil. Then we’ll head up to Utopia.”

Beast Master’s dragon complied and grabbed the box of salts. He then flew off leaving Turmoil and Dash to themselves.

“So Rainbow…What kind of chaos can we create.”

She narrowed her eyes at Turmoil. “Don’t even mention chaos.”

“Why something happen?”


“Ok I can do this. Just because he has a dragon doesn’t make him bad. No in fact he must be really nice to tame a dragon.”

Fluttershy was giving herself a pep talk while going toward Utopia. Her longing to find someone with similar tastes in animals was getting the better of her fear for dragons. She was half way toward Utopia when she saw the dragon itself.

Fluttershy’s wings glued themselves to her body and she began to plummet toward the earth. This did not go unnoticed by Beast Master however.


Scepter dives and manages to get under Fluttershy before she hits the ground. Beast Master catches her when Scepter pulls up and levels out.

“Whoa there are you all right?”

Fluttershy sees she is riding the dragon and she makes a faint terrified squeaking noise. Beast Master realized her fears of the dragon.

“Scepter land over there in that clearing and go home without me. Those spices should really get to Witch Doctor.”

The dragon swoops down to the ground and Beast Master gets off with Fluttershy in his arms. His dragon then flies off toward Utopia.

“All right pony. What’s your name?”

“I-I’m F-Fluttershy.” She was shaking in fear.

“I’m not that scary miss Fluttershy.” She jumped up almost worried after he said that.

“Oh n-no no no! I’m not afraid of you I’m afraid of dragons!”

“Oh! I’m terribly sorry miss Fluttershy. I didn’t know.”

“aw it’s ok I won’t hold it against you.”

“I believe I’ve heard of you from a certain multi colored pony. You know Rainbow Dash yes?”

“Oh Rainbow’s only one of my oldest and bestest friends from Cloudsdale. She told me about someone named Beast Master.”

“Ah that is I! The great capturer of creatures and the man with many hearts!”

“Many hearts?”

“Oh yes I have more than one heart. It’s been implanted by our expert doctor and physician. He’s good with making hybrid things, and I asked him to fuse my body with many creatures of the world. For example my eyes are that of a griffon from my world. And my blood is that of a phoenix! And my skin was forged from a dragon!”

“Oh my…” She put her hoof over her mouth.

“Does this trouble you?”

“Well we don’t kill the animals where we’re from exc-“

“I’m sorry Fluttershy but I need to stop you. The creatures I’ve borrowed from are very much alive. Its genetic engineering that was to blame for my ability to have all these different body parts that aren’t mine. Witch Doctor cloned dragon skin and made it more human so my body will accept it. He did the same with other organs from other creatures. None lost any limbs.”

“Oh that’s good to hear.” She said and she gave a little smile that warmed Beast Master’s heart.

“Awww your concerns for others shows through your warm smile miss Fluttershy.”

“O-oh thank you. Umm Beast Master?”


“I hope you don’t mind but…When did you become a creature tamer?”

“I see miss Dash told you some things about me. When I was nine the first creature I captured with my bare hands was a wolf. My father was so proud that I was able to capture such a ravage beast.”

“Wolves aren’t all bad. Their really nice when you get to know them. They just naturally are carnivores so they eat animals.”

“Agreeable. However when they go on a mass murder campaign into towns and villages then it is understandable that one would not only fear them but also hate them to the core.”

“Oh my I’ve never heard of something like that happening. I’m sorry.” She looked distressed which only added to her cuteness.

“Oh Fluttershy when you stress yourself out like that my heart will explode.”

“Explode! How! Can I help?” She was panicking (AAWWWWWW)

“Stop being so adorable.” Said Beast Master with a warm smile of his own.

“Umm…” she couldn’t meet his gaze and she only acknowledged him with a small blush.

“Aw keep it up. You’re so cute when you’re stressed. Now Fluttershy I’d hate to ruin the adorable atmosphere this conversation is generating but do you have a home I could walk you to?”

“Oh umm yes I have a cottage. That’s where I keep all my animals. Want to help me feed them?” She said almost completely forgetting Beast Master’s comments.

“Ah kindred spirit. I would feel honored if you showed me the way.” She gave another warm smile that filled the Master’s heart with love.

On their way to Fluttershy’s cottage they spoke of all the creatures that were mythical and not. Even the differences of the squirrels. Fluttershy tried to convince Beast Master that squirrels where household animals if you wanted them to be. Beast Master told his stories of how squirrels have attacked things at times because they felt threatened.

After they got to Fluttershy’s cottage Beast Master met Angel.

“Well your rabbit seems very over protective.”

“I-I’m sorry he doesn’t normally do this!”

Angel built a fortress out of kitchen ware and he started throwing various sharp objects at Beast Master. Beast Master didn’t stress about it very much. His dragon skin kept him safe from any blade. Not only that but he was catching every object that came his way from the little white bunny.

“I don’t mind miss Fluttershy. I’ve captured dragons before remember?” he said with a wink. He then walked toward Angel and knocked away the kitchen ware onto the floor. He then grabbed angle by his scruff and looked him dead in the eye. “Don’t destroy Fluttershy’s home. You will sleep on this information and you will live by it when you wake.”

Beast Master starts saying something in a language and Angel’s eyes start to get heavy with exhaustion. He slowly goes in and out of consciousness until he falls asleep. Beast Master then holds him in a more comfortable position with two hands and places him in his bed. He then pulls the covers over Angel and leaves him to meet up with Fluttershy who was putting away kitchen utensils.

“Please Fluttershy allow me.” He picks up kitchen ware and helps Fluttershy wash them then put them away. She normally would object but she knows Beast Master would help anyway.

“Oh Beast Master, umm what was that song you sang to Angel?”

“It was the Beast lullaby. Only the great tame ones of Fortress Fire know that song. I was once taught it by my dragon Specter. Though my master was the one who used it the most effectively. He was known as Khan the Calm. His voice was all it took to sooth the most violent of beings. He was a father figure to me. Until I left…” Beast Master looks at the fork he had in his hand reminiscing about the past. He seemed depressed in a way. Fluttershy notices his odd behavior.

“D-do you want to talk about it?” she said in her caring voice.

“…Yes Fluttershy…I do.”


The Fortress of Fire wasn’t the largest and most impressive of fortresses. There were far stronger and better, but the Fortress of Fire was meant to show the great skill levels of the people of the tame ones. Dragons lived on the mountain summit and every Beast Master must go through a trial of fire to claim a dragon for themselves. Some people called them the dragon riders because everyone needed to get a dragon.

This day was the day that Thomas got his first dragon that he later named Scepter. Thomas and Scepter were in an epic battle of wills. Thomas’s chains were around Scepter’s mouth, wings, and back legs. He tried to roll so Thomas would fall off but Tom kept his ground. Every time he would roll Tom would roll the other way. He then took his spare chain and wrapped it around Scepters front legs.

This battle of wills lasted two days and in the end Thomas fought longer than any other Beast Master in the world. It was all because he wanted the strongest dragon. And this dragon was the alpha male of the entire hoard.

Thomas returned to the Fortress of Fire and met up with his master Khan.

“My master. I’ve got a dragon. Not only a dragon but the strongest one of them all!”

Khan’s eyes widened. He was impressed that Thomas captured the dragon prince but that dragon needed to be the leader of the dragon hoard.

“I’m sorry Thomas. You cannot keep that dragon.”

“What why?”

“Because there needs to be an alpha male and you’ve caught him. I assure you I’m impressed. You have earned right of passage. But you cannot take this dragon with you.”

“Oh…I’m sorry my master…I was mistaken when I chose my dragon.”

“NO THOMAS!” Khan’s voice boomed. “You chose right…The alpha is the perfect dragon for a boy with your skill. 23 and you can take down any predator. You can keep the dragon as long as you keep it here.”

“Thank you…But that won’t do for me. I want to fly with my dragon.”

“And some day you will. When his son claims the dragon throne he will step down and obey you.”

“No that would take year’s master! I must have this first ride today!”

“I’m sorry Thomas…I cannot allow that.”

Thomas went back to the dragon hoard to meet the alpha dragon on his perch. All the other dragons turned to attack Thomas when they saw him but then a mighty roar came from the summit. It was the dragon alpha. It granted him passage. All the other dragons nodded their heads toward Thomas as he passed by as if to approve of him.

“Dragon…I have yet to name you.” Said Thomas to the alpha. The alpha nodded his head and started to breathe fire onto Thomas. But it did not hurt. The flame was blue even!

Thomas could hear a voice in his head. “Thomas…The dragon tamer. I am the dragon prince and you have proven yourself a worthy rider. My people are afraid of you and your power. That is why they attacked you.”

“If I chose a different dragon then I would have the ability to ride them…Can I ride one of your subjects?”

“NO! You are now a Beast Master. Your first dragon is to be your first ride. I cannot leave the hoard…But the hoard also can’t leave me.”

“W-what is it you suggest?” Said Thomas with worry.

“Ride on my back…And the hoard will follow our flight.”

“B-but what if another wants to get a dragon!”

“Then they will wait…To be a true Beast Master you must have patients. Name me.”



“…Scepter…I name you Scepter.”

“Scepter…A tool that wields and harnesses power. This name sings to my honor…MY NAME IS SCEPTER PRINCE OF DRAGONS!”

Scepter’s last sentence came out as a roar across the mountains of dragons. They all stop to listen to his roar.


Scepter leans down so Thomas can get on his back. Thomas complies. This was the greatest day of Thomas’s life. Not only was he riding with the alpha but the entire dragon hoard! The sky was clouded with dragons and they flew above many towns. No stops and they flew for hours until returning to the peak.


Thomas’s master approaches the peak where the alpha was perched beside him. Other dragons where spitting fire at Khan who was deflecting it with a fire shield. He reached the peak and hatred burned into Thomas’s side.

“Thomas! I warned you not to fly!”

“I’m sorry master but I needed to! It’s only tradition and I wanted to follow it!”

“Tradition means nothing if it interferes with the lives of others!”

“How? How have I interfered?”

“You stopped other dragon tamers from being able to tame a dragon. Not only that but you enraged the countryside! We have a duty to keep these dragons here and away from civilization! You forgot your duty and you allowed these dragons to convince you to lead them out into the world!”

“Hey I wasn’t…” He stopped and realized that Scepter did convince him to leave with the hoard.

“You see Thomas…You’ve been manipulated by the dragon alpha to do his bidding and break the age old instinct to stay on the mountain.”

‘Thomas. I got you to lead us away from the mountain but only because I wanted to leave myself. I’m sorry. You’re day was mine as well and I convinced you to go against your masters wishes.’ The dragon spoke to his mind.

“It’s ok Scepter…I’ve done wrong today. I will take my punishment Khan. Though I must admit…You’re not very calm today.”

Khan realized what he said was true. He was able to het a hold of himself very well after that.

“You’re right Thomas. This ordeal had worried me. As you know the dragons only truly open up to their tamers when they have the freedom of oppressing their biological design. Their instinct to stay on this mountain is shattered because of the first ride. This bonds them to their rider. But now that they’ve all flew away without a rider who’s to say they won’t do it again.”

“I’m sorry master I didn’t think of that.”

“No you didn’t…You must be punished.”

Thomas returned to the Fire Barracks where he rested for the rest of the day and into the night. That morning he woke up to explosions and fire. He looked out the window and he saw armies of the common man fighting against dragons and the members of Beast Tamers. He ran outside toward the peak and he saw thousands of dragons leaving to fight those armies outside the mountains.

“SCEPTER!” Thomas Screamed at the top of his lungs. A large dragon landed in front of him. “Scepter what’s happening?”

‘The armies of the mortals have come to destroy us. They saw us fly untamed and they grew fearful of us. They are here to destroy the dragon hoard.’

“What no! I-I’m sorry…This is my fault!”

‘No Thomas. This is my responsibility. I convinced you to leave.’


They stood there looking into each other’s eyes. Scepter couldn’t win against a man who has been torn between his wants and his duties. Scepter flies up and helps his brothers against the mortal army. Dragons fall from the skies dead and the ground below them burns in orange fire.


A fortress as bright as the sun appears in the sky. Its mere presence quells the fighting. Dragons and humans stop and look at the great golden fortress. Then something happens. It moves in a great roar. One that shook the ground and the air so violently that it threw dirt into the air and it shook your bones. The Fortress of the Sun has arrived.

A structure flies off the side of the fortress. It comes down not to meet the humans but to meet Thomas. The structure was a golden jet that landed in front of Thomas and a man exited it.

“Thomas? My name is Impulse. I’ve come for you to be part of the greatest creation in all of…Well creation.”


“Join us Thomas. We are known as the Specialists. Your skills with taming animals of all kinds makes you known as…Beast Master. Will you join us?” He reached out his hand.


“So you accepted?” asked Fluttershy.

“What? No I flat out refused. He thought that just because he could try to butter me up with compliments that I would leave with him? No…it took something far worse for me to go with him.”

“What was that?”

“The death of…”


The Fortress of the Sun disappeared and all the dragons where dead. All except for Scepter as he bravely fought against the mortal armies. Scepter was the alpha male so his scales where very tough. His scales kept him safe from all the projectile weapons they had. Like their tanks and their artillery. Scepter was struck with a blast from some strange different artillery that came from the surface of the mortal army. When it hit him he fell out of the sky but was still alive. He couldn’t fly as his wing was damaged. But he still breathed fire on them.

Thomas looks in horror as his dragon slowly started to fade from existence as his last breathes were being taken from him by the army common wealth. But this wasn’t the most devastating blow to him. Khan lay on the ground before him dead. His mentor and father figure was dead. Tears streamed down the side of Thomas’s face while he’s on his knees beside his dead master.

“Thomas. I think you know what happens next.” Said a voice from behind him.

Thomas turns his head to the side to see the source of the voice. It was the man named Impulse.

“W-what do you want?”

“We want you. Your dragon needs help.”


The golden fortress is back. The armies of man look upon it for moments before returning to finishing the remaining dragon that still clings to life. But then an exposition. And another one and another. The armies of man where being decimated by the golden fortress. Wave after wave of sound and compressed air broke the bones of every soldier. Sparing the life of Scepter the dragon prince.

“Your new name is Beast Master…That is if you want to live. Those armies won’t return and when they don’t more will come. Killing off you and your dragon. So want to join the specialists?”

Beast Master looks around at his lost home. Piles of dead and dying. No one left for him to save. No one left to help him rebuild and no one left to ride along side.

“I will join you…Master.”

“Master is for people who are better than you Beast Master. You join me and you are my equal. Come let’s get your dragon on Utopia.”


“The fortress in the sky up there.”


Beast Master’s story ended and Fluttershy embraces him in a long hug. It warmed Beast’s heart and he embraces her. They stay like that for a while until Fluttershy breaks off.

“I-I’m sorry. I-I’ve never heard of a story like that before…It’s…s-sad.”

“It’s ok Fluttershy. I’m happy now. I may have been forced into this life style through lack of a home but in all honesty; I’m glad I was able to live the way I do now.”

“B-but there must be something you miss from there, maybe a family or-“

“Fluttershy…Utopia became the first family I’ve ever had. I was an orphan when Khan found me and raised me to be a dragon tamer. In the end I don’t think I could live with knowing someone else was in my place. And in the end it didn’t turn out as bad as it could have.”

“I-I’m sorry that I asked you about it. Maybe I can make it up to you, some how.”

“You don’t have to take responsibility for crimes you have not committed Fluttershy.”

“It doesn’t mean I can’t feel bad about it!” She said in a weak attempt to raise her voice. Then she blushed and looked at the floor in shame. ‘Aw so cute.’

“Thank you Fluttershy. I enjoyed talking about it. It may be a dark past but it’s one that I look fondly back at. If I never grew up the way I did I would never know the fragility of peace. And I would never have been able to reclaim it.”

“Well I’m sorry I have to bring this up but…Scootaloo is an orphan. And her role model is Rainbow Dash.”

Beast Master’s heart began to sink.

“T-tell me more about Scootaloo.” Fluttershy detected the interest Beast Master had in knowing more about her and decided to tell him the full story.

Scootaloo was a pony that was separated from her parents at birth. She liked to leave the orphanage whenever she could and go play with the local children of Ponyville. She was an adventurous filly who would often get herself into trouble if there was an adventure in it. Her idol was Rainbow Dash the fastest flyer in all of Equestria and the only pony who can do the sonic Rainboom. This interested Beast Master as Khan the Calm had the ability to control fire and that was unique for him. He gave Beast Master lessons and Beast Master never really got it.

Eventually Beast Master worked with Witch Doctor to give himself the blood of a phoenix so he could control and even summon fire if need be. Though summoning fire was so taxing that he didn’t want to use it unless he needed it. Controlling fire however was easier than actually summoning it.

“So Scootaloo has a role model…That’s good to hear. Maybe some day I’ll meet this Scootaloo and tell her my tale. I think we can agree I got the worst of it.”

“Y-yea…Umm I’m going to check up on Angel and see if he’s awake.”

Beast Master was alone in his thoughts for a moment. He remembered Rainbow’s comment about him being a step up from Fluttershy. There was never a time where Beast Master could disagree more with anyone. Fluttershy didn’t live through suffering and she was still able to learn how to control creatures. Not only that but she controls these animals with love and care. Something Beast Master couldn’t do on his own.

“This…Is going to be fun.” Said Beast Master to himself.

“…Ok I’m back. Angel is still asleep. C-can you teach me that lullaby?”

“Huh? No I’m sorry…That is the language of the dragons. When my mind was connected to Scepter it in a way downloaded the language…I wouldn’t know where to begin to teach you since the language isn’t an audible one. It can only be spoken through the mind and sent to other minds around you.”

“But I could hear it.” She said as she cocks her head to the side…(You know like that cute ass thing dogs do when you got food in your hand. AWWW)

“Yes that’s because I let you hear it. You would be confused as to why Angel fell asleep if I said it only to him. Oh Fluttershy I know you don’t like dragons. But after hearing the story of Specter and me, do you want to meet him?”

Fluttershy makes an ‘eep’ noise but thinks about it. “W-well…” She is visibly shaking. “I-I d-don’t k-know…”

“I’ll keep you safe. He is my dragon and he will listen to his Master.” Said Beast Master confidently.

“W-well…I’m n-not sure.”

“We all have to face our fears at some point Fluttershy. I’ve lived through mine.”

“…Ok.” She whispered. It was almost inaudible but Beast Master’s ears were really good.

“All right. I’ll summon him. Come with me…” Beast Master walks out of the kitchen and outside. Fluttershy nervously follows him.

“M-maybe I should do this tomorrow.” She said.

“The things we are afraid of will not wait for us to be ready. I can tell you now that we will see more dragons in Equestria after these next few days. Maybe it will be months or years but it will happen within our life times.”

“W-what? Why would dragons come to Equestria?”

“Because a dragon prince is amongst us. Scepter will try his best to keep himself hidden from other dragons. But that doesn’t mean they can’t find him.”

“What will they do when they find him?”

“Try to kill him and take the title of prince. Or flock to him to serve him.”

“S-so there will be more?”

“Maybe. Actually I’m sensing some sort of disturbance. Maybe there either will be a migration near here or something else, but I don’t know exactly what that would be.”

“Wait there is a dragon migration actually.”

“Really? Ok then we may not see these dragons near Ponyville…Ok that’s a lie they will fly quite near to it.”

“Yea I’m going to skip out on it entirely. I’m terrified of dragons.”

“You won’t be afraid of Scepter.”

Beast Master goes into an open area and sits down. He clears his mind and allows an open communication between Scepter and himself. ‘Come to me Scepter. There is someone that you should meet.’

After five minutes a dragon can be seen leaving Utopia and heading towards Fluttershy’s cottage. After a touch down in the open field Fluttershy nervously walks toward him and Beast Master goes to his side quite fast.

“Well Fluttershy this is a dragon prince.”

“H-he’s so…Big.” Scepter was a grey scaled dragon that was larger than Fluttershy’s cottage but not so large he was taller than the tree’s when bent down. When standing on his hind legs he could be the size of Twilight’s Library. He’s not a big dragon compared to the largest in Equestria but he sure was the strongest.

“Yea he is. So want to ride him?”


“Yea that can be arranged. I’m sure flying will be pretty easy for you since you have wings but to go as fast as Scepter can go is pretty amazing.”

“No no no no no I don’t want to ride him! I’m fine with meeting him and maybe talking to him but not riding.” She said almost distressed.



Beast Master managed to get Fluttershy on Scepter.

(Ok today was my first final…Not bad not bad. And I also made this that also isn’t bad. Just so you guys know most of my storyline here…Isn’t planned! FUCK YEA! Though I do plan on having an interesting event that will lead into the next story I’m going to do at the end.)