• Published 29th May 2012
  • 1,456 Views, 48 Comments

The Twelve Specialists - BioChemicalWolfGear

The sky is not the limit for the people of the skies. Man comes so long ago.

  • ...

Royal Decree

Binary, Sky Rider, and Golem all returned after their flight. It was a good day. They landed back at the hanger and dismounted from their respective machines. Sept for Binary who just took off like a total superman.

“I’m heading off to my studies.” Said Golem God.

“See ya G.G. I’ve got to learn more about the ponies ya know?” Said Sky as she goes over to the section of the hanger that held her planes.

She stops and notices the plane that Turmoil started to take apart. The side was ripped off and the planes with aluminum seemed to have a shield over them. She was almost devastated when she saw the damage to one of her planes but remembered that biplane was an old one she didn’t want anymore.

“Now I wonder who would have broken this?”

“SKY RIDER!” Said Witch Doctor. “Good to see you. I’m afraid Turmoil had to get some aluminum from your biplane.”

“Aluminum? Why?”

“Because ponies treat aluminum like gold here. It’s very valuable.”

“Oh so he was using it to get money?”

“Well actually a trade. Trading smelling salts and Aluminum. He got it for me and well actually Scepter came in with a box full of it. Which was weird since Scepter usually stays with Beast Master when he’s out.”

“Well ok. Why did you need smelling salts?”

“A pony passed out. And I think Smoke Machine found a new love. Pegasi…”

“Oh I see where this is going.” She said with a malicious smile.


Smoke Machine was still with Cloud Kicker. However they talked so much they wore out and fell asleep. Cloud Kicker is on top of Smoke and she was resting her head on his chest. Smoke was just happy he had a pony shaped blanket. Well that’s what he thought when he felt Cloud cuddling his chest while asleep.

Sky Rider did her best not to laugh. She wanted EVERYONE to see this. It was so cute but so funny at the same time. She rushed over to the observatory and was about to say something before Watchman held up his hand…And some photos.

“Time to wake the victims.” Said Watchman


(At the Library)

“Ah’m tellin’ yeh Twi they are pretty interestin’ pon-er…People. Specially that Nano girl. Woooeee trees must be made ah steel from where she’s from.”

“Really is she that strong?”

“Yea. You aught a go out and get teh know some’a them.”

“Well ok but who should I meet with? The only person I actually had...Ok not really a conversation with was Sky. It was more like ‘Hey I’m a human!’ then she ran off.”

“Well we aought’a go get a specialist for you teh talk to.”


“Damn Fluttershy you do not respond rationally with peer pressure.”

“I-I’m sorry…” ‘aww’

“All right Scepter go back to Utopia. I’ll call Sky to pick me up later ok?”

Scepter jumps into the air without Beast Master and Fluttershy. Fluttershy was embracing the ground with every fiber of her being while Beast Master goes to comfort her.


“Hey sleepy heads.” Said Sky with a malicious smile.

Machine wakes up and looks at his chest to see the sleeping Pegasus. He lets out a quiet ‘aww’ still audible enough for her to wake up to it. She realizes where she is and she shoots her head up.

“O-oh I’m sorry about that.” She said a bit unnerved.

“No problem I fell asleep too.”

“So how’d you guys fall asleep like that?” Asked Sky.

“Well that’s a good question…I think when she tried to land on one of my clouds she fell through it and broke open a oxygen tank filled with sleeping gas.”

“Wait you mean the one I tried to trick you into using?”

“Yea that’s the one.”

“How did you know it was sleeping gas?”

“Really? I can tell the weight difference of sleeping gas and oxygen. But it doesn’t matter.”

“So why’d she try to stand on one of your clouds?” Sky said and looked toward the Pegasus. She blushed.

“Well I told her that the clouds I made weren’t held together by magic…She didn’t believe me.”

“Y-yea sorry.”

“It’s ok pegasi.”

“It’s Cloud Kicker.”

“Cloud Kicker…Nice name.”

“C-can you move your knee its kinda jabbing my side.”

“Wait my knee is no where near your-Oh shit…”


Sky Rider started rolling on the ground in tears of joy and laughter. While Smoke Machine was asleep he got the phenomenon known as morning wood.


Nano was getting bored. She hasn’t been outside for a while now and she was getting wrestles. Nano didn’t have her light armor on anymore. She was wearing heavy combat boots that looked like they went to Turmoil’s suit, a white tank top, and blue jeans. Frankly she looked pretty at home in her hammock of steel but this wasn’t her opinion. She jumped down off the hammock and headed out the door. But before she did she looked back at the black rock thing that was set down on a box next to the door. She took a moment and stares at the object before deciding to read it.

Once she picks it up she starts to attach it to her nerves with the Swarm within her and the memories stored in the object flashed before her.

The memories contained all the data of the old world. Most of the world’s media was downloaded into her mind and two names. The Trinity, and John Cole.


Twilight was heading toward Utopia. She knew she couldn’t get up there without the blimp but she wasn’t sure how large the hanger was so she decided it was best to just wait outside below Utopia and see if she can spot something. Maybe if she ran into Fluttershy or Rainbow she could ask them to go see if she could meet up with a specialist.

Just then something fell from it on the side closest to her. She rushed over to see what it was and when it hit the ground it shot dirt up into the air. To Twilights amazement it was a human.

“Whoa!” She exclaimed.

“Umm yea I can fall big deal.” Said Nano annoyed.

“Wait are you a specialist?”

“What up?”

“What specialist are you?”

“The Nano Swarm specialist.”

“Well I’m Twilight Sparkle, princess Celestia’s faithful student. What’s your name?”

“Nano Swarm. My abilities give me the power to take control of people’s and ponies bodies, and I can harvest material directly from an object.”

“Wait take control of other ponies’ bodies? That’s impossible.” Nano gave Twilight the stank eye and Twilight backed away a foot.

“Ok then…Here’s an example…” She looked around. “Whose that pony over there?”

The pony in particular was Carrot Top. There was a crowd of ponies looking at Nano and Twilight talking but Carrot Top ignored them after seeing Nano for the second time. She paid attention at first but she got bored with the uneven fullness of the whole thing and went back to tending to her cart full of various vegetables.

“Umm yea that’s Carrot Top.”

“What would she never do in a million years?”

“Umm I don’t know. I know her a little but we don’t know each other that well.”

“Ok then I have the perfect idea.” She said with a malicious grin.

Nano held out her hand and spread her fingers so her palm was aimed right at Carrot Top. Then some light blue orb started to form in her palm and launched itself at Carrot Top, striking her in the face. It had no force it just dissipated in front of her face. She looked panicked as to what assailed her but then realized whatever it was she imagined it.

Then something strange happened. She got a very blank expression and looked straight forward for a few seconds not particularly looking at anything. Then she turned her head toward Twilight and trotted over to her. When she got in front of her she said.

“Princess Celestia is a BITCH and so are you.” She said with an aggressive know it all tone that Diamond Tiara would use when she’s insulting ponies.

“C-Carrot Top! H-how could you say that?” Said the dumbfounded Twilight. Carrot Top however returned to a very neutral and blank facial expression and Nano kneeled down next to her. She rapped her arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t worry Twilight. I got her to say that. It wasn’t taken directly out of context so yea…Anyway this is how mind control works. Once someone’s hooked up to the swarm they become my slave in a way. Don’t worry I don’t abuse my power.”


“Wow Twilight…Didn’t think you would be so upset over someone’s rights being taken away since you live under the oppression of a queen.”


“Turn it down…Or I’ll make you.”

“You’re not getting away with this!”

“Away with what? She still has her mind and free will. I can only switch the part of her that makes her a machine on and off.”


“Ugh you’re no fun.” She snaps her fingers and Carrot Top returns back to normal. She lost all memory of what happened.


“Peace Keeper follow me.” Said Impulse as he walks out of the control room. Peace Keepers room is next to it.

“M-me? What for? I’ve got some societies to organize right now.”

“Not anymore you don’t.”

“What’s going on?” Peace Keeper rushes to his side.

“Canterlot. The capital of these ponies. They’ve summoned representatives. Right now we’re the best for crashing an international conference.”

“What? Everyone is there? From each nation?”

“Yes and we are needed to join this conference because it deals with us. Princess Celestia is meeting with all the nations of this world to discuss what to do with us. And we’re not invited. I need you to go to Sound Wave and ask her to put you on the great speakers. Summon everyone.”


All was peaceful in Ponyville. Until a great booming voice washed over the town. It scared the shit out of every pony I guarantee you that.

‘Attention all Specialists. Return to The Fortress of the Sun. Canterlot calls a meeting that we aren’t invited to.’

As expected all the specialists enter Utopia. Even Beast Master who was busy with Fluttershy managed to get Scepter to come down and pick him up, even though he promised Fluttershy to stay for the remainder of the day.

After the specialists enter and the pegasi leave The Fortress of the Sun teleports and cloaks itself over Canterlot. No one notices the fortresses presence since it was invisible.


(Meeting room)

“Everyone we have a problem. The leaders of the world are gathering to discuss our fate. We need to be able to act if they chose to condemn us.” Said Impulse.

“Wait what now? Why would they want to do us any harm? They seemed pretty nice.” Said Sky Rider.

“True they are kind. But I believe my form may have brought fear into their hearts.” Said Turmoil

“CAN WE JUST GO TO CANTERLOT!” Yelled Sound Wave obviously annoyed with the progression of the story.


“I’m sorry for waking you my sister, but this is important.” Said Celestia.

Luna looked quite groggy from waking up in the day time. She was a night person. “It’s ok Tia. I’ll go back to bed after this.”

They enter the council chamber and all the leaders of the world were there. There were representatives from the griffon kingdom, zebra kingdom, even buffalo tribe leaders.

“Nobles of the world.” Celestia began as she took her place among them with Luna next to her. “I’ve called you all here to discuss how we will react to these humans that have shown up in Equestria.”

“If I may interrupt.” Said the griffon king. “I haven’t seen proof of these humanoid creatures. I’ve heard rumors and stories, but I haven’t seen them. I quite frankly don’t know how to respond to them since I’ve never met them before.”


The specialists were all still gathered in the meeting room looking at a glass orb in the center of the table. It was hooked to one of Watchman’s glass orb inside the meeting room itself and cloaked so no one could see it. The orb the Specialists were looking at was linked to their minds so they could see the room and hear everything that was going on.


“I know. I’ll give you all a brief description…” She thought a moment on what she wanted to say. “The Specialists as they call themselves live in a fortress in the sky made of gold and steel. They have technology to put everyone in this room in danger in a seconds notice. But I know that if they wanted that then they would have done something already.”

“So should we destroy them?” Said the griffon king.

“Thou art mistaken.” Said Luna.

“Luna your Equestrian lessons.” Whispered Celestia to Luna.

“Y-yes. What I mean to say is. We don’t want to hurt them because they don’t want to hurt us. In fact quite the opposite, we want them to share their advanced knowledge with us and maybe we could all live in harmony.”

“Harmony. Humph. Why not just take the technology? They wouldn’t give it all up willingly you know.” Said the Griffon King.

“No violence isn’t needed against them. They have already taught me some basic information about their home called Utopia without us asking.” Said Luna.

“What did they say?”

“They told me that the engine they used required several stars to power. They also told me they are dimension hoppers. Which means they aren’t from this universe.” Said Luna.

“So to them if they destroyed us it wouldn’t really be any problem for them since they could just leave whenever. That sounds like a reason to war with them!” Said the Griffon determined.



“Luna is best pony.” Said Nano with a smile.


Every leader in the room was fearful of Luna’s Canterlot voice. It was used to address subjects rather than nobles, and since she used it on the group of leaders they took it as she was saying she was better than them. But they knew she was just angry at the griffon king. However the griffon king didn’t care. He was pissed that she just treated him like a subject rather than a king of his own respective kingdom.

“H-how dare you treat me like a subject! Your Canterlot voice is to only be used on subjects! And here you use it on nobles! I’ve never been so insulted by a noble in such a way until today!”

Luna recoiled at her mistake. “I-I’m sorry I-I wasn’t thinking.”

“IT DOESN’T MATTER! I’m leaving. As of this moment Luna…I declare war on Canterlot!”

“W-what?!” Luna staggered. “Y-you can’t! We have a peace treaty!”


“Watchman project our holographic Image. We will now publicly denounce the griffon kingdom. And hopefully piss him off enough so we can declare war.”

“What? Declare war? Fine I’ll do it.”


A holographic projection of the Utopia meeting room table appeared in the center of the round table the leaders of each nation sat. Everyone was caught off guard as Impulse spoke the first words.

“I wish to publicly denounce the Griffon kingdom!” Impulse shouted at the Griffon leaving the room.

“Who dares-!....?” He saw the holographic table with each of the Twelve specialists and he paused for a moment.

“The griffon king is a coward and a traitor. He goes against his contracts of peace and launched war on Canterlot.”

“I agree Impulse. This spineless coward deserves eternal damnation.” Said Golem God.

“I want to rip away his skin with bass.” Said Sound Wave.

“I’ve never observed such a cowardly race before. The griffon king changed that.” Said Watchman.

“Hey Wave. I’m going to harvest his bones after you rip them away from his skin.” Said Nano.

“I don’t like violence. But I hate nations that go against their peace treaties more than the wars. I Peace Keeper publicly denounce the Griffon Kingdom and claim them to hide behind cowardly tactics and threats to make themselves feel strong!”

“WHY YOU! I DECLARE WAR ON UTOPIA!” Screamed The griffon king.

“Very well. I don’t support violence. But when I do I fight the most warlike people I can find. I Peace Keeper declare war against Griffon Kingdom.”

“Fine so b-“

“I Impulse declare war against the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Wait wh-“

“I Nano Swarm declare war against the Griffon Kingdom.”

“I Sky Rider declare their kingdom already mine.”



“Whoa! Turmoil total war is a bit bloody don’t you think?”

“Fine just war then. But I get his throne.”

“Agreed. I Witch Doctor declare war on the Griffon Kingdom…And I want to dissect that king HAHA!”

“Binary declare war on griffon kingdom and pledge to rewrite its laws of physics MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

“WAIT WAIT WAIT! Why are you all declaring war on me? Aren’t you all from the same nation?”

Impulse looks at him with a victorious smile. “Yes this is true…But we are all in command of our own armies. Each one of us that declares war on you is another army you have to clash with.”

The griffon king’s face went pale…Or so what the specialists could tell. His feathers were blocking the view of his blood drained skin tone.

“I Smoke Machine declare war on the Griffon kingdom and pledge to unleash the power of the mighty hurricane on his armies and cities!”

“I Watchman declare war and stuff…”

“I Beast Master! AND I THE DRAGON RIDER! Declare war on the griffon kingdom.”

TOGETHER NOW! “We rally under the Canterlot flag.”

“W-what? Why would you help us?” Said Celestia. Horrified that there was war sure but that the new arrivals were rallying to her defense was astounded and shocked.

“Well Princess it’s nothing personal really. Your sister offered us some of the moon to build up Utopia and we are now duty bound to assist you during conflict since you did help us build up Utopia. Well we still need to collect on that offer. Oh and Utopia is outside Canterlot at the moment.”



The holographic image of the meeting room dissipated and the glass orb cloaked itself.


“All right Sky Rider send out all your planes and Golem send all out you’re Dragonflies. Show them how big our current task force is.” Said Impulse.

A few minutes go by and all the world leaders leave the conference room. They look into the sky and see Utopia in its glory as jet fighter roar with afterburners in V fighter formations and dragonflies swarm together. Nano Swarm let loose a container of swarm and there was moving blue mist that had a mind of its own traveling throughout the skies. Watchman’s glass orbs flew around aimlessly and low to the ground.

The fortress itself was emitting a great golden glow that warmed your heart with its love and filled the Griffon with terror. ‘This is the Utopia I face.’


All the fighters, dragonflies, and glass orbs are back on Utopia. It is now night and it rises into the sky to meet the moon. The air shell keeps the atmosphere from leaving them. The specialists go into the stasis room where they let Utopia harvest parts of the moon while they rest. The stasis chamber is to kept them safe as Utopia finishes its final touches and goes from tier 1 to tier 3 Fortress barren.

(A new look)

Utopia was now the size of Cloudsdale rather than a very very big floating mansion. It was now a city with hallways and an entire room dedicated to storing golems. Even a biome for Beast Masters creatures. But the most dominant factor was the hanger. It was only large enough for a pegasi to land on the railings and go into the elevators. The elevators where the only way into Utopia and they were guarded by tesla coil turrets.

The impulse engine was now exposed to the sky above Utopia in the dead center of it. Glass kept Utopia’s Skyline from being easily invaded. Not only that but the impulse engine no longer had a light blue outer shell. Instead the shell was gone and the white dwarf star was showing. Binary’s physics engine was keeping the white dwarf from pulling the planet toward Utopia.

Not only that but there were now three massive orbs of Nano Swarm cores on equal sides of Utopia. They harvest the material from the ground and store it inside their nucleus for converting into jets and ships for Sky Rider or anyone else. Even Turmoil’s tank was there stored in its memory.

Utopia was now a force to be reckoned with. And this force would hit hard if ever war was declared. It could create more units than it could store. And now with the Nano Swarm Cores installed they could refuel Golem’s golems just by having them near Utopia.

“May god have mercy on us.” Said Golem.


(Ok today I didn't have a final...I spent the whole day reflecting on how I wanted this to go so I thought I should bring one of the major events forward earlier so that I can continue making the story interesting...Did it work?)