• Published 15th Mar 2017
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Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 11- Relaxation and Embarrassment

The news bomb about Sol being Celestia's actual son came as a surprise to all to say the least. While most were too stunned by the revelation to be able to find any words to speak, Applejack proceeded to silently glare at Sol, finding her suspicions of him lying to them on multiple accounts from the start to be confirmed. Twilight on the other hoof, had it the worst of them, having stammered as she tried to process the fact that the mare she looked up to as a second mother actually had a son. Unable to handle it any longer, Twilight feinted as her brain shut down on her.

Smiling in mild amusement at Twilight, Celestia levitated her in her magic and invited the others over to sit down. Leading them over to the pillows, Celestia laid herself down, setting the unconscious Twilight down against her right side, while Sol snuggled up against his mother's left. Draping a wing over both of them, Celestia magically lit the fireplace up with a cozy fire as the others each laid themselves down on a pillow of their own. Once they were all settled, she pulled on a rope attached to a small bell, signaling for one of the castle maids to come and bring her and the rest of them some tea for them. Once the maid came with their tea and it was dispersed amongst everypony and Spike, they all remained quiet until the she bowed and left them be.

"What was that spell that you cast on the room, mother?" Sol wondered.

"That, my dear son, was a one-way soundproof barrier," Celestia answered him. "That way, nopony can hear us in here, but we'll still be able to hear them out there, just incase somepony needs me." She looked up to face the others gathered around. "I'm sorry to keep you all waiting. I imagine that you all have some questions that you would like answered."

"Actually, Princess, I think that it's more getting over the fact that Sol is actually your son," Rarity spoke. "We all knew that he was a king after we found him, but we never would've guessed this."

"He did do a pretty good job at keeping it hidden," Starlight agreed.

"Yeah, he did," Applejack grumbled, her eyes locked onto Sol as she continued to glare at him.

"I know you're upset about this, Applejack, but I hope that you won't hold it against Sol," Celestia said. "After all, it was for his safety that we all kept this hidden from everypony."

"Besides, imagine the bargaining chip they would have if somepony evil did find out about Sol and managed to capture him," Starlight added.

"Ah know. Ah get it," Applejack sighed. "Ah'm sorry, everypony. Guess Ah'm just feelin' like Ah wasn't trustworthy enough ta be told the whole truth and am kinda takin' it a little personally."

"I'm sorry, Applejack," Sol apologized. "It was never my intention to upset you or anypony else here. And while I do trust you, hence why I told you about my father and my connection to the Underkingdom, I didn't want to go against mother's wishes and risk exposing myself as to whom she really is."

"Besides," Fluttershy began, "when you think about it, we should consider ourselves thankful that he even told us as much as he did in the first place. Especially since he barely knew us."

"Ah know, Ah know." Applejack removed her hat and rubbed her head. "Ah just don't like it when Ah ask somepony somethin' and then they up and lie in my face about it."

"We understand, Applejack," Celestia smiled. "And that's why we're all here. As I said before, I imagine that you all have some questions for me, and I'm more than willing to answer any and all of them... truthfully."

"Uhh, shouldn't we wait until Twilight wakes up first?" Spike wondered.

Agreeing with his suggestion, Celestia gently nuzzled Twilight's head until she started to stir.

Waking from having passed out, Twilight first felt that she was laying on something soft and was draped in something soft, warm, and familiar. Groaning, Twilight slowly opened her eyes and looked up to see Celestia smiling warmly down at her.

"Good to have you back with us, Twilight. How are you feeling?"

Blinking, Twilight looked around her surroundings to see herself and her friends in Celestia's chambers. As she started to recall what they were doing here, Twilight saw that there was one who was missing. Looking past her, she spotted Sol snuggled up against Celestia's other side. Fully remembering what had happened now, Twilight jumped up in front of Celestia and Sol and pointed a shaky hoof at them as she stammered.

"You... him... mom... prince..."

While Twilight tried to create a coherent sentence, a small, amused smile crossed Celestia.

"Easy, Twilight. Calm down. Remember the breathing exercise Cadence taught you."

Now frantically breathing, Twilight nodded and closed her eyes as she proceeded to go through the motions of the breathing exercise that Cadence had taught her. After a few moments of repeating the motions, Twilight managed to calm herself down to a more calm state.

"Okay.... I think I'm alright," Twilight breathed.

"Good. Now then, would you like to take your seat while I answer you and your friends' questions?"

Silently nodding, Twilight laid herself back down against Celestia's right side and took a sip from a cup of tea Celestia filled for her. Letting out a small sigh of relaxation from the drink, she then felt Celestia's wing drape over her again, further adding to her sense of ease.

"Feeling better?"

"Yes, Princess," Twilight replied. "Much better."

"Good. Now then, who would like to go first?"

"Just so we're clear," Rainbow began to clarify, "we can ask you anything, right?"

"Yes, Rainbow Dash. Whatever you girls and Spike wish to ask, I will answer."

"Good. In that case, from what Sol said, you and that dragon, Fissure, are his parents, right?"

"That is correct."

"... so you really boned a dragon? How does that even work?"

All eyes darted to Rainbow, most of them being in shock or embarrassment, while others like Rarity had a look of appall on them. However, while they were all reeling from the unexpected question, a certain young dragon found his tea suddenly interesting as he tried to avoid looking at the white unicorn mare sitting beside him.

"Wow, Rainbow. Coming strong right out of the gate, huh?" Pinkie giggled.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity scolded. "How could you even ask a pony such a personal question?! And Princess Celestia no less?!"

"What? She said that she would answer any of our questions honestly," Rainbow said defensively. "Besides, you can't tell me that you're not curious yourself, especially you, Twilight. I mean, you all saw how big he was. It shouldn't even be physically possible!"

"No!" Twilight shrieked in embarrassment. "In fact, I didn't even think about it until you just now put that image in my head!"

Recovering from being asked such a blunt and unexpected question, Celestia cleared her throat before she answered.

"Umm... well, Rainbow Dash," Celestia uneasily began with a fierce blush, "the thing with the Scaleless Dragons is that in addition to their elemental abilities, and being the guardians of said elements, they each have magic that allows them to change their size to how they see fit, with their minimum being roughly about my height."

"Oh. Well that makes sense then."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this... again," Sol muttered.

Twilight's ears perked up. "Wait. 'Again'?"

"Yes, Twilight," Celestia smirked. "After all, somepony had to teach him about the birds and the bees. And since Sol was such a special occasion, he had to learn about how it worked for both dragons and ponies."

Sol groaned from embarrassment and buried his flustered face in Celestia's side.

"Can I please go back to being sealed in crystal?"

"Sorry, Sol, but now that you're finally back, I'd rather you not." Celestia looked around and saw Fluttershy slowly raise her hoof. "Yes, Fluttershy?"

"Well, I was just curious..."

"Go ahead."

"... well... we all know that ponies give live birth, and that dragons are hatched from eggs. So... I was just wondering..."

Celestia gave an understanding nod. "You're curious about how Sol was born since he's a kirin, correct?"

"Yes, Princess," Fluttershy answered. "That is, if it's not too personal of a question to ask you, of course."

"Ah think we crossed that line a long time ago, Fluttershy," Applejack said.

"While Applejack is right about that, I do not mind, Fluttershy," Celestia replied before telling them. "To answer your question, it was a live birth, just like with every other pony."

Twilight arched a curious eyebrow. "Really? But wouldn't somepony have noticed... you know, your symptoms and when you eventually began to really start showing?"

"They would have had I not told everypony that I had fallen ill and remained in my bedroom to rest during the last-half of my pregnancy. Thankfully, it was easy for them to believe Luna and I when I would suddenly have an urge to..."

"Puke?" Spike guessed.

"Er, yes, Spike." Celestia grimaced as she thought back to those rough and unpleasant moments. "That aside, this also led to my food cravings, which just so happened to turn into my favorite foods that I still love to this day."

"You mean your love for cake and bananas?" Twilight guessed, earning her a giggle from Celestia.

"You would be correct, Twilight. It's also how the recipe for banana cream cake was created."

Everyone besides Celestia and Sol shared a look.

"Well, that's a bit of a surprise," Pinkie said with a surprised blink.

Nodding, Celestia looked around at the ponies and dragon gathered before her. "I know that I offered to let you all ask me whatever questions you wanted, but may I ask that I ask some of my own?"

"Of course, Princess," Twilight answered for them. "After what we've asked you so far, and how personal a few of them were, it's only fair that you'd be able to ask us as well."

"Thank you, Twilight. In that case, what I would like to know is how did you all find out about Sol and the Underkingdom in the first place?"

"Oh, right." Lighting her horn, Twilight teleported to her from her castle the book that led her and her friends to Sol. "This is how we found out about Sol. Although, now that I think about it, when it mentioned 'the son of Heaven and Earth', I can see that it was meant quite literally."

Curious, Celestia took the book from Twilight, finding it to be a rather old copy of Predictions and Prophecies. Opening it, she immediately spotted the signature at the bottom-right corner of the page and rolled her eyes.

"Starswirl. Of course," she said with a hint of annoyance. "How did you come upon this book, Twilight?"

"Actually, Princess, it came with that last shipment of books you sent to me."

"So that's where it was. I should have know."


Celestia sighed. "I knew that Starswirl wrote in a copy of this book that mentioned something about Sol, but after Canterlot was built, one of the castle staff back then thought that I was finished with it and returned it to the newly created library at the time. I tried looking for it after I found out it was returned, but for me and how frantic I was at the time, trying to find that book in an unorganized library was like trying to find an apple tree hidden in a large apple orchard."

"But if you had it for that long, then surely you had it memorized, right?" Spike said.

"I did, Spike, but it wasn't for my sake that I wanted the book back. I wanted it because I was worried that somepony might find and try to uncover what Starswirl wrote in it." Celestia smiled. "Although, I am glad to know that it was you eight who found it and uncovered it, and not somepony malicious."

"Well we can't forget Daring Do," Rainbow reminded them. "After all, it's thanks to her that we were able to figure it all out."

"Really now? You met Daring Do and she agreed to help?"

"Yep," Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "She helped us past the Tree of Harmony, down the tunnel, and found the secret passage beneath the throne in the Undercity's castle throne room."

"And where is she now?"

"Meh, she ditched us while we were waiting at Rarity's boutique here in Canterlot."

"Actually, Pinkie," Twilight began to correct, "she said that she was taking those samples that she took from Fissure's petrified body to some ponies who she thinks might be able to help in safely freeing him and the others."

Celestia closed her eyes and smiled. "Well then, I'll have to invite her over and thank her."

"Me too," Sol nodded in agreement. "It would be nice to see father and the others free again. I had hoped that a discovery would've been made and that they'd be freed by now."

Celestia leaned down and nuzzled Sol. "I know, sweetie. I miss him too."

"Speaking of Sol, Princess," Twilight began, "why didn't you tell us about him sooner so we could free him?"

All eyes were now on Celestia as she answered. "Because I didn't believe that it was safe enough for him to be here yet."


"Yes, Twilight. Though history may not reveal it, like Luna and I, Sol had a part with each of the villains that had threatened Equestria."

"So what's the problem then?" Spike questioned. "I mean, it's not like there are any more of them that can pose a threat."

"Not quite, Spike," Twilight objected. "I still remember when Tirek called Sol out after he drained me of the alicorn magic, so I know that he still holds a grudge. And if it wasn't for him being imprisoned in Tartarus again, I'm sure that he would seek Sol out."

"And there's also Chrysalis," Starlight reminded them. "She's still somewhere out there, and from what Thorax told me, there were about twenty changelings that weren't there when those in the Hive changed that are still loyal to her."

"Starlight is right," Celestia agreed. "Even Chrysalis has a past history with Sol."

"Okay, so she's got some changelings still following her, but I doubt that that'll be enough now," Spike dismissed.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Spike," Fluttershy spoke, surprising everyone.

"What do you mean, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy paused and shied away from Starlight's gaze. "I'm sorry to bring this up, but in a way, Chrysalis kinda reminds me of you, Starlight."

There was a pause of silence before Starlight reluctantly nodded with a sad sigh.

"I can see where you're going with this, and to be honest, I agree."

"What are they talking about?" Sol asked.

"She's talking about the time when I was evil," Starlight admitted.

"I'm truly sorry, Starlight, but I am," Fluttershy apologized. "And I say this because your situation and hers kinda remind me of a cornered animal. You see, when an animal is backed into a corner, they'll generally become desperate and turn aggressive. When you think about it, that's sorta what happened to you after we had you beat and you lost everything."

"You're right. And with Chrysalis having lost just about everything and having threatened revenge against me, she's in a similar situation that I was."

Celestia nodded. "Yes, and I have no doubt that she too remembers Sol. That's why I didn't say anything to you about him just yet, because I was waiting for things to become peaceful without the risk of something from his past targeting him."

Twilight looked up to her old mentor. "But what about now that he's here and no longer sealed away?"

Celestia smiled and hugged Sol tighter while affectionately nuzzling his cheek.

"While I'm still worried about him, like I said before, I'm not going to send him back down there for who knows how long. Besides, I missed him too much to have him do that again."



Celestia smiled at the familiar voice. "And I'm not the only one who's missed him."

Lighting her horn, Celestia opened the doors, where on the other side stood a tired, half-asleep, and somewhat irritated Luna.

"Hello, everypony," Luna greeted, having noticed Twilight and her friends all gathered before her eyes settled upon Celestia. "Sister, would you care to explain to me why you have sent for me so early in the afternoon? It's not even close to sundown yet."

"Oh, I have a very good reason, Luna," Celestia smirked. "And I'm sure that you'll be very happy about it."

"Alright then, what is it? While I always do enjoy seeing Twilight and her friends, I doubt that they are the reason."

"No, my dear sister. It's him."

"'Him'? Him who-"

Luna froze when she saw a familiar face pop up from behind Celestia.

"Aunt Luna?"

Recognizing the voice to go with the face, Luna's lips formed into a wide and joyous smile as she darted over Celestia and wrapped Sol up in a bonecrushing hug.

"Most favorable nephew! How we have missed you so!"

Recovering from having been blasted in the face by Luna accidentally using the Canterlot Royal Voice, Sol smiled and, once Luna had loosened her hold on him enough, he hugged her back while Celestia closed the opened doors to her room.

"I've missed you too, Aunt Luna," Sol said, happily hugging his aunt. A few moments later, he pulled away, his happy smile turning to a concerning frown. "How are you doing?"

"Splendid! Why do you ask?"

Sol bit his lip before returning to hugging Luna with a sigh. "I heard about what happened to you."

Knowing what he meant, Luna frowned sadly and hugged Sol back. "I am sorry that you had to hear about that, Sol," she apologized. "But, thanks to these brave young mares here, I am back to my normal self."

"I know, and I will forever be grateful to them for that."

Laying himself back down against Celestia's side and under her wing, Sol quickly found his other side occupied as Luna laid herself down against him under Celestia's wing, and proceeded to affectionately nuzzle him.

"Now then, is there anything else that any of you would like to ask Luna or I, or should we take a short break?" Celestia asked. Once she saw that none of them had anything to ask at the moment, a mischievous smirk formed. "In that case, would you all like to see the old photo album?"

Sol's eyes widened with fear as he slowly looked up to Celestia.

"Mother, please tell me that you're not..."

"Oh, but I am."

"You mean you still have it?!"

"Oh! Are you two talking about the album with Sol's baby pictures?" Luna eagerly asked.

"We are, Luna," Celestia smirked.

"Wait a moment," Twilight said, halting them. "How are you able to have a photo album from over a thousand years ago? The camera wasn't invented until several hundred years later."

"While that is true, the photos that we are talking about were created by using our magic to imprint an image from our minds onto a piece of paper. It's actually because of this that I later had ponies looking into the development of photography." Lighting her horn, Celestia teleported to her a photo album with a baby-blue cover and back. "Now then, who wants to see some cute and embarrassing baby pictures?"

"Mother!" Sol whined in embarrassment. "Why are you showing them?!"

"Because, my handsome young stallion, it is a mother's job to embarrass her son with baby pictures when he brings a filly home, or seven in this case."

"But that's not what happened! Besides, none of us are together, and they are the ones who brought me here, not the other way around!"

"I know," she smirked knowingly, "but we're still going to look through it. Now, everypony gather around and make yourselves comfortable."

Retreating beneath the cover of his mother's wing, Sol hid himself as he prepared for what was to come. Soon enough after they all moved closer to see, Sol whimpered in embarrassment when he heard the giggling, cooing, and laughing at his pictures, officially making this both the best, and most embarrassing day ever.

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