• Published 15th Mar 2017
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Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 40- Assassination Discussion

After his talk with Night, Sol entered the dining room with Twilight to help take care of setting the table, while Night and Velvet finished with dinner in the kitchen. By the time Sol and Twilight were finished, Night and Velvet came in with the food and placed them on the table. With everything all set, they all sat down and began their dinner, all the while laughing and sharing stories. Once they were done eating, they reconvened to the living room where Velvet, after hearing Sol tell her and Night about Celestia showing Twilight the photo album with his foal pictures, decided it was time for Twilight's turn, despite her whining and protests. Unfortunatly for Twilight, despite her complaints, Velvet left to grab the photo album and soon returned with a certain glee about her, and an extra bounce in her step. With her family waiting for her, she settled herself down between Night and Twilight, and opened the photo album for them all to see. Of course, while they cooed and laughed at the pictures, Twilight couldn't help but feel embarrassed by what her mom was doing to her, which led her to trying to hide her face against Sol's side.

However, as much fun as they were having, hours had passed, and it was high-time that the younger couple made their back to the castle. Even though the weekends weren't typically as busy as the weekdays were, they still had duties to fulfil in the morning. With that in mind, Twilight hugged her parents and kissing their cheeks as they said their goodnights to one another. Though Sol's goodnights were a bit more formal as he settled for a hoofshake with Night, that didn't stop Velvet from giving him a hug. With their visit over and their goodbyes said, Twilight lit her horn and teleported herself and Sol in front of their rooms where, with nopony around to see them, shared a quick goodnight kiss before they retired to their respective rooms for the night.

Sol awoke feeling refreshed and unusually well-rested, probably because of how well last night had gone for him, Twilight, and her family. Despite having his reservations about the idea of dining with Night, things had turned out far better than he had expected. Granted, he wasn't on completely good terms with Night, but Sol knew that that was his own fault, and would make an effort to try and get over this issue of distrust he had.

Stretching out, Sol let out a sigh as he felt and heard his joints popping, before sliding out of bed and began getting himself ready for the day. Once his mane and coat were brushed down, and his wings were preened, Sol made his way to the doors of his bedroom and opened them. When he did, he was surprised to see two pairs of guards stationed at not only his door, but Twilight's as well.

"Uh, good morning," Sol slowly and unsurely greeted them, eyeing them and wondering what was going on. "Is something going on?"

"Yes, sir," one of the guards replied.

"Okay... so what is it?"

Moments after he asked, Sol was surprised to see the guards all bowing at him.

"Our deepest apologies, sir, but none of us knew about it until last night."

Sol frowned at the implications and asked in a firm tone, "What happened?"

The guards shared an uncertain look amongst each other before another one of them spoke.

"I'm sorry to say this, sir, but we found out that there was an assassination attempt on you yesterday by-"


With barely any warning, the door's to Twilight's room were thrown wide open, and hit the wall with a resounding bang, revealing a panicked Twilight before them.

"Somepony tried to kill Sol?!" she shouted.

Before anypony could speak, Sol found Twilight suddenly appear in front of him, and felt her magic washing over him as she scanned his body for any abnormalities.

"Twilight. Please. I'm alright," Sol tried reassuring her.

"Are you sure?" she worryingly questioned, continuing her spell. "You're not feeling unusual in anyway, are you?"

"Easy, Twilight. I feel perfectly fine."

Hearing his words of assurance, and finding nothing out of the ordinary from her scans, Twilight sat Sol back down on the floor and ended her spell. Unfortunatly for her, as much as she wanted to cling to him out of fear of something happing to him again, the presence of the guards forced her to restrain herself. At least, until they were alone. Until then, Twilight positioned herself close to Sol's side and turned on the guards.

"Alright, what happened exactly, and who's responsible?" she asked with a level voice, one that made the guards shiver beneath their armor.

"All that we know, Princess, is that somepony tried to poison Sol yesterday morning," one of them answered. "Beyond that, we know nothing else other than that we were assigned to guard you two, and your rooms, during the day."

"But," another one began, "we were ordered to inform you that Captain Night Wing and Captain Iron Guard would both be waiting for you in the throne room, once you are finished eating."

Yesterday morning? Twilight thought, before shuddering as she quickly connected the dots. That would explain Sol's stomachache, but how could somepony sneak in and poison the food without any of the castle staff or guards noticing beforehoof? The chefs are usually very cautious when it comes to food preparation, so I doubt that it's them.

"Alright. Let's go, then," Twilight ordered. "The sooner we eat and talk to them, the sooner we can find out just who's responsible for this."

Taking the lead with Sol within hoof's reach of her, Twilight made her way to the dining room, along with four guards in tow. Once they got there and sat themselves down with Helping Hoof, who was already there waiting for them, and the food was brought to them, Twilight didn't waste any time in scanning the food for poisons or anything else that would prove harmful to digest. Thankfully, much to her relief, she found nothing, and she and Sol made quick work of their food before they made their way over to the throne room. Along the way, she and Sol noted the large number of guards either stationed or patrolling the halls, almost as though they were on some sort of a lockdown. Wanting to get to the bottom of this faster than before, Twilight quickened her pace and, upon reaching the guarded throne room doors, threw them open to see two ponies already awaiting them, one being a tired, ashen-gray thestral with a raggedy brown mane, and a gray unicorn with brown eyes and a white flat-top.

"Captain Night Wing. Captain Iron Guard," Twilight greeted them.

"Good morning, Princess Twilight," Iron Guard returned with a salute.

"Good morning, Princess," Night Wing returned as well while doing his best to hold back a tired yawn.

Moving past them, Twilight noticed the pair of guards stationed at the base of the throne's dais, and moved up the ramp to the throne. Once she and Sol had taken their seats, Twilight cast her gaze out upon the two captains, while idly noting that the four guards who'd accompanied them had taken up positions on either side of the base of the throne with the first two.

"Now, what's this I'm hearing about there having been an assassination attempt on Sol's life?" Twilight asked with a hint of an edge in her tone.

Trying his best to remain awake, Night Wing blinked as he accidentally let out a tired yawn.

"Apologies, Your Highnesses," he apologized, earing him a look from Sol, who'd immediately recognized his accidental slip.

While both Iron Guard and Night Wing had been informed by Celestia and Luna as to whom Sol truly was, their guards didn't, sans Lieutenant Crescent. So, in hopes of keeping his secret to a minimum, and hoping that the guards didn't catch onto what Night Wing said, Sol decided that it would be safer to dismiss the guards whilst they talked, just incase.

"It's alright, Captain Night Wing... but, before we begin," Sol began before looking down at the guards stationed in the room. "Guards? Would you mind waiting for us outside for a while? Twilight and I need to speak to the Captains in private."

"And what about me?" Helping wondered. "Would you like for me to leave the four of you alone as well?"

"That's up to you, Miss Hoof. As the Royal Advisor, you can stay if you want, or you can go on ahead and do whatever you wish for the next half-hour or so. We'll be fine."

Taking him up on his offer of a short break, Helping bowed as she excused herself, while the guards gave a salute and began following Helping out of the throne room as well. Once they were all gone and the doors were closed, Twilight looked questioningly at Sol.

"Was that really necessary?" she questioned.

"Normally not, but the good Captain said 'Your Highnesses', as in plural, so I'd rather not take any chances. Now, I know that it's been practically beaten and hardwired into them since basic training that they addresses us like that, so I can't blame them for it. But still, if they're going to do that, then I'd rather error on the side of caution and have it only us in here."

Feeling embarrassed for his small oversight, Night Wing bowed his head.

"Forgive me, Your Highness."

"It's alright, Captain Night Wing. Besides, you're half-asleep, so I have a feeling that the exhaustion is probably getting the better of you at this point. Now then, why don't you tell us what happened so you can get to bed?"

Agreeing wholeheartedly with Sol's suggestion, Night Wing went on to tell him and Twilight about the investigation that was conducted, the poisoning that had transpired, and the three stallions that they'd apprehended the night prior. He also went on to report how he "spoke" to Iron Guard about what had happened last night, which led to their decision on having a guard detail for both Twilight and Sol, and the decision to tighten security. By the time he was finished, Twilight, while internally fuming at the thought of somepony trying to intentionally harm her coltfriend, was also worrying about his safety as well, while Sol himself, frowned at the thought of somepony having the stones to even attempt an assassination attempt on his life.

I know that I've upset several nobles this last week, but I didn't think that it was to such a degree that they would try and have me killed, Sol thought.

"And where are the prisoners now?" Twilight questioned, thinking about heading to them herself and "interviewing" them personally.

"They are currently in the dungeons, Princess," Iron Guard answered.

"We've been interrogating them all night," Night Wing began, "but they didn't know much of anything beyond what they did. Turns out that they were just some grunts who were contracted to poison Sol's meal. Other than that, they don't know anything else."

"Speaking of poisons," Sol began, "what did they use on me, anyway?"

"According to all three of them, it was nightshade."

Sol gave them a look. "What is 'nightshade'?"

Now it was Twilight who was giving Sol the questioning look. "You don't know what nightshade is?"

"I don't. Whatever it was didn't exist back I my time."

"I see... in that case, nightshade is a very toxic plant used in many poisons."

Hearing this, Sol gave everypony in the room a flat look. "... a plant... really?"

"Is something the matter, Your Highness?" Night Wing asked.

"... they tired to poison me... the Lord of Earth... with a plant? How in their right minds did they think that would work?"

"Apparently, they didn't."

"Apparently," he grumbled, clearly displeased about his would-be assassins' stupidity. "Anyways, let's get back on track. Were you able to find out who hired them?"

"Unfortunatly, no. From what we got out of them, it turns out that their system, while short, is built to prevent anypony captured to release any vital information about their group."

Twilight quirked an eyebrow. "How so?"

"According to them, they are the grunts who do the dirty work and carry out the contracts given to them. Most grunts tend to work individually to keep themselves from identifying their co-workers, but these three are an exception since they chose to work together, and partially because it turns out that two of them are twins. Now, above them is their boss, who's always wearing some sort of disguise, either concealed by a cloak or magical means. They've never see their face, and only shows up when there's a contract to be carried out. That way, if any of the grunts were to be captured, then none of them could be able to effectively identify the pony in charge, if it's even one pony. We can't rule out the possibility that there very well may be multiple bosses, and that they are rotating with each other. They also told us that their boss receives their contracts from multiple dead drops within, and outside, of the city, but only the boss knows where they are."

Iron Guard spoke up next. "We believe that Captain Night Wing's guards scared them so bad that they are telling the truth."

Night Wing chuckled. "Especially that one who pissed himself. Poor fool looked like he was going to start bawling his eyes out, heheheh."

Sol and Twilight both nodded in understanding.

"Alright, so we know how their structure works," Twilight said, "but what about how they got in? Surely they didn't just slip past the guards that easily?"

"That's the most disturbing part, Princess. The guards working that morning have all been interviewed, and according to them, none of them saw anypony entering or leaving the castle."

Night Wing frowned. "Which is why I believe that this might have been an inside job."

Iron Guard gave a begrudging nod. "As much as I hate to say it, I'm incline to agree with Captain Night Wing. The fact that they got in and out of the castle, and without any of my guards knowing, does point towards that assumption."

Sol's frown turned to a glare. "There are few secret entrances into the castle, and the only ones who know of them are us four, mother, Aunt Luna, and Cadence and Shining Armor, and I highly doubt that any of us here did it. And even if somepony did manage to stumble upon one of them, they're all sealed by alicorn magic, so they couldn't have enter that way..."

"Which just enforces the assumption that somepony deliberately snuck them in and out," Twilight grimaced. "Or more specifically, one or several guards."

"Seems like it."

"I would say that it's the work of rogue changelings," Iron Guard grumbled, "but thanks to the wards, they're unable to shapeshift within the castle grounds, so it can't be them."

"Which only leaves us the guards themselves," Night Wing added, humming as he thought. "Remind me what the penalty for treason is, again?"

Sol shrugged. "It used to be death by public execution, usually by either hanging or beheading, but mother outlawed that some time ago... much to Aunt Luna's disappointment."

"If I remember correctly, the current punishment is life in prison," Twilight answered them.

"Well either way, I'm sure that somepony will come forward once we address the guards," Night Wing said with a tired grin. "No doubt that the threat of treason looming over their heads will be incentive enough to bring out our traitor."

"However," Iron Guard began with a glare, "if they were to come forward first and turn themselves in, then we might consider reducing the charges."

Sol nodded. "Do what you two have to in order to find whoever's responsible for this. While I despise the thought of betrayal, I like it even less how it could have easily had been Twilight who got poisoned, instead of me."

Though Twilight felt her heart flutter at his words, she also couldn't help but tremble at the thought of her potentially being so easily poisoned. While she was indeed an alicorn, her stomach was still that of a pony's, unlike Sol's draconic stomach, and while resistant, was still susceptible to poisoning. Of course, Twilight wasn't the only one who noted his words.

"Ah, yes. Speaking of which," Night Wing began with a grin. "My congratulations to you two. If you don't mind my asking, how long have you two been together?"

"I'm sorry. What?" Sol said with a surprised look.

"What are you talking about, Captain?" Iron Guard questioned.

"H-How did you find out?" Twilight stammered. "When did you find out?! It wasn't because he had dinner with me and my parents, is it?!"

"Actually, Princess, it was afterwards when you and the Prince returned to the castle and kissed each other goodnight. I actually find it rather cute."

This also explains why Princess Luna was so adamant that we guard Princess Twilight as well, he mentally added.

"But how?! We didn't see any guards there!"

"Then my guards were doing their jobs well," Night Wing smirked pridefully. "Princess Luna gave us explicit orders to keep you two guarded while they were gone. As such, I've had my guards stationed outside both of your rooms, and have assigned a few of them to follow each of you as your personal guards, should you wander the castle at night. And, hearing that neither of you knew they were there tells me that they were doing their job very well."

Twilight groaned and covered her eyes with her hooves. "So much for keeping it a secret. If the guards know, then I'm willing to bet the rest of the barracks knows by now, too."

"I mean no disrespect, Princess, but if you believe that, then you don't know my guards very well. They know how to keep their mouths, so nopony besides them, myself, and Lieutenant Crescent, will know."

"Really?" Iron Guard questioned. "Well, if they're so well-trained, then why did you open your big mouth about it just now?"

Night Wing gave a cocky grin. "What? Did your guards not find out about it, already? I'm disappointed, Captain. Your guards spend so much more time around the Prince and Princess that I thought that you would've found out before me."

"Alright, you two, that's enough," Sol sighed with a small smirk, knowing the competitive rivalry of the two guard factions, and how their captains would occasionally butt heads every now and then, albeit playfully... usually.

"Yes, Your Highness," the two captains said in unison.

"Thank you."

As the three talked, a thought occurred to Twilight. With the recent assassination attempt having put the guards on high-alert, how would this affect it when Starlight and her friend came over?

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering about something," she began, glancing over the two captains. "My friend, Starlight Glimmer, is supposed to be coming over for a visit with a friend of hers later this afternoon, and may probably even be staying overnight. Now, with the current situation that happened yesterday, will it prove a risk for them if they were to come over, or will they be alright?"

Night Wing and Iron Guard shared a look and shrugged.

"I don't see why it would be a problem for them, Princess," Iron Guard replied. "Besides, considering that they just failed yesterday, coupled with the increase in security, I doubt that whoever's behind Prince Sol's attempted assassination would try anything again for quite a while."

Twilight felt a wave of relief washing over her. While she had been looking forward to this friend of Starlight's, she was also not sure if it would be safe for them to be there, especially if somepony was working from within to aid them.

"That's good to hear," she said with a smile, the first of which that she wore since hearing about what happened to Sol. "Well, if there's nothing else, then I believe that that's everything that we have to discuss."

"I believe so, Princess," Iron Guard agreed, along with Night Wing, who failed to contain yet another loud yawn.

"In that case, if you would excuse me, I believe that I'll be calling it a day," he tiredly said, but not before saluting Twilight and Sol. "Have a nice day, Your Highnesses, Captain Iron Guard."

With his business done, Night Wing turned and made his way to the doors of the throne room with a slight wobble to his step.

"Well, I suppose I better get back to work, then," Iron Guard said. "I shall send the guards back in on my way out. Have a good day, Your Highnesses, and I shall report to you if we encounter any new developments."

Giving a bow of his own, Iron Guard turned and left the throne room to return to his duties, leaving Sol and Twilight to their thoughts.

Author's Note:

Happy Valentine's Day.:heart:

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