• Published 15th Mar 2017
  • 15,103 Views, 1,231 Comments

Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 33- A Gift from the Past

With the best Hearth's Warming of their lives now behind them, Sol and Twilight finally returned back to Ponyville with Spike after another week of spending time with their respective families. Thanks to the surprise kiss that Twilight gave Sol, the two had become much closer as their friendship was now teetering on the brink of becoming something more. All it would take at this point would be for a small push to tip them into a romantic relationship, and as it so happened, Sol had been thinking of just what exactly to do to make it happen.

Apart from his still-lingering concerns about her father, Sol was intended to ask Twilight to be his fillyfriend. The only problem that he faced, however, was just how to ask her. After they returned to Ponyville, he and Twilight had found themselves both sharing a blanket as they read and talked together like they did a week prior to Hearth's Warming, but he didn't feel like those moments held quite the same spark that their time beneath the mistletoe and in his bedroom in Canterlot did. Though he did consider taking her out to a romantic dinner at first, he dismissed it as he felt that it wouldn't hold the same meaningfulness. Instead, he decided that it would be easier to ask her if he made her a heartfelt gift. Only problem with that was he didn't quite know what to make for her.

It wasn't until one of their conversations had drifted over to a certain topic that Sol knew exactly what he would do. However, while it was within his power to do, he would need to unfortunately wait a few months for spring to arrive.

As the months passed by, winter came to an end. With Winter Wrap-Up in progress, everypony in Ponyville was busy working from morning to night helping with cleaning up winter. However, when Sol first heard of the "No Magic" rule, he immediately began to question Twilight as to why. Once she explained to him how it was an old tradition since Ponyville was originally an earth pony settlement, Sol withheld any further complaints that he might've had. Of course, he did feel pity for Starlight when he saw how much she was struggling to resist using her magic. On the other hoof, he saw that Trixie seemed to be doing just fine without using her magic as she helped Applejack's team plow the fields, surprising everypony who watched her work. Sol figured, though, that that was because Trixie would pull her wagon whenever she traveled, so she had a hidden layer of strong muscles beneath that sleek coat of hers, and was already used to this sort of work.

Since there was no magic allowed, Sol volunteered to work under Applejack's team as well. While he was strong and could easily pull the plow through the ground with little effort, he decided to help plant the seeds instead, always having enjoyed working with his claws when it came to fresh dirt, and feeling the life-giving energy it contained as he held it in his claws.

It took everypony a few days before the snow was all cleared and the grass seeds were all planted again. Once they were all finished, the grass sprouted back up almost immediately, much to Sol's surprise. Apart from himself, only his father could make the grass grow at such a rapid pace. That is, until he came to the conclusion that it was thanks to the large number of earth ponies and their connection to the earth, reminding him of the stories that his mother told him about how it took a large group of unicorns to raise and lower the sun and moon before she and Luna came to power and took over those responsibilities.

With their jobs all finished, Sol and everypony else gathered at Town Hall where Twilight stood, looking over her checklist of what all needed to be done for Winter Wrap-Up. If he were to be honest, Sol didn't actually feel all that surprised when he learned that Twilight was in charge of organizing and coordinating the different groups of ponies.

Smiling to herself and nodding, Twilight looked up from her list to the ponies gathered.

"Attention, everypony!" she loudly spoke. "I am happy to announce that winter has one again been wrapped-up on time! Congratulations, everypony, and thank you for all of your hard work!"

The crowed cheered in celebration before they dispersed to actually celebrate. Even after the years of Twilight having taken over as their supervisor, the ponies of Ponyville still found themselves excited to finish Winter Wrap-Up on time.

Smiling, Sol watched the ponies around him as they cheered and celebrated until he grunted as a heavy weight was thrown across his shoulders. Knowing this familiar weight, Sol looked over to his right and saw Spike grinning at him with an arm draped over him.

"So, Sol, how was your first Winter Wrap-Up in Ponyville?" Spike asked.

"Well, it's definitely different than what we used to do way back when," he replied before smirking at Spike. "So, when should we expect to see Ember again now that the snow's all gone?"

"She probably won't be coming here until tomorrow. Even though I told her that winter would end today, she said that she wanted to wait and let the sun warm things back up a little bit before she would come over."

Sol arched a curious eyebrow. "Didn't you tell her that it'll just be the same temperature today as it will be tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I did, but she's just being a bit stubborn is all. It might not be for another day, but I'll still get to see her."

"Alright then," Sol said with a shrug. "So, any plans for her and Rarity?"

"Oh, you know it!" Spike proudly stated. "When Ember comes over tomorrow, I'm taking her and Rarity over to the gazebo for a romantic picnic."

Sol chuckled. "You don't waste any time, do you?"

"Nope." Spike smirked at Sol. "So, what about you and Twilight?"

Sol's chuckling ceased at Spike's question. "Uhh.... huh?"

Spike rolled his eyes. "Come on, Sol, I know that you and my big sis have gotten a lot closer these last few months. Do you know how often I would find you two asleep and cuddling in the library after one of your shared reading sessions? I lost count for Celestia's sake. And don't think that I haven't noticed the looks you two have been giving each other."

Spike arched an eyebrow when Sol looked away. "So, when are you gonna ask her to be your fillyfriend? And don't bother trying to deny it."

Sol bit his tongue and looked around. With everypony still going on about the successful Winter Wrap-Up, he didn't think that anypony would bother with him and Spike talking. It also helped that none of their friends and Twilight were nearby.

"Before I say anything," Sol cautiously began, "you'll have to promise me that you won't mention this to anypony, or dragon, or anything."

Spike rolled his eyes before going through the motions. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. There, now tell me already."

Satisfied with Spike making the Pinkie Promise, Sol leaned in and told him, but only just enough to answer him without giving it away.

"I want to ask Twilight, but I want to do it with a gift I'll be making for her."

"Okay... so when?"

"Tomorrow after lunch. I actually had it planned out since January, but I needed for spring to come before I could do it."

Spike gave Sol a curious look. "Why? Why wait until spring?"

"Because the soil is a lot softer and easier to work with in the spring than it is in the winter."

"... why? Are you planning on growing her a flower or something."

Sol smirked and winked. "Sorry, but you'll just have to wait and find out tomorrow."

Unable to get any hint as to what Sol had planned, Spike huffed a plume of smoke.

"Fine... on a different topic," Spike redirected, gaining Sol's attention anew, "Twilight said that that hammer of yours has a name."

Sol gave Spike a inquisitive look. "Yes...?"

"So? What is it?"

"... it's kinda embarrassing."


"... before I say, just keep in mind that Aunt Aurora wasn't being very creative with the name when she and father forged it."

"Alright, alright. Just tell me already."

"... they named it 'Hammer of Sol'."

Sol risked a look at Spike who, as he figured, was doing his best to hold back a snicker. Unfortunatly for Sol, Spike could only hold it for so long before it blew up into full on laughter.

"You-you're joking, right?! HAHAHAHAHAH!! L-let me g-guess, when you throw them, they blow up in a fiery explosion and then rematerializes in your claw?"

Sol frowned. "... an explosion of holy light, actually."

Hearing Sol's answer, Spike's laughter began anew. Sighing and shaking his head, Sol walked back to Twilight with Spike right behind him still laughing.

I shouldn't have told him. I should not have told him.

The next day came around slower than Sol had hoped it would. With how eager he was to ask Twilight to be his fillyfriend and the method in which how he intended to do that, his eagerness made the previous day and night feel like they were taking forever. It didn't help either that his eagerness had carried over the following morning when he awoke before the sun was even up. He tried falling back asleep, but with how much he was looking forward to this upcoming moment, he was unable to go to sleep and instead came up with an idea that would surely work to his favor.

Throwing off the covers of his bed, Sol made his way out of his room and down to the kitchen in hopes of making some breakfast for Twilight before she woke. While Sol was by no means a chef, or that good of a cook even, he could at least make some of the basics without burning them... too much.

After firing up the grills and fishing for some frying pans, Sol grabbed some food out of the fridge and freezer to make Twilight some pancakes, hash browns, hay sausages, and toast. While the pancakes were easy to make thanks to him watching Celestia making them, along with the hay sausages and toast, Sol had a bit of trouble with the hash browns and had to remake them after he accidentally burnt the first two batches. Once he'd got it right, Sol considered bring it to her in bed, but then figured that that might be overstepping his boundaries a little bit, so instead, he decided to set the table and make some for himself and the others as well. While it wouldn't hold the same meaning, it would still be a nice gesture that he was sure she would appreciate.

Despite a few bumps along the way, Sol managed to finish breakfast before Twilight, Spike, Starlight, and Trixie came walking into the kitchen.

"Mmmm. Something smells good," Trixie commented.

Sol thanked her for the compliment before he started handing each of them a plate and joining them at the table next to Twilight. After a few minutes of the five of them eating, Sol spoke up.

"So, what does everypony have planned for today?" he asked before quickly adding, "Except for you, Spike. I already know you're having a picnic lunch with Rarity and Ember."

Spike shrugged before Starlight spoke up to answer first.

"I'm going to be helping Trixie with her magic acts, then later today, we'll be going to the spa."

Twilight was next. "I'm not doing much. I'll probably take another look at Star Swirl's notes again."

Sol gave a small smile to help hide the bigger one he was holding back. "In that case, Twilight, would you care to accompany me to Ponyville later today, just after noon?"

"I don't see why not. I could probably use that time to stretch out my legs after a few hours of reading and researching. Was there something specific you were heading into town for?"

Sol's smile turned to a sly grin. "Not really. Just a little something that I wanted to surprise you with."

Twilight blinked. "A surprise?"

"Oh, yes. One that I'm sure you'll absolutely love."

Thanks to that, Twilight's mind went from being wrapped around Star Swirl's notes, to Sol's surprise for her.

"Can I have a hint."

Sol tapped his chin in thought with a hum. "I don't know. I don't want to give too much of it away."

We'll see about that, she thought with a smirk, knowing just how to make him agree with her.

Wanting that hint, Twilight looked directly at Sol and gave him her best puppy eyes.


Unable to resist the cute look that Twilight was giving him, any resolve that Sol had immediate crumbled.

"Oh, alright," he sighed, causing Twilight to give him a cute smile. "My surprise for you is something that you've lost."

Twilight had to pause for that one. As far as she knew, she wasn't missing anything, so him giving her a gift of something that she had lost didn't make much sense.

Great. Now I'm going to be trying to solve this for the rest of the morning, she mentally groaned.

Several hours had passed since breakfast as Sol walked back inside the castle from having a quick chat with Ember, who relayed to him how Torch wanted him to come and visit whenever he could. With Spike now gone with Rarity and Ember, Sol began making his way down the halls towards his destination. A few moments of walking later, he came to the doors leading into the room and opened them, causing him to smile at the key to his gift to Twilight.

Ooooh. She's going to love this! I can't wait to see her reaction! he thought giddily.


Sol's ears perked up upon hearing his crush's voice, while his body froze from being caught. He had hoped that he could get away with the small preparation he needed for her gift without her knowing, but luck just wasn't with him there.

"Oh, h-hey, Twilight," Sol nervously said as he slowly looked back to see her walking up to him.

"It's past noon, and I'm ready to see this surprise you have for me," she smiled.

"Sure. Just give me a minute and I'll meet you outside."

With a nod, Twilight turned back around and trotted down the halls with a small spring in her step. Once she was out of sight and he could barely hear her hoofsteps, Sol let out a sigh of relief and looked up at the throne room's chandelier. With little time to spare, Sol spread his wings, flew up to the roots that were suspended from the ceiling, and snapped off a foot-long section of the end of one of the roots.

Now having what he came for, Sol landed on the ground and tucked the root beneath his wing to keep it hidden from Twilight before he made his way through the castle to meet up with her. Coming to the castle's exit, Sol saw Twilight waiting for him with a look of eagerness on her face.

"So? Where are we going?" she eagerly asked, causing Sol to chuckle.

"Just follow me and you'll soon find out."

Though Twilight didn't care for the vagueness of his answer, she nevertheless shrugged and went along with him. Exiting the castle, the two walked down the path into the town proper. As they continued walking, Twilight's mind continued to think of what exactly Sol had planned, only to find herself coming to a dead end... until Sol suddenly stopped walking, causing Twilight to accidentally bump into him.

"Well... here we are."

Wondering where they'd gone during her time lost in her thoughts, Twilight walked from around Sol up beside him. However, when she did, her curious and excited mood turned gloomy.

"Why did you bring me here?" she solemnly asked, seeing the empty hole in the ground in front of them.

Though he was initially put-off by her sullen tone of voice, Sol smiled and pulled the root out from beneath his wing.

"Tell me, Twilight," he calmly began, "do you know why ponies pull plants up by the roots while gardening?"

Twilight frowned at the sight of Sol having a piece of the root from her old home.

"Applejack told me that it's so the plant doesn't grow back, because if you just pluck at the plant and leave the roots, the plant will just grow back. It also applies to the phrase 'the root of the problem'."


To Twilight's confusion, Sol then tossed the root into the hole and grinned.

"You might want to step back for this part, Twilight."

Though she was still a little upset with Sol having taken a piece of her old library's roots like he did, she started backing away to watch. Even if she was a little miffed, she couldn't deny her curiosity to what he was up to. Once she was about thirty feet away, Twilight jumped back and shielded her eyes with a foreleg when Sol's body burst in a flash of light. While she shielded her eyes from the light, Twilight felt a monstrous spike in magic which, if she were to guess, was just about on par with Celestia's. When the light finally died down, she moved her foreleg and saw Sol towering overhead in his Scaleless Dragon form.

Seeing him in this form, Twilight feared that the ponies who were nearby would run at the sight of him, but instead, much to her surprise, they all simply stood there in awe at the spectacle that were the lights changing and flowing over Sol's form. What surprised her next was when she turned her attention back to Sol, just in time to see him rear up before he came back down and slammed his claws into the ground, which caused ribbons of light to flow from his claws, through the ground, and disappear into the hole.

Up north, Celestia sat in her throne with a bored expression on her face from having just finished dealing with another greedy noble when she felt a sudden power flux. Perking up, Celestia lit her horn and focused her attention on where the source was. Once she found out where it came from and who it belonged to, she shook her head and let out a sigh of relief.

My dear son, just what are you up to this time?

Far to the west, the blue pegasus stallion led the way to his destination with six of his closest troops. As he looked down at the map to make sure they were on the right path, his head suddenly jerked up towards the east.

"Everything alright?"

The blue stallion's eyes, wide with fear, made sure to look away so the others wouldn't see.

He's becoming stronger, he grimly thought. It won't be long now before he's back to full power. Perhaps a few more months if we're lucky.

"Pick up the pace!" he shouted. "Something has come up. Time is short, so move it and don't dawdle!"

Spreading his wings, the blue pegasus flew up into the air with his six troops following closely behind.

Somewhere far away from Ponyville, a certain draconequus was in the middle of drinking their cotton candy milkshake when their attention was drawn westward with a sudden spit take. Wiping their face clean and focusing their attention, the draconequus grinned and tossed the milkshake back behind them where it exploded into a flock of butterflies.

So, I wasn't imagining it before. He really is back.

With an eager grin, the draconequus floated up into the air and began flying towards the west. Unfortunatly, they couldn't pinpoint where the power spike was coming from, only the general direction that it was in.

"So, you're still somewhere in Equestria. Now then... where are you?"

Twilight stumbled as she felt the ground beneath her start to shake. Looking around worryingly, she saw that many of the other ponies had either braced themselves, or were shakily picking themselves back up. Though the quake was weak, it was still just barely strong enough to throw anypony off-balance.

Looking back to Sol, Twilight watched as he remained focused and still, while ribbons of light continued to flow out of his claws, into the ground, and down to the hole. A few moments later, Twilight froze and her eyes widened as she saw a canopy of green leaves poking up from the top of the hole. Seconds later as the canopy grew, it revealed the branches of a tree, followed soon after by the trunk. After five minutes had passed, Twilight's fell to her rump in disbelief as she looked upon a familiar and long-lost treehouse.

With his job done, Sol reverted out of his Scaleless Dragon form and back into a kirin. Panting and covered in sweat, Sol glanced over to Twilight to see her reaction. Seeing that she was sitting and currently at a loss for words, Sol took a moment to control his breathing before walking over to her.

"Well? Go ahead."

Not believing what she was seeing, Twilight got up and slowly made her way towards the tree. Looking over it as she approached, she could see that the newly-grown treehouse also came with a wooden door plus metal hinges and door knob, glass windows with wooden frames, and a familiar wooden balcony on the second floor. Coming to a stop at the door, Twilight lifted a shaky hoof to the doorknob, but stopped herself from touching it. With the tidal wave of emotions she was feeling at the moment, as much as she wanted to open it, a part of her didn't want to. That changed, however, when she felt a claw gently lay over her hoof.

"It's okay, Twilight," Sol reassured.

Nervously gulping, Twilight moved her hoof over the doorknob and turned, hearing it click open before she pushed the door open. Wandering inside, Twilight looked around the room in silence with her mouth agape as memories of the place flooded her mind.

Sitting over by the doorway, Sol closed the door and watched in silence as Twilight walked around the room. Thanks to his magic as the Lord of Earth, he was able to grow back the tree with just a piece of its root. Even though he was able to restore it to exactly how it was before, along with the doors, window frames, and balcony, thanks to the tree having been dead for a while, and then the root having been sanded down, Sol had to shift into his Scaleless Dragon form for this to properly work. This also included him shaping earthen materials into glass for the windows, and pulling metals from the earth to make the door hinges, pieces for the doorknobs, and the pipes for the plumbing. Unfortunatly, while he wanted to restore everything back to how it was, he couldn't create any of the appliances or furniture that had been there, so if Twilight ended up liking it and wanted to keep it, then a shopping trip would be in order.

Walking over to the window, Sol peered out and saw that ponies had started to gather around the tree to look at it, before he returned to his spot and waiting patiently for Twilight to finish her self-tour around the treehouse. It wasn't until about ten minutes had passed before Sol saw Twilight coming down the stairs from the upper floor.

"So, do you like it?" he asked. "I managed to regrow the tree back to the way it was before, including the plumbing, but I unfortunately couldn't remake any of the appliances or furniture, so we'll have to go pick some up and-"

Sol stopped speaking when Twilight walked up to him and planted her face on his chest. Seconds later, his ears picked up the sound of her quietly sobbing into his coat. Beginning to understand just how emotional this really was for her, Sol wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, letting her cry into his chest as she tightly hugged him back, while he gently and comfortingly stroked her mane.

For the next five minutes the two sat with Twilight in Sol's embrace before her crying receded.

"Thank you."


Sol looked down at Twilight, who was looking up at him with teary, bloodshot eyes, and a small smile.

"Thank you, Sol. I... thank you."

Sol smiled and began wiping Twilight's tear away. "You're welcome, Twilight."

"How did you do this? The tree was dead."

"Yes, the tree was dead, but the roots still held the memories of the tree. I just used my powers as the Lord of Earth to regrow the tree from the root up. I would've done it sooner, but the soil is much richer and far easier to work with during the spring than it is in the winter."

Twilight gave a nod and sniffled. "Okay, but... why? Why did you do this for me?"

Even though Sol knew that this question would eventually come up and had mentally prepared himself for it, he still found himself nervous and somewhat hesitant to answer. Even after being in a relationship before, he found that what he was about to say was still not an easy thing to do, or admit.

"B-Because... well..." Sol paused and looked into Twilight's expecting eyes. "Remember what almost happened at the ball?"

Twilight blushed as she recalled that moment. "I do."

Sol nodded as he continued. "Well, even before then, I've been having... certain feelings for you. Feelings which only grew when you and I almost kissed on the balcony... and then there's Hearth's Warming when you actually did kiss me."

Twilight's blush reddened at Sol's admittance so far, and only grew as he continued to talk.

"After that day, I wanted to do something special for you, but I didn't know exactly what to do. I had thought about taking you out to a romantic dinner and asking you then, but then we got to talking about your old library home, and its roots you had hanging in your throne room. It was then that I thought that I'd make you something, or in this case, remake."

"... you said you wanted to ask me something." Twilight felt her throat drying up at the highly probable question she believed he was going to ask. "Wh-what is it?"

Sol gulped. "Would you... allow for me to court you... and be my fillyfriend?"

Sol held his breath as he waited for Twilight to answer. As the seconds ticked by, he was starting to wonder if her silence was leading her to deny his affections for her. But, just as he opened his mouth to speak, Twilight began to cry a fresh wave of tears with a smile.

"Yes. Yes, of course you can- I mean I will- I mean... yes. I'd love to be your fillyfriend."

A wave of relief washed over Sol as he simultaneously felt his chest fluttering. Smiling, Sol helped wipe Twilight's tears again and caressed her cheek. Now that they were a couple, there was one last thing Sol wanted to do to make it official... and he wasn't the only one. Before he could make his move, Twilight beat him to it as she tilted her head up and met her lips with his in a kiss.

Up in the Crystal Empire, Cadence and Shining were having a late lunch together with Flurry, who was flinging her peas at Shining as he tried to feed them to her. Giggling from her booster seat at the table, Cadence lifted her fork for another bite when she gasped and dropped the fork, causing it to clang loudly on the glass plate, while her horn was still alight with magic.

"You alright, Cadence?" Shining asked, hearing Cadence's gasp and looking to see her body having gone rigid.

Eyes wide, Cadence's agape mouth slowly morphed into a wide smile.

"Cadence? Is everything-"


His ears assaulted by Cadence's unexpected squeeing, Shining slammed his hooves over his ears while Flurry laughed. It wasn't until Cadence ran out of the room, her squeeing fading in the distance, that he let his ears free and sighed as he looked down at Flurry.

"Please tell me you won't do that when you get older?" he asked, only to get happy giggles as a response.

Twilight wasn't sure how much time had passed since she began kissing Sol. At the moment, the only thing that she knew for sure was that she didn't want for this moment of bliss to end. Between feeling the soft contact of his lips, and the warmth that had flooded throughout her body as they kissed, Twilight felt like nothing could compare to this moment.

On Sol's end, he was surprised when Twilight initiated the kiss, but didn't waste any time in returning it with his own. Even though this wasn't his first kiss, with the way he was feeling at this moment with Twilight, it may as well had been, because that's what it felt like.

Though it felt like minutes had passed in their addled minds, in reality, their kiss had lasted for only seven seconds before their lips slowly parted. Opening her eyes, Twilight looked up at Sol, who'd opened his eyes as well, and saw within them a welcoming softness that she could easily find herself getting lost in. Ignoring the blush that she knew was showing, Twilight leaned forward and nuzzled Sol's neck, smiling as she felt Sol nuzzling the top of her head in return.

"That was my first kiss, you know," she muttered.


Twilight's felt her face warming up in embarrassment. "Was... was I good?"

Sol chuckled and hugged Twilight tighter against his chest. "For your first kiss, I like to think you were."

She pulled away so she could look at Sol. "W-well... maybe you c-could... help me practice?"

His heart pounding at how cute and shy she was acting, Sol smiled and gave her lips a peck.

"It would be my pleasure, Twilight."

Celestia sat up in her throne with a start as Luna suddenly threw open the doors to the throne room and stormed towards the throne with dark bags under her eyes.

"Tell me, sister," Luna grumbled, "for what reason dost thine son produce such magic and awaken me in the middle of mine slumber?"

Celestia sighed and shook her head. You're lucky nopony else is in here right now... still...

"You're slipping again, Luna. And would you please mind keeping your voice down? We're trying to keep Sol's relationship to us a secret, and while we may be alone in here, your storming into the throne room and speaking loudly like that isn't helping," Celestia reminded, which only caused Luna to grumble further. "As for your question, I am unsure of what's going on with him, but I imagine that-"

Celestia was interrupted when a wisp of green smoke flew in front of her and manifested into a scroll. However, much to her surprise, instead of it bearing Twilight's seal, the seal on it bore that of the Crystal Empire.

Nice to see Cadence making use of that mailing spell Spike uses, she idly thought before opening and reading it.

As Celestia continued to read through the letter, her eyes widened and glinted with light, while her mouth curved into a broad, open-mouthed smile.

"I take it that whatever it is is good news?" Luna inquired.

Celestia let out a joyous laugh. "It's better than good, Luna! Here, read it."

Taking the letter from her sister, Luna levitated the letter over for her to read. Soon enough, her face matched that of Celestia's.

"This is truly wonderful news, sister!" Luna beamed. "It took a bit longer than expected, but it's finally happened!"

Coming down from her laughter, Celestia wiped a tear away and chuckled.

"Indeed, Luna, and I am so incredibly happy for them. This may also have something to do with why Sol suddenly extruded so much magic."

"... if that is so, then I suppose that I can forgive him this time," Luna begrudgingly said as she rolled the letter back up. "So, what do we do about them now? Now that they are courting, do you intend on further meddling in their relationship?"

Celestia tapped her chin as she hummed in thought. She really didn't need to interfere with trying to get Sol and Twilight together anymore... but still, she wanted to do something to help them and their newfound relationship blossom.

Then again, they did do it all on their own, she mused. Soon they will start going out on dates, eventually get married, have a foal or two, and in time, rule Equestria side-by-

Celestia's musing stopped as she thought of something that not only would hopefully help with Sol and Twilight's relationship, but could also be beneficial to herself and Luna as well.

"I know that look, Tia," Luna cautiously spoke. "Just what are you planning this time?"

Celestia smirked. "Tell me, Luna, when was the last time you and I had ourselves a relaxing vacation?"

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